WooCommerce Code Reference

in package

A class of utilities for dealing with orders.

Table of Contents

custom_orders_table_usage_is_enabled()  : bool
Helper function to get whether custom order tables are enabled or not.
get_order_admin_edit_url()  : string
Helper method to generate admin url for an order.
get_order_admin_new_url()  : string
Helper method to generate admin URL for new order.
get_order_admin_screen()  : string
Helper function to get screen name of orders page in wp-admin.
get_order_type()  : string|null
Returns type pf passed id, post or order object.
get_post_or_object_meta()  : array<string|int, mixed>|mixed|string
Gets value of a meta key from WC_Data object if passed, otherwise from the post object.
get_post_or_order_id()  : int
Helper function to id from an post or order object.
get_table_for_order_meta()  : string
Get the name of the database table that's currently in use for orders.
get_table_for_orders()  : string
Get the name of the database table that's currently in use for orders.
init_theorder_object()  : bool|WC_Order|WC_Order_Refund
Helper function to initialize the global $theorder object, mostly used during order meta boxes rendering.
is_custom_order_tables_in_sync()  : bool
Checks if posts and order custom table sync is enabled and there are no pending orders.
is_new_order_screen()  : bool
Check if the current admin screen is adding a new order.
is_order()  : bool
Checks if passed id, post or order object is a WC_Order object.
is_order_edit_screen()  : bool
Check if the current admin screen is for editing an order.
is_order_list_table_screen()  : bool
Check if the current admin screen is an order list table.
orders_cache_usage_is_enabled()  : bool
Helper function to get whether the orders cache should be used or not.



Helper function to get whether custom order tables are enabled or not.

public static custom_orders_table_usage_is_enabled() : bool
Return values


Helper method to generate admin url for an order.

public static get_order_admin_edit_url(int $order_id) : string
$order_id : int

Order ID.

Return values
stringAdmin url for an order.


Helper method to generate admin URL for new order.

public static get_order_admin_new_url() : string
Return values
stringLink for new order.


Helper function to get screen name of orders page in wp-admin.

public static get_order_admin_screen() : string
Return values


Returns type pf passed id, post or order object.

public static get_order_type(int|WP_Post|WC_Order $order_id) : string|null
$order_id : int|WP_Post|WC_Order

Order ID, post object or order object.

Return values
string|nullType of the order.


Gets value of a meta key from WC_Data object if passed, otherwise from the post object.

public static get_post_or_object_meta(WP_Post|null $post, WC_Data|null $data, string $key, bool $single) : array<string|int, mixed>|mixed|string

This helper function support backward compatibility for meta box functions, when moving from posts based store to custom tables.

$post : WP_Post|null

Post object, meta will be fetched from this only when $data is not passed.

$data : WC_Data|null

WC_Data object, will be preferred over post object when passed.

$key : string

Key to fetch metadata for.

$single : bool

Whether metadata is single.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|mixed|stringValue of the meta key.


Helper function to id from an post or order object.

public static get_post_or_order_id(mixed $post_or_order_object) : int
$post_or_order_object : mixed
Return values
intOrder or post ID.


Get the name of the database table that's currently in use for orders.

public static get_table_for_order_meta() : string
Return values


Get the name of the database table that's currently in use for orders.

public static get_table_for_orders() : string
Return values


Helper function to initialize the global $theorder object, mostly used during order meta boxes rendering.

public static init_theorder_object(WC_Order|WP_Post $post_or_order_object) : bool|WC_Order|WC_Order_Refund
$post_or_order_object : WC_Order|WP_Post

Post or order object.

Return values
bool|WC_Order|WC_Order_RefundWC_Order object.


Checks if posts and order custom table sync is enabled and there are no pending orders.

public static is_custom_order_tables_in_sync() : bool
Return values


Check if the current admin screen is adding a new order.

public static is_new_order_screen([string $order_type = 'shop_order' ]) : bool
$order_type : string = 'shop_order'

Optional. The order type to check for. Default shop_order.

Return values


Checks if passed id, post or order object is a WC_Order object.

public static is_order(int|WP_Post|WC_Order $order_id[, array<string|int, string> $types = array('shop_order') ]) : bool
$order_id : int|WP_Post|WC_Order

Order ID, post object or order object.

$types : array<string|int, string> = array('shop_order')

Types to match against.

Return values
boolWhether the passed param is an order.


Check if the current admin screen is for editing an order.

public static is_order_edit_screen([string $order_type = 'shop_order' ]) : bool
$order_type : string = 'shop_order'

Optional. The order type to check for. Default shop_order.

Return values


Check if the current admin screen is an order list table.

public static is_order_list_table_screen([string $order_type = 'shop_order' ]) : bool
$order_type : string = 'shop_order'

Optional. The order type to check for. Default shop_order.

Return values


Helper function to get whether the orders cache should be used or not.

public static orders_cache_usage_is_enabled() : bool
Return values
boolTrue if the orders cache should be used, false otherwise.