WooCommerce Code Reference

in package

WC_Helper_Updater Class

Contains the logic to fetch available updates and hook into Core's update routines to serve WooCommerce.com-provided packages.

Table of Contents

add_connect_woocom_plugin_message()  : void
Runs on in_plugin_update_message-{file-name}, show a message to connect to woocommerce.com for unconnected stores
add_hook_for_modifying_update_notices()  : mixed
Add the hook for modifying default WPCore update notices on the plugins management page.
add_install_marketplace_plugin_message()  : void
Runs on in_plugin_update_message-{file-name}, show a message to install the Woo Marketplace plugin, on plugin update notification, if the Woo Marketplace plugin isn't already installed.
block_expired_updates()  : false|WP_Error
Hooked into the upgrader_pre_download filter in order to better handle error messaging around expired plugin updates. Initially we were using an empty string, but the error message that no_package results in does not fit the cause.
display_notice_for_expired_and_expiring_subscriptions()  : void
Runs on in_plugin_update_message-{file-name}, show a message if plugins subscription expired or expiring soon.
flush_updates_cache()  : mixed
Flushes cached update data.
get_available_extensions_downloads_data()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get update data for all plugins.
get_translations_update_data()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get translations updates information.
get_update_data()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get update data for all extensions.
get_updates_count()  : int
Get the number of products that have updates.
get_updates_count_based_on_site_status()  : int
Get the update count to based on the status of the site.
get_updates_count_html()  : string
Return the updates count markup.
get_woo_connect_notice_type()  : string
Get the type of woo connect notice to be shown in the WC Settings and Marketplace pages.
load()  : mixed
Loads the class, runs on init.
setup_message_for_expired_and_expiring_subscriptions()  : mixed
Add the hook for modifying default WPCore update notices on the plugins management page.
setup_update_plugins_messages()  : void
Runs on load-plugins.php, adds a hook to show a custom plugin update message for WooCommerce.com hosted plugins.
transient_update_plugins()  : object
Runs in a cron thread, or in a visitor thread if triggered by _maybe_update_plugins(), or in an auto-update thread.
transient_update_themes()  : object
Runs on pre_set_site_transient_update_themes, provides custom packages for WooCommerce.com-hosted extensions.
upgrader_process_complete()  : mixed
Fires when a user successfully updated a theme or a plugin.
_update_check()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Run an update check API call.



Runs on in_plugin_update_message-{file-name}, show a message to connect to woocommerce.com for unconnected stores

public static add_connect_woocom_plugin_message() : void
Return values


Add the hook for modifying default WPCore update notices on the plugins management page.

public static add_hook_for_modifying_update_notices() : mixed
Return values


Runs on in_plugin_update_message-{file-name}, show a message to install the Woo Marketplace plugin, on plugin update notification, if the Woo Marketplace plugin isn't already installed.

public static add_install_marketplace_plugin_message(object $plugin_data, object $response) : void
$plugin_data : object

TAn array of plugin metadata.

$response : object

An object of metadata about the available plugin update.

Return values


Hooked into the upgrader_pre_download filter in order to better handle error messaging around expired plugin updates. Initially we were using an empty string, but the error message that no_package results in does not fit the cause.

public static block_expired_updates(bool $reply, string $package) : false|WP_Error
$reply : bool

Holds the current filtered response.

$package : string

The path to the package file for the update.

Return values
false|WP_ErrorFalse to proceed with the update as normal, anything else to be returned instead of updating.


Runs on in_plugin_update_message-{file-name}, show a message if plugins subscription expired or expiring soon.

public static display_notice_for_expired_and_expiring_subscriptions(object $plugin_data, object $response) : void
$plugin_data : object

An array of plugin metadata.

$response : object

An object of metadata about the available plugin update.

Return values


Get update data for all plugins.

public static get_available_extensions_downloads_data() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>Update data {product_id => data}


Get translations updates information.

public static get_translations_update_data() : array<string|int, mixed>

Scans through all subscriptions for the connected user, as well as all Woo extensions without a subscription, and obtains update data for each product.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>Update data {product_id => data}


Get update data for all extensions.

public static get_update_data() : array<string|int, mixed>

Scans through all subscriptions for the connected user, as well as all Woo extensions without a subscription, and obtains update data for each product.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>Update data {product_id => data}


Return the updates count markup.

public static get_updates_count_html() : string
Return values
stringUpdates count markup, empty string if no updates avairable.


Get the type of woo connect notice to be shown in the WC Settings and Marketplace pages.

public static get_woo_connect_notice_type() : string
  • If a store is connected to woocommerce.com or has no installed woo plugins, return 'none'.
  • If a store has installed woo plugins but no updates, return 'short'.
  • If a store has an installed woo plugin with update, return 'long'.
Return values
stringThe notice type, 'none', 'short', or 'long'.


Add the hook for modifying default WPCore update notices on the plugins management page.

public static setup_message_for_expired_and_expiring_subscriptions() : mixed
Return values


Runs on load-plugins.php, adds a hook to show a custom plugin update message for WooCommerce.com hosted plugins.

public static setup_update_plugins_messages() : void
Return values


Runs in a cron thread, or in a visitor thread if triggered by _maybe_update_plugins(), or in an auto-update thread.

public static transient_update_plugins(object $transient) : object
$transient : object

The update_plugins transient object.

Return values
objectThe same or a modified version of the transient.


Runs on pre_set_site_transient_update_themes, provides custom packages for WooCommerce.com-hosted extensions.

public static transient_update_themes(object $transient) : object
$transient : object

The update_themes transient object.

Return values
objectThe same or a modified version of the transient.


Run an update check API call.

private static _update_check(array<string|int, mixed> $payload) : array<string|int, mixed>

The call is cached based on the payload (product ids, file ids). If the payload changes, the cache is going to miss.

$payload : array<string|int, mixed>

Information about the plugin to update.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>Update data for each requested product.