Interfaces, Classes and Traits
- RuleProcessorInterface
- Rule processor interface
- BaseLocationCountryRuleProcessor
- Rule processor that performs a comparison operation against the base location - country.
- BaseLocationStateRuleProcessor
- Rule processor that performs a comparison operation against the base location - state.
- ComparisonOperation
- Compare two operands using the specified operation.
- EvaluateAndGetStatus
- Evaluates the spec and returns a status.
- EvaluationLogger
- Class EvaluationLogger
- FailRuleProcessor
- Rule processor that fails.
- GetRuleProcessor
- Class encapsulating getting the processor for a given rule type.
- IsEcommerceRuleProcessor
- Rule processor that passes (or fails) when the site is on the eCommerce plan.
- IsWooExpressRuleProcessor
- Rule processor that passes (or fails) when the site is on a Woo Express plan.
- NoteStatusRuleProcessor
- Rule processor that compares against the status of another note.
- NotRuleProcessor
- Rule processor that negates the rules in the rule's operand.
- OnboardingProfileRuleProcessor
- Rule processor that performs a comparison operation against a value in the onboarding profile.
- OptionRuleProcessor
- Rule processor that performs a comparison operation against an option value.
- OrderCountRuleProcessor
- Rule processor for publishing based on the number of orders.
- OrdersProvider
- Provider for order-related queries and operations.
- OrRuleProcessor
- Rule processor that performs an OR operation on the rule's left and right operands.
- PassRuleProcessor
- Rule processor that passes.
- PluginsActivatedRuleProcessor
- Rule processor for sending when the provided plugins are activated.
- PluginVersionRuleProcessor
- Rule processor for sending when the provided plugin is activated and matches the specified version.
- ProductCountRuleProcessor
- Rule processor that performs a comparison operation against the number of products.
- PublishAfterTimeRuleProcessor
- Rule processor for sending after a specified date/time.
- PublishBeforeTimeRuleProcessor
- Rule processor for sending before a specified date/time.
- RuleEvaluator
- Evaluate the given rules as an AND operation - return false early if a rule evaluates to false.
- StoredStateRuleProcessor
- Rule processor that performs a comparison operation against a value in the stored state object.
- StoredStateSetupForProducts
- Handles stored state setup for products.
- TotalPaymentsVolumeProcessor
- Rule processor that passes when a store's payments volume exceeds a provided amount.
- WCAdminActiveForProvider
- WCAdminActiveForProvider class
- WCAdminActiveForRuleProcessor
- Rule processor for publishing if wc-admin has been active for at least the given number of seconds.
- WooCommerceAdminUpdatedRuleProcessor
- Rule processor for sending when WooCommerce Admin has been updated.