WooCommerce Code Reference

in package

Class WCAdminHelper

Table of Contents

WC_ADMIN_STORE_AGE_RANGES  = array('week-1' => array('start' => 0, 'end' => WEEK_IN_SECONDS), 'week-1-4' => array('start' => WEEK_IN_SECONDS, 'end' => WEEK_IN_SECONDS * 4), 'month-1-3' => array('start' => MONTH_IN_SECONDS, 'end' => MONTH_IN_SECONDS * 3), 'month-3-6' => array('start' => MONTH_IN_SECONDS * 3, 'end' => MONTH_IN_SECONDS * 6), 'month-6+' => array('start' => MONTH_IN_SECONDS * 6))
WC_ADMIN_TIMESTAMP_OPTION  = 'woocommerce_admin_install_timestamp'
WC Admin timestamp option name.
get_wcadmin_active_for_in_seconds()  : number
Get the number of seconds that the store has been active.
is_site_fresh()  : bool
Test if the site is fresh. A fresh site must meet the following requirements.
is_store_page()  : bool
Test if a URL is a store page. This function ignores the domain and protocol of the URL and only checks the path and query string.
is_wc_admin_active_for()  : bool
Test how long WooCommerce Admin has been active.
is_wc_admin_active_in_date_range()  : bool
Test if WooCommerce Admin has been active within a pre-defined range.
get_normalized_url_path()  : mixed
Get normalized URL path.



public mixed WC_ADMIN_STORE_AGE_RANGES = array('week-1' => array('start' => 0, 'end' => WEEK_IN_SECONDS), 'week-1-4' => array('start' => WEEK_IN_SECONDS, 'end' => WEEK_IN_SECONDS * 4), 'month-1-3' => array('start' => MONTH_IN_SECONDS, 'end' => MONTH_IN_SECONDS * 3), 'month-3-6' => array('start' => MONTH_IN_SECONDS * 3, 'end' => MONTH_IN_SECONDS * 6), 'month-6+' => array('start' => MONTH_IN_SECONDS * 6))


WC Admin timestamp option name.

public mixed WC_ADMIN_TIMESTAMP_OPTION = 'woocommerce_admin_install_timestamp'



Get the number of seconds that the store has been active.

public static get_wcadmin_active_for_in_seconds() : number
Return values
numberNumber of seconds.


Test if the site is fresh. A fresh site must meet the following requirements.

public static is_site_fresh() : bool
  • The current user was registered less than 1 month ago.
  • fresh_site option must be 1
Return values


Test if a URL is a store page. This function ignores the domain and protocol of the URL and only checks the path and query string.

public static is_store_page([string $url = '' ]) : bool

Store pages are defined as:

  • Shop
  • Cart
  • Checkout
  • Privacy Policy
  • Terms and Conditions

Additionally, the following autogenerated pages should be included:

  • Product pages
  • Product Category pages
  • Product Tag pages
$url : string = ''

URL to check. If not provided, the current URL will be used.

Return values
boolWhether or not the URL is a store page.


Test how long WooCommerce Admin has been active.

public static is_wc_admin_active_for(int $seconds) : bool
$seconds : int

Time in seconds to check.

Return values
boolWhether or not WooCommerce admin has been active for $seconds.


Test if WooCommerce Admin has been active within a pre-defined range.

public static is_wc_admin_active_in_date_range(string $range[, int $custom_start = null ]) : bool
$range : string

range available in WC_ADMIN_STORE_AGE_RANGES.

$custom_start : int = null

custom start in range.


Throws exception when invalid $range is passed in.

Return values
boolWhether or not WooCommerce admin has been active within the range.


Get normalized URL path.

private static get_normalized_url_path(string $url) : mixed
  1. Only keep the path and query string (if any).
  2. Remove wp home path from the URL path if WP is installed in a subdirectory.
  3. Remove leading and trailing slashes.

For example:

  • https://example.com/wordpress/shop/uncategorized/test/?add-to-cart=123 => shop/uncategorized/test/?add-to-cart=123
$url : string

URL to normalize.

Return values