WooCommerce Code Reference

in package

Authentication class.

Table of Contents

allowed_cors_headers()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Add allowed cors headers for store API headers.
check_authentication()  : WP_Error|null|bool
The Store API does not require authentication.
init()  : mixed
Hook into WP lifecycle events. This is hooked by the StoreAPI class on `rest_api_init`.
send_cors_headers()  : bool
Add CORS headers to a response object.
set_logged_in_cookie()  : mixed
When the login cookies are set, they are not available until the next page reload. For the Store API, specifically for returning updated nonces, we need this to be available immediately.
apply_rate_limiting()  : WP_Error|null|bool
Applies Rate Limiting to the request, and passes through any errors from other authentication methods used before this one.
get_cart_token_secret()  : string
Gets the secret for the cart token using wp_salt.
get_ip_address()  : string
Get current user IP Address.
has_valid_cart_token()  : bool
Checks if we're using a cart token to access the Store API.
is_preflight()  : bool
Is the request a preflight request? Checks the request method
is_request_to_store_api()  : bool
Check if is request to the Store API.
validate_ip()  : string
Uses filter_var() to validate and return ipv4 and ipv6 addresses Will return if the ip is not valid. This is done to group and still rate limit invalid ips.



Add allowed cors headers for store API headers.

public allowed_cors_headers(array<string|int, mixed> $allowed_headers) : array<string|int, mixed>
$allowed_headers : array<string|int, mixed>

Allowed headers.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


The Store API does not require authentication.

public check_authentication(WP_Error|mixed $result) : WP_Error|null|bool
$result : WP_Error|mixed

Error from another authentication handler, null if we should handle it, or another value if not.

Return values


Hook into WP lifecycle events. This is hooked by the StoreAPI class on `rest_api_init`.

public init() : mixed
Return values


Add CORS headers to a response object.

public send_cors_headers(bool $value, WP_HTTP_Response $result, WP_REST_Request $request) : bool

These checks prevent access to the Store API from non-allowed origins. By default, the WordPress REST API allows access from any origin. Because some Store API routes return PII, we need to add our own CORS headers.

Allowed origins can be changed using the WordPress allowed_http_origins or allowed_http_origin filters if access needs to be granted to other domains.

Users of valid Cart Tokens are also allowed access from any origin.

$value : bool

Whether the request has already been served.

$result : WP_HTTP_Response

Result to send to the client. Usually a WP_REST_Response.

$request : WP_REST_Request

Request used to generate the response.

Return values

When the login cookies are set, they are not available until the next page reload. For the Store API, specifically for returning updated nonces, we need this to be available immediately.

public set_logged_in_cookie(string $logged_in_cookie) : mixed
$logged_in_cookie : string

The value for the logged in cookie.

Return values


Applies Rate Limiting to the request, and passes through any errors from other authentication methods used before this one.

protected apply_rate_limiting(WP_Error|mixed $result) : WP_Error|null|bool
$result : WP_Error|mixed

Error from another authentication handler, null if we should handle it, or another value if not.

Return values


Gets the secret for the cart token using wp_salt.

protected get_cart_token_secret() : string
Return values


Get current user IP Address.

protected static get_ip_address([bool $proxy_support = false ]) : string

X_REAL_IP and CLIENT_IP are custom implementations designed to facilitate obtaining a user's ip through proxies, load balancers etc.

_FORWARDED_FOR (XFF) request header is a de-facto standard header for identifying the originating IP address of a client connecting to a web server through a proxy server. Note for X_FORWARDED_FOR, Proxy servers can send through this header like this: X-Forwarded-For: client1, proxy1, proxy2. Make sure we always only send through the first IP in the list which should always be the client IP. Documentation at https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/X-Forwarded-For

Forwarded request header contains information that may be added by reverse proxy servers (load balancers, CDNs, and so on). Documentation at https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Forwarded Full RFC at https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7239

$proxy_support : bool = false

Enables/disables proxy support.

Return values


Checks if we're using a cart token to access the Store API.

protected has_valid_cart_token(WP_REST_Request $request) : bool
$request : WP_REST_Request

Request object.

Return values


Is the request a preflight request? Checks the request method

protected is_preflight() : bool
Return values


Check if is request to the Store API.

protected is_request_to_store_api() : bool
Return values


Uses filter_var() to validate and return ipv4 and ipv6 addresses Will return if the ip is not valid. This is done to group and still rate limit invalid ips.

protected static validate_ip(string $ip) : string
$ip : string

ipv4 or ipv6 ip string.

Return values