Getting Started


Standard Theme requires WordPress 3+ and PHP 5+.

Installing Standard Theme is no different than any other WordPress theme. It is a 3 step process.

  1. Upload the theme to your WordPress admin panel. Instructions available here in the WordPress Codex.
  2. Activate the theme. Instructions available available here in the WordPress Codex.
  3. Configure, tweak, adjust, and customize the theme to your preference. Instructions available in the remainder of this document.

The Basics

All WordPress sites are composed of two primary areas: the site and the admin panel. The site is often called the front end, and the admin panel is often called the backend.

Your public facing blog, available for all the world to see, will be referred to as “the site” throughout this documentation.

The private, password protected, WordPress administration area will be referred to as “the admin panel” throughout this documentation.

You can usually access the admin panel of your site by adding /wp-admin to the end of your site’s address.

Public Site URL:

Private Admin URL:

If you need assistance with accessing your site’s admin panel, contact your web host.


If you can’t find the Upload function in the Appearances section of your admin panel then it is probable that you are running a site on, which is different than running a self-hosted WordPress site. You can find a more detailed explanation in the article What’s the Difference Between and