WooCommerce Code Reference

in package

Utility methods used for the Product Gallery block.

Table of Contents

CROP_IMAGE_SIZE_NAME  = '_woo_blocks_product_gallery_crop_full'
get_product_gallery_image_ids()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get the product gallery image IDs.
get_product_gallery_images()  : array<string|int, mixed>
When requesting a full-size image, this function may return an array with a single image.
get_product_image_placeholder_html()  : string
Get the product image placeholder HTML.
maybe_generate_intermediate_image()  : void
Generates the intermediate image sizes only when needed.



Get the product gallery image IDs.

public static get_product_gallery_image_ids(WC_Product $product[, int $max_number_of_visible_images = 8 ][, bool $only_visible = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$product : WC_Product

The product object to retrieve the gallery images for.

$max_number_of_visible_images : int = 8

The maximum number of visible images to return. Defaults to 8.

$only_visible : bool = false

Whether to return only the visible images. Defaults to false.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>An array of unique image IDs for the product gallery.

When requesting a full-size image, this function may return an array with a single image.

public static get_product_gallery_images(int $post_id[, string $size = 'full' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $attributes = array() ][, string $wrapper_class = '' ][, bool $crop_images = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>

However, when requesting a non-full-size image, it will always return an array with multiple images. This distinction is based on the image size needed for rendering purposes:

  • "Full" size is used for the main product featured image.
  • Non-full sizes are used for rendering thumbnails.
$post_id : int

Post ID.

$size : string = 'full'

Image size.

$attributes : array<string|int, mixed> = array()


$wrapper_class : string = ''

Wrapper class.

$crop_images : bool = false

Whether to crop images.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Get the product image placeholder HTML.

public static get_product_image_placeholder_html(string $size, array<string|int, mixed> $attributes, bool $crop_images) : string
$size : string

Image size.

$attributes : array<string|int, mixed>


$crop_images : bool

Whether to crop images.

Return values


Generates the intermediate image sizes only when needed.

public static maybe_generate_intermediate_image(int $attachment_id, string $size) : void
$attachment_id : int

Attachment ID.

$size : string

Image size.

Return values