WooCommerce Code Reference


Table of Contents

woocommerce/includes/admin/class-wc-admin-notices.php 1
woocommerce/includes/admin/helper/class-wc-helper-api.php 1
woocommerce/includes/class-wc-shipping-rate.php 1
woocommerce/includes/data-stores/class-wc-product-data-store-cpt.php 4
woocommerce/includes/rest-api/Controllers/Version2/class-wc-rest-setting-options-v2-controller.php 1
woocommerce/includes/rest-api/Controllers/Version3/class-wc-rest-controller.php 1
woocommerce/includes/wc-template-functions.php 1
woocommerce/lib/packages/Detection/MobileDetect.php 1
woocommerce/src/Admin/API/Reports/Coupons/DataStore.php 1
woocommerce/src/Admin/API/Reports/Orders/Stats/DataStore.php 1
woocommerce/src/Admin/Notes/Note.php 1
woocommerce/src/Admin/Overrides/OrderTraits.php 1
woocommerce/src/Admin/PageController.php 1
woocommerce/src/Proxies/ActionsProxy.php 1
woocommerce/src/StoreApi/Utilities/CartController.php 3


Type Line Description
TODO 460 remove in 4.0.0


Type Line Description
TODO 66 Check response signatures on certain endpoints.


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TODO 153 4.0 Prevent negative value being set. #19293


Type Line Description
TODO 1207 Add to interface in 4.0.
TODO 1541 Deprecate unused function?
TODO 1553 Deprecate unused function?
TODO 1564 Deprecate unused function?


Type Line Description
TODO 438 remove in 4.0


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TODO 520 Submit this caching behavior in core.


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TODO 3784 Deprecated this function after dropping support for WP 5.6.


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TODO 1357 Remove the error suppression from str_replace() call.


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TODO 483 Upon core merge, including this in core's `class-wc-coupon-data-store-cpt.php` might make more sense.


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TODO 724 use the %i placeholder to prepare the table name when available in the minimum required WordPress version.


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TODO 479 Set a default empty array? https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-admin/pull/1763#pullrequestreview-212442921.


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TODO 48 If WC is currently not tax enabled, but it was before (or vice versa), would this work correctly?


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TODO 511 The entry point for the embed needs moved to this class as well.


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TODO 39 Add the rest of the actions and filters related methods.


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TODO 58 Overriding the core add_to_cart method was necessary because core outputs notices when an item is added to the cart. For us this would cause notices to build up and output on the store, out of context. Core would need refactoring to split notices out from other cart actions.
TODO 810 this can be refactored once https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/pull/26101 lands.
TODO 902 Overriding the core apply_coupon method was necessary because core outputs notices when a coupon gets applied. For us this would cause notices to build up and output on the store, out of context. Core would need refactoring to split notices out from other cart actions.