WooCommerce Code Reference

in package

Service class that handles hydration of API data for blocks.

Table of Contents

$asset_data_registry  : AssetDataRegistry
Instance of the asset data registry.
$cached_store_notices  : array<string|int, mixed>
Cached notices to restore after hydrating the API.
__construct()  : mixed
disable_nonce_check_callback()  : mixed
Callback to disable the nonce check. While we could use `__return_true`, we use a custom named callback so that we can remove it later without affecting other filters.
get_rest_api_response_data()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Hydrates the asset data registry with data from the API. Disables notices and nonces so requests contain valid data that is not polluted by the current session.
cache_store_notices()  : mixed
Cache notices before hydrating the API if the customer has a session.
disable_nonce_check()  : mixed
Disable the nonce check temporarily.
restore_cached_store_notices()  : mixed
Restore notices into current session from cache.
restore_nonce_check()  : mixed
Restore the nonce check.
get_response_from_controller()  : false|mixed|null
Helper method to generate GET response from a controller. Also fires the `rest_request_after_callbacks` for backward compatibility.
match_route_to_handler()  : string|null
Inspired from WP core's `match_request_to_handler`, this matches a given path from available route regexes.




Callback to disable the nonce check. While we could use `__return_true`, we use a custom named callback so that we can remove it later without affecting other filters.

public disable_nonce_check_callback() : mixed
Return values


Hydrates the asset data registry with data from the API. Disables notices and nonces so requests contain valid data that is not polluted by the current session.

public get_rest_api_response_data([array<string|int, mixed> $path = '' ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$path : array<string|int, mixed> = ''

API paths to hydrate e.g. '/wc/store/v1/cart'.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>Response data.


Cache notices before hydrating the API if the customer has a session.

protected cache_store_notices() : mixed
Return values


Restore notices into current session from cache.

protected restore_cached_store_notices() : mixed
Return values


Helper method to generate GET response from a controller. Also fires the `rest_request_after_callbacks` for backward compatibility.

private get_response_from_controller(string $controller_class, string $path) : false|mixed|null
$controller_class : string

Controller class FQN that will respond to the request.

$path : string

Request path regex.

Return values


Inspired from WP core's `match_request_to_handler`, this matches a given path from available route regexes.

private match_route_to_handler(string $path, array<string|int, mixed> $available_routes) : string|null

However, unlike WP core, this does not check against query params, request method etc.

$path : string

The path to match.

$available_routes : array<string|int, mixed>

Available routes in { $regex1 => $contoller_class1, ... } format.

Return values