Test Suite Stats

End-to-end Test Suite

Size of Test Suite

Measures the number of tests executed in each run.

Execution Time (last 30 days)

The amount of time it takes for the test suite to complete (seconds).

Number of Failures (last 30 days)

The number of tests marked as failing each run.

Number of Skipped Tests (last 30 days)

The number of tests we skip each run.

Number of Broken Tests (last 30 days)

The number of tests marked as broken each run.

API Test Suite

Size of Test Suite

Measures the number of tests executed in each run.

Execution Time (last 30 days)

The amount of time it takes for the test suite to complete (seconds).

Number of Failures (last 30 days)

The number of tests marked as failing each run.

Number of Skipped Tests (last 30 days)

The number of tests we skip each run.

Number of Broken Tests (last 30 days)

The number of tests marked as broken each run.