WooCommerce Code Reference

in package

Utility methods used for serving block templates from WooCommerce Blocks.

Table of Contents

Deprecated WooCommerce plugin slug
DIRECTORY_NAMES  = array('DEPRECATED_TEMPLATES' => 'block-templates', 'DEPRECATED_TEMPLATE_PARTS' => 'block-template-parts', 'TEMPLATES' => 'templates', 'TEMPLATE_PARTS' => 'parts')
Directory names for block templates
PLUGIN_SLUG  = 'woocommerce/woocommerce'
WooCommerce plugin slug
TEMPLATES_ROOT_DIR  = 'templates'
build_template_result_from_post()  : WP_Block_Template|WP_Error
Build a unified template object based a post Object.
create_new_block_template_object()  : object
Build a new template object so that we can make Woo Blocks default templates available in the current theme should they not have any.
flatten_blocks()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns an array containing the references of the passed blocks and their inner blocks.
generate_template_slug_from_path()  : string
Converts template paths into a slug
get_block_template_area()  : string
Returns area for template parts.
get_block_template_description()  : string
Returns template description.
get_block_template_title()  : string
Returns template title.
get_block_templates_from_db()  : array<string|int, int>|array<string|int, WP_Post>
Gets the templates saved in the database.
get_fallback_template_from_db()  : bool|object
Gets the `archive-product` fallback template stored on the db for a given slug.
get_template()  : AbstractTemplate|AbstractTemplatePart|null
Returns the template matching the slug
get_template_part()  : string
Gets the template part by slug
get_template_paths()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Finds all nested template part file paths in a theme's directory.
get_templates_directory()  : string
Gets the directory where templates of a specific template type can be found.
get_theme_template_path()  : string|null
Gets the first matching template part within themes directories
inject_theme_attribute_in_content()  : string
Parses wp_template content and injects the current theme's stylesheet as a theme attribute into each wp_template_part
remove_duplicate_customized_templates()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Removes customized templates that shouldn't be available. That means customized templates based on the WooCommerce default template when there is a customized template based on the theme template.
remove_theme_templates_with_custom_alternative()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Removes templates that were added to a theme's block-templates directory, but already had a customised version saved in the database.
set_has_theme_file_if_fallback_is_available()  : bool
Sets the `has_theme_file` to `true` for templates with fallbacks
should_use_blockified_product_grid_templates()  : bool
Returns whether the blockified templates should be used or not.
supports_block_templates()  : bool
Checks to see if they are using a compatible version of WP, or if not they have a compatible version of the Gutenberg plugin installed.
template_has_legacy_template_block()  : bool
Returns whether the passed `$template` has the legacy template block.
template_is_eligible_for_product_archive_fallback()  : bool
Checks if we can fall back to the `archive-product` template for a given slug.
template_is_eligible_for_product_archive_fallback_from_db()  : bool
Checks if we can fall back to an `archive-product` template stored on the db for a given slug.
template_is_eligible_for_product_archive_fallback_from_theme()  : bool
Checks if we can fall back to the `archive-product` file template for a given slug in the current theme.
theme_has_template()  : bool
Check if the theme has a template. So we know if to load our own in or not.
theme_has_template_part()  : bool
Check if the theme has a template. So we know if to load our own in or not.
update_template_data()  : WP_Block_Template
Updates the title, description and area of a template to the correct values and to make them more user-friendly.



Deprecated WooCommerce plugin slug

public string DEPRECATED_PLUGIN_SLUG = 'woocommerce'

For supporting users who have customized templates under the incorrect plugin slug during the first release. More context found here: https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block/issues/5423.


Directory names for block templates

public array<string|int, mixed> DIRECTORY_NAMES = array('DEPRECATED_TEMPLATES' => 'block-templates', 'DEPRECATED_TEMPLATE_PARTS' => 'block-template-parts', 'TEMPLATES' => 'templates', 'TEMPLATE_PARTS' => 'parts')

Directory names conventions for block templates have changed with Gutenberg 12.1.0, however, for backwards-compatibility, we also keep the older conventions, prefixed with DEPRECATED_.


WooCommerce plugin slug

public string PLUGIN_SLUG = 'woocommerce/woocommerce'

This is used to save templates to the DB which are stored against this value in the wp_terms table.



Build a unified template object based a post Object.

public static build_template_result_from_post(WP_Post $post) : WP_Block_Template|WP_Error

Important: This method is an almost identical duplicate from wp-includes/block-template-utils.php as it was not intended for public use. It has been modified to build templates from plugins rather than themes.

$post : WP_Post

Template post.

Return values


Build a new template object so that we can make Woo Blocks default templates available in the current theme should they not have any.

public static create_new_block_template_object(string $template_file, string $template_type, string $template_slug[, bool $template_is_from_theme = false ]) : object
$template_file : string

Block template file path.

$template_type : string

wp_template or wp_template_part.

$template_slug : string

Block template slug e.g. single-product.

$template_is_from_theme : bool = false

If the block template file is being loaded from the current theme instead of Woo Blocks.

Return values
objectBlock template object.


Returns an array containing the references of the passed blocks and their inner blocks.

public static flatten_blocks(array<string|int, mixed> &$blocks) : array<string|int, mixed>
$blocks : array<string|int, mixed>

array of blocks.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>block references to the passed blocks and their inner blocks.


Converts template paths into a slug

public static generate_template_slug_from_path(string $path) : string
$path : string

The template's path.

Return values


Returns area for template parts.

public static get_block_template_area(string $template_slug, string $template_type) : string
$template_slug : string

The template part slug (e.g. mini-cart).

$template_type : string

Either wp_template or wp_template_part.

Return values
stringTemplate part area.


Returns template description.

public static get_block_template_description(string $template_slug) : string
$template_slug : string

The template slug (e.g. single-product).

Return values
stringTemplate description.


Returns template title.

public static get_block_template_title(string $template_slug) : string
$template_slug : string

The template slug (e.g. single-product).

Return values
stringHuman friendly title.


Gets the templates saved in the database.

public static get_block_templates_from_db([array<string|int, mixed> $slugs = array() ][, string $template_type = 'wp_template' ]) : array<string|int, int>|array<string|int, WP_Post>
$slugs : array<string|int, mixed> = array()

An array of slugs to retrieve templates for.

$template_type : string = 'wp_template'

wp_template or wp_template_part.

Return values
array<string|int, int>|array<string|int, WP_Post>An array of found templates.


Gets the `archive-product` fallback template stored on the db for a given slug.

public static get_fallback_template_from_db(string $template_slug, array<string|int, mixed> $db_templates) : bool|object
$template_slug : string

Slug to check for fallbacks.

$db_templates : array<string|int, mixed>

Templates that have already been found on the db.

Return values


Returns the template matching the slug

public static get_template(string $template_slug) : AbstractTemplate|AbstractTemplatePart|null
$template_slug : string

Slug of the template to retrieve.

Return values


Gets the template part by slug

public static get_template_part(string $slug) : string
$slug : string

The template part slug.

Return values
stringThe template part content.


Finds all nested template part file paths in a theme's directory.

public static get_template_paths(string $template_type) : array<string|int, mixed>
$template_type : string

wp_template or wp_template_part.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>$path_list A list of paths to all template part files.


Gets the directory where templates of a specific template type can be found.

public static get_templates_directory([string $template_type = 'wp_template' ]) : string
$template_type : string = 'wp_template'

wp_template or wp_template_part.

Return values


Gets the first matching template part within themes directories

public static get_theme_template_path(string $template_slug[, string $template_type = 'wp_template' ]) : string|null

Since Gutenberg 12.1.0, the conventions for block templates and parts directory has changed from block-templates and block-templates-parts to templates and parts respectively.

This function traverses all possible combinations of directory paths where a template or part could be located and returns the first one which is readable, prioritizing the new convention over the deprecated one, but maintaining that one for backwards compatibility.

$template_slug : string

The slug of the template (i.e. without the file extension).

$template_type : string = 'wp_template'

Either wp_template or wp_template_part.

Return values
string|nullThe matched path or `null` if no match was found.


Parses wp_template content and injects the current theme's stylesheet as a theme attribute into each wp_template_part

public static inject_theme_attribute_in_content(string $template_content) : string
$template_content : string

serialized wp_template content.

Return values
stringUpdated wp_template content.


Removes customized templates that shouldn't be available. That means customized templates based on the WooCommerce default template when there is a customized template based on the theme template.

public static remove_duplicate_customized_templates(array<string|int, WP_Block_Template>|array<string|int, stdClass$templates, string $theme_slug) : array<string|int, mixed>
$templates : array<string|int, WP_Block_Template>|array<string|int, stdClass>

List of templates to run the filter on.

$theme_slug : string

Slug of the theme currently active.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>Filtered list of templates with only relevant templates available.


Removes templates that were added to a theme's block-templates directory, but already had a customised version saved in the database.

public static remove_theme_templates_with_custom_alternative(array<string|int, WP_Block_Template>|array<string|int, stdClass$templates) : array<string|int, mixed>
$templates : array<string|int, WP_Block_Template>|array<string|int, stdClass>

List of templates to run the filter on.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>List of templates with duplicates removed. The customised alternative is preferred over the theme default.


Sets the `has_theme_file` to `true` for templates with fallbacks

public static set_has_theme_file_if_fallback_is_available(array<string|int, mixed> $query_result, object $template) : bool

There are cases (such as tags, categories and attributes) in which fallback templates can be used; so, while technically the theme doesn't have a specific file for them, it is important that we tell Gutenberg that we do, in fact, have a theme file (i.e. the fallback one).

Note: this function changes the array that has been passed.

It returns true if anything was changed, false otherwise.

$query_result : array<string|int, mixed>

Array of template objects.

$template : object

A specific template object which could have a fallback.

Return values


Returns whether the blockified templates should be used or not.

public static should_use_blockified_product_grid_templates() : bool

If the option is not stored on the db, we need to check if the current theme is a block one or not.

Return values


Checks to see if they are using a compatible version of WP, or if not they have a compatible version of the Gutenberg plugin installed.

public static supports_block_templates([string $template_type = 'wp_template' ]) : bool
$template_type : string = 'wp_template'

Optional. Template type: wp_template or wp_template_part. Default wp_template.

Return values


Returns whether the passed `$template` has the legacy template block.

public static template_has_legacy_template_block(object $template) : bool
$template : object

The template object.

Return values


Checks if we can fall back to the `archive-product` template for a given slug.

public static template_is_eligible_for_product_archive_fallback(string $template_slug) : bool

taxonomy-product_cat, taxonomy-product_tag, taxonomy-product_attribute templates can generally use the archive-product as a fallback if there are no specific overrides.

$template_slug : string

Slug to check for fallbacks.

Return values


Checks if we can fall back to an `archive-product` template stored on the db for a given slug.

public static template_is_eligible_for_product_archive_fallback_from_db(string $template_slug, array<string|int, mixed> $db_templates) : bool
$template_slug : string

Slug to check for fallbacks.

$db_templates : array<string|int, mixed>

Templates that have already been found on the db.

Return values


Checks if we can fall back to the `archive-product` file template for a given slug in the current theme.

public static template_is_eligible_for_product_archive_fallback_from_theme(string $template_slug) : bool

taxonomy-product_cat, taxonomy-product_tag, taxonomy-attribute templates can generally use the archive-product as a fallback if there are no specific overrides.

$template_slug : string

Slug to check for fallbacks.

Return values


Check if the theme has a template. So we know if to load our own in or not.

public static theme_has_template(string $template_name) : bool
$template_name : string

name of the template file without .html extension e.g. 'single-product'.

Return values


Check if the theme has a template. So we know if to load our own in or not.

public static theme_has_template_part(string $template_name) : bool
$template_name : string

name of the template file without .html extension e.g. 'single-product'.

Return values


Updates the title, description and area of a template to the correct values and to make them more user-friendly.

public static update_template_data(WP_Block_Template $template, string $template_type) : WP_Block_Template

For example, instead of:

  • Title: Tag (product_tag)
  • Description: Displays taxonomy: Tag. we display:
  • Title: Products by Tag
  • Description: Displays products filtered by a tag..
$template : WP_Block_Template

The template object.

$template_type : string

wp_template or wp_template_part.

Return values