API Documentation
Interfaces, Classes and Traits
- WC_Abstract_Order_Data_Store_Interface
- WC Order Data Store Interface
- WC_Coupon_Data_Store_Interface
- WC Coupon Data Store Interface
- WC_Customer_Data_Store_Interface
- WC Customer Data Store Interface
- WC_Customer_Download_Data_Store_Interface
- WC Customer Download Data Store Interface.
- WC_Customer_Download_Log_Data_Store_Interface
- WC Customer Download Log Data Store Interface.
- WC_Importer_Interface
- WC_Importer_Interface class.
- WC_Log_Handler_Interface
- WC Log Handler Interface
- WC_Logger_Interface
- WC Logger Interface
- WC_Object_Data_Store_Interface
- WC Data Store Interface
- WC_Order_Data_Store_Interface
- WC Order Data Store Interface
- WC_Order_Item_Data_Store_Interface
- WC Order Item Data Store Interface
- WC_Order_Item_Product_Data_Store_Interface
- WC Order Item Data Store Interface
- WC_Order_Item_Type_Data_Store_Interface
- WC Order Item Data Store Interface
- WC_Order_Refund_Data_Store_Interface
- WC Order Refund Data Store Interface
- WC_Payment_Token_Data_Store_Interface
- WC Payment Token Data Store Interface
- WC_Product_Data_Store_Interface
- WC Product Data Store Interface
- WC_Product_Variable_Data_Store_Interface
- WC Product Variable Data Store Interface
- WC_Queue_Interface
- WC Queue Interface
- WC_Shipping_Zone_Data_Store_Interface
- WC Shipping Zone Data Store Interface.
- WC_Webhook_Data_Store_Interface
- WooCommerce Webhook data store interface.
- WC_WCCOM_Site_Installation_Step
- WC_Data
- Abstract WC Data Class
- WC_Deprecated_Hooks
- WC_Deprecated_Hooks class maps old actions and filters to new ones. This is the base class for handling those deprecated hooks.
- WC_Integration
- Abstract Integration Class
- WC_Log_Handler
- Abstract WC Log Handler Class
- WC_Object_Query
- Abstract WC Object Query Class
- WC_Abstract_Order
- WC_Abstract_Order class.
- WC_Payment_Gateway
- WooCommerce Payment Gateway class.
- WC_Payment_Token
- WooCommerce Payment Token.
- WC_Abstract_Privacy
- Abstract class that is intended to be extended by specific privacy class. It handles the display of the privacy message of the privacy id to the admin, privacy data to be exported and privacy data to be deleted.
- WC_Product
- Abstract Product Class
- WC_Session
- WC_Session
- WC_Settings_API
- WC_Settings_API class.
- WC_Shipping_Method
- WooCommerce Shipping Method Class.
- WC_Widget
- WC_Widget
- WC_Background_Process
- WC_Background_Process class.
- WC_Admin_Addons
- WC_Admin_Addons Class.
- WC_Admin_API_Keys_Table_List
- API Keys table list class.
- WC_Admin_API_Keys
- WC_Admin_API_Keys.
- WC_Admin_Assets
- WC_Admin_Assets Class.
- WC_Admin_Attributes
- WC_Admin_Attributes Class.
- WC_Admin_Customize
- WC_Admin_Customize Class.
- WC_Admin_Dashboard_Setup
- WC_Admin_Dashboard_Setup Class.
- WC_Admin_Dashboard
- WC_Admin_Dashboard Class.
- WC_Admin_Duplicate_Product
- WC_Admin_Duplicate_Product Class.
- WC_Admin_Exporters
- WC_Admin_Exporters Class.
- WC_Admin_Help
- WC_Admin_Help Class.
- WC_Admin_Importers
- WC_Admin_Importers Class.
- WC_Admin_Log_Table_List
- WC_Admin_Menus
- WC_Admin_Menus Class.
- WC_Admin_Meta_Boxes
- WC_Admin_Meta_Boxes.
- WC_Admin_Notices
- WC_Admin_Notices Class.
- WC_Admin_Permalink_Settings
- WC_Admin_Permalink_Settings Class.
- WC_Admin_Pointers
- WC_Admin_Pointers Class.
- WC_Admin_Post_Types
- WC_Admin_Post_Types Class.
- WC_Admin_Profile
- WC_Admin_Profile Class.
- WC_Admin_Reports
- WC_Admin_Reports Class.
- WC_Admin_Settings
- WC_Admin_Settings Class.
- WC_Admin_Setup_Wizard
- WC_Admin_Setup_Wizard class.
- WC_Admin_Status
- WC_Admin_Status Class.
- WC_Admin_Taxonomies
- WC_Admin_Taxonomies class.
- WC_Admin_Upload_Downloadable_Product
- WC_Admin_Upload_Downloadable_Product Class.
- WC_Admin_Webhooks_Table_List
- Webhooks table list class.
- WC_Admin_Webhooks
- WC_Admin_Webhooks.
- WC_Admin
- WC_Admin class.
- WC_Helper_Admin
- WC_Helper Class
- WC_Helper_API
- WC_Helper_API Class
- WC_Helper_Compat
- WC_Helper_Compat Class
- WC_Helper_Options
- WC_Helper_Options Class
- WC_Helper_Orders_API
- WC_Helper_Orders_API
- WC_Helper_Subscriptions_API
- WC_Helper_Subscriptions_API
- WC_Helper_Updater
- WC_Helper_Updater Class
- WC_Helper
- WC_Helper Class
- WC_Plugin_Api_Updater
- Class WC_Plugin_Api_Updater
- WC_Woo_Update_Manager_Plugin
- WC_Helper_Plugin Class
- WC_Product_CSV_Importer_Controller
- Product importer controller - handles file upload and forms in admin.
- WC_Tax_Rate_Importer
- Tax Rates importer - import tax rates and local tax rates into WooCommerce.
- WC_Admin_List_Table
- WC_Admin_List_Table Class.
- WC_Admin_List_Table_Coupons
- WC_Admin_List_Table_Coupons Class.
- WC_Admin_List_Table_Orders
- WC_Admin_List_Table_Orders Class.
- WC_Admin_List_Table_Products
- WC_Admin_List_Table_Products Class.
- WC_Marketplace_Suggestions
- Marketplace suggestions core behaviour.
- WC_Marketplace_Updater
- Marketplace Suggestions Updater
- WC_Meta_Box_Coupon_Data
- WC_Meta_Box_Coupon_Data Class.
- WC_Meta_Box_Order_Actions
- WC_Meta_Box_Order_Actions Class.
- WC_Meta_Box_Order_Data
- WC_Meta_Box_Order_Data Class.
- WC_Meta_Box_Order_Downloads
- WC_Meta_Box_Order_Downloads Class.
- WC_Meta_Box_Order_Items
- WC_Meta_Box_Order_Items Class.
- WC_Meta_Box_Order_Notes
- WC_Meta_Box_Order_Notes Class.
- WC_Meta_Box_Product_Categories
- WC_Meta_Box_Product_Categories Class.
- WC_Meta_Box_Product_Data
- WC_Meta_Box_Product_Data Class.
- WC_Meta_Box_Product_Images
- WC_Meta_Box_Product_Images Class.
- WC_Meta_Box_Product_Reviews
- WC_Meta_Box_Product_Reviews
- WC_Meta_Box_Product_Short_Description
- WC_Meta_Box_Product_Short_Description Class.
- WC_Notes_Refund_Returns
- WC_Notes_Refund_Returns.
- WC_Notes_Run_Db_Update
- WC_Notes_Run_Db_Update.
- WC_Plugin_Updates
- WC_Admin_Plugin_Updates Class.
- WC_Plugins_Screen_Updates
- Class WC_Plugins_Screen_Updates
- WC_Updates_Screen_Updates
- Class WC_Updates_Screen_Updates
- WC_Admin_Report
- Admin Report.
- WC_Report_Coupon_Usage
- WC_Report_Coupon_Usage
- WC_Report_Customer_List
- WC_Report_Customer_List.
- WC_Report_Customers
- WC_Report_Customers
- WC_Report_Downloads
- WC_Report_Downloads.
- WC_Report_Low_In_Stock
- Low stock report class.
- WC_Report_Most_Stocked
- WC_Report_Most_Stocked.
- WC_Report_Out_Of_Stock
- WC_Report_Out_Of_Stock class.
- WC_Report_Sales_By_Category
- WC_Report_Sales_By_Category
- WC_Report_Sales_By_Date
- WC_Report_Sales_By_Date
- WC_Report_Sales_By_Product
- WC_Report_Sales_By_Product
- WC_Report_Stock
- WC_Report_Stock.
- WC_Report_Taxes_By_Code
- WC_Report_Taxes_By_Code
- WC_Report_Taxes_By_Date
- WC_Report_Taxes_By_Date
- WC_Settings_Accounts
- WC_Settings_Accounts.
- WC_Settings_Advanced
- WC_Settings_Advanced.
- WC_Settings_Rest_API
- WC_Settings_Rest_API class.
- WC_Settings_Emails
- WC_Settings_Emails.
- WC_Settings_General
- WC_Admin_Settings_General.
- WC_Settings_Integrations
- WC_Settings_Integrations.
- WC_Settings_Page
- WC_Settings_Page.
- WC_Settings_Payment_Gateways
- WC_Settings_Payment_Gateways.
- WC_Settings_Products
- WC_Settings_Products.
- WC_Settings_Shipping
- WC_Settings_Shipping.
- WC_Settings_Site_Visibility
- WC_Settings_Advanced.
- WC_Settings_Tax
- WC_Settings_Tax.
- WC_Blocks_Utils
- Blocks Utility class.
- WC_Ajax class.
- WC_Auth
- Auth class.
- WC_Autoloader
- Autoloader class.
- WC_Background_Emailer
- WC_Background_Emailer Class.
- WC_Background_Updater
- WC_Background_Updater Class.
- WC_Breadcrumb
- Breadcrumb class.
- WC_Cache_Helper
- WC_Cache_Helper.
- WC_Cart_Fees
- WC_Cart_Fees class.
- WC_Cart_Session
- WC_Cart_Session class.
- WC_Cart_Totals
- WC_Cart_Totals class.
- WC_Cart
- WC_Cart class.
- WC_Checkout
- Checkout class.
- CLI class.
- WC_Comments
- Comments class.
- WC_Countries
- The WooCommerce countries class stores country/state data.
- WC_Coupon
- Coupon class.
- WC_Customer_Download_Log
- Customer download log class.
- WC_Customer_Download
- Customer download class.
- WC_Customer
- Customer class.
- WC_Data_Exception
- Data exception class.
- WC_Data_Store
- Data store class.
- WC_DateTime
- Datetime class.
- WC_Deprecated_Action_Hooks
- Handles deprecation notices and triggering of legacy action hooks.
- WC_Deprecated_Filter_Hooks
- Handles deprecation notices and triggering of legacy filter hooks
- WC_Discounts
- Discounts class.
- WC_Download_Handler
- Download handler class.
- WC_Emails
- Emails class.
- WC_Embed
- Embed Class which handles any WooCommerce Products that are embedded on this site or another site.
- WC_Form_Handler
- WC_Form_Handler class.
- WC_Frontend_Scripts
- Frontend scripts class.
- WC_Geo_IP
- WC_Geo_IP Class.
- WC_Geo_IP_Record
- Geo IP Record class.
- WC_Geolite_Integration
- Geolite integration class.
- WC_Geolocation
- WC_Geolocation Class.
- WC_HTTPS class.
- WC_Install
- WC_Install Class.
- WC_Integrations
- Integrations class.
- WC_Log_Levels
- Log levels class.
- WC_Logger
- WC_Logger class.
- WC_Meta_Data
- Meta data class.
- WC_Order_Factory
- Order factory class
- WC_Order_Item_Coupon
- Order item coupon class.
- WC_Order_Item_Fee
- Order item fee.
- WC_Order_Item_Meta
- Order item meta class.
- WC_Order_Item_Product
- Order item product class.
- WC_Order_Item_Shipping
- Order item shipping class.
- WC_Order_Item_Tax
- Order item tax.
- WC_Order_Item
- Order item class.
- WC_Order_Query
- Order query class.
- WC_Order_Refund
- Order refund class.
- WC_Order
- Order Class.
- WC_Payment_Gateways
- Payment gateways class.
- WC_Payment_Tokens
- Payment tokens class.
- WC_Post_Data
- Post data class.
- WC_Post_Types
- Post types Class.
- WC_Privacy_Background_Process
- WC_Privacy_Background_Process class.
- WC_Privacy_Erasers
- WC_Privacy_Erasers Class.
- WC_Privacy_Exporters
- WC_Privacy_Exporters Class.
- WC_Privacy
- WC_Privacy Class.
- WC_Product_Attribute
- Product attribute class.
- WC_Product_Download
- Product download class.
- WC_Product_External
- Product external class.
- WC_Product_Factory
- Product factory class.
- WC_Product_Grouped
- Product grouped class.
- WC_Product_Query
- Product query class.
- WC_Product_Simple
- Simple product class.
- WC_Product_Variable
- Variable product class.
- WC_Product_Variation
- Product variation class.
- WC_Query
- WC_Query Class.
- WC_Rate_Limiter
- Rate limit class.
- WC_Regenerate_Images_Request
- Class that extends WC_Background_Process to process image regeneration in the background.
- WC_Regenerate_Images
- Regenerate Images Class
- WC_Register_WP_Admin_Settings
- Register WP admin settings class.
- WC_REST_Authentication
- REST API authentication class.
- WC_REST_Exception
- WC_REST_Exception class.
- WC_Session_Handler
- Session handler class.
- WC_Shipping_Rate
- Shipping rate class.
- WC_Shipping_Zone
- WC_Shipping_Zone class.
- WC_Shipping_Zones
- Shipping zones class.
- WC_Shipping
- Shipping class.
- WC_Shortcodes
- WooCommerce Shortcodes class.
- WC_Structured_Data
- Structured data class.
- WC_Tax
- Performs tax calculations and loads tax rates
- WC_Template_Loader
- Template loader class.
- WC_Tracker
- WooCommerce Tracker Class
- WC_Validation
- Validation class.
- WC_Webhook
- Webhook class.
- WooCommerce
- Main WooCommerce Class.
- WC_CLI_COM_Command
- Allows to interact with extensions from WCCOM marketplace via CLI.
- WC_CLI_COM_Extension_Command
- Allows to interact with extensions from WCCOM marketplace via CLI.
- WC_CLI_REST_Command
- Main Command for WooCommerce CLI.
- WC_CLI_Runner
- WC API to WC CLI Bridge.
- WC_CLI_Tool_Command
- Hooks up our system status tools to the CLI.
- WC_CLI_Tracker_Command
- Allows access to tracker snapshot for transparency and debugging.
- WC_CLI_Update_Command
- Allows updates via CLI.
- WC_Customizer_Control_Cropping
- WC_Customizer_Control_Cropping class.
- WC_Shop_Customizer
- WC_Shop_Customizer class.
- Abstract_WC_Order_Data_Store_CPT
- Abstract Order Data Store: Stored in CPT.
- Abstract_WC_Order_Item_Type_Data_Store
- WC Order Item Data Store
- WC_Coupon_Data_Store_CPT
- WC Coupon Data Store: Custom Post Type.
- WC_Customer_Data_Store_Session
- WC Customer Data Store which stores the data in session.
- WC_Customer_Data_Store
- WC Customer Data Store.
- WC_Customer_Download_Data_Store
- WC Customer Download Data Store.
- WC_Customer_Download_Log_Data_Store
- WC_Customer_Download_Log_Data_Store class.
- WC_Data_Store_WP
- WC_Data_Store_WP class.
- WC_Order_Data_Store_CPT
- WC Order Data Store: Stored in CPT.
- WC_Order_Item_Coupon_Data_Store
- WC Order Item Coupon Data Store
- WC_Order_Item_Data_Store
- WC Order Item Data Store: Misc Order Item Data functions.
- WC_Order_Item_Fee_Data_Store
- WC Order Item Fee Data Store
- WC_Order_Item_Product_Data_Store
- WC Order Item Product Data Store
- WC_Order_Item_Shipping_Data_Store
- WC_Order_Item_Shipping_Data_Store class.
- WC_Order_Item_Tax_Data_Store
- WC Order Item Tax Data Store
- WC_Order_Refund_Data_Store_CPT
- WC Order Refund Data Store: Stored in CPT.
- WC_Payment_Token_Data_Store
- WC Payment Token Data Store: Custom Table.
- WC_Product_Data_Store_CPT
- WC Product Data Store: Stored in CPT.
- WC_Product_Grouped_Data_Store_CPT
- WC Grouped Product Data Store: Stored in CPT.
- WC_Product_Variable_Data_Store_CPT
- WC Variable Product Data Store: Stored in CPT.
- WC_Product_Variation_Data_Store_CPT
- WC Variation Product Data Store: Stored in CPT.
- WC_Shipping_Zone_Data_Store
- WC Shipping Zone Data Store.
- WC_Webhook_Data_Store
- Webhook data store class.
- WC_Email_Cancelled_Order
- Cancelled Order Email.
- WC_Email_Customer_Completed_Order
- Customer Completed Order Email.
- WC_Email_Customer_Invoice
- Order details email.
- WC_Email_Customer_New_Account
- Customer New Account.
- WC_Email_Customer_Note
- Customer Note Order Email.
- WC_Email_Customer_On_Hold_Order
- Customer On-hold Order Email.
- WC_Email_Customer_Processing_Order
- Customer Processing Order Email.
- WC_Email_Customer_Refunded_Order
- Customer Refunded Order Email.
- WC_Email_Customer_Reset_Password
- Customer Reset Password.
- WC_Email_Failed_Order
- Failed Order Email.
- WC_Email_New_Order
- New Order Email.
- WC_Email
- Email Class
- WC_CSV_Batch_Exporter
- WC_CSV_Exporter Class.
- WC_CSV_Exporter
- WC_CSV_Exporter Class.
- WC_Product_CSV_Exporter
- WC_Product_CSV_Exporter Class.
- WC_Gateway_BACS
- Bank Transfer Payment Gateway.
- WC_Gateway_Cheque
- Cheque Payment Gateway.
- WC_Payment_Gateway_CC
- Credit Card Payment Gateway
- WC_Payment_Gateway_ECheck
- Class for eCheck Payment Gateway
- WC_Gateway_COD
- Cash on Delivery Gateway.
- WC_Gateway_Paypal
- WC_Gateway_Paypal Class.
- WC_Gateway_Paypal_API_Handler
- Handles Refunds and other API requests such as capture.
- WC_Gateway_Paypal_Refund
- Here for backwards compatibility.
- WC_Gateway_Paypal_IPN_Handler
- WC_Gateway_Paypal_IPN_Handler class.
- WC_Gateway_Paypal_PDT_Handler
- Handle PDT Responses from PayPal.
- WC_Gateway_Paypal_Request
- Generates requests to send to PayPal.
- WC_Gateway_Paypal_Response
- Handles Responses.
- WC_Product_Importer
- WC_Product_Importer Class.
- WC_Product_CSV_Importer
- WC_Product_CSV_Importer Class.
- WC_Integration_MaxMind_Database_Service
- The service class responsible for interacting with MaxMind databases.
- WC_Integration_MaxMind_Geolocation
- WC Integration MaxMind Geolocation
- WC_Abstract_Legacy_Order
- Legacy Abstract Order
- WC_Legacy_Payment_Token
- Legacy Payment Tokens.
- WC_Abstract_Legacy_Product
- Legacy Abstract Product
- WC_Legacy_Cart
- Legacy cart class.
- WC_Legacy_Coupon
- Legacy Coupon.
- WC_Legacy_Customer
- Legacy Customer.
- WC_Legacy_Shipping_Zone
- Legacy Shipping Zone.
- WC_Legacy_Webhook
- Legacy Webhook class.
- WC_Log_Handler_DB
- Handles log entries by writing to database.
- WC_Log_Handler_Email
- Handles log entries by sending an email.
- WC_Log_Handler_File
- Handles log entries by writing to a file.
- WC_Payment_Token_CC
- WooCommerce Credit Card Payment Token.
- WC_Payment_Token_ECheck
- WooCommerce eCheck Payment Token.
- WC_Action_Queue
- WC Action Queue
- WC_Queue
- WC Queue
- WC_REST_Telemetry_Controller
- Telemetry controller class.
- WC_REST_Coupons_V1_Controller
- REST API Coupons controller class.
- WC_REST_Customer_Downloads_V1_Controller
- REST API Customers controller class.
- WC_REST_Customers_V1_Controller
- REST API Customers controller class.
- WC_REST_Order_Notes_V1_Controller
- REST API Order Notes controller class.
- WC_REST_Order_Refunds_V1_Controller
- REST API Order Refunds controller class.
- WC_REST_Orders_V1_Controller
- REST API Orders controller class.
- WC_REST_Product_Attribute_Terms_V1_Controller
- REST API Product Attribute Terms controller class.
- WC_REST_Product_Attributes_V1_Controller
- REST API Product Attributes controller class.
- WC_REST_Product_Categories_V1_Controller
- REST API Product Categories controller class.
- WC_REST_Product_Reviews_V1_Controller
- REST API Product Reviews Controller Class.
- WC_REST_Product_Shipping_Classes_V1_Controller
- REST API Product Shipping Classes controller class.
- WC_REST_Product_Tags_V1_Controller
- REST API Product Tags controller class.
- WC_REST_Products_V1_Controller
- REST API Products controller class.
- WC_REST_Report_Sales_V1_Controller
- REST API Report Sales controller class.
- WC_REST_Report_Top_Sellers_V1_Controller
- REST API Report Top Sellers controller class.
- WC_REST_Reports_V1_Controller
- REST API Reports controller class.
- WC_REST_Tax_Classes_V1_Controller
- REST API Tax Classes controller class.
- WC_REST_Taxes_V1_Controller
- REST API Taxes controller class.
- WC_REST_Webhook_Deliveries_V1_Controller
- REST API Webhook Deliveries controller class.
- WC_REST_Webhooks_V1_Controller
- REST API Webhooks controller class.
- WC_REST_Coupons_V2_Controller
- REST API Coupons controller class.
- WC_REST_Customer_Downloads_V2_Controller
- REST API Customers controller class.
- WC_REST_Customers_V2_Controller
- REST API Customers controller class.
- WC_REST_Network_Orders_V2_Controller
- REST API Network Orders controller class.
- WC_REST_Order_Notes_V2_Controller
- REST API Order Notes controller class.
- WC_REST_Order_Refunds_V2_Controller
- REST API Order Refunds controller class.
- WC_REST_Orders_V2_Controller
- REST API Orders controller class.
- WC_REST_Payment_Gateways_V2_Controller
- Paymenga gateways controller class.
- WC_REST_Product_Attribute_Terms_V2_Controller
- REST API Product Attribute Terms controller class.
- WC_REST_Product_Attributes_V2_Controller
- REST API Product Attributes controller class.
- WC_REST_Product_Categories_V2_Controller
- REST API Product Categories controller class.
- WC_REST_Product_Reviews_V2_Controller
- REST API Product Reviews Controller Class.
- WC_REST_Product_Shipping_Classes_V2_Controller
- REST API Product Shipping Classes controller class.
- WC_REST_Product_Tags_V2_Controller
- REST API Product Tags controller class.
- WC_REST_Product_Variations_V2_Controller
- REST API variations controller class.
- WC_REST_Products_V2_Controller
- REST API Products controller class.
- WC_REST_Report_Sales_V2_Controller
- REST API Report Sales controller class.
- WC_REST_Report_Top_Sellers_V2_Controller
- REST API Report Top Sellers controller class.
- WC_REST_Reports_V2_Controller
- REST API Reports controller class.
- WC_REST_Setting_Options_V2_Controller
- REST API Setting Options controller class.
- WC_REST_Settings_V2_Controller
- REST API Settings controller class.
- WC_REST_Shipping_Methods_V2_Controller
- Shipping methods controller class.
- WC_REST_Shipping_Zone_Locations_V2_Controller
- REST API Shipping Zone Locations class.
- WC_REST_Shipping_Zone_Methods_V2_Controller
- REST API Shipping Zone Methods class.
- WC_REST_Shipping_Zones_V2_Controller
- REST API Shipping Zones class.
- WC_REST_System_Status_Tools_V2_Controller
- System status tools controller.
- WC_REST_System_Status_V2_Controller
- System status controller class.
- WC_REST_Tax_Classes_V2_Controller
- REST API Tax Classes controller class.
- WC_REST_Taxes_V2_Controller
- REST API Taxes controller class.
- WC_REST_Webhook_Deliveries_V2_Controller
- REST API Webhook Deliveries controller class.
- WC_REST_Webhooks_V2_Controller
- REST API Webhooks controller class.
- WC_REST_Controller
- Abstract Rest Controller Class
- WC_REST_Coupons_Controller
- REST API Coupons controller class.
- WC_REST_CRUD_Controller
- WC_REST_CRUD_Controller class.
- WC_REST_Customer_Downloads_Controller
- REST API Customers controller class.
- WC_REST_Customers_Controller
- REST API Customers controller class.
- WC_REST_Data_Continents_Controller
- REST API Data continents controller class.
- WC_REST_Data_Controller
- REST API Data controller class.
- WC_REST_Data_Countries_Controller
- REST API Data countries controller class.
- WC_REST_Data_Currencies_Controller
- REST API Data Currencies controller class.
- WC_REST_Layout_Templates_Controller
- REST API Layout Templates controller class.
- WC_REST_Network_Orders_Controller
- REST API Network Orders controller class.
- WC_REST_Order_Notes_Controller
- REST API Order Notes controller class.
- WC_REST_Order_Refunds_Controller
- REST API Order Refunds controller class.
- WC_REST_Orders_Controller
- REST API Orders controller class.
- WC_REST_Payment_Gateways_Controller
- Paymenga gateways controller class.
- WC_REST_Posts_Controller
- WC_REST_Posts_Controller
- WC_REST_Product_Attribute_Terms_Controller
- REST API Product Attribute Terms controller class.
- WC_REST_Product_Attributes_Controller
- REST API Product Attributes controller class.
- WC_REST_Product_Categories_Controller
- REST API Product Categories controller class.
- WC_REST_Product_Reviews_Controller
- REST API Product Reviews Controller Class.
- WC_REST_Product_Shipping_Classes_Controller
- REST API Product Shipping Classes controller class.
- WC_REST_Product_Tags_Controller
- REST API Product Tags controller class.
- WC_REST_Product_Variations_Controller
- REST API variations controller class.
- WC_REST_Products_Controller
- REST API Products controller class.
- WC_REST_Refunds_Controller
- REST API Order Refunds controller class.
- WC_REST_Report_Coupons_Totals_Controller
- REST API Reports Coupons Totals controller class.
- WC_REST_Report_Customers_Totals_Controller
- REST API Reports Customers Totals controller class.
- WC_REST_Report_Orders_Totals_Controller
- REST API Reports Orders Totals controller class.
- WC_REST_Report_Products_Totals_Controller
- REST API Reports Products Totals controller class.
- WC_REST_Report_Reviews_Totals_Controller
- REST API Reports Reviews Totals controller class.
- WC_REST_Report_Sales_Controller
- REST API Report Sales controller class.
- WC_REST_Report_Top_Sellers_Controller
- REST API Report Top Sellers controller class.
- WC_REST_Reports_Controller
- REST API Reports controller class.
- WC_REST_Setting_Options_Controller
- REST API Setting Options controller class.
- WC_REST_Settings_Controller
- REST API Settings controller class.
- WC_REST_Shipping_Methods_Controller
- Shipping methods controller class.
- WC_REST_Shipping_Zone_Locations_Controller
- REST API Shipping Zone Locations class.
- WC_REST_Shipping_Zone_Methods_Controller
- REST API Shipping Zone Methods class.
- WC_REST_Shipping_Zones_Controller_Base
- REST API Shipping Zones base class.
- WC_REST_Shipping_Zones_Controller
- REST API Shipping Zones class.
- WC_REST_System_Status_Controller
- System status controller class.
- WC_REST_System_Status_Tools_Controller
- System status tools controller.
- WC_REST_Tax_Classes_Controller
- REST API Tax Classes controller class.
- WC_REST_Taxes_Controller
- REST API Taxes controller class.
- WC_REST_Terms_Controller
- Terms controller class.
- WC_REST_Webhooks_Controller
- REST API Webhooks controller class.
- WC_Shipping_Flat_Rate
- WC_Shipping_Flat_Rate class.
- WC_Shipping_Free_Shipping
- Free Shipping Method.
- WC_Shipping_Legacy_Flat_Rate
- Flat Rate Shipping Method.
- WC_Shipping_Legacy_Free_Shipping
- Free Shipping Method.
- WC_Shipping_Legacy_International_Delivery
- International Delivery - Based on the Flat Rate Shipping Method.
- WC_Shipping_Legacy_Local_Delivery
- Local Delivery Shipping Method.
- WC_Shipping_Legacy_Local_Pickup
- Local Pickup Shipping Method.
- WC_Shipping_Local_Pickup
- Local Pickup Shipping Method.
- WC_Shortcode_Cart
- Shortcode cart class.
- WC_Shortcode_Checkout
- Shortcode checkout class.
- WC_Shortcode_My_Account
- Shortcode my account class.
- WC_Shortcode_Order_Tracking
- Shortcode order tracking class.
- WC_Shortcode_Products
- Products shortcode class.
- WC_Twenty_Eleven
- WC_Twenty_Eleven class.
- WC_Twenty_Fifteen
- WC_Twenty_Fifteen class.
- WC_Twenty_Fourteen
- WC_Twenty_Fourteen class.
- WC_Twenty_Nineteen
- WC_Twenty_Nineteen class.
- WC_Twenty_Seventeen
- WC_Twenty_Seventeen class.
- WC_Twenty_Sixteen
- WC_Twenty_Sixteen class.
- WC_Twenty_Ten
- WC_Twenty_Ten class.
- WC_Twenty_Thirteen
- WC_Twenty_Thirteen class.
- WC_Twenty_Twelve
- WC_Twenty_Twelve class.
- WC_Twenty_Twenty_One
- WC_Twenty_Twenty_One class.
- WC_Twenty_Twenty_Three
- WC_Twenty_Twenty_Three class.
- WC_Twenty_Twenty_Two
- WC_Twenty_Twenty_One class.
- WC_Twenty_Twenty
- WC_Twenty_Twenty class.
- WC_Site_Tracking
- This class adds actions to track usage of WooCommerce.
- WC_Tracks_Client
- WC_Tracks_Client class.
- WC_Tracks_Event
- WC_Tracks_Event class.
- WC_Tracks_Footer_Pixel
- WC_Tracks_Footer_Pixel class.
- WC_Tracks
- WC_Tracks class.
- WC_Admin_Setup_Wizard_Tracking
- This class adds actions to track usage of the WooCommerce Onboarding Wizard.
- WC_Coupon_Tracking
- This class adds actions to track usage of a WooCommerce Coupon.
- WC_Coupons_Tracking
- This class adds actions to track usage of WooCommerce Orders.
- WC_Extensions_Tracking
- This class adds actions to track usage of the WooCommerce Extensions page.
- WC_Importer_Tracking
- This class adds actions to track usage of WooCommerce Imports.
- WC_Order_Tracking
- This class adds actions to track usage of a WooCommerce Order.
- WC_Orders_Tracking
- This class adds actions to track usage of WooCommerce Orders.
- WC_Products_Tracking
- This class adds actions to track usage of WooCommerce Products.
- WC_Settings_Tracking
- This class adds actions to track usage of WooCommerce Settings.
- WC_Status_Tracking
- This class adds actions to track usage of WooCommerce Orders.
- WC_Theme_Tracking
- This class adds actions to track usage of themes on a WooCommerce store.
- WC_Product_Cat_Dropdown_Walker
- Product category dropdown walker class.
- WC_Product_Cat_List_Walker
- Product cat list walker class.
- WC_WCCOM_Site_Installer
- WC_WCCOM_Site_Installer Class
- WC_WCCOM_Site Class
- WC_WCCOM_Site_Installation_Manager
- WC_WCCOM_Site_Installation_Manager class
- WC_WCCOM_Site_Installation_State_Storage
- WC_WCCOM_Site_Installation_State_Storage class
- WC_WCCOM_Site_Installation_State
- WC_WCCOM_Site_Installation_State class
- WC_WCCOM_Site_Installation_Step_Activate_Product
- WC_WCCOM_Site_Installation_Step_Activate_Product Class
- WC_WCCOM_Site_Installation_Step_Download_Product
- WC_WCCOM_Site_Installation_Step_Download_Product class
- WC_WCCOM_Site_Installation_Step_Get_Product_Info
- WC_WCCOM_Site_Installation_Step_Get_Product_Info class
- WC_WCCOM_Site_Installation_Step_Move_Product
- WC_WCCOM_Site_Installation_Step_Move_Product class
- WC_WCCOM_Site_Installation_Step_Unpack_Product
- WC_WCCOM_Site_Installation_Step_Unpack_Product class
- WC_REST_WCCOM_Site_Installer_Error_Codes
- WCCOM Site Installer Error Codes Class
- WC_REST_WCCOM_Site_Installer_Error
- WCCOM Site Installer Error Class
- WC_REST_WCCOM_Site_Controller
- REST API WCCOM Site Base REST API Controller Astract Class.
- WC_REST_WCCOM_Site_Installer_Controller
- REST API WCCOM Site Installer Controller Class.
- WC_REST_WCCOM_Site_SSR_Controller
- REST API WCCOM System Status Report Controller Class.
- WC_REST_WCCOM_Site_Status_Controller
- REST API WCCOM Site Status Controller Class.
- WC_Widget_Cart
- Widget cart class.
- WC_Widget_Layered_Nav_Filters
- Widget layered nav filters.
- WC_Widget_Layered_Nav
- Widget layered nav class.
- WC_Widget_Price_Filter
- Widget price filter class.
- WC_Widget_Product_Categories
- Product categories widget class.
- WC_Widget_Product_Search
- Widget product search class.
- WC_Widget_Product_Tag_Cloud
- Widget product tag cloud
- WC_Widget_Products
- Widget products.
- WC_Widget_Rating_Filter
- Widget rating filter class.
- WC_Widget_Recent_Reviews
- Widget recent reviews class.
- WC_Widget_Recently_Viewed
- Widget recently viewed.
- WC_Widget_Top_Rated_Products
- Widget top rated products class.
- WC_Interactivity_Initial_State
- Manages the initial state of the Interactivity API store in the server and its serialization so it can be restored in the browser upon hydration.
- WC_Item_Totals
- Trait WC_Item_Totals.
Table of Contents
- wc_importer_current_locale() : string
- Importer current locale.
- wc_importer_default_english_mappings() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Add English mapping placeholders when not using English as current language.
- wc_importer_default_special_english_mappings() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Add English special mapping placeholders when not using English as current language.
- wc_importer_generic_mappings() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Add generic mappings.
- wc_importer_shopify_mappings() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Add Shopify mappings.
- wc_importer_shopify_special_mappings() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Add special wildcard Shopify mappings.
- wc_importer_shopify_expand_data() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Expand special Shopify columns to WC format.
- wc_importer_wordpress_mappings() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Add mappings for WordPress tables.
- wc_get_screen_ids() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Get all WooCommerce screen ids.
- wc_get_page_screen_id() : string
- Get page ID for a specific WC resource.
- wc_create_page() : int
- Create a page and store the ID in an option.
- woocommerce_admin_fields() : mixed
- Output admin fields.
- woocommerce_update_options() : mixed
- Update all settings which are passed.
- woocommerce_settings_get_option() : string
- Get a setting from the settings API.
- wc_maybe_adjust_line_item_product_stock() : bool|array<string|int, mixed>|WP_Error
- Sees if line item stock has already reduced stock, and whether those values need adjusting e.g. after changing item qty.
- wc_save_order_items() : mixed
- Save order items. Uses the CRUD.
- wc_render_action_buttons() : string
- Get HTML for some action buttons. Used in list tables.
- wc_render_invalid_variation_notice() : mixed
- Shows a notice if variations are missing prices.
- woocommerce_wp_text_input() : mixed
- Output a text input box.
- woocommerce_wp_hidden_input() : mixed
- Output a hidden input box.
- woocommerce_wp_textarea_input() : mixed
- Output a textarea input box.
- woocommerce_wp_checkbox() : mixed
- Output a checkbox input box.
- woocommerce_wp_select() : mixed
- Output a select input box.
- woocommerce_wp_radio() : mixed
- Output a radio input box.
- woocommerce_wp_note() : mixed
- Output a note.
- wc_admin_get_core_pages_to_connect() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Returns core WC pages to connect to WC-Admin.
- wc_admin_filter_core_page_breadcrumbs() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Filter breadcrumbs for core pages that aren't explicitly connected.
- wc_admin_connect_core_pages() : bool
- Render the WC-Admin header bar on all WooCommerce core pages.
- wc_admin_number_format() : string
- Format a number using the decimal and thousands separator settings in WooCommerce.
- wc_admin_url() : string
- Retrieves a URL to relative path inside WooCommerce admin with the provided query parameters.
- wc_admin_get_feature_config() : mixed
- wc_admin_connect_page() : mixed
- Connect an existing page to WooCommerce Admin.
- wc_admin_register_page() : mixed
- Register JS-powered WooCommerce Admin Page.
- wc_admin_is_connected_page() : bool
- Is this page connected to WooCommerce Admin? Passthrough to PageController::is_connected_page().
- wc_admin_is_registered_page() : bool
- Is this a WooCommerce Admin Page? Passthrough to PageController::is_registered_page().
- wc_admin_get_breadcrumbs() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Get breadcrumbs for WooCommerce Admin Page navigation.
- wc_admin_update_0201_order_status_index() : mixed
- Update order stats `status` index length.
- wc_admin_update_0230_rename_gross_total() : mixed
- Rename "gross_total" to "total_sales".
- wc_admin_update_0251_remove_unsnooze_action() : mixed
- Remove the note unsnoozing scheduled action.
- wc_admin_update_110_remove_facebook_note() : mixed
- Remove Facebook Extension note.
- wc_admin_update_130_remove_dismiss_action_from_tracking_opt_in_note() : mixed
- Remove Dismiss action from tracking opt-in admin note.
- wc_admin_update_130_db_version() : mixed
- Update DB Version.
- wc_admin_update_140_db_version() : mixed
- Update DB Version.
- wc_admin_update_160_remove_facebook_note() : mixed
- Remove Facebook Experts note.
- wc_admin_update_170_homescreen_layout() : mixed
- Set "two column" homescreen layout as default for existing stores.
- wc_admin_update_270_delete_report_downloads() : mixed
- Delete the preexisting export files.
- wc_admin_update_271_update_task_list_options() : mixed
- Update the old task list options.
- wc_admin_update_280_order_status() : mixed
- Update order stats `status`.
- wc_admin_update_290_update_apperance_task_option() : mixed
- Update the old task list options.
- wc_admin_update_290_delete_default_homepage_layout_option() : mixed
- Delete the old woocommerce_default_homepage_layout option.
- wc_admin_update_300_update_is_read_from_last_read() : mixed
- Use woocommerce_admin_activity_panel_inbox_last_read from the user meta to set wc_admin_notes.is_read col.
- wc_admin_update_340_remove_is_primary_from_note_action() : mixed
- Delete "is_primary" column from the wc_admin_notes table.
- wc_update_670_delete_deprecated_remote_inbox_notifications_option() : mixed
- Delete the deprecated remote inbox notifications option since transients are now used.
- wc_lostpassword_url() : string
- Returns the url to the lost password endpoint url.
- wc_customer_edit_account_url() : string
- Get the link to the edit account details page.
- wc_edit_address_i18n() : string
- Get the edit address slug translation.
- wc_get_account_menu_items() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Get My Account menu items.
- wc_get_account_menu_item_classes() : string
- Get account menu item classes.
- wc_get_account_endpoint_url() : string
- Get account endpoint URL.
- wc_get_account_orders_columns() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Get My Account > Orders columns.
- wc_get_account_downloads_columns() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Get My Account > Downloads columns.
- wc_get_account_payment_methods_columns() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Get My Account > Payment methods columns.
- wc_get_account_payment_methods_types() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Get My Account > Payment methods types
- wc_get_account_orders_actions() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Get account orders actions.
- wc_get_account_formatted_address() : string
- Get account formatted address.
- wc_get_account_saved_payment_methods_list() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Returns an array of a user's saved payments list for output on the account tab.
- wc_get_account_saved_payment_methods_list_item_cc() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Controls the output for credit cards on the my account page.
- wc_get_account_saved_payment_methods_list_item_echeck() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Controls the output for eChecks on the my account page.
- wc_get_text_attributes() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Gets text attributes from a string.
- wc_get_text_attributes_filter_callback() : bool
- See if an attribute is actually valid.
- wc_implode_text_attributes() : string
- Implode an array of attributes using WC_DELIMITER.
- wc_get_attribute_taxonomies() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Get attribute taxonomies.
- wc_get_attribute_taxonomy_ids() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Get (cached) attribute taxonomy ID and name pairs.
- wc_get_attribute_taxonomy_labels() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Get (cached) attribute taxonomy label and name pairs.
- wc_attribute_taxonomy_name() : string
- Get a product attribute name.
- wc_variation_attribute_name() : string
- Get the attribute name used when storing values in post meta.
- wc_attribute_taxonomy_name_by_id() : string
- Get a product attribute name by ID.
- wc_attribute_taxonomy_id_by_name() : int
- Get a product attribute ID by name.
- wc_attribute_label() : string
- Get a product attributes label.
- wc_attribute_orderby() : string
- Get a product attributes orderby setting.
- wc_get_attribute_taxonomy_names() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Get an array of product attribute taxonomies.
- wc_get_attribute_types() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Get attribute types.
- wc_has_custom_attribute_types() : bool
- Check if there are custom attribute types.
- wc_get_attribute_type_label() : string
- Get attribute type label.
- wc_check_if_attribute_name_is_reserved() : bool
- Check if attribute name is reserved.
- wc_attributes_array_filter_visible() : bool
- Callback for array filter to get visible only.
- wc_attributes_array_filter_variation() : bool
- Callback for array filter to get variation attributes only.
- wc_is_attribute_in_product_name() : bool
- Check if an attribute is included in the attributes area of a variation name.
- wc_array_filter_default_attributes() : bool
- Callback for array filter to get default attributes. Will allow for '0' string values, but regard all other class PHP FALSE equivalents normally.
- wc_get_attribute() : stdClass|null
- Get attribute data by ID.
- wc_create_attribute() : int|WP_Error
- Create attribute.
- wc_update_attribute() : int|WP_Error
- Update an attribute.
- wc_delete_attribute() : bool
- Delete attribute by ID.
- wc_attribute_taxonomy_slug() : string
- Get an unprefixed product attribute name.
- wc_protected_product_add_to_cart() : bool
- Prevent password protected products being added to the cart.
- wc_empty_cart() : mixed
- Clears the cart session when called.
- wc_load_persistent_cart() : mixed
- Load the persistent cart.
- wc_get_raw_referer() : string|false
- Retrieves unvalidated referer from '_wp_http_referer' or HTTP referer.
- wc_add_to_cart_message() : mixed
- Add to cart messages.
- wc_format_list_of_items() : string
- Comma separate a list of item names, and replace final comma with 'and'.
- wc_clear_cart_after_payment() : mixed
- Clear cart after payment.
- wc_cart_totals_subtotal_html() : mixed
- Get the subtotal.
- wc_cart_totals_shipping_html() : mixed
- Get shipping methods.
- wc_cart_totals_taxes_total_html() : mixed
- Get taxes total.
- wc_cart_totals_coupon_label() : string
- Get a coupon label.
- wc_cart_totals_coupon_html() : mixed
- Get coupon display HTML.
- wc_cart_totals_order_total_html() : mixed
- Get order total html including inc tax if needed.
- wc_cart_totals_fee_html() : mixed
- Get the fee value.
- wc_cart_totals_shipping_method_label() : string
- Get a shipping methods full label including price.
- wc_cart_round_discount() : float
- Round discount.
- wc_get_chosen_shipping_method_ids() : array<string|int, string>
- Gets chosen shipping method IDs from chosen_shipping_methods session, without instance IDs.
- wc_get_chosen_shipping_method_for_package() : string|bool
- Get chosen method for package from session.
- wc_get_default_shipping_method_for_package() : string
- Choose the default method for a package.
- wc_shipping_methods_have_changed() : bool
- See if the methods have changed since the last request.
- wc_get_cart_item_data_hash() : string
- Gets a hash of important product data that when changed should cause cart items to be invalidated.
- is_woocommerce() : bool
- Is_woocommerce - Returns true if on a page which uses WooCommerce templates (cart and checkout are standard pages with shortcodes and thus are not included).
- is_shop() : bool
- Is_shop - Returns true when viewing the product type archive (shop).
- is_product_taxonomy() : bool
- Is_product_taxonomy - Returns true when viewing a product taxonomy archive.
- is_product_category() : bool
- Is_product_category - Returns true when viewing a product category.
- is_product_tag() : bool
- Is_product_tag - Returns true when viewing a product tag.
- is_product() : bool
- Is_product - Returns true when viewing a single product.
- is_cart() : bool
- Is_cart - Returns true when viewing the cart page.
- is_checkout() : bool
- Is_checkout - Returns true when viewing the checkout page, or when processing AJAX requests for updating or processing the checkout.
- is_checkout_pay_page() : bool
- Is_checkout_pay - Returns true when viewing the checkout's pay page.
- is_wc_endpoint_url() : bool
- Is_wc_endpoint_url - Check if an endpoint is showing.
- is_account_page() : bool
- Is_account_page - Returns true when viewing an account page.
- is_view_order_page() : bool
- Is_view_order_page - Returns true when on the view order page.
- is_edit_account_page() : bool
- Check for edit account page.
- is_order_received_page() : bool
- Is_order_received_page - Returns true when viewing the order received page.
- is_add_payment_method_page() : bool
- Is_add_payment_method_page - Returns true when viewing the add payment method page.
- is_lost_password_page() : bool
- Is_lost_password_page - Returns true when viewing the lost password page.
- is_ajax() : bool
- Is_ajax - Returns true when the page is loaded via ajax.
- is_store_notice_showing() : bool
- Is_store_notice_showing - Returns true when store notice is active.
- is_filtered() : bool
- Is_filtered - Returns true when filtering products using layered nav or price sliders.
- taxonomy_is_product_attribute() : bool
- Returns true when the passed taxonomy name is a product attribute.
- meta_is_product_attribute() : bool
- Returns true when the passed meta name is a product attribute.
- wc_tax_enabled() : bool
- Are store-wide taxes enabled?
- wc_shipping_enabled() : bool
- Is shipping enabled?
- wc_prices_include_tax() : bool
- Are prices inclusive of tax?
- wc_is_valid_url() : bool
- Simple check for validating a URL, it must start with http:// or https://.
- wc_site_is_https() : bool
- Check if the home URL is https. If it is, we don't need to do things such as 'force ssl'.
- wc_checkout_is_https() : bool
- Check if the checkout is configured for https. Look at options, WP HTTPS plugin, or the permalink itself.
- wc_post_content_has_shortcode() : bool
- Checks whether the content passed contains a specific short code.
- wc_reviews_enabled() : bool
- Check if reviews are enabled.
- wc_review_ratings_enabled() : bool
- Check if reviews ratings are enabled.
- wc_review_ratings_required() : bool
- Check if review ratings are required.
- wc_is_file_valid_csv() : bool
- Check if a CSV file is valid.
- wc_current_theme_is_fse_theme() : bool
- Check if the current theme is a block theme.
- wc_current_theme_supports_woocommerce_or_fse() : bool
- Check if the current theme has WooCommerce support or is a FSE theme.
- wc_wp_theme_get_element_class_name() : string
- Given an element name, returns a class name.
- wc_block_theme_has_styles_for_element() : bool
- Given an element name, returns true or false depending on whether the current theme has styles for that element defined in theme.json.
- wc_maybe_define_constant() : mixed
- Define a constant if it is not already defined.
- wc_create_order() : WC_Order|WP_Error
- Create a new order programmatically.
- wc_update_order() : WC_Order|WP_Error
- Update an order. Uses wc_create_order.
- wc_tokenize_path() : string
- Given a path, this will convert any of the subpaths into their corresponding tokens.
- wc_untokenize_path() : string
- Given a tokenized path, this will expand the tokens to their full path.
- wc_get_path_define_tokens() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Fetches an array containing all of the configurable path constants to be used in tokenization.
- wc_get_template_part() : mixed
- Get template part (for templates like the shop-loop).
- wc_get_template() : mixed
- Get other templates (e.g. product attributes) passing attributes and including the file.
- wc_get_template_html() : string
- Like wc_get_template, but returns the HTML instead of outputting.
- wc_locate_template() : string
- Locate a template and return the path for inclusion.
- wc_set_template_cache() : mixed
- Add a template to the template cache.
- wc_clear_template_cache() : mixed
- Clear the template cache.
- get_woocommerce_currency() : string
- Get Base Currency Code.
- get_woocommerce_currencies() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Get full list of currency codes.
- get_woocommerce_currency_symbols() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Get all available Currency symbols.
- get_woocommerce_currency_symbol() : string
- Get Currency symbol.
- wc_mail() : bool
- Send HTML emails from WooCommerce.
- wc_get_theme_support() : mixed
- Return "theme support" values from the current theme, if set.
- wc_get_image_size() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Get an image size by name or defined dimensions.
- wc_enqueue_js() : mixed
- Queue some JavaScript code to be output in the footer.
- wc_print_js() : mixed
- Output any queued javascript code in the footer.
- wc_setcookie() : mixed
- Set a cookie - wrapper for setcookie using WP constants.
- get_woocommerce_api_url() : string
- Get the URL to the WooCommerce Legacy REST API.
- wc_get_page_children() : array<string|int, int>
- Recursively get page children.
- flush_rewrite_rules_on_shop_page_save() : mixed
- Flushes rewrite rules when the shop page (or it's children) gets saved.
- wc_fix_rewrite_rules() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Various rewrite rule fixes.
- wc_fix_product_attachment_link() : string
- Prevent product attachment links from breaking when using complex rewrite structures.
- wc_ms_protect_download_rewite_rules() : string
- Protect downloads from ms-files.php in multisite.
- wc_format_country_state_string() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Formats a string in the format COUNTRY:STATE into an array.
- wc_get_base_location() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Get the store's base location.
- wc_get_customer_default_location() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Get the customer's default location.
- wc_get_user_agent() : string
- Get user agent string.
- wc_rand_hash() : string
- Generate a rand hash.
- wc_api_hash() : string
- WC API - Hash.
- wc_array_cartesian() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Find all possible combinations of values from the input array and return in a logical order.
- wc_transaction_query() : mixed
- Run a MySQL transaction query, if supported.
- wc_get_cart_url() : string
- Gets the url to the cart page.
- wc_get_checkout_url() : string
- Gets the url to the checkout page.
- woocommerce_register_shipping_method() : mixed
- Register a shipping method.
- wc_get_shipping_zone() : WC_Shipping_Zone
- Get the shipping zone matching a given package from the cart.
- wc_get_credit_card_type_label() : string
- Get a nice name for credit card providers.
- wc_back_link() : mixed
- Outputs a "back" link so admin screens can easily jump back a page.
- wc_help_tip() : string
- Display a WooCommerce help tip.
- wc_get_wildcard_postcodes() : array<string|int, string>
- Return a list of potential postcodes for wildcard searching.
- wc_postcode_location_matcher() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Used by shipping zones and taxes to compare a given $postcode to stored postcodes to find matches for numerical ranges, and wildcards.
- wc_get_shipping_method_count() : int
- Gets number of shipping methods currently enabled. Used to identify if shipping is configured.
- wc_set_time_limit() : mixed
- Wrapper for set_time_limit to see if it is enabled.
- wc_nocache_headers() : mixed
- Wrapper for nocache_headers which also disables page caching.
- wc_product_attribute_uasort_comparison() : int
- Used to sort products attributes with uasort.
- wc_shipping_zone_method_order_uasort_comparison() : int
- Used to sort shipping zone methods with uasort.
- wc_checkout_fields_uasort_comparison() : int
- User to sort checkout fields based on priority with uasort.
- wc_uasort_comparison() : int
- User to sort two values with ausort.
- wc_ascii_uasort_comparison() : int
- Sort values based on ascii, usefull for special chars in strings.
- wc_asort_by_locale() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Sort array according to current locale rules and maintaining index association.
- wc_get_tax_rounding_mode() : int
- Get rounding mode for internal tax calculations.
- wc_get_rounding_precision() : int
- Get rounding precision for internal WC calculations.
- wc_add_number_precision() : int|float
- Add precision to a number by moving the decimal point to the right as many places as indicated by wc_get_price_decimals().
- wc_remove_number_precision() : float
- Remove precision from a number and return a float.
- wc_add_number_precision_deep() : int|array<string|int, mixed>
- Add precision to an array of number and return an array of int.
- wc_remove_number_precision_deep() : int|array<string|int, mixed>
- Remove precision from an array of number and return an array of int.
- wc_get_logger() : WC_Logger_Interface
- Get a shared logger instance.
- wc_cleanup_logs() : mixed
- Trigger logging cleanup using the logging class.
- wc_print_r() : string|bool
- Prints human-readable information about a variable.
- wc_list_pluck() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Based on wp_list_pluck, this calls a method instead of returning a property.
- wc_get_permalink_structure() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Get permalink settings for things like products and taxonomies.
- wc_switch_to_site_locale() : mixed
- Switch WooCommerce to site language.
- wc_restore_locale() : mixed
- Switch WooCommerce language to original.
- wc_make_phone_clickable() : string
- Convert plaintext phone number to clickable phone number.
- wc_get_post_data_by_key() : mixed
- Get an item of post data if set, otherwise return a default value.
- wc_get_var() : mixed
- Get data if set, otherwise return a default value or null. Prevents notices when data is not set.
- wc_enable_wc_plugin_headers() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Read in WooCommerce headers when reading plugin headers.
- wc_prevent_dangerous_auto_updates() : bool
- Prevent auto-updating the WooCommerce plugin on major releases if there are untested extensions active.
- wc_delete_expired_transients() : int
- Delete expired transients.
- wc_get_relative_url() : string
- Make a URL relative, if possible.
- wc_is_external_resource() : bool
- See if a resource is remote.
- wc_is_active_theme() : bool
- See if theme/s is activate or not.
- wc_is_wp_default_theme_active() : bool
- Is the site using a default WP theme?
- wc_cleanup_session_data() : mixed
- Cleans up session data - cron callback.
- wc_decimal_to_fraction() : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
- Convert a decimal (e.g. 3.5) to a fraction (e.g. 7/2).
- wc_round_discount() : float
- Round discount.
- wc_selected() : string
- Return the html selected attribute if stringified $value is found in array of stringified $options or if stringified $value is the same as scalar stringified $options.
- wc_get_server_database_version() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Retrieves the MySQL server version. Based on $wpdb.
- wc_load_cart() : void
- Initialize and load the cart functionality.
- wc_is_running_from_async_action_scheduler() : bool
- Test whether the context of execution comes from async action scheduler.
- wc_cache_get_multiple() : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
- Polyfill for wp_cache_get_multiple for WP versions before 5.5.
- wc_get_coupon_types() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Get coupon types.
- wc_get_coupon_type() : string
- Get a coupon type's name.
- wc_get_product_coupon_types() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Coupon types that apply to individual products. Controls which validation rules will apply.
- wc_get_cart_coupon_types() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Coupon types that apply to the cart as a whole. Controls which validation rules will apply.
- wc_coupons_enabled() : bool
- Check if coupons are enabled.
- wc_get_coupon_code_by_id() : string
- Get coupon code by ID.
- wc_get_coupon_id_by_code() : int
- Get coupon ID by code.
- wc_do_deprecated_action() : mixed
- Runs a deprecated action with notice only if used.
- wc_deprecated_function() : mixed
- Wrapper for deprecated functions so we can apply some extra logic.
- wc_deprecated_hook() : mixed
- Wrapper for deprecated hook so we can apply some extra logic.
- wc_caught_exception() : mixed
- When catching an exception, this allows us to log it if unexpected.
- wc_doing_it_wrong() : mixed
- Wrapper for _doing_it_wrong().
- wc_deprecated_argument() : mixed
- Wrapper for deprecated arguments so we can apply some extra logic.
- woocommerce_show_messages() : mixed
- woocommerce_weekend_area_js() : mixed
- woocommerce_tooltip_js() : mixed
- woocommerce_datepicker_js() : mixed
- woocommerce_admin_scripts() : mixed
- woocommerce_create_page() : mixed
- woocommerce_readfile_chunked() : mixed
- woocommerce_format_total() : string
- Formal total costs - format to the number of decimal places for the base currency.
- woocommerce_get_formatted_product_name() : string
- Get product name with extra details such as SKU price and attributes. Used within admin.
- woocommerce_legacy_paypal_ipn() : mixed
- Handle IPN requests for the legacy paypal gateway by calling gateways manually if needed.
- get_product() : mixed
- woocommerce_protected_product_add_to_cart() : mixed
- woocommerce_empty_cart() : mixed
- woocommerce_load_persistent_cart() : mixed
- woocommerce_add_to_cart_message() : mixed
- woocommerce_clear_cart_after_payment() : mixed
- woocommerce_cart_totals_subtotal_html() : mixed
- woocommerce_cart_totals_shipping_html() : mixed
- woocommerce_cart_totals_coupon_html() : mixed
- woocommerce_cart_totals_order_total_html() : mixed
- woocommerce_cart_totals_fee_html() : mixed
- woocommerce_cart_totals_shipping_method_label() : mixed
- woocommerce_get_template_part() : mixed
- woocommerce_get_template() : mixed
- woocommerce_locate_template() : mixed
- woocommerce_mail() : mixed
- woocommerce_disable_admin_bar() : mixed
- woocommerce_create_new_customer() : mixed
- woocommerce_set_customer_auth_cookie() : mixed
- woocommerce_update_new_customer_past_orders() : mixed
- woocommerce_paying_customer() : mixed
- woocommerce_customer_bought_product() : mixed
- woocommerce_customer_has_capability() : mixed
- woocommerce_sanitize_taxonomy_name() : mixed
- woocommerce_get_filename_from_url() : mixed
- woocommerce_get_dimension() : mixed
- woocommerce_get_weight() : mixed
- woocommerce_trim_zeros() : mixed
- woocommerce_round_tax_total() : mixed
- woocommerce_format_decimal() : mixed
- woocommerce_clean() : mixed
- woocommerce_array_overlay() : mixed
- woocommerce_price() : mixed
- woocommerce_let_to_num() : mixed
- woocommerce_date_format() : mixed
- woocommerce_time_format() : mixed
- woocommerce_timezone_string() : mixed
- woocommerce_rgb_from_hex() : mixed
- woocommerce_hex_darker() : mixed
- woocommerce_hex_lighter() : mixed
- woocommerce_light_or_dark() : mixed
- woocommerce_format_hex() : mixed
- woocommerce_get_order_id_by_order_key() : mixed
- woocommerce_downloadable_file_permission() : mixed
- woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions() : mixed
- woocommerce_add_order_item() : mixed
- woocommerce_delete_order_item() : mixed
- woocommerce_update_order_item_meta() : mixed
- woocommerce_add_order_item_meta() : mixed
- woocommerce_delete_order_item_meta() : mixed
- woocommerce_get_order_item_meta() : mixed
- woocommerce_cancel_unpaid_orders() : mixed
- woocommerce_processing_order_count() : mixed
- woocommerce_get_page_id() : mixed
- woocommerce_get_endpoint_url() : mixed
- woocommerce_lostpassword_url() : mixed
- woocommerce_customer_edit_account_url() : mixed
- woocommerce_nav_menu_items() : mixed
- woocommerce_nav_menu_item_classes() : mixed
- woocommerce_list_pages() : mixed
- woocommerce_product_dropdown_categories() : mixed
- woocommerce_walk_category_dropdown_tree() : mixed
- woocommerce_taxonomy_metadata_wpdbfix() : mixed
- wc_taxonomy_metadata_wpdbfix() : mixed
- woocommerce_order_terms() : mixed
- woocommerce_set_term_order() : mixed
- woocommerce_terms_clauses() : mixed
- _woocommerce_term_recount() : mixed
- woocommerce_recount_after_stock_change() : mixed
- woocommerce_change_term_counts() : mixed
- woocommerce_get_product_ids_on_sale() : mixed
- woocommerce_get_featured_product_ids() : mixed
- woocommerce_get_product_terms() : mixed
- woocommerce_product_post_type_link() : mixed
- woocommerce_placeholder_img_src() : mixed
- woocommerce_placeholder_img() : mixed
- woocommerce_get_formatted_variation() : mixed
- woocommerce_scheduled_sales() : mixed
- woocommerce_get_attachment_image_attributes() : mixed
- woocommerce_prepare_attachment_for_js() : mixed
- woocommerce_track_product_view() : mixed
- woocommerce_compile_less_styles() : mixed
- woocommerce_calc_shipping_backwards_compatibility() : string
- woocommerce_calc_shipping was an option used to determine if shipping was enabled prior to version 2.6.0. This has since been replaced with wc_shipping_enabled() function and the woocommerce_ship_to_countries setting.
- woocommerce_get_product_schema() : string
- _wc_save_product_price() : mixed
- Save product price.
- wc_get_customer_avatar_url() : string
- Return customer avatar URL.
- wc_get_core_supported_themes() : array<string|int, string>
- WooCommerce Core Supported Themes.
- wc_get_min_max_price_meta_query() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Get min/max price meta query args.
- wc_taxonomy_metadata_update_content_for_split_terms() : mixed
- When a term is split, ensure meta data maintained.
- update_woocommerce_term_meta() : bool
- WooCommerce Term Meta API.
- add_woocommerce_term_meta() : bool
- WooCommerce Term Meta API.
- delete_woocommerce_term_meta() : bool
- WooCommerce Term Meta API
- get_woocommerce_term_meta() : mixed
- WooCommerce Term Meta API
- wc_register_default_log_handler() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Registers the default log handler.
- wc_get_log_file_path() : string
- Get a log file path.
- wc_get_log_file_name() : string
- Get a log file name.
- wc_string_to_bool() : bool
- Converts a string (e.g. 'yes' or 'no') to a bool.
- wc_bool_to_string() : string
- Converts a bool to a 'yes' or 'no'.
- wc_string_to_array() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Explode a string into an array by $delimiter and remove empty values.
- wc_sanitize_taxonomy_name() : string
- Sanitize taxonomy names. Slug format (no spaces, lowercase).
- wc_sanitize_permalink() : string
- Sanitize permalink values before insertion into DB.
- wc_get_filename_from_url() : string
- Gets the filename part of a download URL.
- wc_get_dimension() : float
- Normalise dimensions, unify to cm then convert to wanted unit value.
- wc_get_weight() : float
- Normalise weights, unify to kg then convert to wanted unit value.
- wc_trim_zeros() : string
- Trim trailing zeros off prices.
- wc_round_tax_total() : float
- Round a tax amount.
- wc_legacy_round_half_down() : float
- Round half down in PHP 5.2.
- wc_format_refund_total() : float
- Make a refund total negative.
- wc_format_decimal() : string
- Format decimal numbers ready for DB storage.
- wc_float_to_string() : string
- Convert a float to a string without locale formatting which PHP adds when changing floats to strings.
- wc_format_localized_price() : string
- Format a price with WC Currency Locale settings.
- wc_format_localized_decimal() : string
- Format a decimal with the decimal separator for prices or PHP Locale settings.
- wc_format_coupon_code() : string
- Format a coupon code.
- wc_sanitize_coupon_code() : string
- Sanitize a coupon code.
- wc_clean() : string|array<string|int, mixed>
- Clean variables using sanitize_text_field. Arrays are cleaned recursively.
- wc_check_invalid_utf8() : string|array<string|int, mixed>
- Function wp_check_invalid_utf8 with recursive array support.
- wc_sanitize_textarea() : string
- Run wc_clean over posted textarea but maintain line breaks.
- wc_sanitize_tooltip() : string
- Sanitize a string destined to be a tooltip.
- wc_array_overlay() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Merge two arrays.
- wc_stock_amount() : int|float
- Formats a stock amount by running it through a filter.
- get_woocommerce_price_format() : string
- Get the price format depending on the currency position.
- wc_get_price_thousand_separator() : string
- Return the thousand separator for prices.
- wc_get_price_decimal_separator() : string
- Return the decimal separator for prices.
- wc_get_price_decimals() : int
- Return the number of decimals after the decimal point.
- wc_price() : string
- Format the price with a currency symbol.
- wc_let_to_num() : int
- Notation to numbers.
- wc_date_format() : string
- WooCommerce Date Format - Allows to change date format for everything WooCommerce.
- wc_time_format() : string
- WooCommerce Time Format - Allows to change time format for everything WooCommerce.
- wc_string_to_timestamp() : int
- Convert mysql datetime to PHP timestamp, forcing UTC. Wrapper for strtotime.
- wc_string_to_datetime() : WC_DateTime
- Convert a date string to a WC_DateTime.
- wc_timezone_string() : string
- WooCommerce Timezone - helper to retrieve the timezone string for a site until.
- wc_timezone_offset() : float
- Get timezone offset in seconds.
- wc_flatten_meta_callback() : mixed
- Callback which can flatten post meta (gets the first value if it's an array).
- wc_rgb_from_hex() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Convert RGB to HEX.
- wc_hex_darker() : string
- Make HEX color darker.
- wc_hex_lighter() : string
- Make HEX color lighter.
- wc_hex_is_light() : bool
- Determine whether a hex color is light.
- wc_light_or_dark() : string
- Detect if we should use a light or dark color on a background color.
- wc_format_hex() : string|null
- Format string as hex.
- wc_format_postcode() : string
- Format the postcode according to the country and length of the postcode.
- wc_normalize_postcode() : string
- Normalize postcodes.
- wc_format_phone_number() : string
- Format phone numbers.
- wc_sanitize_phone_number() : string
- Sanitize phone number.
- wc_strtoupper() : string
- Wrapper for mb_strtoupper which see's if supported first.
- wc_strtolower() : string
- Make a string lowercase.
- wc_trim_string() : string
- Trim a string and append a suffix.
- wc_format_content() : string
- Format content to display shortcodes.
- wc_format_product_short_description() : string
- Format product short description.
- wc_format_option_price_separators() : string
- Formats curency symbols when saved in settings.
- wc_format_option_price_num_decimals() : string
- Formats decimals when saved in settings.
- wc_format_option_hold_stock_minutes() : string
- Formats hold stock option and sets cron event up.
- wc_sanitize_term_text_based() : string
- Sanitize terms from an attribute text based.
- wc_make_numeric_postcode() : string
- Make numeric postcode.
- wc_format_stock_for_display() : string
- Format the stock amount ready for display based on settings.
- wc_format_stock_quantity_for_display() : string
- Format the stock quantity ready for display.
- wc_format_sale_price() : string
- Format a sale price for display.
- wc_format_price_range() : string
- Format a price range for display.
- wc_format_weight() : string
- Format a weight for display.
- wc_format_dimensions() : string
- Format dimensions for display.
- wc_format_datetime() : string
- Format a date for output.
- wc_do_oembeds() : string
- Process oEmbeds.
- wc_get_string_before_colon() : string
- Get part of a string before :.
- wc_array_merge_recursive_numeric() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Array merge and sum function.
- wc_implode_html_attributes() : string
- Implode and escape HTML attributes for output.
- wc_esc_json() : string
- Escape JSON for use on HTML or attribute text nodes.
- wc_parse_relative_date_option() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Parse a relative date option from the settings API into a standard format.
- wc_sanitize_endpoint_slug() : string
- Format the endpoint slug, strip out anything not allowed in a url.
- wc_notice_count() : int
- Get the count of notices added, either for all notices (default) or for one.
- wc_has_notice() : bool
- Check if a notice has already been added.
- wc_add_notice() : mixed
- Add and store a notice.
- wc_set_notices() : mixed
- Set all notices at once.
- wc_clear_notices() : mixed
- Unset all notices.
- wc_print_notices() : string|void
- Prints messages and errors which are stored in the session, then clears them.
- wc_print_notice() : mixed
- Print a single notice immediately.
- wc_get_notices() : array<string|int, array<string|int, mixed>>
- Returns all queued notices, optionally filtered by a notice type.
- wc_add_wp_error_notices() : mixed
- Add notices for WP Errors.
- wc_kses_notice() : string
- Filters out the same tags as wp_kses_post, but allows tabindex for <a> element.
- wc_get_notice_data_attr() : string
- Get notice data attribute.
- wc_get_orders() : array<string|int, WC_Order>|stdClass
- Standard way of retrieving orders based on certain parameters.
- wc_get_order() : bool|WC_Order|WC_Order_Refund
- Main function for returning orders, uses the WC_Order_Factory class.
- wc_get_order_statuses() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Get all order statuses.
- wc_is_order_status() : bool
- See if a string is an order status.
- wc_get_is_paid_statuses() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Get list of statuses which are consider 'paid'.
- wc_get_is_pending_statuses() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Get list of statuses which are consider 'pending payment'.
- wc_get_order_status_name() : string
- Get the nice name for an order status.
- wc_generate_order_key() : string
- Generate an order key with prefix.
- wc_get_order_id_by_order_key() : int
- Finds an Order ID based on an order key.
- wc_get_order_types() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Get all registered order types.
- wc_get_order_type() : bool|array<string|int, mixed>
- Get an order type by post type name.
- wc_register_order_type() : bool
- Register order type. Do not use before init.
- wc_processing_order_count() : int
- Return the count of processing orders.
- wc_orders_count() : int
- Return the orders count of a specific order status.
- wc_downloadable_file_permission() : int|bool
- Grant downloadable product access to the file identified by $download_id.
- wc_downloadable_product_permissions() : mixed
- Order Status completed - give downloadable product access to customer.
- wc_delete_shop_order_transients() : mixed
- Clear all transients cache for order data.
- wc_ship_to_billing_address_only() : bool
- See if we only ship to billing addresses.
- wc_create_refund() : WC_Order_Refund|WP_Error
- Create a new order refund programmatically.
- wc_refund_payment() : bool|WP_Error
- Try to refund the payment for an order via the gateway.
- wc_restock_refunded_items() : mixed
- Restock items during refund.
- wc_get_tax_class_by_tax_id() : string
- Get tax class by tax id.
- wc_get_payment_gateway_by_order() : WC_Payment_Gateway|bool
- Get payment gateway class by order data.
- wc_order_fully_refunded() : mixed
- When refunding an order, create a refund line item if the partial refunds do not match order total.
- wc_order_search() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Search orders.
- wc_update_total_sales_counts() : mixed
- Update total sales amount for each product within a paid order.
- wc_update_coupon_usage_counts() : mixed
- Update used coupon amount for each coupon within an order.
- wc_cancel_unpaid_orders() : mixed
- Cancel all unpaid orders after held duration to prevent stock lock for those products.
- wc_sanitize_order_id() : mixed
- Sanitize order id removing unwanted characters.
- wc_get_order_note() : stdClass|null
- Get an order note.
- wc_get_order_notes() : array<string|int, stdClass>
- Get order notes.
- wc_create_order_note() : int|WP_Error
- Create an order note.
- wc_delete_order_note() : bool
- Delete an order note.
- wc_add_order_item() : int|bool
- Add a item to an order (for example a line item).
- wc_update_order_item() : bool
- Update an item for an order.
- wc_delete_order_item() : bool
- Delete an item from the order it belongs to based on item id.
- wc_update_order_item_meta() : bool
- WooCommerce Order Item Meta API - Update term meta.
- wc_add_order_item_meta() : int
- WooCommerce Order Item Meta API - Add term meta.
- wc_delete_order_item_meta() : bool
- WooCommerce Order Item Meta API - Delete term meta.
- wc_get_order_item_meta() : mixed
- WooCommerce Order Item Meta API - Get term meta.
- wc_get_order_id_by_order_item_id() : int
- Get order ID by order item ID.
- wc_page_endpoint_title() : string
- Replace a page title with the endpoint title.
- wc_get_page_id() : int
- Retrieve page ids - used for myaccount, edit_address, shop, cart, checkout, pay, view_order, terms. returns -1 if no page is found.
- wc_get_page_permalink() : string
- Retrieve page permalink.
- wc_get_endpoint_url() : string
- Get endpoint URL.
- wc_nav_menu_items() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Hide menu items conditionally.
- wc_nav_menu_item_classes() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Fix active class in nav for shop page.
- wc_list_pages() : string
- Fix active class in wp_list_pages for shop page.
- wc_get_products() : array<string|int, mixed>|stdClass
- Standard way of retrieving products based on certain parameters.
- wc_get_product() : WC_Product|null|false
- Main function for returning products, uses the WC_Product_Factory class.
- wc_get_product_object() : WC_Product
- Get a product object.
- wc_product_sku_enabled() : bool
- Returns whether or not SKUS are enabled.
- wc_product_weight_enabled() : bool
- Returns whether or not product weights are enabled.
- wc_product_dimensions_enabled() : bool
- Returns whether or not product dimensions (HxWxD) are enabled.
- wc_delete_product_transients() : mixed
- Clear transient cache for product data.
- wc_get_product_ids_on_sale() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Function that returns an array containing the IDs of the products that are on sale.
- wc_get_featured_product_ids() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Function that returns an array containing the IDs of the featured products.
- wc_product_post_type_link() : string
- Filter to allow product_cat in the permalinks for products.
- wc_placeholder_img_src() : string
- Get the placeholder image URL either from media, or use the fallback image.
- wc_placeholder_img() : string
- Get the placeholder image.
- wc_get_formatted_variation() : string
- Variation Formatting.
- wc_scheduled_sales() : mixed
- Function which handles the start and end of scheduled sales via cron.
- wc_get_attachment_image_attributes() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Get attachment image attributes.
- wc_prepare_attachment_for_js() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Prepare attachment for JavaScript.
- wc_track_product_view() : mixed
- Track product views.
- wc_get_product_types() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Get product types.
- wc_product_has_unique_sku() : bool
- Check if product sku is unique.
- wc_product_force_unique_sku() : mixed
- Force a unique SKU.
- wc_product_generate_unique_sku() : string
- Recursively appends a suffix until a unique SKU is found.
- wc_get_product_id_by_sku() : int
- Get product ID by SKU.
- wc_get_product_variation_attributes() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Get attributes/data for an individual variation from the database and maintain it's integrity.
- wc_get_product_cat_ids() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Get all product cats for a product by ID, including hierarchy
- wc_get_product_attachment_props() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Gets data about an attachment, such as alt text and captions.
- wc_get_product_visibility_options() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Get product visibility options.
- wc_get_product_tax_class_options() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Get product tax class options.
- wc_get_product_stock_status_options() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Get stock status options.
- wc_get_product_backorder_options() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Get backorder options.
- wc_get_related_products() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Get related products based on product category and tags.
- wc_get_product_term_ids() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Retrieves product term ids for a taxonomy.
- wc_get_price_including_tax() : float|string
- For a given product, and optionally price/qty, work out the price with tax included, based on store settings.
- wc_get_price_excluding_tax() : float|string
- For a given product, and optionally price/qty, work out the price with tax excluded, based on store settings.
- wc_get_price_to_display() : float
- Returns the price including or excluding tax.
- wc_get_product_category_list() : string
- Returns the product categories in a list.
- wc_get_product_tag_list() : string
- Returns the product tags in a list.
- wc_products_array_filter_visible() : bool
- Callback for array filter to get visible only.
- wc_products_array_filter_visible_grouped() : bool
- Callback for array filter to get visible grouped products only.
- wc_products_array_filter_editable() : bool
- Callback for array filter to get products the user can edit only.
- wc_products_array_filter_readable() : bool
- Callback for array filter to get products the user can view only.
- wc_products_array_orderby() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Sort an array of products by a value.
- wc_products_array_orderby_title() : int
- Sort by title.
- wc_products_array_orderby_id() : int
- Sort by id.
- wc_products_array_orderby_date() : int
- Sort by date.
- wc_products_array_orderby_modified() : int
- Sort by modified.
- wc_products_array_orderby_menu_order() : int
- Sort by menu order.
- wc_products_array_orderby_price() : int
- Sort by price low to high.
- wc_deferred_product_sync() : mixed
- Queue a product for syncing at the end of the request.
- wc_update_product_lookup_tables_is_running() : bool
- See if the lookup table is being generated already.
- wc_update_product_lookup_tables() : mixed
- Populate lookup table data for products.
- wc_update_product_lookup_tables_column() : mixed
- Populate lookup table column data.
- wc_update_product_lookup_tables_rating_count() : mixed
- Populate rating count lookup table data for products.
- wc_update_product_lookup_tables_rating_count_batch() : mixed
- Populate a batch of rating count lookup table data for products.
- wc_product_attach_featured_image() : void
- Attach product featured image. Use image filename to match a product sku when product is not provided.
- wc_rest_prepare_date_response() : string|null
- Parses and formats a date for ISO8601/RFC3339.
- wc_rest_allowed_image_mime_types() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Returns image mime types users are allowed to upload via the API.
- wc_rest_upload_image_from_url() : array<string|int, mixed>|WP_Error
- Upload image from URL.
- wc_rest_set_uploaded_image_as_attachment() : int
- Set uploaded image as attachment.
- wc_rest_validate_reports_request_arg() : WP_Error|bool
- Validate reports request arguments.
- wc_rest_urlencode_rfc3986() : string|array<string|int, mixed>
- Encodes a value according to RFC 3986.
- wc_rest_check_post_permissions() : bool
- Check permissions of posts on REST API.
- wc_rest_check_user_permissions() : bool
- Check permissions of users on REST API.
- wc_rest_check_product_term_permissions() : bool
- Check permissions of product terms on REST API.
- wc_rest_check_manager_permissions() : bool
- Check manager permissions on REST API.
- wc_rest_check_product_reviews_permissions() : bool
- Check product reviews permissions on REST API.
- wc_rest_is_from_product_editor() : bool
- Returns true if the current REST request is from the product editor.
- wc_update_product_stock() : bool|int|null
- Update a product's stock amount.
- wc_update_product_stock_status() : mixed
- Update a product's stock status.
- wc_maybe_reduce_stock_levels() : mixed
- When a payment is complete, we can reduce stock levels for items within an order.
- wc_maybe_increase_stock_levels() : mixed
- When a payment is cancelled, restore stock.
- wc_reduce_stock_levels() : mixed
- Reduce stock levels for items within an order, if stock has not already been reduced for the items.
- wc_trigger_stock_change_notifications() : mixed
- After stock change events, triggers emails and adds order notes.
- wc_increase_stock_levels() : mixed
- Increase stock levels for items within an order.
- wc_get_held_stock_quantity() : int
- See how much stock is being held in pending orders.
- wc_reserve_stock_for_order() : mixed
- Hold stock for an order.
- wc_release_stock_for_order() : mixed
- Release held stock for an order.
- wc_get_low_stock_amount() : int
- Return low stock amount to determine if notification needs to be sent
- wc_template_redirect() : mixed
- Handle redirects before content is output - hooked into template_redirect so is_page works.
- wc_send_frame_options_header() : mixed
- When loading sensitive checkout or account pages, send a HTTP header to limit rendering of pages to same origin iframes for security reasons.
- wc_prevent_endpoint_indexing() : mixed
- No index our endpoints.
- wc_prevent_adjacent_posts_rel_link_wp_head() : mixed
- Remove adjacent_posts_rel_link_wp_head - pointless for products.
- wc_gallery_noscript() : mixed
- Show the gallery if JS is disabled.
- wc_setup_product_data() : WC_Product
- When the_post is called, put product data into a global.
- wc_setup_loop() : mixed
- Sets up the woocommerce_loop global from the passed args or from the main query.
- wc_reset_loop() : mixed
- Resets the woocommerce_loop global.
- wc_get_loop_prop() : mixed
- Gets a property from the woocommerce_loop global.
- wc_set_loop_prop() : mixed
- Sets a property in the woocommerce_loop global.
- wc_set_loop_product_visibility() : mixed
- Set the current visbility for a product in the woocommerce_loop global.
- wc_get_loop_product_visibility() : bool|null
- Gets the cached current visibility for a product from the woocommerce_loop global.
- woocommerce_product_loop() : bool
- Should the WooCommerce loop be displayed?
- wc_generator_tag() : string
- Output generator tag to aid debugging.
- wc_body_class() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Add body classes for WC pages.
- wc_no_js() : mixed
- NO JS handling.
- wc_product_cat_class() : mixed
- Display the classes for the product cat div.
- wc_get_default_products_per_row() : int
- Get the default columns setting - this is how many products will be shown per row in loops.
- wc_get_default_product_rows_per_page() : int
- Get the default rows setting - this is how many product rows will be shown in loops.
- wc_reset_product_grid_settings() : mixed
- Reset the product grid settings when a new theme is activated.
- wc_get_loop_class() : string
- Get classname for woocommerce loops.
- wc_get_product_cat_class() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Get the classes for the product cat div.
- wc_product_post_class() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Adds extra post classes for products via the WordPress post_class hook, if used.
- wc_get_product_taxonomy_class() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Get product taxonomy HTML classes.
- wc_get_product_class() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Retrieves the classes for the post div as an array.
- wc_product_class() : mixed
- Display the classes for the product div.
- wc_query_string_form_fields() : string
- Outputs hidden form inputs for each query string variable.
- wc_terms_and_conditions_page_id() : int
- Get the terms and conditions page ID.
- wc_privacy_policy_page_id() : int
- Get the privacy policy page ID.
- wc_terms_and_conditions_checkbox_enabled() : bool
- See if the checkbox is enabled or not based on the existence of the terms page and checkbox text.
- wc_get_terms_and_conditions_checkbox_text() : string
- Get the terms and conditions checkbox text, if set.
- wc_get_privacy_policy_text() : string
- Get the privacy policy text, if set.
- wc_terms_and_conditions_checkbox_text() : mixed
- Output t&c checkbox text.
- wc_terms_and_conditions_page_content() : mixed
- Output t&c page's content (if set). The page can be set from checkout settings.
- wc_checkout_privacy_policy_text() : mixed
- Render privacy policy text on the checkout.
- wc_registration_privacy_policy_text() : mixed
- Render privacy policy text on the register forms.
- wc_privacy_policy_text() : mixed
- Output privacy policy text. This is custom text which can be added via the customizer/privacy settings section.
- wc_replace_policy_page_link_placeholders() : string
- Replaces placeholders with links to WooCommerce policy pages.
- woocommerce_content() : mixed
- Output WooCommerce content.
- woocommerce_output_content_wrapper() : mixed
- Output the start of the page wrapper.
- woocommerce_output_content_wrapper_end() : mixed
- Output the end of the page wrapper.
- woocommerce_get_sidebar() : mixed
- Get the shop sidebar template.
- woocommerce_demo_store() : mixed
- Adds a demo store banner to the site if enabled.
- woocommerce_page_title() : string
- Page Title function.
- woocommerce_product_loop_start() : string
- Output the start of a product loop. By default this is a UL.
- woocommerce_product_loop_end() : string
- Output the end of a product loop. By default this is a UL.
- woocommerce_template_loop_product_title() : mixed
- Show the product title in the product loop. By default this is an H2.
- woocommerce_template_loop_category_title() : mixed
- Show the subcategory title in the product loop.
- woocommerce_template_loop_product_link_open() : mixed
- Insert the opening anchor tag for products in the loop.
- woocommerce_template_loop_product_link_close() : mixed
- Insert the closing anchor tag for products in the loop.
- woocommerce_template_loop_category_link_open() : mixed
- Insert the opening anchor tag for categories in the loop.
- woocommerce_template_loop_category_link_close() : mixed
- Insert the closing anchor tag for categories in the loop.
- woocommerce_product_taxonomy_archive_header() : mixed
- Output the products header on taxonomy archives.
- woocommerce_taxonomy_archive_description() : mixed
- Show an archive description on taxonomy archives.
- woocommerce_product_archive_description() : mixed
- Show a shop page description on product archives.
- woocommerce_template_loop_add_to_cart() : mixed
- Get the add to cart template for the loop.
- woocommerce_template_loop_product_thumbnail() : mixed
- Get the product thumbnail for the loop.
- woocommerce_template_loop_price() : mixed
- Get the product price for the loop.
- woocommerce_template_loop_rating() : mixed
- Display the average rating in the loop.
- woocommerce_show_product_loop_sale_flash() : mixed
- Get the sale flash for the loop.
- woocommerce_get_product_thumbnail() : string
- Get the product thumbnail, or the placeholder if not set.
- woocommerce_result_count() : mixed
- Output the result count text (Showing x - x of x results).
- woocommerce_catalog_ordering() : mixed
- Output the product sorting options.
- woocommerce_pagination() : mixed
- Output the pagination.
- woocommerce_show_product_images() : mixed
- Output the product image before the single product summary.
- woocommerce_show_product_thumbnails() : mixed
- Output the product thumbnails.
- wc_get_gallery_image_html() : string
- Get HTML for a gallery image.
- woocommerce_output_product_data_tabs() : mixed
- Output the product tabs.
- woocommerce_template_single_title() : mixed
- Output the product title.
- woocommerce_template_single_rating() : mixed
- Output the product rating.
- woocommerce_template_single_price() : mixed
- Output the product price.
- woocommerce_template_single_excerpt() : mixed
- Output the product short description (excerpt).
- woocommerce_template_single_meta() : mixed
- Output the product meta.
- woocommerce_template_single_sharing() : mixed
- Output the product sharing.
- woocommerce_show_product_sale_flash() : mixed
- Output the product sale flash.
- woocommerce_template_single_add_to_cart() : mixed
- Trigger the single product add to cart action.
- woocommerce_simple_add_to_cart() : mixed
- Output the simple product add to cart area.
- woocommerce_grouped_add_to_cart() : mixed
- Output the grouped product add to cart area.
- woocommerce_variable_add_to_cart() : mixed
- Output the variable product add to cart area.
- woocommerce_external_add_to_cart() : mixed
- Output the external product add to cart area.
- woocommerce_quantity_input() : string
- Output the quantity input for add to cart forms.
- woocommerce_product_description_tab() : mixed
- Output the description tab content.
- woocommerce_product_additional_information_tab() : mixed
- Output the attributes tab content.
- woocommerce_default_product_tabs() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Add default product tabs to product pages.
- woocommerce_sort_product_tabs() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Sort tabs by priority.
- woocommerce_comments() : mixed
- Output the Review comments template.
- woocommerce_review_display_gravatar() : void
- Display the review authors gravatar
- woocommerce_review_display_rating() : void
- Display the reviewers star rating
- woocommerce_review_display_meta() : void
- Display the review authors meta (name, verified owner, review date)
- woocommerce_review_display_comment_text() : mixed
- Display the review content.
- woocommerce_output_related_products() : mixed
- Output the related products.
- woocommerce_related_products() : mixed
- Output the related products.
- woocommerce_upsell_display() : mixed
- Output product up sells.
- woocommerce_shipping_calculator() : mixed
- Output the cart shipping calculator.
- woocommerce_cart_totals() : mixed
- Output the cart totals.
- woocommerce_cross_sell_display() : mixed
- Output the cart cross-sells.
- woocommerce_button_proceed_to_checkout() : mixed
- Output the proceed to checkout button.
- woocommerce_widget_shopping_cart_button_view_cart() : mixed
- Output the view cart button.
- woocommerce_widget_shopping_cart_proceed_to_checkout() : mixed
- Output the proceed to checkout button.
- woocommerce_widget_shopping_cart_subtotal() : mixed
- Output to view cart subtotal.
- woocommerce_mini_cart() : mixed
- Output the Mini-cart - used by cart widget.
- woocommerce_login_form() : mixed
- Output the WooCommerce Login Form.
- woocommerce_checkout_login_form() : mixed
- Output the WooCommerce Checkout Login Form.
- woocommerce_breadcrumb() : mixed
- Output the WooCommerce Breadcrumb.
- woocommerce_order_review() : mixed
- Output the Order review table for the checkout.
- woocommerce_checkout_payment() : mixed
- Output the Payment Methods on the checkout.
- woocommerce_checkout_coupon_form() : mixed
- Output the Coupon form for the checkout.
- woocommerce_products_will_display() : bool
- Check if we will be showing products or not (and not sub-categories only).
- woocommerce_get_loop_display_mode() : string
- See what is going to display in the loop.
- woocommerce_maybe_show_product_subcategories() : string
- Maybe display categories before, or instead of, a product loop.
- woocommerce_product_subcategories() : null|bool
- This is a legacy function which used to check if we needed to display subcats and then output them. It was called by templates.
- woocommerce_output_product_categories() : bool
- Display product sub categories as thumbnails.
- woocommerce_get_product_subcategories() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Get (and cache) product subcategories.
- woocommerce_subcategory_thumbnail() : mixed
- Show subcategory thumbnails.
- woocommerce_order_details_table() : mixed
- Displays order details in a table.
- woocommerce_order_downloads_table() : mixed
- Displays order downloads in a table.
- woocommerce_order_again_button() : mixed
- Display an 'order again' button on the view order page.
- woocommerce_form_field() : string
- Outputs a checkout/address form field.
- get_product_search_form() : string
- Display product search form.
- woocommerce_output_auth_header() : mixed
- Output the Auth header.
- woocommerce_output_auth_footer() : mixed
- Output the Auth footer.
- woocommerce_single_variation() : mixed
- Output placeholders for the single variation.
- woocommerce_single_variation_add_to_cart_button() : mixed
- Output the add to cart button for variations.
- wc_dropdown_variation_attribute_options() : mixed
- Output a list of variation attributes for use in the cart forms.
- woocommerce_account_content() : mixed
- My Account content output.
- woocommerce_account_navigation() : mixed
- My Account navigation template.
- woocommerce_account_orders() : mixed
- My Account > Orders template.
- woocommerce_account_view_order() : mixed
- My Account > View order template.
- woocommerce_account_downloads() : mixed
- My Account > Downloads template.
- woocommerce_account_edit_address() : mixed
- My Account > Edit address template.
- woocommerce_account_payment_methods() : mixed
- My Account > Downloads template.
- woocommerce_account_add_payment_method() : mixed
- My Account > Add payment method template.
- woocommerce_account_edit_account() : mixed
- My Account > Edit account template.
- wc_no_products_found() : mixed
- Handles the loop when no products were found/no product exist.
- wc_get_email_order_items() : string
- Get HTML for the order items to be shown in emails.
- wc_display_item_meta() : string|void
- Display item meta data.
- wc_display_item_downloads() : string|void
- Display item download links.
- woocommerce_photoswipe() : mixed
- Get the shop sidebar template.
- wc_display_product_attributes() : mixed
- Outputs a list of product attributes for a product.
- wc_get_stock_html() : string
- Get HTML to show product stock.
- wc_get_rating_html() : string
- Get HTML for ratings.
- wc_get_star_rating_html() : string
- Get HTML for star rating.
- wc_get_price_html_from_text() : string
- Returns a 'from' prefix if you want to show where prices start at.
- wc_logout_url() : string
- Get logout endpoint.
- wc_empty_cart_message() : mixed
- Show notice if cart is empty.
- wc_page_noindex() : mixed
- Disable search engines indexing core, dynamic, cart/checkout pages.
- wc_page_no_robots() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Disable search engines indexing core, dynamic, cart/checkout pages.
- wc_get_theme_slug_for_templates() : string
- Get a slug identifying the current theme.
- wc_get_formatted_cart_item_data() : string
- Gets and formats a list of cart item data + variations for display on the frontend.
- wc_get_cart_remove_url() : string
- Gets the url to remove an item from the cart.
- wc_get_cart_undo_url() : string
- Gets the url to re-add an item into the cart.
- woocommerce_output_all_notices() : mixed
- Outputs all queued notices on WC pages.
- wc_products_rss_feed() : mixed
- Products RSS Feed.
- woocommerce_reset_loop() : mixed
- Reset the loop's index and columns when we're done outputting a product loop.
- woocommerce_product_reviews_tab() : mixed
- Output the reviews tab content.
- wc_get_pay_buttons() : mixed
- Display pay buttons HTML.
- wc_update_product_archive_title() : string
- Update the product archive title to the title of the shop page. Fallback to 'Shop' if the shop page doesn't exist.
- wc_change_get_terms_defaults() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Change get terms defaults for attributes to order by the sorting setting, or default to menu_order for sortable taxonomies.
- wc_change_pre_get_terms() : mixed
- Adds support to get_terms for menu_order argument.
- wc_terms_clauses() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Adjust term query to handle custom sorting parameters.
- wc_get_object_terms() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Helper to get cached object terms and filter by field using wp_list_pluck().
- _wc_get_cached_product_terms() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Cached version of wp_get_post_terms().
- wc_get_product_terms() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Wrapper used to get terms for a product.
- _wc_get_product_terms_name_num_usort_callback() : int
- Sort by name (numeric).
- _wc_get_product_terms_parent_usort_callback() : int
- Sort by parent.
- wc_product_dropdown_categories() : mixed
- WooCommerce Dropdown categories.
- wc_walk_category_dropdown_tree() : mixed
- Custom walker for Product Categories.
- wc_taxonomy_metadata_migrate_data() : mixed
- Migrate data from WC term meta to WP term meta.
- wc_reorder_terms() : int
- Move a term before the a given element of its hierarchy level.
- wc_set_term_order() : int
- Set the sort order of a term.
- _wc_term_recount() : mixed
- Function for recounting product terms, ignoring hidden products.
- wc_recount_after_stock_change() : mixed
- Recount terms after the stock amount changes.
- wc_change_term_counts() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Overrides the original term count for product categories and tags with the product count.
- wc_get_term_product_ids() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Return products in a given term, and cache value.
- wc_clear_term_product_ids() : mixed
- When a post is updated and terms recounted (called by _update_post_term_count), clear the ids.
- wc_get_product_visibility_term_ids() : array<string|int, int>
- Get full list of product visibility term ids.
- wc_recount_all_terms() : void
- Recounts all terms.
- _wc_recount_terms_by_product() : void
- Recounts terms by product.
- wc_update_200_file_paths() : void
- Update file paths for 2.0
- wc_update_200_permalinks() : void
- Update permalinks for 2.0
- wc_update_200_subcat_display() : void
- Update sub-category display options for 2.0
- wc_update_200_taxrates() : void
- Update tax rates for 2.0
- wc_update_200_line_items() : void
- Update order item line items for 2.0
- wc_update_200_images() : void
- Update image settings for 2.0
- wc_update_200_db_version() : void
- Update DB version for 2.0
- wc_update_209_brazillian_state() : void
- Update Brazilian States for 2.0.9
- wc_update_209_db_version() : void
- Update DB version for 2.0.9
- wc_update_210_remove_pages() : void
- Remove pages for 2.1
- wc_update_210_file_paths() : void
- Update file paths to support multiple files for 2.1
- wc_update_210_db_version() : void
- Update DB version for 2.1
- wc_update_220_shipping() : void
- Update shipping options for 2.2
- wc_update_220_order_status() : void
- Update order statuses for 2.2
- wc_update_220_variations() : void
- Update variations for 2.2
- wc_update_220_attributes() : void
- Update attributes for 2.2
- wc_update_220_db_version() : void
- Update DB version for 2.2
- wc_update_230_options() : void
- Update options for 2.3
- wc_update_230_db_version() : void
- Update DB version for 2.3
- wc_update_240_options() : void
- Update calc discount options for 2.4
- wc_update_240_shipping_methods() : void
- Update shipping methods for 2.4
- wc_update_240_api_keys() : void
- Update API keys for 2.4
- wc_update_240_webhooks() : void
- Update webhooks for 2.4
- wc_update_240_refunds() : void
- Update refunds for 2.4
- wc_update_240_db_version() : void
- Update DB version for 2.4
- wc_update_241_variations() : void
- Update variations for 2.4.1
- wc_update_241_db_version() : void
- Update DB version for 2.4.1
- wc_update_250_currency() : void
- Update currency settings for 2.5
- wc_update_250_db_version() : void
- Update DB version for 2.5
- wc_update_260_options() : void
- Update ship to countries options for 2.6
- wc_update_260_termmeta() : void
- Update term meta for 2.6
- wc_update_260_zones() : void
- Update zones for 2.6
- wc_update_260_zone_methods() : void
- Update zone methods for 2.6
- wc_update_260_refunds() : void
- Update refunds for 2.6
- wc_update_260_db_version() : void
- Update DB version for 2.6
- wc_update_300_webhooks() : void
- Update webhooks for 3.0
- wc_update_300_comment_type_index() : mixed
- Add an index to the field comment_type to improve the response time of the query used by WC_Comments::wp_count_comments() to get the number of comments by type.
- wc_update_300_grouped_products() : void
- Update grouped products for 3.0
- wc_update_300_settings() : void
- Update shipping tax classes for 3.0
- wc_update_300_product_visibility() : mixed
- Convert meta values into term for product visibility.
- wc_update_300_db_version() : mixed
- Update DB Version.
- wc_update_310_downloadable_products() : mixed
- Add an index to the downloadable product permissions table to improve performance of update_user_by_order_id.
- wc_update_310_old_comments() : mixed
- Find old order notes and ensure they have the correct type for exclusion.
- wc_update_310_db_version() : mixed
- Update DB Version.
- wc_update_312_shop_manager_capabilities() : mixed
- Update shop_manager capabilities.
- wc_update_312_db_version() : mixed
- Update DB Version.
- wc_update_320_mexican_states() : mixed
- Update state codes for Mexico.
- wc_update_320_db_version() : mixed
- Update DB Version.
- wc_update_330_image_options() : mixed
- Update image settings to use new aspect ratios and widths.
- wc_update_330_webhooks() : mixed
- Migrate webhooks from post type to CRUD.
- wc_update_330_set_default_product_cat() : mixed
- Assign default cat to all products with no cats.
- wc_update_330_product_stock_status() : mixed
- Update product stock status to use the new onbackorder status.
- wc_update_330_clear_transients() : mixed
- Clear addons page transients
- wc_update_330_set_paypal_sandbox_credentials() : mixed
- Set PayPal's sandbox credentials.
- wc_update_330_db_version() : mixed
- Update DB Version.
- wc_update_340_states() : mixed
- Update state codes for Ireland and BD.
- wc_update_340_state() : bool
- Update next state in the queue.
- wc_update_340_last_active() : mixed
- Set last active prop for users.
- wc_update_340_db_version() : mixed
- Update DB Version.
- wc_update_343_cleanup_foreign_keys() : void
- Remove duplicate foreign keys
- wc_update_343_db_version() : void
- Update DB version.
- wc_update_344_recreate_roles() : void
- Recreate user roles so existing users will get the new capabilities.
- wc_update_344_db_version() : void
- Update DB version.
- wc_update_350_reviews_comment_type() : mixed
- Set the comment type to 'review' for product reviews that don't have a comment type.
- wc_update_350_db_version() : mixed
- Update DB Version.
- wc_update_352_drop_download_log_fk() : void
- Drop the fk_wc_download_log_permission_id FK as we use a new one with the table and blog prefix for MS compatibility.
- wc_update_354_modify_shop_manager_caps() : mixed
- Remove edit_user capabilities from shop managers and use "translated" capabilities instead.
- wc_update_354_db_version() : mixed
- Update DB Version.
- wc_update_360_product_lookup_tables() : mixed
- Update product lookup tables in bulk.
- wc_update_360_term_meta() : mixed
- Renames ordering meta to be consistent across taxonomies.
- wc_update_360_downloadable_product_permissions_index() : void
- Add new user_order_remaining_expires to speed up user download permission fetching.
- wc_update_360_db_version() : mixed
- Update DB Version.
- wc_update_370_tax_rate_classes() : void
- Put tax classes into a DB table.
- wc_update_370_mro_std_currency() : void
- Update currency settings for 3.7.0
- wc_update_370_db_version() : mixed
- Update DB Version.
- wc_update_390_move_maxmind_database() : mixed
- We've moved the MaxMind database to a new location, as per the TOS' requirement that the database not be publicly accessible.
- wc_update_390_change_geolocation_database_update_cron() : mixed
- So that we can best meet MaxMind's TOS, the geolocation database update cron should run once per 15 days.
- wc_update_390_db_version() : mixed
- Update DB version.
- wc_update_400_increase_size_of_column() : mixed
- Increase column size
- wc_update_400_reset_action_scheduler_migration_status() : mixed
- Reset ActionScheduler migration status. Needs AS >= 3.0 shipped with WC >= 4.0.
- wc_update_400_db_version() : mixed
- Update DB version.
- wc_update_440_insert_attribute_terms_for_variable_products() : bool
- Register attributes as terms for variable products, in increments of 100 products.
- wc_update_440_db_version() : mixed
- Update DB version.
- wc_update_450_db_version() : mixed
- Update DB version to 4.5.0.
- wc_update_450_sanitize_coupons_code() : bool
- Sanitize all coupons code.
- wc_update_500_fix_product_review_count() : mixed
- Fixes product review count that might have been incorrect.
- wc_update_500_db_version() : mixed
- Update DB version to 5.0.0.
- wc_update_560_create_refund_returns_page() : mixed
- Creates the refund and returns policy page.
- wc_update_560_db_version() : mixed
- Update DB version to 5.6.0.
- wc_update_600_migrate_rate_limit_options() : mixed
- Migrate rate limit options to the new table.
- wc_update_600_db_version() : mixed
- Update DB version to 6.0.0.
- wc_update_630_create_product_attributes_lookup_table() : false
- Create the product attributes lookup table and initiate its filling, unless the table had been already created manually (via the tools page).
- wc_update_630_db_version() : mixed
- Update DB version to 6.3.0.
- wc_update_640_add_primary_key_to_product_attributes_lookup_table() : bool
- Create the primary key for the product attributes lookup table if it doesn't exist already.
- wc_update_640_db_version() : mixed
- Update DB version to 6.4.0.
- wc_update_650_approved_download_directories() : mixed
- Add the standard WooCommerce upload directories to the Approved Product Download Directories list and start populating it based on existing product download URLs, but do not enable the feature (for existing installations, a site admin should review and make a conscious decision to enable).
- wc_update_651_approved_download_directories() : mixed
- In some cases, the approved download directories table may not have been successfully created during the update to 6.5.0. If this was the case we will need to re-initialize the feature.
- wc_update_670_purge_comments_count_cache() : mixed
- Purges the comments count cache after 6.7.0 split reviews from the comments page.
- wc_update_700_remove_download_log_fk() : void
- Remove unnecessary foreign keys.
- wc_update_700_remove_recommended_marketing_plugins_transient() : mixed
- Remove the transient data for recommended marketing extensions.
- wc_update_721_adjust_new_zealand_states() : mixed
- Update the New Zealand state codes in the database after they were updated in code to the CLDR standard.
- wc_update_721_adjust_ukraine_states() : mixed
- Update the Ukraine state codes in the database after they were updated in code to the CLDR standard.
- wc_update_722_adjust_new_zealand_states() : mixed
- Update the New Zealand state codes in the database after they were updated in code to the CLDR standard.
- wc_update_722_adjust_ukraine_states() : mixed
- Update the Ukraine state codes in the database after they were updated in code to the CLDR standard.
- wc_update_750_add_columns_to_order_stats_table() : mixed
- Add new columns date_paid and date_completed to wp_wc_order_stats table in order to provide the option of using the dates in the reports
- wc_update_750_disable_new_product_management_experience() : void
- Disable the experimental product management experience.
- wc_update_770_remove_multichannel_marketing_feature_options() : mixed
- Remove the multichannel marketing feature flag and options. This feature is now enabled by default.
- wc_update_810_migrate_transactional_metadata_for_hpos() : bool
- Migrate transaction data which was being incorrectly stored in the postmeta table to HPOS tables.
- wc_update_860_remove_recommended_marketing_plugins_transient() : mixed
- Remove the transient data for recommended marketing extensions.
- wc_update_870_prevent_listing_of_transient_files_directory() : mixed
- Create an .htaccess file and an empty index.html file to prevent listing of the default transient files directory, if the directory exists.
- wc_update_890_update_connect_to_woocommerce_note() : mixed
- If it exists, remove and recreate the inbox note that asks users to connect to `Woo.com` so that the domain name is changed to the updated `WooCommerce.com`.
- wc_update_890_update_paypal_standard_load_eligibility() : mixed
- Disables the PayPal Standard gateway for stores that aren't using it.
- wc_update_891_create_plugin_autoinstall_history_option() : mixed
- Create the woocommerce_history_of_autoinstalled_plugins option if it doesn't exist as a copy of woocommerce_autoinstalled_plugins if it exists.
- wc_update_910_add_launch_your_store_tour_option() : mixed
- Add woocommerce_show_lys_tour.
- wc_update_910_remove_obsolete_user_meta() : void
- Remove user meta associated with the keys '_last_order', '_order_count' and '_money_spent'.
- wc_disable_admin_bar() : bool
- Prevent any user who cannot 'edit_posts' (subscribers, customers etc) from seeing the admin bar.
- wc_create_new_customer() : int|WP_Error
- Create a new customer.
- wc_create_new_customer_username() : string
- Create a unique username for a new customer.
- wc_set_customer_auth_cookie() : mixed
- Login a customer (set auth cookie and set global user object).
- wc_update_new_customer_past_orders() : int
- Get past orders (by email) and update them.
- wc_paying_customer() : mixed
- Order payment completed - This is a paying customer.
- wc_customer_bought_product() : bool
- Checks if a user (by email or ID or both) has bought an item.
- wc_current_user_has_role() : bool
- Checks if the current user has a role.
- wc_user_has_role() : bool
- Checks if a user has a role.
- wc_customer_has_capability() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Checks if a user has a certain capability.
- wc_shop_manager_has_capability() : array<string|int, bool>
- Safe way of allowing shop managers restricted capabilities that will remove access to the capabilities if WooCommerce is deactivated.
- wc_modify_editable_roles() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Modify the list of editable roles to prevent non-admin adding admin users.
- wc_modify_map_meta_cap() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Modify capabilities to prevent non-admin users editing admin users.
- wc_get_customer_download_permissions() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Get customer download permissions from the database.
- wc_get_customer_available_downloads() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Get customer available downloads.
- wc_get_customer_total_spent() : string
- Get total spent by customer.
- wc_get_customer_order_count() : int
- Get total orders by customer.
- wc_reset_order_customer_id_on_deleted_user() : mixed
- Reset _customer_user on orders when a user is deleted.
- wc_review_is_from_verified_owner() : bool
- Get review verification status.
- wc_disable_author_archives_for_customers() : mixed
- Disable author archives for customers.
- wc_update_profile_last_update_time() : mixed
- Hooks into the `profile_update` hook to set the user last updated timestamp.
- wc_meta_update_last_update_time() : mixed
- Hooks into the update user meta function to set the user last updated timestamp.
- wc_set_user_last_update_time() : mixed
- Sets a user's "last update" time to the current timestamp.
- wc_get_customer_saved_methods_list() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Get customer saved payment methods list.
- wc_get_customer_last_order() : WC_Order|bool
- Get info about customer's last order.
- wc_user_search_columns() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Add support for searching by display_name.
- wc_delete_user_data() : mixed
- When a user is deleted in WordPress, delete corresponding WooCommerce data.
- wc_maybe_store_user_agent() : mixed
- Store user agents. Used for tracker.
- wc_user_logged_in() : mixed
- Update logic triggered on login.
- wc_current_user_is_active() : mixed
- Update when the user was last active.
- wc_update_user_last_active() : mixed
- Set the user last active timestamp to now.
- wc_translate_user_roles() : string
- Translate WC roles using the woocommerce textdomain.
- wc_webhook_execute_queue() : mixed
- Process the web hooks at the end of the request.
- wc_webhook_process_delivery() : mixed
- Process webhook delivery.
- wc_deliver_webhook_async() : mixed
- Wrapper function to execute the `woocommerce_deliver_webhook_async` cron.
- wc_is_webhook_valid_topic() : bool
- Check if the given topic is a valid webhook topic, a topic is valid if:
- wc_is_webhook_valid_status() : bool
- Check if given status is a valid webhook status.
- wc_get_webhook_statuses() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Get Webhook statuses.
- wc_load_webhooks() : bool
- Load webhooks.
- wc_get_webhook() : WC_Webhook|null
- Get webhook.
- wc_get_webhook_rest_api_versions() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Get webhoook REST API versions.
- wc_register_widgets() : mixed
- Register Widgets.
- woocommerce_register_additional_checkout_field() : mixed
- Register a checkout field.
- __experimental_woocommerce_blocks_register_checkout_field() : mixed
- Register a checkout field.
- woocommerce_interactivity_add_client_side_navigation_meta_tag() : mixed
- Print client-side navigation meta tag (hard-coded for now).
- wc_initial_state() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Merge data into the state with the given namespace.
- woocommerce_interactivity_move_interactive_scripts_to_the_footer() : mixed
- Move interactive scripts to the footer. This is a temporary measure to make it work with `wc_store` and it should be replaced with deferred scripts or modules.
- woocommerce_interactivity_register_runtime() : mixed
- Register the Interactivity API runtime and make it available to be enqueued as a dependency in interactive blocks.
- woocommerce_store_api_register_endpoint_data() : mixed
- Register endpoint data under a specified namespace.
- woocommerce_store_api_register_update_callback() : mixed
- Add callback functions that can be executed by the cart/extensions endpoint.
- woocommerce_store_api_register_payment_requirements() : mixed
- Registers and validates payment requirements callbacks.
- woocommerce_store_api_get_formatter() : FormatterInterface
- Returns a formatter instance.
- WC() : WooCommerce
- Returns the main instance of WC.
- wc_get_container() : Container
- Returns the WooCommerce object container.
Importer current locale.
wc_importer_current_locale() : string
Add English mapping placeholders when not using English as current language.
wc_importer_default_english_mappings(array<string|int, mixed> $mappings) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $mappings : array<string|int, mixed>
Importer columns mappings.
Add English special mapping placeholders when not using English as current language.
wc_importer_default_special_english_mappings(array<string|int, mixed> $mappings) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $mappings : array<string|int, mixed>
Importer columns mappings.
Add generic mappings.
wc_importer_generic_mappings(array<string|int, mixed> $mappings) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $mappings : array<string|int, mixed>
Importer columns mappings.
Add Shopify mappings.
wc_importer_shopify_mappings(array<string|int, mixed> $mappings, array<string|int, mixed> $raw_headers) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $mappings : array<string|int, mixed>
Importer columns mappings.
- $raw_headers : array<string|int, mixed>
Raw headers from CSV being imported.
Add special wildcard Shopify mappings.
wc_importer_shopify_special_mappings(array<string|int, mixed> $mappings, array<string|int, mixed> $raw_headers) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $mappings : array<string|int, mixed>
Importer columns mappings.
- $raw_headers : array<string|int, mixed>
Raw headers from CSV being imported.
Expand special Shopify columns to WC format.
wc_importer_shopify_expand_data(array<string|int, mixed> $data) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $data : array<string|int, mixed>
Array of data.
Add mappings for WordPress tables.
wc_importer_wordpress_mappings(array<string|int, mixed> $mappings) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $mappings : array<string|int, mixed>
Importer columns mappings.
Get all WooCommerce screen ids.
wc_get_screen_ids() : array<string|int, mixed>
Get page ID for a specific WC resource.
wc_get_page_screen_id(string $for) : string
- $for : string
Name of the resource.
Create a page and store the ID in an option.
wc_create_page(mixed $slug[, string $option = '' ][, string $page_title = '' ][, string $page_content = '' ], int $post_parent[, string $post_status = 'publish' ]) : int
- $slug : mixed
Slug for the new page.
- $option : string = ''
Option name to store the page's ID.
- $page_title : string = ''
(default: '') Title for the new page.
- $page_content : string = ''
(default: '') Content for the new page.
- $post_parent : int
(default: 0) Parent for the new page.
- $post_status : string = 'publish'
(default: publish) The post status of the new page.
Output admin fields.
woocommerce_admin_fields(array<string|int, mixed> $options) : mixed
Loops through the woocommerce options array and outputs each field.
- $options : array<string|int, mixed>
Opens array to output.
Update all settings which are passed.
woocommerce_update_options(array<string|int, mixed> $options[, array<string|int, mixed> $data = null ]) : mixed
- $options : array<string|int, mixed>
Option fields to save.
- $data : array<string|int, mixed> = null
Passed data.
Get a setting from the settings API.
woocommerce_settings_get_option(mixed $option_name[, mixed $default = '' ]) : string
- $option_name : mixed
Option name to save.
- $default : mixed = ''
Default value to save.
Sees if line item stock has already reduced stock, and whether those values need adjusting e.g. after changing item qty.
wc_maybe_adjust_line_item_product_stock(WC_Order_Item $item[, int $item_quantity = -1 ]) : bool|array<string|int, mixed>|WP_Error
- $item : WC_Order_Item
Item object.
- $item_quantity : int = -1
Optional quantity to check against. Read from object if not passed.
Save order items. Uses the CRUD.
wc_save_order_items(int $order_id, array<string|int, mixed> $items) : mixed
- $order_id : int
Order ID.
- $items : array<string|int, mixed>
Order items to save.
Get HTML for some action buttons. Used in list tables.
wc_render_action_buttons(array<string|int, mixed> $actions) : string
- $actions : array<string|int, mixed>
Actions to output.
Shows a notice if variations are missing prices.
wc_render_invalid_variation_notice(WC_Product $product_object) : mixed
- $product_object : WC_Product
Product object.
Output a text input box.
woocommerce_wp_text_input(array<string|int, mixed> $field[, WC_Data $data = null ]) : mixed
- $field : array<string|int, mixed>
Field data.
- $data : WC_Data = null
WC_Data object, will be preferred over post object when passed.
Output a hidden input box.
woocommerce_wp_hidden_input(array<string|int, mixed> $field[, WC_Data $data = null ]) : mixed
- $field : array<string|int, mixed>
Field data.
- $data : WC_Data = null
WC_Data object, will be preferred over post object when passed.
Output a textarea input box.
woocommerce_wp_textarea_input(array<string|int, mixed> $field[, WC_Data $data = null ]) : mixed
- $field : array<string|int, mixed>
Field data.
- $data : WC_Data = null
WC_Data object, will be preferred over post object when passed.
Output a checkbox input box.
woocommerce_wp_checkbox(array<string|int, mixed> $field[, WC_Data $data = null ]) : mixed
- $field : array<string|int, mixed>
Field data.
- $data : WC_Data = null
WC_Data object, will be preferred over post object when passed.
Output a select input box.
woocommerce_wp_select(array<string|int, mixed> $field[, WC_Data $data = null ]) : mixed
- $field : array<string|int, mixed>
Field data.
- $data : WC_Data = null
WC_Data object, will be preferred over post object when passed.
Output a radio input box.
woocommerce_wp_radio(array<string|int, mixed> $field[, WC_Data $data = null ]) : mixed
- $field : array<string|int, mixed>
Field data.
- $data : WC_Data = null
WC_Data object, will be preferred over post object when passed.
Output a note.
woocommerce_wp_note(array<string|int, mixed> $field) : mixed
- $field : array<string|int, mixed>
Field data.
Returns core WC pages to connect to WC-Admin.
wc_admin_get_core_pages_to_connect() : array<string|int, mixed>
Filter breadcrumbs for core pages that aren't explicitly connected.
wc_admin_filter_core_page_breadcrumbs(array<string|int, mixed> $breadcrumbs) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $breadcrumbs : array<string|int, mixed>
Breadcrumb pieces.
Render the WC-Admin header bar on all WooCommerce core pages.
wc_admin_connect_core_pages(bool $is_connected, bool $current_page) : bool
- $is_connected : bool
Whether the current page is connected.
- $current_page : bool
The current page, if connected.
Format a number using the decimal and thousands separator settings in WooCommerce.
wc_admin_number_format(mixed $number) : string
- $number : mixed
Number to be formatted.
Retrieves a URL to relative path inside WooCommerce admin with the provided query parameters.
wc_admin_url([string $path = null ][, array<string|int, mixed> $query = array() ]) : string
- $path : string = null
Relative path of the desired page.
- $query : array<string|int, mixed> = array()
Query parameters to append to the path.
wc_admin_get_feature_config() : mixed
Connect an existing page to WooCommerce Admin.
wc_admin_connect_page(array<string|int, mixed> $options) : mixed
Passthrough to PageController::connect_page().
- $options : array<string|int, mixed>
Options for PageController::connect_page().
Register JS-powered WooCommerce Admin Page.
wc_admin_register_page(array<string|int, mixed> $options) : mixed
Passthrough to PageController::register_page().
- $options : array<string|int, mixed>
Options for PageController::register_page().
Is this page connected to WooCommerce Admin? Passthrough to PageController::is_connected_page().
wc_admin_is_connected_page() : bool
Is this a WooCommerce Admin Page? Passthrough to PageController::is_registered_page().
wc_admin_is_registered_page() : bool
Get breadcrumbs for WooCommerce Admin Page navigation.
wc_admin_get_breadcrumbs() : array<string|int, mixed>
Passthrough to PageController::get_breadcrumbs().
Update order stats `status` index length.
wc_admin_update_0201_order_status_index() : mixed
See: https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-admin/issues/2969.
Rename "gross_total" to "total_sales".
wc_admin_update_0230_rename_gross_total() : mixed
See: https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-admin/issues/3175
Remove the note unsnoozing scheduled action.
wc_admin_update_0251_remove_unsnooze_action() : mixed
Remove Facebook Extension note.
wc_admin_update_110_remove_facebook_note() : mixed
Remove Dismiss action from tracking opt-in admin note.
wc_admin_update_130_remove_dismiss_action_from_tracking_opt_in_note() : mixed
Update DB Version.
wc_admin_update_130_db_version() : mixed
Update DB Version.
wc_admin_update_140_db_version() : mixed
Remove Facebook Experts note.
wc_admin_update_160_remove_facebook_note() : mixed
Set "two column" homescreen layout as default for existing stores.
wc_admin_update_170_homescreen_layout() : mixed
Delete the preexisting export files.
wc_admin_update_270_delete_report_downloads() : mixed
Update the old task list options.
wc_admin_update_271_update_task_list_options() : mixed
Update order stats `status`.
wc_admin_update_280_order_status() : mixed
Update the old task list options.
wc_admin_update_290_update_apperance_task_option() : mixed
Delete the old woocommerce_default_homepage_layout option.
wc_admin_update_290_delete_default_homepage_layout_option() : mixed
Use woocommerce_admin_activity_panel_inbox_last_read from the user meta to set wc_admin_notes.is_read col.
wc_admin_update_300_update_is_read_from_last_read() : mixed
Delete "is_primary" column from the wc_admin_notes table.
wc_admin_update_340_remove_is_primary_from_note_action() : mixed
Delete the deprecated remote inbox notifications option since transients are now used.
wc_update_670_delete_deprecated_remote_inbox_notifications_option() : mixed
Returns the url to the lost password endpoint url.
wc_lostpassword_url([string $default_url = '' ]) : string
- $default_url : string = ''
Default lost password URL.
Get the link to the edit account details page.
wc_customer_edit_account_url() : string
Get the edit address slug translation.
wc_edit_address_i18n(string $id[, bool $flip = false ]) : string
- $id : string
Address ID.
- $flip : bool = false
Flip the array to make it possible to retrieve the values ​​from both sides.
Get My Account menu items.
wc_get_account_menu_items() : array<string|int, mixed>
Get account menu item classes.
wc_get_account_menu_item_classes(string $endpoint) : string
- $endpoint : string
Get account endpoint URL.
wc_get_account_endpoint_url(string $endpoint) : string
- $endpoint : string
Get My Account > Orders columns.
wc_get_account_orders_columns() : array<string|int, mixed>
Get My Account > Downloads columns.
wc_get_account_downloads_columns() : array<string|int, mixed>
Get My Account > Payment methods columns.
wc_get_account_payment_methods_columns() : array<string|int, mixed>
Get My Account > Payment methods types
wc_get_account_payment_methods_types() : array<string|int, mixed>
Get account orders actions.
wc_get_account_orders_actions(int|WC_Order $order) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $order : int|WC_Order
Order instance or ID.
Get account formatted address.
wc_get_account_formatted_address([string $address_type = 'billing' ], int $customer_id) : string
- $address_type : string = 'billing'
Type of address; 'billing' or 'shipping'.
- $customer_id : int
Customer ID. Defaults to 0.
Returns an array of a user's saved payments list for output on the account tab.
wc_get_account_saved_payment_methods_list(array<string|int, mixed> $list, int $customer_id) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $list : array<string|int, mixed>
List of payment methods passed from wc_get_customer_saved_methods_list().
- $customer_id : int
The customer to fetch payment methods for.
Controls the output for credit cards on the my account page.
wc_get_account_saved_payment_methods_list_item_cc(array<string|int, mixed> $item, WC_Payment_Token $payment_token) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $item : array<string|int, mixed>
Individual list item from woocommerce_saved_payment_methods_list.
- $payment_token : WC_Payment_Token
The payment token associated with this method entry.
Controls the output for eChecks on the my account page.
wc_get_account_saved_payment_methods_list_item_echeck(array<string|int, mixed> $item, WC_Payment_Token $payment_token) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $item : array<string|int, mixed>
Individual list item from woocommerce_saved_payment_methods_list.
- $payment_token : WC_Payment_Token
The payment token associated with this method entry.
Gets text attributes from a string.
wc_get_text_attributes(string $raw_attributes) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $raw_attributes : string
Raw attributes.
See if an attribute is actually valid.
wc_get_text_attributes_filter_callback(string $value) : bool
- $value : string
Implode an array of attributes using WC_DELIMITER.
wc_implode_text_attributes(array<string|int, mixed> $attributes) : string
- $attributes : array<string|int, mixed>
Attributes list.
Get attribute taxonomies.
wc_get_attribute_taxonomies() : array<string|int, mixed>
Get (cached) attribute taxonomy ID and name pairs.
wc_get_attribute_taxonomy_ids() : array<string|int, mixed>
Get (cached) attribute taxonomy label and name pairs.
wc_get_attribute_taxonomy_labels() : array<string|int, mixed>
Get a product attribute name.
wc_attribute_taxonomy_name(string $attribute_name) : string
- $attribute_name : string
Attribute name.
Get the attribute name used when storing values in post meta.
wc_variation_attribute_name(string $attribute_name) : string
- $attribute_name : string
Attribute name.
Get a product attribute name by ID.
wc_attribute_taxonomy_name_by_id(int $attribute_id) : string
- $attribute_id : int
Attribute ID.
Get a product attribute ID by name.
wc_attribute_taxonomy_id_by_name(string $name) : int
- $name : string
Attribute name.
Get a product attributes label.
wc_attribute_label(string $name[, WC_Product $product = '' ]) : string
- $name : string
Attribute name.
- $product : WC_Product = ''
Product data.
Get a product attributes orderby setting.
wc_attribute_orderby(string $name) : string
- $name : string
Attribute name.
Get an array of product attribute taxonomies.
wc_get_attribute_taxonomy_names() : array<string|int, mixed>
Get attribute types.
wc_get_attribute_types() : array<string|int, mixed>
Check if there are custom attribute types.
wc_has_custom_attribute_types() : bool
Get attribute type label.
wc_get_attribute_type_label(string $type) : string
- $type : string
Attribute type slug.
Check if attribute name is reserved.
wc_check_if_attribute_name_is_reserved(string $attribute_name) : bool
- $attribute_name : string
Attribute name.
Callback for array filter to get visible only.
wc_attributes_array_filter_visible(WC_Product_Attribute $attribute) : bool
- $attribute : WC_Product_Attribute
Attribute data.
Callback for array filter to get variation attributes only.
wc_attributes_array_filter_variation(WC_Product_Attribute $attribute) : bool
- $attribute : WC_Product_Attribute
Attribute data.
Check if an attribute is included in the attributes area of a variation name.
wc_is_attribute_in_product_name(string $attribute, string $name) : bool
- $attribute : string
Attribute value to check for.
- $name : string
Product name to check in.
Callback for array filter to get default attributes. Will allow for '0' string values, but regard all other class PHP FALSE equivalents normally.
wc_array_filter_default_attributes(mixed $attribute) : bool
- $attribute : mixed
Attribute being considered for exclusion from parent array.
Get attribute data by ID.
wc_get_attribute(int $id) : stdClass|null
- $id : int
Attribute ID.
Create attribute.
wc_create_attribute(array<string|int, mixed> $args) : int|WP_Error
- $args : array<string|int, mixed>
Attribute arguments { Array of attribute parameters.
@type int $id Unique identifier, used to update an attribute. @type string $name Attribute name. Always required. @type string $slug Attribute alphanumeric identifier. @type string $type Type of attribute. Core by default accepts: 'select' and 'text'. Default to 'select'. @type string $order_by Sort order. Accepts: 'menu_order', 'name', 'name_num' and 'id'. Default to 'menu_order'. @type bool $has_archives Enable or disable attribute archives. False by default.
Update an attribute.
wc_update_attribute(int $id, array<string|int, mixed> $args) : int|WP_Error
For available args see wc_create_attribute().
- $id : int
Attribute ID.
- $args : array<string|int, mixed>
Attribute arguments.
Delete attribute by ID.
wc_delete_attribute(int $id) : bool
- $id : int
Attribute ID.
Get an unprefixed product attribute name.
wc_attribute_taxonomy_slug(string $attribute_name) : string
- $attribute_name : string
Attribute name.
Prevent password protected products being added to the cart.
wc_protected_product_add_to_cart(bool $passed, int $product_id) : bool
- $passed : bool
- $product_id : int
Product ID.
Clears the cart session when called.
wc_empty_cart() : mixed
Load the persistent cart.
wc_load_persistent_cart(string $user_login, WP_User $user) : mixed
- $user_login : string
User login.
- $user : WP_User
User data.
Retrieves unvalidated referer from '_wp_http_referer' or HTTP referer.
wc_get_raw_referer() : string|false
Do not use for redirects, use {@see} instead.
Add to cart messages.
wc_add_to_cart_message(int|array<string|int, mixed> $products[, bool $show_qty = false ][, bool $return = false ]) : mixed
- $products : int|array<string|int, mixed>
Product ID list or single product ID.
- $show_qty : bool = false
Should quantities be shown? Added in 2.6.0.
- $return : bool = false
Return message rather than add it.
Comma separate a list of item names, and replace final comma with 'and'.
wc_format_list_of_items(array<string|int, mixed> $items) : string
- $items : array<string|int, mixed>
Cart items.
Clear cart after payment.
wc_clear_cart_after_payment() : mixed
Get the subtotal.
wc_cart_totals_subtotal_html() : mixed
Get shipping methods.
wc_cart_totals_shipping_html() : mixed
Get taxes total.
wc_cart_totals_taxes_total_html() : mixed
Get a coupon label.
wc_cart_totals_coupon_label(string|WC_Coupon $coupon[, bool $echo = true ]) : string
- $coupon : string|WC_Coupon
Coupon data or code.
- $echo : bool = true
Echo or return.
Get coupon display HTML.
wc_cart_totals_coupon_html(string|WC_Coupon $coupon) : mixed
- $coupon : string|WC_Coupon
Coupon data or code.
Get order total html including inc tax if needed.
wc_cart_totals_order_total_html() : mixed
Get the fee value.
wc_cart_totals_fee_html(object $fee) : mixed
- $fee : object
Fee data.
Get a shipping methods full label including price.
wc_cart_totals_shipping_method_label(WC_Shipping_Rate $method) : string
- $method : WC_Shipping_Rate
Shipping method rate data.
Round discount.
wc_cart_round_discount(float $value, int $precision) : float
- $value : float
Amount to round.
- $precision : int
DP to round.
Gets chosen shipping method IDs from chosen_shipping_methods session, without instance IDs.
wc_get_chosen_shipping_method_ids() : array<string|int, string>
Get chosen method for package from session.
wc_get_chosen_shipping_method_for_package(int $key, array<string|int, mixed> $package) : string|bool
- $key : int
Key of package.
- $package : array<string|int, mixed>
Package data array.
Choose the default method for a package.
wc_get_default_shipping_method_for_package(int $key, array<string|int, mixed> $package, string $chosen_method) : string
- $key : int
Key of package.
- $package : array<string|int, mixed>
Package data array.
- $chosen_method : string
Chosen shipping method. e.g. flat_rate:1.
See if the methods have changed since the last request.
wc_shipping_methods_have_changed(int $key, array<string|int, mixed> $package) : bool
- $key : int
Key of package.
- $package : array<string|int, mixed>
Package data array.
Gets a hash of important product data that when changed should cause cart items to be invalidated.
wc_get_cart_item_data_hash(WC_Product $product) : string
The woocommerce_cart_item_data_to_validate filter can be used to add custom properties.
- $product : WC_Product
Product object.
Is_woocommerce - Returns true if on a page which uses WooCommerce templates (cart and checkout are standard pages with shortcodes and thus are not included).
is_woocommerce() : bool
Is_shop - Returns true when viewing the product type archive (shop).
is_shop() : bool
Is_product_taxonomy - Returns true when viewing a product taxonomy archive.
is_product_taxonomy() : bool
Is_product_category - Returns true when viewing a product category.
is_product_category([string $term = '' ]) : bool
- $term : string = ''
(default: '') The term slug your checking for. Leave blank to return true on any.
Is_product_tag - Returns true when viewing a product tag.
is_product_tag([string $term = '' ]) : bool
- $term : string = ''
(default: '') The term slug your checking for. Leave blank to return true on any.
Is_product - Returns true when viewing a single product.
is_product() : bool
Is_cart - Returns true when viewing the cart page.
is_cart() : bool
Is_checkout - Returns true when viewing the checkout page, or when processing AJAX requests for updating or processing the checkout.
is_checkout() : bool
Is_checkout_pay - Returns true when viewing the checkout's pay page.
is_checkout_pay_page() : bool
Is_wc_endpoint_url - Check if an endpoint is showing.
is_wc_endpoint_url([string|false $endpoint = false ]) : bool
- $endpoint : string|false = false
Whether endpoint.
Is_account_page - Returns true when viewing an account page.
is_account_page() : bool
Is_view_order_page - Returns true when on the view order page.
is_view_order_page() : bool
Check for edit account page.
is_edit_account_page() : bool
Returns true when viewing the edit account page.
Is_order_received_page - Returns true when viewing the order received page.
is_order_received_page() : bool
Is_add_payment_method_page - Returns true when viewing the add payment method page.
is_add_payment_method_page() : bool
Is_lost_password_page - Returns true when viewing the lost password page.
is_lost_password_page() : bool
Is_ajax - Returns true when the page is loaded via ajax.
is_ajax() : bool
Is_store_notice_showing - Returns true when store notice is active.
is_store_notice_showing() : bool
Is_filtered - Returns true when filtering products using layered nav or price sliders.
is_filtered() : bool
Returns true when the passed taxonomy name is a product attribute.
taxonomy_is_product_attribute(string $name) : bool
- $name : string
of the attribute.
Returns true when the passed meta name is a product attribute.
meta_is_product_attribute(string $name, string $value, int $product_id) : bool
- $name : string
of the attribute.
- $value : string
of the attribute.
- $product_id : int
to check for attribute.
Are store-wide taxes enabled?
wc_tax_enabled() : bool
Is shipping enabled?
wc_shipping_enabled() : bool
Are prices inclusive of tax?
wc_prices_include_tax() : bool
Simple check for validating a URL, it must start with http:// or https://.
wc_is_valid_url(string $url) : bool
and pass FILTER_VALIDATE_URL validation.
- $url : string
to check.
Check if the home URL is https. If it is, we don't need to do things such as 'force ssl'.
wc_site_is_https() : bool
Check if the checkout is configured for https. Look at options, WP HTTPS plugin, or the permalink itself.
wc_checkout_is_https() : bool
Checks whether the content passed contains a specific short code.
wc_post_content_has_shortcode([string $tag = '' ]) : bool
- $tag : string = ''
Shortcode tag to check.
Check if reviews are enabled.
wc_reviews_enabled() : bool
Check if reviews ratings are enabled.
wc_review_ratings_enabled() : bool
Check if review ratings are required.
wc_review_ratings_required() : bool
Check if a CSV file is valid.
wc_is_file_valid_csv(string $file[, bool $check_path = true ]) : bool
- $file : string
File name.
- $check_path : bool = true
If should check for the path.
Check if the current theme is a block theme.
wc_current_theme_is_fse_theme() : bool
Check if the current theme has WooCommerce support or is a FSE theme.
wc_current_theme_supports_woocommerce_or_fse() : bool
Given an element name, returns a class name.
wc_wp_theme_get_element_class_name(string $element) : string
If the WP-related function is not defined or current theme is not a FSE theme, return empty string.
- $element : string
The name of the element.
Given an element name, returns true or false depending on whether the current theme has styles for that element defined in theme.json.
wc_block_theme_has_styles_for_element(string $element) : bool
If the theme is not a block theme or the WP-related function is not defined, return false.
- $element : string
The name of the element.
Define a constant if it is not already defined.
wc_maybe_define_constant(string $name, mixed $value) : mixed
- $name : string
Constant name.
- $value : mixed
Create a new order programmatically.
wc_create_order([array<string|int, mixed> $args = array() ]) : WC_Order|WP_Error
Returns a new order object on success which can then be used to add additional data.
- $args : array<string|int, mixed> = array()
Order arguments.
Update an order. Uses wc_create_order.
wc_update_order(array<string|int, mixed> $args) : WC_Order|WP_Error
- $args : array<string|int, mixed>
Order arguments.
Given a path, this will convert any of the subpaths into their corresponding tokens.
wc_tokenize_path(string $path, array<string|int, mixed> $path_tokens) : string
- $path : string
The absolute path to tokenize.
- $path_tokens : array<string|int, mixed>
An array keyed with the token, containing paths that should be replaced.
Given a tokenized path, this will expand the tokens to their full path.
wc_untokenize_path(string $path, array<string|int, mixed> $path_tokens) : string
- $path : string
The absolute path to expand.
- $path_tokens : array<string|int, mixed>
An array keyed with the token, containing paths that should be expanded.
Fetches an array containing all of the configurable path constants to be used in tokenization.
wc_get_path_define_tokens() : array<string|int, mixed>
Get template part (for templates like the shop-loop).
wc_get_template_part(mixed $slug[, string $name = '' ]) : mixed
WC_TEMPLATE_DEBUG_MODE will prevent overrides in themes from taking priority.
- $slug : mixed
Template slug.
- $name : string = ''
Template name (default: '').
Get other templates (e.g. product attributes) passing attributes and including the file.
wc_get_template(string $template_name[, array<string|int, mixed> $args = array() ][, string $template_path = '' ][, string $default_path = '' ]) : mixed
- $template_name : string
Template name.
- $args : array<string|int, mixed> = array()
Arguments. (default: array).
- $template_path : string = ''
Template path. (default: '').
- $default_path : string = ''
Default path. (default: '').
Like wc_get_template, but returns the HTML instead of outputting.
wc_get_template_html(string $template_name[, array<string|int, mixed> $args = array() ][, string $template_path = '' ][, string $default_path = '' ]) : string
- $template_name : string
Template name.
- $args : array<string|int, mixed> = array()
Arguments. (default: array).
- $template_path : string = ''
Template path. (default: '').
- $default_path : string = ''
Default path. (default: '').
Locate a template and return the path for inclusion.
wc_locate_template(string $template_name[, string $template_path = '' ][, string $default_path = '' ]) : string
This is the load order:
yourtheme/$template_path/$template_name yourtheme/$template_name $default_path/$template_name
- $template_name : string
Template name.
- $template_path : string = ''
Template path. (default: '').
- $default_path : string = ''
Default path. (default: '').
Add a template to the template cache.
wc_set_template_cache(string $cache_key, string $template) : mixed
- $cache_key : string
Object cache key.
- $template : string
Located template.
Clear the template cache.
wc_clear_template_cache() : mixed
Get Base Currency Code.
get_woocommerce_currency() : string
Get full list of currency codes.
get_woocommerce_currencies() : array<string|int, mixed>
Currency symbols and names should follow the Unicode CLDR recommendation (https://cldr.unicode.org/translation/currency-names-and-symbols)
Get all available Currency symbols.
get_woocommerce_currency_symbols() : array<string|int, mixed>
Currency symbols and names should follow the Unicode CLDR recommendation (https://cldr.unicode.org/translation/currency-names-and-symbols)
Get Currency symbol.
get_woocommerce_currency_symbol([string $currency = '' ]) : string
Currency symbols and names should follow the Unicode CLDR recommendation (https://cldr.unicode.org/translation/currency-names-and-symbols)
- $currency : string = ''
Currency. (default: '').
Send HTML emails from WooCommerce.
wc_mail(mixed $to, mixed $subject, mixed $message[, string $headers = "Content-Type: text/html
" ][, string $attachments = '' ]) : bool
- $to : mixed
- $subject : mixed
- $message : mixed
- $headers : string = "Content-Type: text/html "
Headers. (default: "Content-Type: text/html\r\n").
- $attachments : string = ''
Attachments. (default: "").
Return "theme support" values from the current theme, if set.
wc_get_theme_support([string $prop = '' ][, mixed $default = null ]) : mixed
- $prop : string = ''
Name of prop (or key::subkey for arrays of props) if you want a specific value. Leave blank to get all props as an array.
- $default : mixed = null
Optional value to return if the theme does not declare support for a prop.
Get an image size by name or defined dimensions.
wc_get_image_size(array<string|int, mixed>|string $image_size) : array<string|int, mixed>
The returned variable is filtered by woocommerce_get_image_size_{image_size} filter to allow 3rd party customisation.
Sizes defined by the theme take priority over settings. Settings are hidden when a theme defines sizes.
- $image_size : array<string|int, mixed>|string
Name of the image size to get, or an array of dimensions.
Queue some JavaScript code to be output in the footer.
wc_enqueue_js(string $code) : mixed
- $code : string
Output any queued javascript code in the footer.
wc_print_js() : mixed
Set a cookie - wrapper for setcookie using WP constants.
wc_setcookie(string $name, string $value, int $expire[, bool $secure = false ][, bool $httponly = false ]) : mixed
- $name : string
Name of the cookie being set.
- $value : string
Value of the cookie.
- $expire : int
Expiry of the cookie.
- $secure : bool = false
Whether the cookie should be served only over https.
- $httponly : bool = false
Whether the cookie is only accessible over HTTP, not scripting languages like JavaScript. @since 3.6.0.
Get the URL to the WooCommerce Legacy REST API.
get_woocommerce_api_url(string $path) : string
Note that as of WooCommerce 9.0 the WooCommerce Legacy REST API has been moved to a dedicated extension, and the implementation of its root endpoint in WooCommerce core is now just a stub that will always return an error. See the setup_legacy_api_stub method in includes/class-woocommerce.php and: https://developer.woocommerce.com/2023/10/03/the-legacy-rest-api-will-move-to-a-dedicated-extension-in-woocommerce-9-0/
- $path : string
an endpoint to include in the URL.
Recursively get page children.
wc_get_page_children(int $page_id) : array<string|int, int>
- $page_id : int
Page ID.
Flushes rewrite rules when the shop page (or it's children) gets saved.
flush_rewrite_rules_on_shop_page_save() : mixed
Various rewrite rule fixes.
wc_fix_rewrite_rules(array<string|int, mixed> $rules) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $rules : array<string|int, mixed>
Prevent product attachment links from breaking when using complex rewrite structures.
wc_fix_product_attachment_link(string $link, int $post_id) : string
- $link : string
- $post_id : int
Post ID.
Protect downloads from ms-files.php in multisite.
wc_ms_protect_download_rewite_rules(string $rewrite) : string
- $rewrite : string
rewrite rules.
Formats a string in the format COUNTRY:STATE into an array.
wc_format_country_state_string(string $country_string) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $country_string : string
Country string.
Get the store's base location.
wc_get_base_location() : array<string|int, mixed>
Get the customer's default location.
wc_get_customer_default_location() : array<string|int, mixed>
Filtered, and set to base location or left blank. If cache-busting, this should only be used when 'location' is set in the querystring.
Get user agent string.
wc_get_user_agent() : string
Generate a rand hash.
wc_rand_hash() : string
WC API - Hash.
wc_api_hash(string $data) : string
- $data : string
Message to be hashed.
Find all possible combinations of values from the input array and return in a logical order.
wc_array_cartesian(array<string|int, mixed> $input) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $input : array<string|int, mixed>
Run a MySQL transaction query, if supported.
wc_transaction_query([string $type = 'start' ][, bool $force = false ]) : mixed
- $type : string = 'start'
Types: start (default), commit, rollback.
- $force : bool = false
use of transactions.
Gets the url to the cart page.
wc_get_cart_url() : string
Gets the url to the checkout page.
wc_get_checkout_url() : string
Register a shipping method.
woocommerce_register_shipping_method(string|object $shipping_method) : mixed
- $shipping_method : string|object
class name (string) or a class object.
Get the shipping zone matching a given package from the cart.
wc_get_shipping_zone(array<string|int, mixed> $package) : WC_Shipping_Zone
- $package : array<string|int, mixed>
Shipping package.
Get a nice name for credit card providers.
wc_get_credit_card_type_label(string $type) : string
- $type : string
Provider Slug/Type.
Outputs a "back" link so admin screens can easily jump back a page.
wc_back_link(string $label, string $url) : mixed
- $label : string
Title of the page to return to.
- $url : string
URL of the page to return to.
Display a WooCommerce help tip.
wc_help_tip(string $tip[, bool $allow_html = false ]) : string
- $tip : string
Help tip text.
- $allow_html : bool = false
Allow sanitized HTML if true or escape.
Return a list of potential postcodes for wildcard searching.
wc_get_wildcard_postcodes(string $postcode[, string $country = '' ]) : array<string|int, string>
- $postcode : string
- $country : string = ''
Country to format postcode for matching.
Used by shipping zones and taxes to compare a given $postcode to stored postcodes to find matches for numerical ranges, and wildcards.
wc_postcode_location_matcher(string $postcode, array<string|int, mixed> $objects, string $object_id_key, string $object_compare_key[, string $country = '' ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $postcode : string
Postcode you want to match against stored postcodes.
- $objects : array<string|int, mixed>
Array of postcode objects from Database.
- $object_id_key : string
DB column name for the ID.
- $object_compare_key : string
DB column name for the value.
- $country : string = ''
Country from which this postcode belongs. Allows for formatting.
Gets number of shipping methods currently enabled. Used to identify if shipping is configured.
wc_get_shipping_method_count([bool $include_legacy = false ][, bool $enabled_only = false ]) : int
- $include_legacy : bool = false
Count legacy shipping methods too.
- $enabled_only : bool = false
Whether non-legacy shipping methods should be restricted to enabled ones. It doesn't affect legacy shipping methods. @since 4.3.0.
Wrapper for set_time_limit to see if it is enabled.
wc_set_time_limit(int $limit) : mixed
- $limit : int
Time limit.
Wrapper for nocache_headers which also disables page caching.
wc_nocache_headers() : mixed
Used to sort products attributes with uasort.
wc_product_attribute_uasort_comparison(array<string|int, mixed> $a, array<string|int, mixed> $b) : int
- $a : array<string|int, mixed>
First attribute to compare.
- $b : array<string|int, mixed>
Second attribute to compare.
Used to sort shipping zone methods with uasort.
wc_shipping_zone_method_order_uasort_comparison(array<string|int, mixed> $a, array<string|int, mixed> $b) : int
- $a : array<string|int, mixed>
First shipping zone method to compare.
- $b : array<string|int, mixed>
Second shipping zone method to compare.
User to sort checkout fields based on priority with uasort.
wc_checkout_fields_uasort_comparison(array<string|int, mixed> $a, array<string|int, mixed> $b) : int
- $a : array<string|int, mixed>
First field to compare.
- $b : array<string|int, mixed>
Second field to compare.
User to sort two values with ausort.
wc_uasort_comparison(int $a, int $b) : int
- $a : int
First value to compare.
- $b : int
Second value to compare.
Sort values based on ascii, usefull for special chars in strings.
wc_ascii_uasort_comparison(string $a, string $b) : int
- $a : string
First value.
- $b : string
Second value.
Sort array according to current locale rules and maintaining index association.
wc_asort_by_locale(array<string|int, mixed> &$data[, string $locale = '' ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
By default tries to use Collator from PHP Internationalization Functions if available.
If PHP Collator class doesn't exists it fallback to removing accepts from a array
and by sorting with uasort( $data, 'strcmp' )
giving support for ASCII values.
- $data : array<string|int, mixed>
List of values to sort.
- $locale : string = ''
Get rounding mode for internal tax calculations.
wc_get_tax_rounding_mode() : int
Get rounding precision for internal WC calculations.
wc_get_rounding_precision() : int
Will return the value of wc_get_price_decimals increased by 2 decimals, with WC_ROUNDING_PRECISION being the minimum.
Add precision to a number by moving the decimal point to the right as many places as indicated by wc_get_price_decimals().
wc_add_number_precision(float|null $value[, bool $round = true ]) : int|float
Optionally the result is rounded so that the total number of digits equals wc_get_rounding_precision() plus one.
- $value : float|null
Number to add precision to.
- $round : bool = true
If the result should be rounded.
Remove precision from a number and return a float.
wc_remove_number_precision(float $value) : float
- $value : float
Number to add precision to.
Add precision to an array of number and return an array of int.
wc_add_number_precision_deep(array<string|int, mixed> $value[, bool $round = true ]) : int|array<string|int, mixed>
- $value : array<string|int, mixed>
Number to add precision to.
- $round : bool = true
Should we round after adding precision?.
Remove precision from an array of number and return an array of int.
wc_remove_number_precision_deep(array<string|int, mixed> $value) : int|array<string|int, mixed>
- $value : array<string|int, mixed>
Number to add precision to.
Get a shared logger instance.
wc_get_logger() : WC_Logger_Interface
Use the woocommerce_logging_class filter to change the logging class. You may provide one of the following:
- a class name which will be instantiated as new $class
with no arguments
- an instance which will be used directly as the logger
In either case, the class or instance must implement WC_Logger_Interface.
Trigger logging cleanup using the logging class.
wc_cleanup_logs() : mixed
Prints human-readable information about a variable.
wc_print_r(mixed $expression[, bool $return = false ]) : string|bool
Some server environments block some debugging functions. This function provides a safe way to turn an expression into a printable, readable form without calling blocked functions.
- $expression : mixed
The expression to be printed.
- $return : bool = false
Optional. Default false. Set to true to return the human-readable string.
Based on wp_list_pluck, this calls a method instead of returning a property.
wc_list_pluck(array<string|int, mixed> $list, int|string $callback_or_field[, int|string $index_key = null ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $list : array<string|int, mixed>
List of objects or arrays.
- $callback_or_field : int|string
Callback method from the object to place instead of the entire object.
- $index_key : int|string = null
Optional. Field from the object to use as keys for the new array. Default null.
Get permalink settings for things like products and taxonomies.
wc_get_permalink_structure() : array<string|int, mixed>
As of 3.3.0, the permalink settings are stored to the option instead of being blank and inheritting from the locale. This speeds up page loading times by negating the need to switch locales on each page load.
This is more inline with WP core behavior which does not localize slugs.
Switch WooCommerce to site language.
wc_switch_to_site_locale() : mixed
Switch WooCommerce language to original.
wc_restore_locale() : mixed
Convert plaintext phone number to clickable phone number.
wc_make_phone_clickable(string $phone) : string
Remove formatting and allow "+". Example and specs: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/HTML/Element/a#Creating_a_phone_link
- $phone : string
Content to convert phone number.
Get an item of post data if set, otherwise return a default value.
wc_get_post_data_by_key(string $key[, string $default = '' ]) : mixed
- $key : string
Meta key.
- $default : string = ''
Default value.
Get data if set, otherwise return a default value or null. Prevents notices when data is not set.
wc_get_var(mixed &$var[, string $default = null ]) : mixed
- $var : mixed
- $default : string = null
Default value.
Read in WooCommerce headers when reading plugin headers.
wc_enable_wc_plugin_headers(array<string|int, mixed> $headers) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $headers : array<string|int, mixed>
Prevent auto-updating the WooCommerce plugin on major releases if there are untested extensions active.
wc_prevent_dangerous_auto_updates(bool $should_update, object $plugin) : bool
- $should_update : bool
If should update.
- $plugin : object
Plugin data.
Delete expired transients.
wc_delete_expired_transients() : int
Deletes all expired transients. The multi-table delete syntax is used. to delete the transient record from table a, and the corresponding. transient_timeout record from table b.
Based on code inside core's upgrade_network() function.
Make a URL relative, if possible.
wc_get_relative_url(string $url) : string
- $url : string
URL to make relative.
See if a resource is remote.
wc_is_external_resource(string $url) : bool
- $url : string
URL to check.
See if theme/s is activate or not.
wc_is_active_theme(string|array<string|int, mixed> $theme) : bool
- $theme : string|array<string|int, mixed>
Theme name or array of theme names to check.
Is the site using a default WP theme?
wc_is_wp_default_theme_active() : bool
Cleans up session data - cron callback.
wc_cleanup_session_data() : mixed
Convert a decimal (e.g. 3.5) to a fraction (e.g. 7/2).
wc_decimal_to_fraction(float $decimal) : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
From: https://www.designedbyaturtle.co.uk/2015/converting-a-decimal-to-a-fraction-in-php/
- $decimal : float
the decimal number.
Round discount.
wc_round_discount(float $value, int $precision) : float
- $value : float
Amount to round.
- $precision : int
DP to round.
Return the html selected attribute if stringified $value is found in array of stringified $options or if stringified $value is the same as scalar stringified $options.
wc_selected(string|int $value, string|int|array<string|int, mixed> $options) : string
- $value : string|int
Value to find within options.
- $options : string|int|array<string|int, mixed>
Options to go through when looking for value.
Retrieves the MySQL server version. Based on $wpdb.
wc_get_server_database_version() : array<string|int, mixed>
Initialize and load the cart functionality.
wc_load_cart() : void
Test whether the context of execution comes from async action scheduler.
wc_is_running_from_async_action_scheduler() : bool
Polyfill for wp_cache_get_multiple for WP versions before 5.5.
wc_cache_get_multiple(array<string|int, mixed> $keys[, string $group = '' ][, bool $force = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
- $keys : array<string|int, mixed>
Array of keys to get from group.
- $group : string = ''
Optional. Where the cache contents are grouped. Default empty.
- $force : bool = false
Optional. Whether to force an update of the local cache from the persistent cache. Default false.
Get coupon types.
wc_get_coupon_types() : array<string|int, mixed>
Get a coupon type's name.
wc_get_coupon_type([string $type = '' ]) : string
- $type : string = ''
Coupon type.
Coupon types that apply to individual products. Controls which validation rules will apply.
wc_get_product_coupon_types() : array<string|int, mixed>
Coupon types that apply to the cart as a whole. Controls which validation rules will apply.
wc_get_cart_coupon_types() : array<string|int, mixed>
Check if coupons are enabled.
wc_coupons_enabled() : bool
Get coupon code by ID.
wc_get_coupon_code_by_id(int $id) : string
- $id : int
Coupon ID.
Get coupon ID by code.
wc_get_coupon_id_by_code(string $code, int $exclude) : int
- $code : string
Coupon code.
- $exclude : int
Used to exclude an ID from the check if you're checking existence.
Runs a deprecated action with notice only if used.
wc_do_deprecated_action(string $tag, array<string|int, mixed> $args, string $version[, string $replacement = null ][, string $message = null ]) : mixed
- $tag : string
The name of the action hook.
- $args : array<string|int, mixed>
Array of additional function arguments to be passed to do_action().
- $version : string
The version of WooCommerce that deprecated the hook.
- $replacement : string = null
The hook that should have been used.
- $message : string = null
A message regarding the change.
Wrapper for deprecated functions so we can apply some extra logic.
wc_deprecated_function(string $function, string $version[, string $replacement = null ]) : mixed
- $function : string
Function used.
- $version : string
Version the message was added in.
- $replacement : string = null
Replacement for the called function.
Wrapper for deprecated hook so we can apply some extra logic.
wc_deprecated_hook(string $hook, string $version[, string $replacement = null ][, string $message = null ]) : mixed
- $hook : string
The hook that was used.
- $version : string
The version of WordPress that deprecated the hook.
- $replacement : string = null
The hook that should have been used.
- $message : string = null
A message regarding the change.
When catching an exception, this allows us to log it if unexpected.
wc_caught_exception(Exception $exception_object[, string $function = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $args = array() ]) : mixed
- $exception_object : Exception
The exception object.
- $function : string = ''
The function which threw exception.
- $args : array<string|int, mixed> = array()
The args passed to the function.
Wrapper for _doing_it_wrong().
wc_doing_it_wrong(string $function, string $message, string $version) : mixed
- $function : string
Function used.
- $message : string
Message to log.
- $version : string
Version the message was added in.
Wrapper for deprecated arguments so we can apply some extra logic.
wc_deprecated_argument(string $argument, string $version[, mixed $message = null ]) : mixed
- $argument : string
- $version : string
- $message : mixed = null
woocommerce_show_messages() : mixed
woocommerce_weekend_area_js() : mixed
woocommerce_tooltip_js() : mixed
woocommerce_datepicker_js() : mixed
woocommerce_admin_scripts() : mixed