WooCommerce Code Reference


Source code

 * WCCOM Site Installer REST API Controller
 * Handles requests to /installer.
 * @package WooCommerce\WCCom\API
 * @since   3.7.0

use WC_REST_WCCOM_Site_Installer_Error_Codes as Installer_Error_Codes;
use WC_REST_WCCOM_Site_Installer_Error as Installer_Error;

defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit;

 * REST API WCCOM Site Installer Controller Class.
 * @extends WC_REST_Controller
class WC_REST_WCCOM_Site_Installer_Controller extends WC_REST_Controller {

	 * Endpoint namespace.
	 * @var string
	protected $namespace = 'wccom-site/v1';

	 * Route base.
	 * @var string
	protected $rest_base = 'installer';

	 * Register the routes for WCCCOM Installer Controller.
	 * @since 3.7.0
	public function register_routes() {
			'/' . $this->rest_base,
					'methods'             => WP_REST_Server::READABLE,
					'callback'            => array( $this, 'get_install_state' ),
					'permission_callback' => array( $this, 'check_permission' ),
					'methods'             => WP_REST_Server::CREATABLE,
					'callback'            => array( $this, 'install' ),
					'permission_callback' => array( $this, 'check_permission' ),
					'args'                => array(
						'products' => array(
							'required' => true,
							'type'     => 'object',
					'methods'             => WP_REST_Server::DELETABLE,
					'callback'            => array( $this, 'reset_install' ),
					'permission_callback' => array( $this, 'check_permission' ),

	 * Check permissions.
	 * @since 3.7.0
	 * @param WP_REST_Request $request Full details about the request.
	 * @return bool|WP_Error
	public function check_permission( $request ) {
		$current_user = wp_get_current_user();

		if ( empty( $current_user ) || ( $current_user instanceof WP_User && ! $current_user->exists() ) ) {
			 * This filter allows to provide a custom error message when the user is not authenticated.
			 * @since 3.7.0
			$error = apply_filters(
				new Installer_Error( Installer_Error_Codes::NOT_AUTHENTICATED )
			return new WP_Error(
				array( 'status' => $error->get_http_code() )

		if ( ! user_can( $current_user, 'install_plugins' ) || ! user_can( $current_user, 'install_themes' ) ) {
			$error = new Installer_Error( Installer_Error_Codes::NO_PERMISSION );
			return new WP_Error(
				array( 'status' => $error->get_http_code() )

		return true;

	 * Get installation state.
	 * @since 3.7.0
	 * @param WP_REST_Request $request Full details about the request.
	 * @return bool|WP_Error
	public function get_install_state( $request ) {
		$requirements_met = WC_WCCOM_Site_Installer_Requirements_Check::met_requirements();
		if ( is_wp_error( $requirements_met ) ) {
			return $requirements_met;

		return rest_ensure_response( WC_WCCOM_Site_Installer::get_state() );

	 * Install WooCommerce.com products.
	 * @since 3.7.0
	 * @param WP_REST_Request $request Full details about the request.
	 * @return bool|WP_Error
	public function install( $request ) {
		$requirements_met = WC_WCCOM_Site_Installer_Requirements_Check::met_requirements();
		if ( is_wp_error( $requirements_met ) ) {
			return $requirements_met;

		if ( empty( $request['products'] ) ) {
			return new WP_Error( 'missing_products', __( 'Missing products in request body.', 'woocommerce' ), array( 'status' => 400 ) );

		$validation_result = $this->validate_products( $request['products'] );
		if ( is_wp_error( $validation_result ) ) {
			return $validation_result;

		return rest_ensure_response( WC_WCCOM_Site_Installer::schedule_install( $request['products'] ) );

	 * Reset installation state.
	 * @since 3.7.0
	 * @param WP_REST_Request $request Full details about the request.
	 * @return bool|WP_Error
	public function reset_install( $request ) {
		$resp = rest_ensure_response( WC_WCCOM_Site_Installer::reset_state() );
		$resp->set_status( 204 );

		return $resp;

	 * Validate products from request body.
	 * @since 3.7.0
	 * @param array $products Array of products where key is product ID and
	 *                        element is install args.
	 * @return bool|WP_Error
	protected function validate_products( $products ) {
		$err = new WP_Error( 'invalid_products', __( 'Invalid products in request body.', 'woocommerce' ), array( 'status' => 400 ) );

		if ( ! is_array( $products ) ) {
			return $err;

		foreach ( $products as $product_id => $install_args ) {
			if ( ! absint( $product_id ) ) {
				return $err;

			if ( empty( $install_args ) || ! is_array( $install_args ) ) {
				return $err;

		return true;