WooCommerce Code Reference


Interface for block configuration used to specify blocks in BlockTemplate.

Table of Contents

ATTRIBUTES_KEY  = 'attributes'
Key for the block attributes in the block configuration.
DISABLE_CONDITIONS_KEY  = 'disableConditions'
Key for the block disable conditions in the block configuration.
HIDE_CONDITIONS_KEY  = 'hideConditions'
Key for the block hide conditions in the block configuration.
ID_KEY  = 'id'
Key for the block ID in the block configuration.
NAME_KEY  = 'blockName'
Key for the block name in the block configuration.
ORDER_KEY  = 'order'
Key for the internal order in the block configuration.
add_disable_condition()  : string
Add a disable condition to the block.
add_hide_condition()  : string
Add a hide condition to the block.
get_attributes()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get the block attributes.
get_disable_conditions()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get the disable conditions of the block.
get_formatted_template()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get the block configuration as a formatted template.
get_hide_conditions()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get the hide conditions of the block.
get_id()  : string
Get the block ID.
get_name()  : string
Get the block name.
get_order()  : int
Get the block order.
get_parent()  : ContainerInterface
Get the parent container that the block belongs to.
get_root_template()  : BlockTemplateInterface
Get the root template that the block belongs to.
is_detached()  : bool
Check if the block is detached from its parent or root template.
remove()  : mixed
Remove the block from its parent.
remove_disable_condition()  : mixed
Remove a disable condition from the block.
remove_hide_condition()  : mixed
Remove a hide condition from the block.
set_attribute()  : mixed
Set a block attribute value without replacing the entire attributes object.
set_attributes()  : mixed
Set the block attributes.
set_order()  : mixed
Set the block order.




Add a disable condition to the block.

public add_disable_condition(string $expression) : string

The disable condition is a JavaScript-like expression that will be evaluated on the client to determine if the block should be disabled. See @woocommerce/expression-evaluation for more details.

$expression : string

An expression, which if true, will disable the block.

Return values
stringThe key of the disable condition, which can be used to remove the disable condition.


Add a hide condition to the block.

public add_hide_condition(string $expression) : string

The hide condition is a JavaScript-like expression that will be evaluated on the client to determine if the block should be hidden. See @woocommerce/expression-evaluation for more details.

$expression : string

An expression, which if true, will hide the block.

Return values
stringThe key of the hide condition, which can be used to remove the hide condition.


Get the disable conditions of the block.

public get_disable_conditions() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Get the block configuration as a formatted template.

public get_formatted_template() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>The block configuration as a formatted template.


Check if the block is detached from its parent or root template.

public is_detached() : bool
Return values
boolTrue if the block is detached from its parent or root template.


Remove a disable condition from the block.

public remove_disable_condition(string $key) : mixed
$key : string

The key of the disable condition to remove.

Return values


Remove a hide condition from the block.

public remove_hide_condition(string $key) : mixed
$key : string

The key of the hide condition to remove.

Return values


Set a block attribute value without replacing the entire attributes object.

public set_attribute(string $key, mixed $value) : mixed
$key : string

The attribute key.

$value : mixed

The attribute value.

Return values


Set the block attributes.

public set_attributes(array<string|int, mixed> $attributes) : mixed
$attributes : array<string|int, mixed>

The block attributes.

Return values