* Handles storage and retrieval of a task list
namespace Automattic\WooCommerce\Admin\Features\OnboardingTasks;
use Automattic\WooCommerce\Admin\Features\OnboardingTasks\Task;
use Automattic\WooCommerce\Admin\WCAdminHelper;
* Task List class.
class TaskList {
* Task traits.
use TaskTraits;
* Option name hidden task lists.
const HIDDEN_OPTION = 'woocommerce_task_list_hidden_lists';
* Option name of completed task lists.
const COMPLETED_OPTION = 'woocommerce_task_list_completed_lists';
* Option name of hidden reminder bar.
const REMINDER_BAR_HIDDEN_OPTION = 'woocommerce_task_list_reminder_bar_hidden';
* ID.
* @var string
public $id = '';
* ID.
* @var string
public $hidden_id = '';
* ID.
* @var boolean
public $display_progress_header = false;
* Title.
* @var string
public $title = '';
* Tasks.
* @var array
public $tasks = array();
* Sort keys.
* @var array
public $sort_by = array();
* Event prefix.
* @var string|null
public $event_prefix = null;
* Task list visibility.
* @var boolean
public $visible = true;
* Array of custom options.
* @var array
public $options = array();
* Array of TaskListSection.
* @deprecated 7.2.0
* @var array
private $sections = array();
* Key value map of task class and id used for sections.
* @deprecated 7.2.0
* @var array
public $task_class_id_map = array();
* Constructor
* @param array $data Task list data.
public function __construct( $data = array() ) {
$defaults = array(
'id' => null,
'hidden_id' => null,
'title' => '',
'tasks' => array(),
'sort_by' => array(),
'event_prefix' => null,
'options' => array(),
'visible' => true,
'display_progress_header' => false,
$data = wp_parse_args( $data, $defaults );
$this->id = $data['id'];
$this->hidden_id = $data['hidden_id'];
$this->title = $data['title'];
$this->sort_by = $data['sort_by'];
$this->event_prefix = $data['event_prefix'];
$this->options = $data['options'];
$this->visible = $data['visible'];
$this->display_progress_header = $data['display_progress_header'];
foreach ( $data['tasks'] as $task_name ) {
$class = 'Automattic\WooCommerce\Admin\Features\OnboardingTasks\Tasks\\' . $task_name;
$task = new $class( $this );
$this->add_task( $task );
* Check if the task list is hidden.
* @return bool
public function is_hidden() {
$hidden = get_option( self::HIDDEN_OPTION, array() );
return in_array( $this->hidden_id ? $this->hidden_id : $this->id, $hidden, true );
* Check if the task list is visible.
* @return bool
public function is_visible() {
if ( ! $this->visible || $this->is_hidden() || ! count( $this->get_viewable_tasks() ) > 0 ) {
return false;
return ! $this->is_hidden();
* Hide the task list.
* @return bool
public function hide() {
if ( $this->is_hidden() ) {
$viewable_tasks = $this->get_viewable_tasks();
$completed_count = array_reduce(
function( $total, $task ) {
return $task->is_complete() ? $total + 1 : $total;
'action' => 'remove_card',
'completed_task_count' => $completed_count,
'incomplete_task_count' => count( $viewable_tasks ) - $completed_count,
'tasklist_id' => $this->id,
$hidden = get_option( self::HIDDEN_OPTION, array() );
$hidden[] = $this->hidden_id ? $this->hidden_id : $this->id;
$this->maybe_set_default_layout( $hidden );
return update_option( self::HIDDEN_OPTION, array_unique( $hidden ) );
* Sets the default homepage layout to two_columns if "setup" tasklist is completed or hidden.
* @param array $completed_or_hidden_tasklist_ids Array of tasklist ids.
public function maybe_set_default_layout( $completed_or_hidden_tasklist_ids ) {
if ( in_array( 'setup', $completed_or_hidden_tasklist_ids, true ) ) {
update_option( 'woocommerce_default_homepage_layout', 'two_columns' );
* Undo hiding of the task list.
* @return bool
public function unhide() {
$hidden = get_option( self::HIDDEN_OPTION, array() );
$hidden = array_diff( $hidden, array( $this->hidden_id ? $this->hidden_id : $this->id ) );
return update_option( self::HIDDEN_OPTION, $hidden );
* Check if all viewable tasks are complete.
* @return bool
public function is_complete() {
foreach ( $this->get_viewable_tasks() as $viewable_task ) {
if ( $viewable_task->is_complete() === false ) {
return false;
return true;
* Check if a task list has previously been marked as complete.
* @return bool
public function has_previously_completed() {
$complete = get_option( self::COMPLETED_OPTION, array() );
return in_array( $this->get_list_id(), $complete, true );
* Add task to the task list.
* @param Task $task Task class.
public function add_task( $task ) {
if ( ! is_subclass_of( $task, 'Automattic\WooCommerce\Admin\Features\OnboardingTasks\Task' ) ) {
return new \WP_Error(
__( 'Task is not a subclass of `Task`', 'woocommerce' )
if ( array_search( $task, $this->tasks, true ) ) {
$this->tasks[] = $task;
* Get only visible tasks in list.
* @param string $task_id id of task.
* @return Task
public function get_task( $task_id ) {
return current(
function( $task ) use ( $task_id ) {
return $task->get_id() === $task_id;
* Get only visible tasks in list.
* @return array
public function get_viewable_tasks() {
return array_values(
function( $task ) {
return $task->can_view();
* Get task list sections.
* @deprecated 7.2.0
* @return array
public function get_sections() {
wc_deprecated_function( __CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__, '7.2.0' );
return $this->sections;
* Track list completion of viewable tasks.
public function possibly_track_completion() {
if ( $this->has_previously_completed() ) {
// If it's hidden, completion is tracked via hide method.
if ( $this->is_hidden() ) {
// Expensive check, do it last.
if ( ! $this->is_complete() ) {
$completed_lists = get_option( self::COMPLETED_OPTION, array() );
$completed_lists[] = $this->get_list_id();
update_option( self::COMPLETED_OPTION, $completed_lists );
$this->maybe_set_default_layout( $completed_lists );
'tasklist_id' => $this->id,
* Sorts the attached tasks array.
* @param array $sort_by list of columns with sort order.
* @return TaskList returns $this, for chaining.
public function sort_tasks( $sort_by = array() ) {
$sort_by = count( $sort_by ) > 0 ? $sort_by : $this->sort_by;
if ( 0 !== count( $sort_by ) ) {
function( $a, $b ) use ( $sort_by ) {
return Task::sort( $a, $b, $sort_by );
return $this;
* Prefix event for track event naming.
* @param string $event_name Event name.
* @return string
public function prefix_event( $event_name ) {
if ( null !== $this->event_prefix ) {
return $this->event_prefix . $event_name;
return $this->get_list_id() . '_tasklist_' . $event_name;
* Returns option to keep completed task list.
* @return string
public function get_keep_completed_task_list() {
return get_option( 'woocommerce_task_list_keep_completed', 'no' );
* Remove reminder bar four weeks after store creation.
public static function possibly_remove_reminder_bar() {
$bar_hidden = get_option( self::REMINDER_BAR_HIDDEN_OPTION, 'no' );
$active_for_four_weeks = WCAdminHelper::is_wc_admin_active_for( WEEK_IN_SECONDS * 4 );
if ( 'yes' === $bar_hidden || ! $active_for_four_weeks ) {
update_option( self::REMINDER_BAR_HIDDEN_OPTION, 'yes' );
* Get the list for use in JSON.
* @return array
public function get_json() {
$tasks_json = array();
// We have no use for hidden lists, it's expensive to compute individual tasks completion.
// Exception: Secret tasklist is always hidden.
if ( $this->is_visible() || 'secret_tasklist' === $this->id ) {
foreach ( $this->tasks as $task ) {
$json = $task->get_json();
if ( $json['canView'] ) {
$tasks_json[] = $json;
return array(
'id' => $this->get_list_id(),
'title' => $this->title,
'isHidden' => $this->is_hidden(),
'isVisible' => $this->is_visible(),
'isComplete' => $this->is_complete(),
'tasks' => $tasks_json,
'eventPrefix' => $this->prefix_event( '' ),
'displayProgressHeader' => $this->display_progress_header,
'keepCompletedTaskList' => $this->get_keep_completed_task_list(),