WooCommerce Code Reference

in package

ArrayUtils class used for custom functions to operate on arrays

Table of Contents

natural_language_join()  : string
Join a string with a natural language conjunction at the end.
string_contains_array()  : bool
Check if a string contains any of the items in an array.



Join a string with a natural language conjunction at the end.

public static natural_language_join(array<string|int, mixed> $array[, bool $enclose_items_with_quotes = false ]) : string
$array : array<string|int, mixed>

The array to join together with the natural language conjunction.

$enclose_items_with_quotes : bool = false

Whether each item in the array should be enclosed within quotation marks.

Return values
stringa string containing a list of items and a natural language conjuction.


Check if a string contains any of the items in an array.

public static string_contains_array(string $needle, array<string|int, mixed> $haystack) : bool
$needle : string

The string to check.

$haystack : array<string|int, mixed>

The array of items to check for.

Return values
booltrue if the string contains any of the items in the array, false otherwise.