WooCommerce Code Reference

in package

WC API to WC CLI Bridge.

Hooks into the REST API, figures out which endpoints come from WC, and registers them as CLI commands.

Forked from wp-cli/restful (by Daniel Bachhuber, released under the MIT license https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). https://github.com/wp-cli/restful


Table of Contents

$disabled_endpoints  : array<string|int, mixed>
Endpoints to disable (meaning they will not be available as CLI commands).
$target_rest_version  : string
The version of the REST API we should target to generate commands.
after_wp_load()  : mixed
Register's all endpoints as commands once WP and WC have all loaded.
register_route_commands()  : mixed
Generates command information and tells WP CLI about all commands available from a route.



Endpoints to disable (meaning they will not be available as CLI commands).

private static array<string|int, mixed> $disabled_endpoints = array('settings', 'settings/(?P<group_id>[\w-]+)', 'settings/(?P<group_id>[\w-]+)/batch', 'settings/(?P<group_id>[\w-]+)/(?P<id>[\w-]+)', 'system_status', 'system_status/tools', 'system_status/tools/(?P<id>[\w-]+)', 'reports', 'reports/sales', 'reports/top_sellers')

Some of these can either be done via WP already, or are offered with some other changes (like tools).


The version of the REST API we should target to generate commands.

private static string $target_rest_version = 'v2'



Register's all endpoints as commands once WP and WC have all loaded.

public static after_wp_load() : mixed
Return values


Generates command information and tells WP CLI about all commands available from a route.

private static register_route_commands(WC_CLI_REST_Command $rest_command, string $route, array<string|int, mixed> $route_data[, array<string|int, mixed> $command_args = array() ]) : mixed
$rest_command : WC_CLI_REST_Command

WC-API command.

$route : string

Path to route endpoint.

$route_data : array<string|int, mixed>

Command data.

$command_args : array<string|int, mixed> = array()

WP-CLI command arguments.

Return values