WooCommerce Code Reference


Source code

namespace Automattic\WooCommerce\Blocks\BlockTypes;

 * ComingSoon class.
class ComingSoon extends AbstractBlock {
	 * Block name.
	 * @var string
	protected $block_name = 'coming-soon';

	 * It is necessary to register and enqueue assets during the render phase because we want to load assets only if the block has the content.
	protected function register_block_type_assets() {
			$this->register_chunk_translations( [ $this->block_name ] );

	 * Get the frontend style handle for this block type.
	 * @return null
	protected function get_block_type_style() {
		return null;

	 * Get the frontend script handle for this block type.
	 * @see $this->register_block_type()
	 * @param string $key Data to get, or default to everything.
	 * @return array|string|null
	protected function get_block_type_script( $key = null ) {
		return null;