cURL Node.js PHP Python Ruby


WooCommerce (WC) 2.6+ is fully integrated with the WordPress REST API. This allows WC data to be created, read, updated, and deleted using requests in JSON format and using WordPress REST API Authentication methods and standard HTTP verbs which are understood by most HTTP clients.

The current WP REST API integration version is v1 which takes a first-order position in endpoints.

The following table shows API versions present in each major version of WooCommerce:

API Version WC Version WP Version
v1 2.6.x or later 4.4 or later

Prior to 2.6, WooCommerce had a REST API separate from WordPress which is now known as the legacy API. You can find the documentation for the legacy API separately.

API Version WC Version WP Version Documentation
Legacy v3 2.4.x or later 4.1 or later Legacy v3 docs
Legacy v2 2.2.x or later 4.1 or later Legacy v2 docs
Legacy v1 2.1.x or later 4.1 or later Legacy v1 docs


To use the latest version of the REST API you must be using:

If you use ModSecurity and see 501 Method Not Implemented errors, see this issue for details.

Request/Response Format

The default response format is JSON. Requests with a message-body use plain JSON to set or update resource attributes. Successful requests will return a 200 OK HTTP status.

Some general information about responses:

JSONP Support

The WP REST API supports JSONP by default. JSONP responses use the application/javascript content-type. You can specify the callback using the ?_jsonp parameter for GET requests to have the response wrapped in a JSON function:

curl \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret
WooCommerce.get("products/tags/34", {
  _jsonp: "tagDetails"
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
<?php print_r($woocommerce->get('products/tags/34', ['_jsonp' => 'tagDetails'])); ?>
woocommerce.get("products/tags/34", _jsonp: "tagDetails").parsed_response


/**/tagDetails({"id":34,"name":"Leather Shoes","slug":"leather-shoes","description":"","count":0,"_links":{"self":[{"href":""}],"collection":[{"href":""}]}})%


Occasionally you might encounter errors when accessing the REST API. There are four possible types:

Error Code Error Type
400 Bad Request Invalid request, e.g. using an unsupported HTTP method
401 Unauthorized Authentication or permission error, e.g. incorrect API keys
404 Not Found Requests to resources that don't exist or are missing
500 Internal Server Error Server error

WP REST API error example:

  "code": "rest_no_route",
  "message": "No route was found matching the URL and request method",
  "data": {
    "status": 404

WooCommerce REST API error example:

  "code": "woocommerce_rest_term_invalid",
  "message": "Resource doesn't exist.",
  "data": {
    "status": 404

Errors return both an appropriate HTTP status code and response object which contains a code, message and data attribute.


Almost all endpoints accept optional parameters which can be passed as a HTTP query string parameter, e.g. GET /orders?status=completed. All parameters are documented along each endpoint.


Requests that return multiple items will be paginated to 10 items by default. This default can be changed by the site administrator by changing the posts_per_page option. Alternatively the items per page can be specified with the ?per_page parameter:

GET /orders?per_page=15

You can specify further pages with the ?page parameter:

GET /orders?page=2

You may also specify the offset from the first resource using the ?offset parameter:

GET /orders?offset=5

Page number is 1-based and omitting the ?page parameter will return the first page.

The total number of resources and pages are always included in the X-WP-Total and X-WP-TotalPages HTTP headers.

Pagination info is included in the Link Header. It's recommended that you follow these values instead of building your own URLs where possible.

Link: <>; rel="next",
<>; rel="last"`

The possible rel values are:

Value Description
next Shows the URL of the immediate next page of results.
last Shows the URL of the last page of results.
first Shows the URL of the first page of results.
prev Shows the URL of the immediate previous page of results.

Libraries and Tools

Official libraries

// Install:
// npm install --save @woocommerce/woocommerce-rest-api

// Setup:
const WooCommerceRestApi = require("@woocommerce/woocommerce-rest-api").default;
// import WooCommerceRestApi from "@woocommerce/woocommerce-rest-api"; // Supports ESM

const WooCommerce = new WooCommerceRestApi({
  url: '', // Your store URL
  consumerKey: 'consumer_key', // Your consumer key
  consumerSecret: 'consumer_secret', // Your consumer secret
  version: 'wc/v1' // WooCommerce WP REST API version
// Install:
// composer require automattic/woocommerce

// Setup:
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use Automattic\WooCommerce\Client;

$woocommerce = new Client(
    '', // Your store URL
    'consumer_key', // Your consumer key
    'consumer_secret', // Your consumer secret
        'wp_api' => true, // Enable the WP REST API integration
        'version' => 'wc/v1' // WooCommerce WP REST API version
# Install:
# pip install woocommerce

# Setup:
from woocommerce import API

wcapi = API(
    url="", # Your store URL
    consumer_key="consumer_key", # Your consumer key
    consumer_secret="consumer_secret", # Your consumer secret
    wp_api=True, # Enable the WP REST API integration
    version="wc/v1" # WooCommerce WP REST API version
# Install:
# gem install woocommerce_api

# Setup:
require "woocommerce_api"

woocommerce =
  "", # Your store URL
  "consumer_key", # Your consumer key
  "consumer_secret", # Your consumer secret
    wp_json: true, # Enable the WP REST API integration
    version: "v3" # WooCommerce WP REST API version

Third party libraries


Some useful tools you can use to access the API include:


WooCommerce includes two ways to authenticate with the WP REST API. It is also possible to authenticate using any WP REST API authentication plugin or method.


Pre-generated keys can be used to authenticate use of the REST API endpoints. New keys can be generated either through the WordPress admin interface or they can be auto-generated through an endpoint.

Generating API keys in the WordPress admin interface

To create or manage keys for a specific WordPress user, go to WooCommerce > Settings > API > Keys/Apps.

WooCommerce REST API keys settings

Click the "Add Key" button. In the next screen, add a description and select the WordPress user you would like to generate the key for. Use of the REST API with the generated keys will conform to that user's WordPress roles and capabilities.

Choose the level of access for this REST API key, which can be Read access, Write access or Read/Write access. Then click the "Generate API Key" button and WooCommerce will generate REST API keys for the selected user.

Creating a new REST API key

Now that keys have been generated, you should see two new keys, a QRCode, and a Revoke API Key button. These two keys are your Consumer Key and Consumer Secret.

Generated REST API key

Auto generating API keys using our Application Authentication Endpoint

This endpoint can be used by any APP to allow users to generate API keys for your APP. This makes integration with WooCommerce API easier because the user only needs to grant access to your APP via a URL. After being redirected back to your APP, the API keys will be sent back in a separate POST request.

The following image illustrates how this works:

Authentication Endpoint flow

URL parameters

Parameter Type Description
app_name string Your APP name mandatory
scope string Level of access. Available: read, write and read_write mandatory
user_id string User ID in your APP. For your internal reference, used when the user is redirected back to your APP. NOT THE USER ID IN WOOCOMMERCE mandatory
return_url string URL the user will be redirected to after authentication mandatory
callback_url string URL that will receive the generated API key. Note: this URL should be over HTTPS mandatory

Creating an authentication endpoint URL

You must use the /wc-auth/v1/authorize endpoint and pass the above parameters as a query string.

Example of how to build an authentication URL:

# Bash example
PARAMS="app_name=My App Name&scope=read_write&user_id=123&return_url="
QUERY_STRING="$(perl -MURI::Escape -e 'print uri_escape($ARGV[0]);' "$PARAMS")"
QUERY_STRING=$(echo $QUERY_STRING | sed -e "s/%20/\+/g" -e "s/%3D/\=/g" -e "s/%26/\&/g")

const querystring = require("querystring");

const store_url = "";
const endpoint = "/wc-auth/v1/authorize";
const params = {
  app_name: "My App Name",
  scope: "read_write",
  user_id: 123,
  return_url: "",
  callback_url: ""
const query_string = querystring.stringify(params).replace(/%20/g, "+");

console.log(store_url + endpoint + "?" + query_string);
$store_url = '';
$endpoint = '/wc-auth/v1/authorize';
$params = [
    'app_name' => 'My App Name',
    'scope' => 'write',
    'user_id' => 123,
    'return_url' => '',
    'callback_url' => ''
$query_string = http_build_query( $params );

echo $store_url . $endpoint . '?' . $query_string;
from urllib.parse import urlencode

store_url = ''
endpoint = '/wc-auth/v1/authorize'
params = {
    "app_name": "My App Name",
    "scope": "read_write",
    "user_id": 123,
    "return_url": "",
    "callback_url": ""
query_string = urlencode(params)

print("%s%s?%s" % (store_url, endpoint, query_string))
require "uri"

store_url = ''
endpoint = '/wc-auth/v1/authorize'
params = {
  app_name: "My App Name",
  scope: "read_write",
  user_id: 123,
  return_url: "",
  callback_url: ""
query_string = URI.encode_www_form(params)

puts "#{store_url}#{endpoint}?#{query_string}"

Example of JSON posted with the API Keys

    "key_id": 1,
    "user_id": 123,
    "consumer_key": "ck_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "consumer_secret": "cs_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "key_permissions": "read_write"

Example of the screen that the user will see:

Authentication Endpoint example


Authentication over HTTPS

You may use HTTP Basic Auth by providing the REST API Consumer Key as the username and the REST API Consumer Secret as the password.

HTTP Basic Auth example

curl \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret
const WooCommerceRestApi = require("@woocommerce/woocommerce-rest-api").default;
// import WooCommerceRestApi from "@woocommerce/woocommerce-rest-api"; // Supports ESM

const WooCommerce = new WooCommerceRestApi({
  url: "",
  consumerKey: "consumer_key",
  consumerSecret: "consumer_secret",
  version: "wc/v1"
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use Automattic\WooCommerce\Client;

$woocommerce = new Client(
        'wp_api' => true,
        'version' => 'wc/v1'
from woocommerce import API

wcapi = API(
require "woocommerce_api"

woocommerce =
    wp_json: true,
    version: "wc/v1"

Occasionally some servers may not parse the Authorization header correctly (if you see a "Consumer key is missing" error when authenticating over SSL, you have a server issue). In this case, you may provide the consumer key/secret as query string parameters instead.

Example for servers that not properly parse the Authorization header:

const WooCommerceRestApi = require("@woocommerce/woocommerce-rest-api").default;
// import WooCommerceRestApi from "@woocommerce/woocommerce-rest-api"; // Supports ESM

const WooCommerce = new WooCommerceRestApi({
  url: "",
  consumerKey: "consumer_key",
  consumerSecret: "consumer_secret",
  version: "wc/v1",
  queryStringAuth: true // Force Basic Authentication as query string true and using under HTTPS
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use Automattic\WooCommerce\Client;

$woocommerce = new Client(
        'wp_api' => true,
        'version' => 'wc/v1',
        'query_string_auth' => true // Force Basic Authentication as query string true and using under HTTPS
from woocommerce import API

wcapi = API(
    query_string_auth=True // Force Basic Authentication as query string true and using under HTTPS
require "woocommerce_api"

woocommerce =
    wp_json: true,
    version: "wc/v1",
    query_string_auth: true // Force Basic Authentication as query string true and using under HTTPS

Authentication over HTTP

You must use OAuth 1.0a "one-legged" authentication to ensure REST API credentials cannot be intercepted by an attacker. Typically you will use any standard OAuth 1.0a library in the language of your choice to handle the authentication, or generate the necessary parameters by following the following instructions.

Creating a signature

Collect the request method and URL

First you need to determine the HTTP method you will be using for the request, and the URL of the request.

The HTTP method will be GET in our case.

The Request URL will be the endpoint you are posting to, e.g.

Collect parameters

Collect and normalize your query string parameters. This includes all oauth_* parameters except for the oauth_signature itself.

These values need to be encoded into a single string which will be used later on. The process to build the string is very specific:

  1. Percent encode every key and value that will be signed.
  2. Sort the list of parameters alphabetically by encoded key.
  3. For each key/value pair:
    • Append the encoded key to the output string.
    • Append the = character to the output string.
    • Append the encoded value to the output string.
    • If there are more key/value pairs remaining, append a & character to the output string.

When percent encoding in PHP for example, you would use rawurlencode().

When sorting parameters in PHP for example, you would use uksort( $params, 'strcmp' ).

Parameters example:


Create the signature base string

The above values collected so far must be joined to make a single string, from which the signature will be generated. This is called the signature base string in the OAuth specification.

To encode the HTTP method, request URL, and parameter string into a single string:

  1. Set the output string equal to the uppercase HTTP Method.
  2. Append the & character to the output string.
  3. Percent encode the URL and append it to the output string.
  4. Append the & character to the output string.
  5. Percent encode the parameter string and append it to the output string.

Example signature base string:


Generate the signature

Generate the signature using the signature base string and your consumer secret key with a & character with the HMAC-SHA1 hashing algorithm.

In PHP you can use the hash_hmac function.

HMAC-SHA1 or HMAC-SHA256 are the only accepted hash algorithms.

If you are having trouble generating a correct signature, you'll want to review the string you are signing for encoding errors. The authentication source can also be helpful in understanding how to properly generate the signature.

OAuth tips


By default, the API provides information about all available endpoints on the site. Authentication is not required to access the API index.

HTTP request

  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
<?php print_r($woocommerce->get('')); ?>

JSON response example:

  "namespace": "wc/v1",
  "routes": {
    "/wc/v1": {
      "namespace": "wc/v1",
      "methods": [
      "endpoints": [
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "namespace": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "wc/v1"
            "context": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "view"
      "_links": {
        "self": ""
    "/wc/v1/coupons": {
      "namespace": "wc/v1",
      "methods": [
      "endpoints": [
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "context": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "view",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response."
            "page": {
              "required": false,
              "default": 1,
              "description": "Current page of the collection."
            "per_page": {
              "required": false,
              "default": 10,
              "description": "Maximum number of items to be returned in result set."
            "search": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Limit results to those matching a string."
            "after": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Limit response to resources published after a given ISO8601 compliant date."
            "before": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Limit response to resources published before a given ISO8601 compliant date."
            "exclude": {
              "required": false,
              "default": [],
              "description": "Ensure result set excludes specific ids."
            "include": {
              "required": false,
              "default": [],
              "description": "Limit result set to specific ids."
            "offset": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Offset the result set by a specific number of items."
            "order": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "desc",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Order sort attribute ascending or descending."
            "orderby": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "date",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Sort collection by object attribute."
            "slug": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Limit result set to posts with a specific slug."
            "filter": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Use WP Query arguments to modify the response; private query vars require appropriate authorization."
            "code": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Limit result set to resources with a specific code."
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "code": {
              "required": true
            "description": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Coupon description."
            "discount_type": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "fixed_cart",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Determines the type of discount that will be applied."
            "amount": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "The amount of discount."
            "expiry_date": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "UTC DateTime when the coupon expires."
            "individual_use": {
              "required": false,
              "default": false,
              "description": "Whether coupon can only be used individually."
            "product_ids": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "List of product ID's the coupon can be used on."
            "exclude_product_ids": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "List of product ID's the coupon cannot be used on."
            "usage_limit": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "How many times the coupon can be used."
            "usage_limit_per_user": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "How many times the coupon can be used per customer."
            "limit_usage_to_x_items": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Max number of items in the cart the coupon can be applied to."
            "free_shipping": {
              "required": false,
              "default": false,
              "description": "Define if can be applied for free shipping."
            "product_categories": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "List of category ID's the coupon applies to."
            "excluded_product_categories": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "List of category ID's the coupon does not apply to."
            "exclude_sale_items": {
              "required": false,
              "default": false,
              "description": "Define if should not apply when have sale items."
            "minimum_amount": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Minimum order amount that needs to be in the cart before coupon applies."
            "maximum_amount": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Maximum order amount allowed when using the coupon."
            "email_restrictions": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "List of email addresses that can use this coupon."
      "_links": {
        "self": ""
    "/wc/v1/coupons/(?P<id>[\\d]+)": {
      "namespace": "wc/v1",
      "methods": [
      "endpoints": [
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "context": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "view",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response."
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "code": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Coupon code."
            "description": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Coupon description."
            "discount_type": {
              "required": false,
              "enum": [
              "description": "Determines the type of discount that will be applied."
            "amount": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "The amount of discount."
            "expiry_date": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "UTC DateTime when the coupon expires."
            "individual_use": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Whether coupon can only be used individually."
            "product_ids": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "List of product ID's the coupon can be used on."
            "exclude_product_ids": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "List of product ID's the coupon cannot be used on."
            "usage_limit": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "How many times the coupon can be used."
            "usage_limit_per_user": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "How many times the coupon can be used per customer."
            "limit_usage_to_x_items": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Max number of items in the cart the coupon can be applied to."
            "free_shipping": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Define if can be applied for free shipping."
            "product_categories": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "List of category ID's the coupon applies to."
            "excluded_product_categories": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "List of category ID's the coupon does not apply to."
            "exclude_sale_items": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Define if should not apply when have sale items."
            "minimum_amount": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Minimum order amount that needs to be in the cart before coupon applies."
            "maximum_amount": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Maximum order amount allowed when using the coupon."
            "email_restrictions": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "List of email addresses that can use this coupon."
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "force": {
              "required": false,
              "default": false,
              "description": "Whether to bypass trash and force deletion."
    "/wc/v1/coupons/batch": {
      "namespace": "wc/v1",
      "methods": [
      "endpoints": [
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "code": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Coupon code."
            "description": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Coupon description."
            "discount_type": {
              "required": false,
              "enum": [
              "description": "Determines the type of discount that will be applied."
            "amount": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "The amount of discount."
            "expiry_date": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "UTC DateTime when the coupon expires."
            "individual_use": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Whether coupon can only be used individually."
            "product_ids": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "List of product ID's the coupon can be used on."
            "exclude_product_ids": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "List of product ID's the coupon cannot be used on."
            "usage_limit": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "How many times the coupon can be used."
            "usage_limit_per_user": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "How many times the coupon can be used per customer."
            "limit_usage_to_x_items": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Max number of items in the cart the coupon can be applied to."
            "free_shipping": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Define if can be applied for free shipping."
            "product_categories": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "List of category ID's the coupon applies to."
            "excluded_product_categories": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "List of category ID's the coupon does not apply to."
            "exclude_sale_items": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Define if should not apply when have sale items."
            "minimum_amount": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Minimum order amount that needs to be in the cart before coupon applies."
            "maximum_amount": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Maximum order amount allowed when using the coupon."
            "email_restrictions": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "List of email addresses that can use this coupon."
      "_links": {
        "self": ""
    "/wc/v1/customers/(?P<customer_id>[\\d]+)/downloads": {
      "namespace": "wc/v1",
      "methods": [
      "endpoints": [
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "context": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "view",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response."
    "/wc/v1/customers": {
      "namespace": "wc/v1",
      "methods": [
      "endpoints": [
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "context": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "view",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response."
            "page": {
              "required": false,
              "default": 1,
              "description": "Current page of the collection."
            "per_page": {
              "required": false,
              "default": 10,
              "description": "Maximum number of items to be returned in result set."
            "search": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Limit results to those matching a string."
            "exclude": {
              "required": false,
              "default": [],
              "description": "Ensure result set excludes specific ids."
            "include": {
              "required": false,
              "default": [],
              "description": "Limit result set to specific ids."
            "offset": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Offset the result set by a specific number of items."
            "order": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "asc",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Order sort attribute ascending or descending."
            "orderby": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "name",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Sort collection by object attribute."
            "email": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Limit result set to resources with a specific email."
            "role": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "customer",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Limit result set to resources with a specific role."
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "email": {
              "required": true
            "first_name": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Customer first name."
            "last_name": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Customer last name."
            "username": {
              "required": false
            "password": {
              "required": true
            "billing_address": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "List of billing address data."
            "shipping_address": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "List of shipping address data."
      "_links": {
        "self": ""
    "/wc/v1/customers/(?P<id>[\\d]+)": {
      "namespace": "wc/v1",
      "methods": [
      "endpoints": [
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "context": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "view",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response."
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "email": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "The email address for the customer."
            "first_name": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Customer first name."
            "last_name": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Customer last name."
            "username": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Customer login name."
            "password": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Customer password."
            "billing_address": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "List of billing address data."
            "shipping_address": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "List of shipping address data."
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "force": {
              "required": false,
              "default": false,
              "description": "Required to be true, as resource does not support trashing."
            "reassign": {
              "required": false
    "/wc/v1/customers/batch": {
      "namespace": "wc/v1",
      "methods": [
      "endpoints": [
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "email": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "The email address for the customer."
            "first_name": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Customer first name."
            "last_name": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Customer last name."
            "username": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Customer login name."
            "password": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Customer password."
            "billing_address": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "List of billing address data."
            "shipping_address": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "List of shipping address data."
      "_links": {
        "self": ""
    "/wc/v1/orders/(?P<order_id>[\\d]+)/notes": {
      "namespace": "wc/v1",
      "methods": [
      "endpoints": [
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "context": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "view",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response."
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "note": {
              "required": true
            "customer_note": {
              "required": false,
              "default": false,
              "description": "Shows/define if the note is only for reference or for the customer (the user will be notified)."
    "/wc/v1/orders/(?P<order_id>[\\d]+)/notes/(?P<id>[\\d]+)": {
      "namespace": "wc/v1",
      "methods": [
      "endpoints": [
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "context": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "view",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response."
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "force": {
              "required": false,
              "default": false,
              "description": "Required to be true, as resource does not support trashing."
    "/wc/v1/orders/(?P<order_id>[\\d]+)/refunds": {
      "namespace": "wc/v1",
      "methods": [
      "endpoints": [
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "context": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "view",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response."
            "page": {
              "required": false,
              "default": 1,
              "description": "Current page of the collection."
            "per_page": {
              "required": false,
              "default": 10,
              "description": "Maximum number of items to be returned in result set."
            "search": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Limit results to those matching a string."
            "after": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Limit response to resources published after a given ISO8601 compliant date."
            "before": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Limit response to resources published before a given ISO8601 compliant date."
            "exclude": {
              "required": false,
              "default": [],
              "description": "Ensure result set excludes specific ids."
            "include": {
              "required": false,
              "default": [],
              "description": "Limit result set to specific ids."
            "offset": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Offset the result set by a specific number of items."
            "order": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "desc",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Order sort attribute ascending or descending."
            "orderby": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "date",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Sort collection by object attribute."
            "slug": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Limit result set to posts with a specific slug."
            "filter": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Use WP Query arguments to modify the response; private query vars require appropriate authorization."
            "dp": {
              "required": false,
              "default": 2,
              "description": "Number of decimal points to use in each resource."
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "amount": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Refund amount."
            "reason": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Reason for refund"
            "line_items": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Line items data."
            "email": {
              "required": true
    "/wc/v1/orders/(?P<order_id>[\\d]+)/refunds/(?P<id>[\\d]+)": {
      "namespace": "wc/v1",
      "methods": [
      "endpoints": [
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "context": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "view",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response."
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "force": {
              "required": false,
              "default": false,
              "description": "Required to be true, as resource does not support trashing."
            "reassign": {
              "required": false
    "/wc/v1/orders": {
      "namespace": "wc/v1",
      "methods": [
      "endpoints": [
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "context": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "view",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response."
            "page": {
              "required": false,
              "default": 1,
              "description": "Current page of the collection."
            "per_page": {
              "required": false,
              "default": 10,
              "description": "Maximum number of items to be returned in result set."
            "search": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Limit results to those matching a string."
            "after": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Limit response to resources published after a given ISO8601 compliant date."
            "before": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Limit response to resources published before a given ISO8601 compliant date."
            "exclude": {
              "required": false,
              "default": [],
              "description": "Ensure result set excludes specific ids."
            "include": {
              "required": false,
              "default": [],
              "description": "Limit result set to specific ids."
            "offset": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Offset the result set by a specific number of items."
            "order": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "desc",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Order sort attribute ascending or descending."
            "orderby": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "date",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Sort collection by object attribute."
            "slug": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Limit result set to posts with a specific slug."
            "filter": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Use WP Query arguments to modify the response; private query vars require appropriate authorization."
            "status": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "any",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Limit result set to orders assigned a specific status."
            "customer": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Limit result set to orders assigned a specific customer."
            "product": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Limit result set to orders assigned a specific product."
            "dp": {
              "required": false,
              "default": 2,
              "description": "Number of decimal points to use in each resource."
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "parent_id": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Parent order ID."
            "status": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "pending",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Order status."
            "currency": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "BRL",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Currency the order was created with, in ISO format."
            "customer_id": {
              "required": false,
              "default": 0,
              "description": "User ID who owns the order. 0 for guests."
            "billing": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Billing address."
            "shipping": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Shipping address."
            "payment_method": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Payment method ID."
            "payment_method_title": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Payment method title."
            "set_paid": {
              "required": false,
              "default": false,
              "description": "Define if the order is paid. It will set the status to processing and reduce stock items."
            "transaction_id": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Unique transaction ID."
            "customer_note": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Note left by customer during checkout."
            "line_items": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Line items data."
            "shipping_lines": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Shipping lines data."
            "fee_lines": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Fee lines data."
            "coupon_lines": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Coupons line data."
      "_links": {
        "self": ""
    "/wc/v1/orders/(?P<id>[\\d]+)": {
      "namespace": "wc/v1",
      "methods": [
      "endpoints": [
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "context": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "view",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response."
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "parent_id": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Parent order ID."
            "status": {
              "required": false,
              "enum": [
              "description": "Order status."
            "currency": {
              "required": false,
              "enum": [
              "description": "Currency the order was created with, in ISO format."
            "customer_id": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "User ID who owns the order. 0 for guests."
            "billing": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Billing address."
            "shipping": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Shipping address."
            "payment_method": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Payment method ID."
            "payment_method_title": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Payment method title."
            "set_paid": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Define if the order is paid. It will set the status to processing and reduce stock items."
            "transaction_id": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Unique transaction ID."
            "customer_note": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Note left by customer during checkout."
            "line_items": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Line items data."
            "shipping_lines": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Shipping lines data."
            "fee_lines": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Fee lines data."
            "coupon_lines": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Coupons line data."
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "force": {
              "required": false,
              "default": false,
              "description": "Whether to bypass trash and force deletion."
            "reassign": {
              "required": false
    "/wc/v1/orders/batch": {
      "namespace": "wc/v1",
      "methods": [
      "endpoints": [
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "parent_id": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Parent order ID."
            "status": {
              "required": false,
              "enum": [
              "description": "Order status."
            "currency": {
              "required": false,
              "enum": [
              "description": "Currency the order was created with, in ISO format."
            "customer_id": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "User ID who owns the order. 0 for guests."
            "billing": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Billing address."
            "shipping": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Shipping address."
            "payment_method": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Payment method ID."
            "payment_method_title": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Payment method title."
            "set_paid": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Define if the order is paid. It will set the status to processing and reduce stock items."
            "transaction_id": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Unique transaction ID."
            "customer_note": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Note left by customer during checkout."
            "line_items": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Line items data."
            "shipping_lines": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Shipping lines data."
            "fee_lines": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Fee lines data."
            "coupon_lines": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Coupons line data."
      "_links": {
        "self": ""
    "/wc/v1/products/attributes/(?P<attribute_id>[\\d]+)/terms": {
      "namespace": "wc/v1",
      "methods": [
      "endpoints": [
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "context": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "view",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response."
            "page": {
              "required": false,
              "default": 1,
              "description": "Current page of the collection."
            "per_page": {
              "required": false,
              "default": 10,
              "description": "Maximum number of items to be returned in result set."
            "search": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Limit results to those matching a string."
            "exclude": {
              "required": false,
              "default": [],
              "description": "Ensure result set excludes specific ids."
            "include": {
              "required": false,
              "default": [],
              "description": "Limit result set to specific ids."
            "order": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "asc",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Order sort attribute ascending or descending."
            "orderby": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "name",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Sort collection by resource attribute."
            "hide_empty": {
              "required": false,
              "default": false,
              "description": "Whether to hide resources not assigned to any products."
            "parent": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Limit result set to resources assigned to a specific parent."
            "product": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Limit result set to resources assigned to a specific product."
            "slug": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Limit result set to resources with a specific slug."
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "name": {
              "required": true
            "slug": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "An alphanumeric identifier for the resource unique to its type."
            "menu_order": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Menu order, used to custom sort the resource."
    "/wc/v1/products/attributes/(?P<attribute_id>[\\d]+)/terms/(?P<id>[\\d]+)": {
      "namespace": "wc/v1",
      "methods": [
      "endpoints": [
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "context": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "view",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response."
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "name": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Term name."
            "slug": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "An alphanumeric identifier for the resource unique to its type."
            "menu_order": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Menu order, used to custom sort the resource."
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "force": {
              "required": false,
              "default": false,
              "description": "Required to be true, as resource does not support trashing."
    "/wc/v1/products/attributes/(?P<attribute_id>[\\d]+)/terms/batch": {
      "namespace": "wc/v1",
      "methods": [
      "endpoints": [
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "name": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Term name."
            "slug": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "An alphanumeric identifier for the resource unique to its type."
            "menu_order": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Menu order, used to custom sort the resource."
    "/wc/v1/products/attributes": {
      "namespace": "wc/v1",
      "methods": [
      "endpoints": [
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "context": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "view",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response."
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "name": {
              "required": true
            "slug": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "An alphanumeric identifier for the resource unique to its type."
            "type": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "select",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Type of attribute."
            "order_by": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "menu_order",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Default sort order."
            "has_archives": {
              "required": false,
              "default": false,
              "description": "Enable/Disable attribute archives."
      "_links": {
        "self": ""
    "/wc/v1/products/attributes/(?P<id>[\\d]+)": {
      "namespace": "wc/v1",
      "methods": [
      "endpoints": [
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "context": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "view",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response."
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "name": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Attribute name."
            "slug": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "An alphanumeric identifier for the resource unique to its type."
            "type": {
              "required": false,
              "enum": [
              "description": "Type of attribute."
            "order_by": {
              "required": false,
              "enum": [
              "description": "Default sort order."
            "has_archives": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Enable/Disable attribute archives."
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "force": {
              "required": false,
              "default": false,
              "description": "Required to be true, as resource does not support trashing."
    "/wc/v1/products/categories": {
      "namespace": "wc/v1",
      "methods": [
      "endpoints": [
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "context": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "view",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response."
            "page": {
              "required": false,
              "default": 1,
              "description": "Current page of the collection."
            "per_page": {
              "required": false,
              "default": 10,
              "description": "Maximum number of items to be returned in result set."
            "search": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Limit results to those matching a string."
            "exclude": {
              "required": false,
              "default": [],
              "description": "Ensure result set excludes specific ids."
            "include": {
              "required": false,
              "default": [],
              "description": "Limit result set to specific ids."
            "order": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "asc",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Order sort attribute ascending or descending."
            "orderby": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "name",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Sort collection by resource attribute."
            "hide_empty": {
              "required": false,
              "default": false,
              "description": "Whether to hide resources not assigned to any products."
            "parent": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Limit result set to resources assigned to a specific parent."
            "product": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Limit result set to resources assigned to a specific product."
            "slug": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Limit result set to resources with a specific slug."
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "name": {
              "required": true
            "slug": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "An alphanumeric identifier for the resource unique to its type."
            "parent": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "The id for the parent of the resource."
            "description": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "HTML description of the resource."
            "display": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "default",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Category archive display type."
            "image": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Image URL."
            "menu_order": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Menu order, used to custom sort the resource."
      "_links": {
        "self": ""
    "/wc/v1/products/categories/(?P<id>[\\d]+)": {
      "namespace": "wc/v1",
      "methods": [
      "endpoints": [
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "context": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "view",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response."
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "name": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Category name."
            "slug": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "An alphanumeric identifier for the resource unique to its type."
            "parent": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "The id for the parent of the resource."
            "description": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "HTML description of the resource."
            "display": {
              "required": false,
              "enum": [
              "description": "Category archive display type."
            "image": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Image URL."
            "menu_order": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Menu order, used to custom sort the resource."
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "force": {
              "required": false,
              "default": false,
              "description": "Required to be true, as resource does not support trashing."
    "/wc/v1/products/categories/batch": {
      "namespace": "wc/v1",
      "methods": [
      "endpoints": [
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "name": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Category name."
            "slug": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "An alphanumeric identifier for the resource unique to its type."
            "parent": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "The id for the parent of the resource."
            "description": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "HTML description of the resource."
            "display": {
              "required": false,
              "enum": [
              "description": "Category archive display type."
            "image": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Image URL."
            "menu_order": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Menu order, used to custom sort the resource."
      "_links": {
        "self": ""
    "/wc/v1/products/(?P<product_id>[\\d]+)/reviews": {
      "namespace": "wc/v1",
      "methods": [
      "endpoints": [
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "context": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "view",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response."
    "/wc/v1/products/(?P<product_id>[\\d]+)/reviews/(?P<id>[\\d]+)": {
      "namespace": "wc/v1",
      "methods": [
      "endpoints": [
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "context": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "view",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response."
    "/wc/v1/products/shipping_classes": {
      "namespace": "wc/v1",
      "methods": [
      "endpoints": [
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "context": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "view",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response."
            "page": {
              "required": false,
              "default": 1,
              "description": "Current page of the collection."
            "per_page": {
              "required": false,
              "default": 10,
              "description": "Maximum number of items to be returned in result set."
            "search": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Limit results to those matching a string."
            "exclude": {
              "required": false,
              "default": [],
              "description": "Ensure result set excludes specific ids."
            "include": {
              "required": false,
              "default": [],
              "description": "Limit result set to specific ids."
            "offset": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Offset the result set by a specific number of items."
            "order": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "asc",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Order sort attribute ascending or descending."
            "orderby": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "name",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Sort collection by resource attribute."
            "hide_empty": {
              "required": false,
              "default": false,
              "description": "Whether to hide resources not assigned to any products."
            "product": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Limit result set to resources assigned to a specific product."
            "slug": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Limit result set to resources with a specific slug."
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "name": {
              "required": true
            "slug": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "An alphanumeric identifier for the resource unique to its type."
            "parent": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "The id for the parent of the resource."
            "description": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "HTML description of the resource."
      "_links": {
        "self": ""
    "/wc/v1/products/shipping_classes/(?P<id>[\\d]+)": {
      "namespace": "wc/v1",
      "methods": [
      "endpoints": [
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "context": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "view",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response."
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "name": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Shipping class name."
            "slug": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "An alphanumeric identifier for the resource unique to its type."
            "parent": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "The id for the parent of the resource."
            "description": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "HTML description of the resource."
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "force": {
              "required": false,
              "default": false,
              "description": "Required to be true, as resource does not support trashing."
    "/wc/v1/products/shipping_classes/batch": {
      "namespace": "wc/v1",
      "methods": [
      "endpoints": [
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "name": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Shipping class name."
            "slug": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "An alphanumeric identifier for the resource unique to its type."
            "parent": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "The id for the parent of the resource."
            "description": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "HTML description of the resource."
      "_links": {
        "self": ""
    "/wc/v1/products/tags": {
      "namespace": "wc/v1",
      "methods": [
      "endpoints": [
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "context": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "view",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response."
            "page": {
              "required": false,
              "default": 1,
              "description": "Current page of the collection."
            "per_page": {
              "required": false,
              "default": 10,
              "description": "Maximum number of items to be returned in result set."
            "search": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Limit results to those matching a string."
            "exclude": {
              "required": false,
              "default": [],
              "description": "Ensure result set excludes specific ids."
            "include": {
              "required": false,
              "default": [],
              "description": "Limit result set to specific ids."
            "offset": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Offset the result set by a specific number of items."
            "order": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "asc",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Order sort attribute ascending or descending."
            "orderby": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "name",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Sort collection by resource attribute."
            "hide_empty": {
              "required": false,
              "default": false,
              "description": "Whether to hide resources not assigned to any products."
            "product": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Limit result set to resources assigned to a specific product."
            "slug": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Limit result set to resources with a specific slug."
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "name": {
              "required": true
            "slug": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "An alphanumeric identifier for the resource unique to its type."
            "description": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "HTML description of the resource."
      "_links": {
        "self": ""
    "/wc/v1/products/tags/(?P<id>[\\d]+)": {
      "namespace": "wc/v1",
      "methods": [
      "endpoints": [
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "context": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "view",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response."
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "name": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Tag name."
            "slug": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "An alphanumeric identifier for the resource unique to its type."
            "description": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "HTML description of the resource."
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "force": {
              "required": false,
              "default": false,
              "description": "Required to be true, as resource does not support trashing."
    "/wc/v1/products/tags/batch": {
      "namespace": "wc/v1",
      "methods": [
      "endpoints": [
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "name": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Tag name."
            "slug": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "An alphanumeric identifier for the resource unique to its type."
            "description": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "HTML description of the resource."
      "_links": {
        "self": ""
    "/wc/v1/products": {
      "namespace": "wc/v1",
      "methods": [
      "endpoints": [
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "context": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "view",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response."
            "page": {
              "required": false,
              "default": 1,
              "description": "Current page of the collection."
            "per_page": {
              "required": false,
              "default": 10,
              "description": "Maximum number of items to be returned in result set."
            "search": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Limit results to those matching a string."
            "after": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Limit response to resources published after a given ISO8601 compliant date."
            "before": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Limit response to resources published before a given ISO8601 compliant date."
            "exclude": {
              "required": false,
              "default": [],
              "description": "Ensure result set excludes specific ids."
            "include": {
              "required": false,
              "default": [],
              "description": "Limit result set to specific ids."
            "offset": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Offset the result set by a specific number of items."
            "order": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "desc",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Order sort attribute ascending or descending."
            "orderby": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "date",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Sort collection by object attribute."
            "slug": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Limit result set to posts with a specific slug."
            "filter": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Use WP Query arguments to modify the response; private query vars require appropriate authorization."
            "status": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "any",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Limit result set to products assigned a specific status."
            "type": {
              "required": false,
              "enum": [
              "description": "Limit result set to products assigned a specific type."
            "category": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Limit result set to products assigned a specific category."
            "tag": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Limit result set to products assigned a specific tag."
            "shipping_class": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Limit result set to products assigned a specific shipping class."
            "attribute": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Limit result set to products with a specific attribute."
            "attribute_term": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Limit result set to products with a specific attribute term (required an assigned attribute)."
            "sku": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Limit result set to products with a specific SKU."
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "name": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Product name."
            "slug": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Product slug."
            "type": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "simple",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Product type."
            "status": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "publish",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Product status (post status)."
            "featured": {
              "required": false,
              "default": false,
              "description": "Featured product."
            "catalog_visibility": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "visible",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Catalog visibility."
            "description": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Product description."
            "short_description": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Product short description."
            "sku": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Unique identifier."
            "regular_price": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Product regular price."
            "sale_price": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Product sale price."
            "date_on_sale_from": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Start date of sale price."
            "date_on_sale_to": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "End data of sale price."
            "virtual": {
              "required": false,
              "default": false,
              "description": "If the product is virtual."
            "downloadable": {
              "required": false,
              "default": false,
              "description": "If the product is downloadable."
            "downloads": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "List of downloadable files."
            "download_limit": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Amount of times the product can be downloaded."
            "download_expiry": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Number of days that the customer has up to be able to download the product."
            "download_type": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "standard",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Download type, this controls the schema on the front-end."
            "external_url": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Product external URL. Only for external products."
            "button_text": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Product external button text. Only for external products."
            "tax_status": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "taxable",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Tax status."
            "tax_class": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Tax class."
            "manage_stock": {
              "required": false,
              "default": false,
              "description": "Stock management at product level."
            "stock_quantity": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Stock quantity."
            "in_stock": {
              "required": false,
              "default": true,
              "description": "Controls whether or not the product is listed as \"in stock\" or \"out of stock\" on the frontend."
            "backorders": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "no",
              "enum": [
              "description": "If managing stock, this controls if backorders are allowed."
            "sold_individually": {
              "required": false,
              "default": false,
              "description": "Allow one item to be bought in a single order."
            "weight": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Product weight (kg)."
            "dimensions": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Product dimensions."
            "shipping_class": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Shipping class slug."
            "reviews_allowed": {
              "required": false,
              "default": true,
              "description": "Allow reviews."
            "upsell_ids": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "List of up-sell products IDs."
            "cross_sell_ids": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "List of cross-sell products IDs."
            "parent_id": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Product parent ID."
            "purchase_note": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Optional note to send the customer after purchase."
            "categories": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "List of categories."
            "tags": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "List of tags."
            "images": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "List of images."
            "attributes": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "List of attributes."
            "default_attributes": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Defaults variation attributes."
            "variations": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "List of variations."
            "menu_order": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Menu order, used to custom sort products."
      "_links": {
        "self": ""
    "/wc/v1/products/(?P<id>[\\d]+)": {
      "namespace": "wc/v1",
      "methods": [
      "endpoints": [
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "context": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "view",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response."
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "name": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Product name."
            "slug": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Product slug."
            "type": {
              "required": false,
              "enum": [
              "description": "Product type."
            "status": {
              "required": false,
              "enum": [
              "description": "Product status (post status)."
            "featured": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Featured product."
            "catalog_visibility": {
              "required": false,
              "enum": [
              "description": "Catalog visibility."
            "description": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Product description."
            "short_description": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Product short description."
            "sku": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Unique identifier."
            "regular_price": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Product regular price."
            "sale_price": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Product sale price."
            "date_on_sale_from": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Start date of sale price."
            "date_on_sale_to": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "End data of sale price."
            "virtual": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "If the product is virtual."
            "downloadable": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "If the product is downloadable."
            "downloads": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "List of downloadable files."
            "download_limit": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Amount of times the product can be downloaded."
            "download_expiry": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Number of days that the customer has up to be able to download the product."
            "download_type": {
              "required": false,
              "enum": [
              "description": "Download type, this controls the schema on the front-end."
            "external_url": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Product external URL. Only for external products."
            "button_text": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Product external button text. Only for external products."
            "tax_status": {
              "required": false,
              "enum": [
              "description": "Tax status."
            "tax_class": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Tax class."
            "manage_stock": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Stock management at product level."
            "stock_quantity": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Stock quantity."
            "in_stock": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Controls whether or not the product is listed as \"in stock\" or \"out of stock\" on the frontend."
            "backorders": {
              "required": false,
              "enum": [
              "description": "If managing stock, this controls if backorders are allowed."
            "sold_individually": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Allow one item to be bought in a single order."
            "weight": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Product weight (kg)."
            "dimensions": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Product dimensions."
            "shipping_class": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Shipping class slug."
            "reviews_allowed": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Allow reviews."
            "upsell_ids": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "List of up-sell products IDs."
            "cross_sell_ids": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "List of cross-sell products IDs."
            "parent_id": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Product parent ID."
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              "required": false,
              "description": "Optional note to send the customer after purchase."
            "categories": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "List of categories."
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              "required": false,
              "description": "List of tags."
            "images": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "List of images."
            "attributes": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "List of attributes."
            "default_attributes": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Defaults variation attributes."
            "variations": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "List of variations."
            "menu_order": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Menu order, used to custom sort products."
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "force": {
              "required": false,
              "default": false,
              "description": "Whether to bypass trash and force deletion."
            "reassign": {
              "required": false
    "/wc/v1/products/batch": {
      "namespace": "wc/v1",
      "methods": [
      "endpoints": [
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "name": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Product name."
            "slug": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Product slug."
            "type": {
              "required": false,
              "enum": [
              "description": "Product type."
            "status": {
              "required": false,
              "enum": [
              "description": "Product status (post status)."
            "featured": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Featured product."
            "catalog_visibility": {
              "required": false,
              "enum": [
              "description": "Catalog visibility."
            "description": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Product description."
            "short_description": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Product short description."
            "sku": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Unique identifier."
            "regular_price": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Product regular price."
            "sale_price": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Product sale price."
            "date_on_sale_from": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Start date of sale price."
            "date_on_sale_to": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "End data of sale price."
            "virtual": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "If the product is virtual."
            "downloadable": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "If the product is downloadable."
            "downloads": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "List of downloadable files."
            "download_limit": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Amount of times the product can be downloaded."
            "download_expiry": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Number of days that the customer has up to be able to download the product."
            "download_type": {
              "required": false,
              "enum": [
              "description": "Download type, this controls the schema on the front-end."
            "external_url": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Product external URL. Only for external products."
            "button_text": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Product external button text. Only for external products."
            "tax_status": {
              "required": false,
              "enum": [
              "description": "Tax status."
            "tax_class": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Tax class."
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              "required": false,
              "description": "Stock management at product level."
            "stock_quantity": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Stock quantity."
            "in_stock": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Controls whether or not the product is listed as \"in stock\" or \"out of stock\" on the frontend."
            "backorders": {
              "required": false,
              "enum": [
              "description": "If managing stock, this controls if backorders are allowed."
            "sold_individually": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Allow one item to be bought in a single order."
            "weight": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Product weight (kg)."
            "dimensions": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Product dimensions."
            "shipping_class": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Shipping class slug."
            "reviews_allowed": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Allow reviews."
            "upsell_ids": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "List of up-sell products IDs."
            "cross_sell_ids": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "List of cross-sell products IDs."
            "parent_id": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Product parent ID."
            "purchase_note": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Optional note to send the customer after purchase."
            "categories": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "List of categories."
            "tags": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "List of tags."
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              "required": false,
              "description": "List of images."
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              "required": false,
              "description": "List of attributes."
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              "required": false,
              "description": "Defaults variation attributes."
            "variations": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "List of variations."
            "menu_order": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Menu order, used to custom sort products."
      "_links": {
        "self": ""
    "/wc/v1/reports/sales": {
      "namespace": "wc/v1",
      "methods": [
      "endpoints": [
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "context": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "view",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response."
            "period": {
              "required": false,
              "enum": [
              "description": "Report period."
            "date_min": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Return sales for a specific start date, the date need to be in the YYYY-MM-DD format."
            "date_max": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Return sales for a specific end date, the date need to be in the YYYY-MM-DD format."
      "_links": {
        "self": ""
    "/wc/v1/reports/top_sellers": {
      "namespace": "wc/v1",
      "methods": [
      "endpoints": [
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "context": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "view",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response."
            "period": {
              "required": false,
              "enum": [
              "description": "Report period."
            "date_min": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Return sales for a specific start date, the date need to be in the YYYY-MM-DD format."
            "date_max": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Return sales for a specific end date, the date need to be in the YYYY-MM-DD format."
      "_links": {
        "self": ""
    "/wc/v1/reports": {
      "namespace": "wc/v1",
      "methods": [
      "endpoints": [
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "context": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "view",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response."
      "_links": {
        "self": ""
    "/wc/v1/taxes/classes": {
      "namespace": "wc/v1",
      "methods": [
      "endpoints": [
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "context": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "view",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response."
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "name": {
              "required": true,
              "description": "Tax class name."
      "_links": {
        "self": ""
    "/wc/v1/taxes/classes/(?P<slug>\\w[\\w\\s\\-]*)": {
      "namespace": "wc/v1",
      "methods": [
      "endpoints": [
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "force": {
              "required": false,
              "default": false,
              "description": "Required to be true, as resource does not support trashing."
    "/wc/v1/taxes": {
      "namespace": "wc/v1",
      "methods": [
      "endpoints": [
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "context": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "view",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response."
            "page": {
              "required": false,
              "default": 1,
              "description": "Current page of the collection."
            "per_page": {
              "required": false,
              "default": 10,
              "description": "Maximum number of items to be returned in result set."
            "search": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Limit results to those matching a string."
            "exclude": {
              "required": false,
              "default": [],
              "description": "Ensure result set excludes specific ids."
            "include": {
              "required": false,
              "default": [],
              "description": "Limit result set to specific ids."
            "offset": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Offset the result set by a specific number of items."
            "order": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "asc",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Order sort attribute ascending or descending."
            "orderby": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "order",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Sort collection by object attribute."
            "class": {
              "required": false,
              "enum": [
              "description": "Sort by tax class."
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "country": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Country ISO 3166 code."
            "state": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "State code."
            "postcode": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Postcode/ZIP."
            "city": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "City name."
            "rate": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Tax rate."
            "name": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Tax rate name."
            "priority": {
              "required": false,
              "default": 1,
              "description": "Tax priority."
            "compound": {
              "required": false,
              "default": false,
              "description": "Whether or not this is a compound rate."
            "shipping": {
              "required": false,
              "default": true,
              "description": "Whether or not this tax rate also gets applied to shipping."
            "order": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Indicates the order that will appear in queries."
            "class": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "standard",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Tax class."
      "_links": {
        "self": ""
    "/wc/v1/taxes/(?P<id>[\\d]+)": {
      "namespace": "wc/v1",
      "methods": [
      "endpoints": [
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "context": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "view",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response."
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "country": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Country ISO 3166 code."
            "state": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "State code."
            "postcode": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Postcode/ZIP."
            "city": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "City name."
            "rate": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Tax rate."
            "name": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Tax rate name."
            "priority": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Tax priority."
            "compound": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Whether or not this is a compound rate."
            "shipping": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Whether or not this tax rate also gets applied to shipping."
            "order": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Indicates the order that will appear in queries."
            "class": {
              "required": false,
              "enum": [
              "description": "Tax class."
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "force": {
              "required": false,
              "default": false,
              "description": "Required to be true, as resource does not support trashing."
    "/wc/v1/taxes/batch": {
      "namespace": "wc/v1",
      "methods": [
      "endpoints": [
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "country": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Country ISO 3166 code."
            "state": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "State code."
            "postcode": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Postcode/ZIP."
            "city": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "City name."
            "rate": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Tax rate."
            "name": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Tax rate name."
            "priority": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Tax priority."
            "compound": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Whether or not this is a compound rate."
            "shipping": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Whether or not this tax rate also gets applied to shipping."
            "order": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Indicates the order that will appear in queries."
            "class": {
              "required": false,
              "enum": [
              "description": "Tax class."
      "_links": {
        "self": ""
    "/wc/v1/webhooks/(?P<webhook_id>[\\d]+)/deliveries": {
      "namespace": "wc/v1",
      "methods": [
      "endpoints": [
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "context": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "view",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response."
    "/wc/v1/webhooks/(?P<webhook_id>[\\d]+)/deliveries/(?P<id>[\\d]+)": {
      "namespace": "wc/v1",
      "methods": [
      "endpoints": [
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "context": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "view",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response."
    "/wc/v1/webhooks": {
      "namespace": "wc/v1",
      "methods": [
      "endpoints": [
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "context": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "view",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response."
            "page": {
              "required": false,
              "default": 1,
              "description": "Current page of the collection."
            "per_page": {
              "required": false,
              "default": 10,
              "description": "Maximum number of items to be returned in result set."
            "search": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Limit results to those matching a string."
            "after": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Limit response to resources published after a given ISO8601 compliant date."
            "before": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Limit response to resources published before a given ISO8601 compliant date."
            "exclude": {
              "required": false,
              "default": [],
              "description": "Ensure result set excludes specific ids."
            "include": {
              "required": false,
              "default": [],
              "description": "Limit result set to specific ids."
            "offset": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Offset the result set by a specific number of items."
            "order": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "desc",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Order sort attribute ascending or descending."
            "orderby": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "date",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Sort collection by object attribute."
            "slug": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Limit result set to posts with a specific slug."
            "filter": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Use WP Query arguments to modify the response; private query vars require appropriate authorization."
            "status": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "all",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Limit result set to webhooks assigned a specific status."
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "name": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "A friendly name for the webhook."
            "status": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "active",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Webhook status."
            "topic": {
              "required": true
            "secret": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Secret key used to generate a hash of the delivered webhook and provided in the request headers. This will default is a MD5 hash from the current user's ID|username if not provided."
            "delivery_url": {
              "required": true
      "_links": {
        "self": ""
    "/wc/v1/webhooks/(?P<id>[\\d]+)": {
      "namespace": "wc/v1",
      "methods": [
      "endpoints": [
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "context": {
              "required": false,
              "default": "view",
              "enum": [
              "description": "Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response."
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "name": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "A friendly name for the webhook."
            "status": {
              "required": false,
              "enum": [
              "description": "Webhook status."
            "topic": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Webhook topic."
            "secret": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Secret key used to generate a hash of the delivered webhook and provided in the request headers. This will default is a MD5 hash from the current user's ID|username if not provided."
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "force": {
              "required": false,
              "default": false,
              "description": "Required to be true, as resource does not support trashing."
    "/wc/v1/webhooks/batch": {
      "namespace": "wc/v1",
      "methods": [
      "endpoints": [
          "methods": [
          "args": {
            "name": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "A friendly name for the webhook."
            "status": {
              "required": false,
              "enum": [
              "description": "Webhook status."
            "topic": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Webhook topic."
            "secret": {
              "required": false,
              "description": "Secret key used to generate a hash of the delivered webhook and provided in the request headers. This will default is a MD5 hash from the current user's ID|username if not provided."
      "_links": {
        "self": ""
  "_links": {
    "up": [
        "href": ""


The coupons API allows you to create, view, update, and delete individual, or a batch, of coupon codes.

Coupon properties

Attribute Type Description
id integer Unique identifier for the object. read-only
code string Coupon code. mandatory
date_created date-time The date the coupon was created, in the site's timezone. read-only
date_modified date-time The date the coupon was last modified, in the site's timezone. read-only
description string Coupon description.
discount_type string Determines the type of discount that will be applied. Options: fixed_cart, percent, fixed_product and percent_product. Default: fixed_cart.
amount string The amount of discount.
expiry_date string UTC DateTime when the coupon expires.
usage_count integer Number of times the coupon has been used already. read-only
individual_use boolean Whether coupon can only be used individually.
product_ids array List of product ID's the coupon can be used on.
exclude_product_ids array List of product ID's the coupon cannot be used on.
usage_limit integer How many times the coupon can be used.
usage_limit_per_user integer How many times the coupon can be used per customer.
limit_usage_to_x_items integer Max number of items in the cart the coupon can be applied to.
free_shipping boolean Define if can be applied for free shipping.
product_categories array List of category ID's the coupon applies to.
excluded_product_categories array List of category ID's the coupon does not apply to.
exclude_sale_items boolean Define if should not apply when have sale items.
minimum_amount string Minimum order amount that needs to be in the cart before coupon applies.
maximum_amount string Maximum order amount allowed when using the coupon.
email_restrictions array List of email addresses that can use this coupon.
used_by array List of user IDs who have used the coupon. read-only

Create a coupon

This API helps you to create a new coupon.

HTTP request

curl -X POST \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
  "code": "10off",
  "discount_type": "percent",
  "amount": 10,
  "individual_use": true,
  "exclude_sale_items": true,
  "minimum_amount": "100.00"
const data = {
  code: "10off",
  discount_type: "percent",
  amount: 10,
  individual_use: true,
  exclude_sale_items: true,
  minimum_amount: "100.00"

  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {

$data = [
    'code' => '10off',
    'discount_type' => 'percent',
    'amount' => 10,
    'individual_use' => true,
    'exclude_sale_items' => true,
    'minimum_amount' => '100.00'

print_r($woocommerce->post('coupons', $data));
data = {
    "code": "10off",
    "discount_type": "percent",
    "amount": 10,
    "individual_use": True,
    "exclude_sale_items": True,
    "minimum_amount": "100.00"

print("coupons", data).json())
data = {
  code: "10off",
  discount_type: "percent",
  amount: 10,
  individual_use: true,
  exclude_sale_items: true,
  minimum_amount: "100.00"
}"coupons", data).parsed_response

JSON response example:

  "id": 113,
  "code": "10off",
  "date_created": "2016-04-28T21:55:54",
  "date_modified": "2016-04-28T21:55:54",
  "discount_type": "percent",
  "description": "",
  "amount": "10.00",
  "expiry_date": null,
  "usage_count": 0,
  "individual_use": true,
  "product_ids": [],
  "exclude_product_ids": [],
  "usage_limit": null,
  "usage_limit_per_user": null,
  "limit_usage_to_x_items": 0,
  "free_shipping": false,
  "product_categories": [],
  "excluded_product_categories": [],
  "exclude_sale_items": true,
  "minimum_amount": "100.00",
  "maximum_amount": "0.00",
  "email_restrictions": [],
  "used_by": [],
  "_links": {
    "self": [
        "href": ""
    "collection": [
        "href": ""

Retrieve a coupon

This API lets you retrieve and view a specific coupon by ID.

HTTP request

curl \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
<?php print_r($woocommerce->get('coupons/113')); ?>

JSON response example:

  "id": 113,
  "code": "10off",
  "date_created": "2016-04-28T21:55:54",
  "date_modified": "2016-04-28T21:55:54",
  "discount_type": "percent",
  "description": "",
  "amount": "10.00",
  "expiry_date": null,
  "usage_count": 0,
  "individual_use": true,
  "product_ids": [],
  "exclude_product_ids": [],
  "usage_limit": null,
  "usage_limit_per_user": null,
  "limit_usage_to_x_items": 0,
  "free_shipping": false,
  "product_categories": [],
  "excluded_product_categories": [],
  "exclude_sale_items": true,
  "minimum_amount": "100.00",
  "maximum_amount": "0.00",
  "email_restrictions": [],
  "used_by": [],
  "_links": {
    "self": [
        "href": ""
    "collection": [
        "href": ""

List all coupons

This API helps you to list all the coupons that have been created.

HTTP request

curl \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
<?php print_r($woocommerce->get('coupons')); ?>

JSON response example:

    "id": 114,
    "code": "free-shipping",
    "date_created": "2016-04-28T21:58:25",
    "date_modified": "2016-04-28T21:58:25",
    "discount_type": "fixed_cart",
    "description": "",
    "amount": "0.00",
    "expiry_date": null,
    "usage_count": 0,
    "individual_use": true,
    "product_ids": [],
    "exclude_product_ids": [],
    "usage_limit": null,
    "usage_limit_per_user": null,
    "limit_usage_to_x_items": 0,
    "free_shipping": false,
    "product_categories": [],
    "excluded_product_categories": [],
    "exclude_sale_items": true,
    "minimum_amount": "50.00",
    "maximum_amount": "0.00",
    "email_restrictions": [],
    "used_by": [],
    "_links": {
      "self": [
          "href": ""
      "collection": [
          "href": ""
    "id": 113,
    "code": "10off",
    "date_created": "2016-04-28T21:55:54",
    "date_modified": "2016-04-28T21:55:54",
    "discount_type": "percent",
    "description": "",
    "amount": "10.00",
    "expiry_date": null,
    "usage_count": 0,
    "individual_use": true,
    "product_ids": [],
    "exclude_product_ids": [],
    "usage_limit": null,
    "usage_limit_per_user": null,
    "limit_usage_to_x_items": 0,
    "free_shipping": false,
    "product_categories": [],
    "excluded_product_categories": [],
    "exclude_sale_items": true,
    "minimum_amount": "100.00",
    "maximum_amount": "0.00",
    "email_restrictions": [],
    "used_by": [],
    "_links": {
      "self": [
          "href": ""
      "collection": [
          "href": ""

Available parameters

Parameter Type Description
context string Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response. Options: view and edit.
page integer Current page of the collection.
per_page integer Maximum number of items to be returned in result set.
search string Limit results to those matching a string.
after string Limit response to resources published after a given ISO8601 compliant date.
before string Limit response to resources published before a given ISO8601 compliant date.
exclude string Ensure result set excludes specific ids.
include string Limit result set to specific ids.
offset integer Offset the result set by a specific number of items.
order string Order sort attribute ascending or descending. Default is asc. Options: asc and desc.
orderby string Sort collection by object attribute. Default is date, Options: date, id, include, title and slug.
code string Limit result set to resources with a specific code.

Update a coupon

This API lets you make changes to a coupon.

HTTP request

curl -X PUT \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
  "amount": 5
const data = {
  amount: 5

WooCommerce.put("coupons/113", data)
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
$data = [
    'amount' => 5

print_r($woocommerce->put('coupons/113', $data)); 
data = {
    "amount": 5

print(wcapi.put("coupons/113", data).json())
data = {
  amount: 5

woocommerce.put("coupons/113", data).parsed_response

JSON response example:

  "id": 113,
  "code": "10off",
  "date_created": "2016-04-28T21:55:54",
  "date_modified": "2016-04-28T22:00:49",
  "discount_type": "percent",
  "description": "",
  "amount": "5.00",
  "expiry_date": null,
  "usage_count": 0,
  "individual_use": true,
  "product_ids": [],
  "exclude_product_ids": [],
  "usage_limit": null,
  "usage_limit_per_user": null,
  "limit_usage_to_x_items": 0,
  "free_shipping": false,
  "product_categories": [],
  "excluded_product_categories": [],
  "exclude_sale_items": true,
  "minimum_amount": "100.00",
  "maximum_amount": "0.00",
  "email_restrictions": [],
  "used_by": [],
  "_links": {
    "self": [
        "href": ""
    "collection": [
        "href": ""

Delete a coupon

This API helps you delete a coupon.

HTTP request

curl -X DELETE \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret
WooCommerce.delete("coupons/113", {
  force: true
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
<?php print_r($woocommerce->delete('coupons/113', ['force' => true])); ?>
print(wcapi.delete("coupons/113", params={"force": True}).json())
woocommerce.delete("coupons/113", force: true).parsed_response

JSON response example:

  "id": 113,
  "code": "10off",
  "date_created": "2016-04-28T21:55:54",
  "date_modified": "2016-04-28T22:00:49",
  "discount_type": "percent",
  "description": "",
  "amount": "5.00",
  "expiry_date": null,
  "usage_count": 0,
  "individual_use": true,
  "product_ids": [],
  "exclude_product_ids": [],
  "usage_limit": null,
  "usage_limit_per_user": null,
  "limit_usage_to_x_items": 0,
  "free_shipping": false,
  "product_categories": [],
  "excluded_product_categories": [],
  "exclude_sale_items": true,
  "minimum_amount": "100.00",
  "maximum_amount": "0.00",
  "email_restrictions": [],
  "used_by": [],
  "_links": {
    "self": [
        "href": ""
    "collection": [
        "href": ""

Available parameters

Parameter Type Description
force string Use true whether to permanently delete the coupon, Default is false.

Batch update coupons

This API helps you to batch create, update and delete multiple coupons.

HTTP request

curl -X POST \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
  "create": [
      "code": "20off",
      "discount_type": "percent",
      "amount": 20,
      "individual_use": true,
      "exclude_sale_items": true,
      "minimum_amount": "100.00"
      "code": "30off",
      "discount_type": "percent",
      "amount": 30,
      "individual_use": true,
      "exclude_sale_items": true,
      "minimum_amount": "100.00"
  "update": [
      "id": 113,
      "minimum_amount": "50.00"
  "delete": [
const data = {
  create: [
      code: "20off",
      discount_type: "percent",
      amount: 20,
      individual_use: true,
      exclude_sale_items: true,
      minimum_amount: "100.00"
      code: "30off",
      discount_type: "percent",
      amount: 30,
      individual_use: true,
      exclude_sale_items: true,
      minimum_amount: "100.00"
  update: [
      id: 113,
      minimum_amount: "50.00"
  delete: [
};"customers/batch", data)
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
$data = [
    'create' => [
            'code' => '20off',
            'discount_type' => 'percent',
            'amount' => 20,
            'individual_use' => true,
            'exclude_sale_items' => true,
            'minimum_amount' => '100.00'
            'code' => '30off',
            'discount_type' => 'percent',
            'amount' => 30,
            'individual_use' => true,
            'exclude_sale_items' => true,
            'minimum_amount' => '100.00'
    'update' => [
            'id' => 113,
            'minimum_amount' => '50.00'
    'delete' => [

print_r($woocommerce->post('customers/batch', $data));
data = {
    "create": [
            "code": "20off",
            "discount_type": "percent",
            "amount": 20,
            "individual_use": True,
            "exclude_sale_items": True,
            "minimum_amount": "100.00"
            "code": "30off",
            "discount_type": "percent",
            "amount": 30,
            "individual_use": True,
            "exclude_sale_items": True,
            "minimum_amount": "100.00"
    "update": [
            "id": 113,
            "minimum_amount": "50.00"
    "delete": [

print("customers/batch", data).json())
data = {
  create: [
      code: "20off",
      discount_type: "percent",
      amount: 20,
      individual_use: true,
      exclude_sale_items: true,
      minimum_amount: "100.00"
      code: "30off",
      discount_type: "percent",
      amount: 30,
      individual_use: true,
      exclude_sale_items: true,
      minimum_amount: "100.00"
  update: [
      id: 113,
      minimum_amount: "50.00"
  delete: [
}"customers/batch", data).parsed_response

JSON response example:

  "create": [
      "id": 138,
      "code": "20off",
      "date_created": "2016-05-17T20:52:21",
      "date_modified": "2016-05-17T20:52:21",
      "discount_type": "percent",
      "description": "",
      "amount": "20.00",
      "expiry_date": null,
      "usage_count": 0,
      "individual_use": true,
      "product_ids": [],
      "exclude_product_ids": [],
      "usage_limit": null,
      "usage_limit_per_user": null,
      "limit_usage_to_x_items": 0,
      "free_shipping": false,
      "product_categories": [],
      "excluded_product_categories": [],
      "exclude_sale_items": true,
      "minimum_amount": "100.00",
      "maximum_amount": "0.00",
      "email_restrictions": [],
      "used_by": [],
      "_links": {
        "self": [
            "href": ""
        "collection": [
            "href": ""
      "id": 139,
      "code": "30off",
      "date_created": "2016-05-17T20:52:22",
      "date_modified": "2016-05-17T20:52:22",
      "discount_type": "percent",
      "description": "",
      "amount": "30.00",
      "expiry_date": null,
      "usage_count": 0,
      "individual_use": true,
      "product_ids": [],
      "exclude_product_ids": [],
      "usage_limit": null,
      "usage_limit_per_user": null,
      "limit_usage_to_x_items": 0,
      "free_shipping": false,
      "product_categories": [],
      "excluded_product_categories": [],
      "exclude_sale_items": true,
      "minimum_amount": "100.00",
      "maximum_amount": "0.00",
      "email_restrictions": [],
      "used_by": [],
      "_links": {
        "self": [
            "href": ""
        "collection": [
            "href": ""
  "update": [
      "id": 113,
      "code": "10off",
      "date_created": "2016-04-28T21:55:54",
      "date_modified": "2016-05-17T20:52:23",
      "discount_type": "percent",
      "description": "",
      "amount": "5.00",
      "expiry_date": null,
      "usage_count": 0,
      "individual_use": true,
      "product_ids": [],
      "exclude_product_ids": [],
      "usage_limit": null,
      "usage_limit_per_user": null,
      "limit_usage_to_x_items": 0,
      "free_shipping": false,
      "product_categories": [],
      "excluded_product_categories": [],
      "exclude_sale_items": true,
      "minimum_amount": "50.00",
      "maximum_amount": "0.00",
      "email_restrictions": [],
      "used_by": [],
      "_links": {
        "self": [
            "href": ""
        "collection": [
            "href": ""
  "delete": [
      "id": 137,
      "code": "50off",
      "date_created": "2016-05-17T20:49:12",
      "date_modified": "2016-05-17T20:50:30",
      "discount_type": "fixed_cart",
      "description": "",
      "amount": "50.00",
      "expiry_date": null,
      "usage_count": 0,
      "individual_use": false,
      "product_ids": [],
      "exclude_product_ids": [],
      "usage_limit": null,
      "usage_limit_per_user": null,
      "limit_usage_to_x_items": 0,
      "free_shipping": false,
      "product_categories": [],
      "excluded_product_categories": [],
      "exclude_sale_items": false,
      "minimum_amount": "0.00",
      "maximum_amount": "0.00",
      "email_restrictions": [],
      "used_by": [],
      "_links": {
        "self": [
            "href": ""
        "collection": [
            "href": ""


The customer API allows you to create, view, update, and delete individual, or a batch, of customers.

Customer properties

Attribute Type Description
id integer Unique identifier for the resource. read-only
date_created date-time The date the customer was created, in the site's timezone. read-only
date_modified date-time The date the customer was last modified, in the site's timezone. read-only
email string The email address for the customer. mandatory
first_name string Customer first name.
last_name string Customer last name.
username string Customer login name. Can be generated automatically from the customer's email address if the option woocommerce_registration_generate_username is equal to yes cannot be changed maybe mandatory
password string Customer password. Can be generated automatically with wp_generate_password() if the "Automatically generate customer password" option is enabled, check the index meta for generate_password write-only maybe mandatory
last_order array Last order data. See Customer Last Order properties. read-only
orders_count integer Quantity of orders made by the customer. read-only
total_spent string Total amount spent. read-only
avatar_url string Avatar URL.
billing array List of billing address data. See Billing Address properties.
shipping array List of shipping address data. See Shipping Address properties.

Customer last order properties

Attribute Type Description
id integer Last order ID. read-only
date date-time UTC DateTime of the customer last order. read-only

Billing address properties

Attribute Type Description
first_name string First name.
last_name string Last name.
company string Company name.
address_1 string Address line 1.
address_2 string Address line 2.
city string City name.
state string ISO code or name of the state, province or district.
postcode string Postal code.
country string ISO code of the country.
email string Email address.
phone string Phone number.

Shipping address properties

Attribute Type Description
first_name string First name.
last_name string Last name.
company string Company name.
address_1 string Address line 1.
address_2 string Address line 2.
city string City name.
state string ISO code or name of the state, province or district.
postcode string Postal code.
country string ISO code of the country.

Create a customer

This API helps you to create a new customer.

HTTP request

curl -X POST \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
  "email": "",
  "first_name": "John",
  "last_name": "Doe",
  "username": "john.doe",
  "billing": {
    "first_name": "John",
    "last_name": "Doe",
    "company": "",
    "address_1": "969 Market",
    "address_2": "",
    "city": "San Francisco",
    "state": "CA",
    "postcode": "94103",
    "country": "US",
    "email": "",
    "phone": "(555) 555-5555"
  "shipping": {
    "first_name": "John",
    "last_name": "Doe",
    "company": "",
    "address_1": "969 Market",
    "address_2": "",
    "city": "San Francisco",
    "state": "CA",
    "postcode": "94103",
    "country": "US"
const data = {
  email: "",
  first_name: "John",
  last_name: "Doe",
  username: "john.doe",
  billing: {
    first_name: "John",
    last_name: "Doe",
    company: "",
    address_1: "969 Market",
    address_2: "",
    city: "San Francisco",
    state: "CA",
    postcode: "94103",
    country: "US",
    email: "",
    phone: "(555) 555-5555"
  shipping: {
    first_name: "John",
    last_name: "Doe",
    company: "",
    address_1: "969 Market",
    address_2: "",
    city: "San Francisco",
    state: "CA",
    postcode: "94103",
    country: "US"
};"customers", data)
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
$data = [
    'email' => '',
    'first_name' => 'John',
    'last_name' => 'Doe',
    'username' => 'john.doe',
    'billing' => [
        'first_name' => 'John',
        'last_name' => 'Doe',
        'company' => '',
        'address_1' => '969 Market',
        'address_2' => '',
        'city' => 'San Francisco',
        'state' => 'CA',
        'postcode' => '94103',
        'country' => 'US',
        'email' => '',
        'phone' => '(555) 555-5555'
    'shipping' => [
        'first_name' => 'John',
        'last_name' => 'Doe',
        'company' => '',
        'address_1' => '969 Market',
        'address_2' => '',
        'city' => 'San Francisco',
        'state' => 'CA',
        'postcode' => '94103',
        'country' => 'US'

print_r($woocommerce->post('customers', $data));
data = {
    "email": "",
    "first_name": "John",
    "last_name": "Doe",
    "username": "john.doe",
    "billing": {
        "first_name": "John",
        "last_name": "Doe",
        "company": "",
        "address_1": "969 Market",
        "address_2": "",
        "city": "San Francisco",
        "state": "CA",
        "postcode": "94103",
        "country": "US",
        "email": "",
        "phone": "(555) 555-5555"
    "shipping": {
        "first_name": "John",
        "last_name": "Doe",
        "company": "",
        "address_1": "969 Market",
        "address_2": "",
        "city": "San Francisco",
        "state": "CA",
        "postcode": "94103",
        "country": "US"

print("customers", data).json())
data = {
  email: "",
  first_name: "John",
  last_name: "Doe",
  username: "john.doe",
  billing: {
    first_name: "John",
    last_name: "Doe",
    company: "",
    address_1: "969 Market",
    address_2: "",
    city: "San Francisco",
    state: "CA",
    postcode: "94103",
    country: "US",
    email: "",
    phone: "(555) 555-5555"
  shipping: {
    first_name: "John",
    last_name: "Doe",
    company: "",
    address_1: "969 Market",
    address_2: "",
    city: "San Francisco",
    state: "CA",
    postcode: "94103",
    country: "US"
}"customers", data).parsed_response

JSON response example:

  "id": 2,
  "date_created": "2016-05-03T17:58:35",
  "date_modified": "2016-05-11T21:34:43",
  "email": "",
  "first_name": "John",
  "last_name": "Doe",
  "username": "john.doe",
  "last_order": {
    "id": 118,
    "date": "2016-05-03T18:10:43"
  "orders_count": 3,
  "total_spent": "28.00",
  "avatar_url": "",
  "billing": {
    "first_name": "John",
    "last_name": "Doe",
    "company": "",
    "address_1": "969 Market",
    "address_2": "",
    "city": "San Francisco",
    "state": "CA",
    "postcode": "94103",
    "country": "US",
    "email": "",
    "phone": "(555) 555-5555"
  "shipping": {
    "first_name": "John",
    "last_name": "Doe",
    "company": "",
    "address_1": "969 Market",
    "address_2": "",
    "city": "San Francisco",
    "state": "CA",
    "postcode": "94103",
    "country": "US"
  "_links": {
    "self": [
        "href": ""
    "collection": [
        "href": ""

Retrieve a customer

This API lets you retrieve and view a specific customer by ID.

HTTP request

curl \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
<?php print_r($woocommerce->get('customers/2')); ?>

JSON response example:

  "id": 2,
  "date_created": "2016-05-03T17:58:35",
  "date_modified": "2016-05-11T21:34:43",
  "email": "",
  "first_name": "John",
  "last_name": "Doe",
  "username": "john.doe",
  "last_order": {
    "id": 118,
    "date": "2016-05-03T18:10:43"
  "orders_count": 3,
  "total_spent": "28.00",
  "avatar_url": "",
  "billing": {
    "first_name": "John",
    "last_name": "Doe",
    "company": "",
    "address_1": "969 Market",
    "address_2": "",
    "city": "San Francisco",
    "state": "CA",
    "postcode": "94103",
    "country": "US",
    "email": "",
    "phone": "(555) 555-5555"
  "shipping": {
    "first_name": "John",
    "last_name": "Doe",
    "company": "",
    "address_1": "969 Market",
    "address_2": "",
    "city": "San Francisco",
    "state": "CA",
    "postcode": "94103",
    "country": "US"
  "_links": {
    "self": [
        "href": ""
    "collection": [
        "href": ""

List all customers

This API helps you to view all the customers.

HTTP request

curl \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
<?php print_r($woocommerce->get('customers')); ?>

JSON response example:

    "id": 5,
    "date_created": "2016-05-11T21:39:01",
    "date_modified": "2016-05-11T21:40:02",
    "email": "",
    "first_name": "João",
    "last_name": "Silva",
    "username": "joao.silva",
    "last_order": {
      "id": null,
      "date": null
    "orders_count": 0,
    "total_spent": "0.00",
    "avatar_url": "",
    "billing": {
      "first_name": "João",
      "last_name": "Silva",
      "company": "",
      "address_1": "Av. Brasil, 432",
      "address_2": "",
      "city": "Rio de Janeiro",
      "state": "RJ",
      "postcode": "12345-000",
      "country": "BR",
      "email": "",
      "phone": "(55) 5555-5555"
    "shipping": {
      "first_name": "João",
      "last_name": "Silva",
      "company": "",
      "address_1": "Av. Brasil, 432",
      "address_2": "",
      "city": "Rio de Janeiro",
      "state": "RJ",
      "postcode": "12345-000",
      "country": "BR"
    "_links": {
      "self": [
          "href": ""
      "collection": [
          "href": ""
    "id": 2,
    "date_created": "2016-05-03T17:58:35",
    "date_modified": "2016-05-11T21:34:43",
    "email": "",
    "first_name": "John",
    "last_name": "Doe",
    "username": "john.doe",
    "last_order": {
      "id": 118,
      "date": "2016-05-03T18:10:43"
    "orders_count": 3,
    "total_spent": "28.00",
    "avatar_url": "",
    "billing": {
      "first_name": "John",
      "last_name": "Doe",
      "company": "",
      "address_1": "969 Market",
      "address_2": "",
      "city": "San Francisco",
      "state": "CA",
      "postcode": "94103",
      "country": "US",
      "email": "",
      "phone": "(555) 555-5555"
    "shipping": {
      "first_name": "John",
      "last_name": "Doe",
      "company": "",
      "address_1": "969 Market",
      "address_2": "",
      "city": "San Francisco",
      "state": "CA",
      "postcode": "94103",
      "country": "US"
    "_links": {
      "self": [
          "href": ""
      "collection": [
          "href": ""

Available parameters

Parameter Type Description
context string Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response. Options: view and edit.
page integer Current page of the collection.
per_page integer Maximum number of items to be returned in result set.
search string Limit results to those matching a string.
exclude string Ensure result set excludes specific ids.
include string Limit result set to specific ids.
offset integer Offset the result set by a specific number of items.
order string Order sort attribute ascending or descending. Default is asc, Options: asc and desc.
orderby string Sort collection by object attribute. Default is name. Options: id, include, name and registered_date.
email string Limit result set to resources with a specific email.
role string Limit result set to resources with a specific role. Default: customer. Options (some plugins can add more user roles): all, administrator, editor, author, contributor, subscriber, customer and shop_manager

Update a customer

This API lets you make changes to a customer.

HTTP request

curl -X PUT \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
  "first_name": "James",
  "billing": {
    "first_name": "James"
  "shipping": {
    "first_name": "James"
const data = {
  first_name: "James",
  billing: {
    first_name: "James"
  shipping: {
    first_name: "James"

WooCommerce.put("customers/2", data)
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
$data = [
    'first_name' => 'James',
    'billing' => [
        'first_name' => 'James'
    'shipping' => [
        'first_name' => 'James'

print_r($woocommerce->put('customers/2', $data));
data = {
    "first_name": "James",
    "billing": {
        "first_name": "James"
    "shipping": {
        "first_name": "James"

print(wcapi.put("customers/2", data).json())
data = {
  first_name: "James",
  billing: {
    first_name: "James"
  shipping: {
    first_name: "James"

woocommerce.put("customers/2", data).parsed_response

JSON response example:

  "id": 2,
  "date_created": "2016-05-03T17:58:35",
  "date_modified": "2016-05-11T21:43:45",
  "email": "",
  "first_name": "James",
  "last_name": "Doe",
  "username": "john.doe",
  "last_order": {
    "id": 118,
    "date": "2016-05-03T18:10:43"
  "orders_count": 3,
  "total_spent": "28.00",
  "avatar_url": "",
  "billing": {
    "first_name": "James",
    "last_name": "Doe",
    "company": "",
    "address_1": "969 Market",
    "address_2": "",
    "city": "San Francisco",
    "state": "CA",
    "postcode": "94103",
    "country": "US",
    "email": "",
    "phone": "(555) 555-5555"
  "shipping": {
    "first_name": "James",
    "last_name": "Doe",
    "company": "",
    "address_1": "969 Market",
    "address_2": "",
    "city": "San Francisco",
    "state": "CA",
    "postcode": "94103",
    "country": "US"
  "_links": {
    "self": [
        "href": ""
    "collection": [
        "href": ""

Delete a customer

This API helps you delete a customer.

HTTP request

curl -X DELETE \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret
WooCommerce.delete("customers/2", {
  force: true
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
<?php print_r($woocommerce->delete('customers/2', ['force' => true])); ?>
print(wcapi.delete("customers/2", params={"force": True}).json())
woocommerce.delete("customers/2", force: true).parsed_response

JSON response example:

  "id": 2,
  "date_created": "2016-05-03T17:58:35",
  "date_modified": "2016-05-11T21:43:45",
  "email": "",
  "first_name": "James",
  "last_name": "Doe",
  "username": "john.doe",
  "last_order": {
    "id": 118,
    "date": "2016-05-03T18:10:43"
  "orders_count": 3,
  "total_spent": "28.00",
  "avatar_url": "",
  "billing": {
    "first_name": "James",
    "last_name": "Doe",
    "company": "",
    "address_1": "969 Market",
    "address_2": "",
    "city": "San Francisco",
    "state": "CA",
    "postcode": "94103",
    "country": "US",
    "email": "",
    "phone": "(555) 555-5555"
  "shipping": {
    "first_name": "James",
    "last_name": "Doe",
    "company": "",
    "address_1": "969 Market",
    "address_2": "",
    "city": "San Francisco",
    "state": "CA",
    "postcode": "94103",
    "country": "US"
  "_links": {
    "self": [
        "href": ""
    "collection": [
        "href": ""

Available parameters

Parameter Type Description
force string Required to be true, as resource does not support trashing.

Batch update customers

This API helps you to batch create, update and delete multiple customers.

HTTP request

curl -X POST \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
  "create": [
      "email": "",
      "first_name": "John",
      "last_name": "Doe",
      "username": "john.doe2",
      "billing": {
        "first_name": "John",
        "last_name": "Doe",
        "company": "",
        "address_1": "969 Market",
        "address_2": "",
        "city": "San Francisco",
        "state": "CA",
        "postcode": "94103",
        "country": "US",
        "email": "",
        "phone": "(555) 555-5555"
      "shipping": {
        "first_name": "John",
        "last_name": "Doe",
        "company": "",
        "address_1": "969 Market",
        "address_2": "",
        "city": "San Francisco",
        "state": "CA",
        "postcode": "94103",
        "country": "US"
      "email": "",
      "first_name": "João",
      "last_name": "Silva",
      "username": "joao.silva2",
      "billing": {
        "first_name": "João",
        "last_name": "Silva",
        "company": "",
        "address_1": "Av. Brasil, 432",
        "address_2": "",
        "city": "Rio de Janeiro",
        "state": "RJ",
        "postcode": "12345-000",
        "country": "BR",
        "email": "",
        "phone": "(55) 5555-5555"
      "shipping": {
        "first_name": "João",
        "last_name": "Silva",
        "company": "",
        "address_1": "Av. Brasil, 432",
        "address_2": "",
        "city": "Rio de Janeiro",
        "state": "RJ",
        "postcode": "12345-000",
        "country": "BR"
  "update": [
      "id": 5,
      "billing": {
        "phone": "(11) 1111-1111"
  "delete": [
const data = {
  create: [
      email: "",
      first_name: "John",
      last_name: "Doe",
      username: "john.doe2",
      billing: {
        first_name: "John",
        last_name: "Doe",
        company: "",
        address_1: "969 Market",
        address_2: "",
        city: "San Francisco",
        state: "CA",
        postcode: "94103",
        country: "US",
        email: "",
        phone: "(555) 555-5555"
      shipping: {
        first_name: "John",
        last_name: "Doe",
        company: "",
        address_1: "969 Market",
        address_2: "",
        city: "San Francisco",
        state: "CA",
        postcode: "94103",
        country: "US"
      email: "",
      first_name: "João",
      last_name: "Silva",
      username: "joao.silva2",
      billing: {
        first_name: "João",
        last_name: "Silva",
        company: "",
        address_1: "Av. Brasil, 432",
        address_2: "",
        city: "Rio de Janeiro",
        state: "RJ",
        postcode: "12345-000",
        country: "BR",
        email: "",
        phone: "(55) 5555-5555"
      shipping: {
        first_name: "João",
        last_name: "Silva",
        company: "",
        address_1: "Av. Brasil, 432",
        address_2: "",
        city: "Rio de Janeiro",
        state: "RJ",
        postcode: "12345-000",
        country: "BR"
  update: [
      id: 5,
      billing: {
        phone: "(11) 1111-1111"
  delete: [
};"customers/batch", data)
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
$data = [
    'create' => [
            'email' => '',
            'first_name' => 'John',
            'last_name' => 'Doe',
            'username' => 'john.doe2',
            'billing' => [
                'first_name' => 'John',
                'last_name' => 'Doe',
                'company' => '',
                'address_1' => '969 Market',
                'address_2' => '',
                'city' => 'San Francisco',
                'state' => 'CA',
                'postcode' => '94103',
                'country' => 'US',
                'email' => '',
                'phone' => '(555) 555-5555'
            'shipping' => [
                'first_name' => 'John',
                'last_name' => 'Doe',
                'company' => '',
                'address_1' => '969 Market',
                'address_2' => '',
                'city' => 'San Francisco',
                'state' => 'CA',
                'postcode' => '94103',
                'country' => 'US'
            'email' => '',
            'first_name' => 'João',
            'last_name' => 'Silva',
            'username' => 'joao.silva2',
            'billing' => [
                'first_name' => 'João',
                'last_name' => 'Silva',
                'company' => '',
                'address_1' => 'Av. Brasil, 432',
                'address_2' => '',
                'city' => 'Rio de Janeiro',
                'state' => 'RJ',
                'postcode' => '12345-000',
                'country' => 'BR',
                'email' => '',
                'phone' => '(55) 5555-5555'
            'shipping' => [
                'first_name' => 'João',
                'last_name' => 'Silva',
                'company' => '',
                'address_1' => 'Av. Brasil, 432',
                'address_2' => '',
                'city' => 'Rio de Janeiro',
                'state' => 'RJ',
                'postcode' => '12345-000',
                'country' => 'BR'
    'update' => [
            'id' => 5,
            'billing' => [
                'phone' => '(11) 1111-1111'
    'delete' => [

print_r($woocommerce->post('customers/batch', $data));
data = {
    "create": [
            "email": "",
            "first_name": "John",
            "last_name": "Doe",
            "username": "john.doe2",
            "billing": {
                "first_name": "John",
                "last_name": "Doe",
                "company": "",
                "address_1": "969 Market",
                "address_2": "",
                "city": "San Francisco",
                "state": "CA",
                "postcode": "94103",
                "country": "US",
                "email": "",
                "phone": "(555) 555-5555"
            "shipping": {
                "first_name": "John",
                "last_name": "Doe",
                "company": "",
                "address_1": "969 Market",
                "address_2": "",
                "city": "San Francisco",
                "state": "CA",
                "postcode": "94103",
                "country": "US"
            "email": "",
            "first_name": "João",
            "last_name": "Silva",
            "username": "joao.silva2",
            "billing": {
                "first_name": "João",
                "last_name": "Silva",
                "company": "",
                "address_1": "Av. Brasil, 432",
                "address_2": "",
                "city": "Rio de Janeiro",
                "state": "RJ",
                "postcode": "12345-000",
                "country": "BR",
                "email": "",
                "phone": "(55) 5555-5555"
            "shipping": {
                "first_name": "João",
                "last_name": "Silva",
                "company": "",
                "address_1": "Av. Brasil, 432",
                "address_2": "",
                "city": "Rio de Janeiro",
                "state": "RJ",
                "postcode": "12345-000",
                "country": "BR"
    "update": [
            "id": 5,
            "billing": {
                "phone": "(11) 1111-1111"
    "delete": [

print("customers/batch", data).json())
data = {
  create: [
      email: "",
      first_name: "John",
      last_name: "Doe",
      username: "john.doe2",
      billing: {
        first_name: "John",
        last_name: "Doe",
        company: "",
        address_1: "969 Market",
        address_2: "",
        city: "San Francisco",
        state: "CA",
        postcode: "94103",
        country: "US",
        email: "",
        phone: "(555) 555-5555"
      shipping: {
        first_name: "John",
        last_name: "Doe",
        company: "",
        address_1: "969 Market",
        address_2: "",
        city: "San Francisco",
        state: "CA",
        postcode: "94103",
        country: "US"
      email: "",
      first_name: "João",
      last_name: "Silva",
      username: "joao.silva2",
      billing: {
        first_name: "João",
        last_name: "Silva",
        company: "",
        address_1: "Av. Brasil, 432",
        address_2: "",
        city: "Rio de Janeiro",
        state: "RJ",
        postcode: "12345-000",
        country: "BR",
        email: "",
        phone: "(55) 5555-5555"
      shipping: {
        first_name: "João",
        last_name: "Silva",
        company: "",
        address_1: "Av. Brasil, 432",
        address_2: "",
        city: "Rio de Janeiro",
        state: "RJ",
        postcode: "12345-000",
        country: "BR"
  update: [
      id: 5,
      billing: {
        phone: "(11) 1111-1111"
  delete: [
}"customers/batch", data).parsed_response

JSON response example:

  "create": [
      "id": 6,
      "date_created": "2016-05-11T22:06:32",
      "date_modified": "2016-05-11T22:07:31",
      "email": "",
      "first_name": "John",
      "last_name": "Doe",
      "username": "john.doe2",
      "last_order": {
        "id": null,
        "date": null
      "orders_count": 0,
      "total_spent": "0.00",
      "avatar_url": "",
      "billing": {
        "first_name": "John",
        "last_name": "Doe",
        "company": "",
        "address_1": "969 Market",
        "address_2": "",
        "city": "San Francisco",
        "state": "CA",
        "postcode": "94103",
        "country": "US",
        "email": "",
        "phone": "(555) 555-5555"
      "shipping": {
        "first_name": "John",
        "last_name": "Doe",
        "company": "",
        "address_1": "969 Market",
        "address_2": "",
        "city": "San Francisco",
        "state": "CA",
        "postcode": "94103",
        "country": "US"
      "_links": {
        "self": [
            "href": ""
        "collection": [
            "href": ""
      "id": 7,
      "date_created": "2016-05-11T22:07:33",
      "date_modified": "2016-05-11T22:07:37",
      "email": "",
      "first_name": "João",
      "last_name": "Silva",
      "username": "joao.silva2",
      "last_order": {
        "id": null,
        "date": null
      "orders_count": 0,
      "total_spent": "0.00",
      "avatar_url": "",
      "billing": {
        "first_name": "João",
        "last_name": "Silva",
        "company": "",
        "address_1": "Av. Brasil, 432",
        "address_2": "",
        "city": "Rio de Janeiro",
        "state": "RJ",
        "postcode": "12345-000",
        "country": "BR",
        "email": "",
        "phone": "(55) 5555-5555"
      "shipping": {
        "first_name": "João",
        "last_name": "Silva",
        "company": "",
        "address_1": "Av. Brasil, 432",
        "address_2": "",
        "city": "Rio de Janeiro",
        "state": "RJ",
        "postcode": "12345-000",
        "country": "BR"
      "_links": {
        "self": [
            "href": ""
        "collection": [
            "href": ""
  "update": [
      "id": 5,
      "date_created": "2016-05-11T21:39:01",
      "date_modified": "2016-05-11T22:04:36",
      "email": "",
      "first_name": "João",
      "last_name": "Silva",
      "username": "joao.silva",
      "last_order": {
        "id": null,
        "date": null
      "orders_count": 0,
      "total_spent": "0.00",
      "avatar_url": "",
      "billing": {
        "first_name": "João",
        "last_name": "Silva",
        "company": "",
        "address_1": "Av. Brasil, 432",
        "address_2": "",
        "city": "Rio de Janeiro",
        "state": "RJ",
        "postcode": "12345-000",
        "country": "BR",
        "email": "",
        "phone": "(11) 1111-1111"
      "shipping": {
        "first_name": "João",
        "last_name": "Silva",
        "company": "",
        "address_1": "Av. Brasil, 432",
        "address_2": "",
        "city": "Rio de Janeiro",
        "state": "RJ",
        "postcode": "12345-000",
        "country": "BR"
      "_links": {
        "self": [
            "href": ""
        "collection": [
            "href": ""
  "delete": [
      "id": 2,
      "date_created": "2016-05-03T17:58:35",
      "date_modified": "2016-05-11T21:43:45",
      "email": "",
      "first_name": "James",
      "last_name": "Doe",
      "username": "john.doe",
      "last_order": {
        "id": 118,
        "date": "2016-05-03T18:10:43"
      "orders_count": 3,
      "total_spent": "28.00",
      "avatar_url": "",
      "billing": {
        "first_name": "James",
        "last_name": "Doe",
        "company": "",
        "address_1": "969 Market",
        "address_2": "",
        "city": "San Francisco",
        "state": "CA",
        "postcode": "94103",
        "country": "US",
        "email": "",
        "phone": "(555) 555-5555"
      "shipping": {
        "first_name": "James",
        "last_name": "Doe",
        "company": "",
        "address_1": "969 Market",
        "address_2": "",
        "city": "San Francisco",
        "state": "CA",
        "postcode": "94103",
        "country": "US"
      "_links": {
        "self": [
            "href": ""
        "collection": [
            "href": ""

Retrieve customer downloads

This API lets you retrieve customer downloads permissions.

HTTP request

curl \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
<?php print_r($woocommerce->get('customers/2/downloads')); ?>

JSON response example:

    "download_url": "",
    "download_id": "1789931e0c14ad9909a50c826f10c169",
    "product_id": 96,
    "download_name": "Woo Album #4 &ndash; Testing",
    "order_id": 105,
    "order_key": "wc_order_571a7260c0da5",
    "downloads_remaining": "unlimited",
    "access_expires": "never",
    "file": {
      "name": "Testing",
      "file": ""
    "_links": {
      "collection": [
          "href": ""
      "product": [
          "href": ""
      "order": [
          "href": ""

Customer downloads properties

Attribute Type Description
download_url string Download file URL. read-only
download_id string Download ID (MD5). read-only
product_id integer Downloadable product ID. read-only
download_name string Downloadable file name. read-only
order_id integer Order ID. read-only
order_key string Order key. read-only
downloads_remaining string Amount of downloads remaining. read-only
access_expires string The date when the download access expires, in the site's timezone. read-only
file array File details with name (file name) and file (file URL) attributes. read-only


The orders API allows you to create, view, update, and delete individual, or a batch, of orders.

Order properties

Attribute Type Description
id integer Unique identifier for the resource. read-only
parent_id integer Parent order ID.
status string Order status. Default is pending. Options (plugins may include new status): pending, processing, on-hold, completed, cancelled, refunded and failed.
order_key string Order key. read-only
number string Order number. read-only
currency string Currency the order was created with, in ISO format, e.g USD. Default is the current store currency.
version string Version of WooCommerce when the order was made. read-only
prices_include_tax boolean Shows if the prices included tax during checkout. read-only
date_created date-time The date the order was created, in the site's timezone. read-only
date_modified date-time The date the order was last modified, in the site's timezone. read-only
customer_id integer User ID who owns the order. Use 0 for guests. Default is 0.
discount_total string Total discount amount for the order. read-only
discount_tax string Total discount tax amount for the order. read-only
shipping_total string Total shipping amount for the order. read-only
shipping_tax string Total shipping tax amount for the order. read-only
cart_tax string Sum of line item taxes only. read-only
total string Grand total. read-only
total_tax string Sum of all taxes. read-only
billing object Billing address. See Customer Billing Address properties.
shipping object Shipping address. See Customer Shipping Address properties.
payment_method string Payment method ID.
payment_method_title string Payment method title.
set_paid boolean Define if the order is paid. It will set the status to processing and reduce stock items. Default is false. write-only
transaction_id string Unique transaction ID. In write-mode only is available if set_paid is true.
customer_ip_address string Customer's IP address. read-only
customer_user_agent string User agent of the customer. read-only
created_via string Shows where the order was created. read-only
customer_note string Note left by customer during checkout.
date_completed date-time The date the order was completed, in the site's timezone. read-only
date_paid date-time The date the order has been paid, in the site's timezone. read-only
cart_hash string MD5 hash of cart items to ensure orders are not modified. read-only
line_items array Line items data. See Line Items properties.
tax_lines array Tax lines data. See Tax Lines properties. read-only
shipping_lines array Shipping lines data. See Shipping Lines properties.
fee_lines array Fee lines data. See Fee Lines Properties.
coupon_lines array Coupons line data. See Coupon Lines properties.
refunds array List of refunds. See Refunds Lines properties. read-only

Line item properties

Attribute Type Description
id integer Item ID. read-only
name string Product name. read-only
sku string Product SKU. read-only
product_id integer Product ID.
variation_id integer Variation ID, if applicable.
quantity integer Quantity ordered.
tax_class string Tax class of product. read-only
price string Product price. read-only
subtotal string Line subtotal (before discounts).
subtotal_tax string Line subtotal tax (before discounts).
total string Line total (after discounts).
total_tax string Line total tax (after discounts).
taxes array Line taxes with id, total and subtotal. read-only
meta array Line item meta data with key, label and value. read-only

Tax line properties

Attribute Type Description
id integer Item ID. read-only
rate_code string Tax rate code. read-only
rate_id string Tax rate ID. read-only
label string Tax rate label. read-only
compound boolean Show if is a compound tax rate. Compound tax rates are applied on top of other tax rates. read-only
tax_total string Tax total (not including shipping taxes). read-only
shipping_tax_total string Shipping tax total. read-only

Shipping line properties

Attribute Type Description
id integer Item ID. read-only
method_title string Shipping method name.
method_id string Shipping method ID. required
total string Line total (after discounts).
total_tax string Line total tax (after discounts). read-only
taxes array Line taxes with id and total. read-only

Fee line properties

Attribute Type Description
id integer Item ID. read-only
name string Fee name. required
tax_class string Tax class. required if the fee is taxable
tax_status string Tax status of fee. Set to taxable if need apply taxes.
total string Line total (after discounts).
total_tax string Line total tax (after discounts).
taxes array Line taxes with id, total and subtotal. read-only

Coupon line properties

Attribute Type Description
id integer Item ID. read-only
code string Coupon code. required
discount string Discount total. required
discount_tax string Discount total tax. read-only

Refund line properties

Attribute Type Description
id integer Refund ID. read-only
reason string Refund reason. read-only
total string Refund total. read-only

Create an order

This API helps you to create a new order.

HTTP request


Example of create a paid order:

curl -X POST \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
  "payment_method": "bacs",
  "payment_method_title": "Direct Bank Transfer",
  "set_paid": true,
  "billing": {
    "first_name": "John",
    "last_name": "Doe",
    "address_1": "969 Market",
    "address_2": "",
    "city": "San Francisco",
    "state": "CA",
    "postcode": "94103",
    "country": "US",
    "email": "",
    "phone": "(555) 555-5555"
  "shipping": {
    "first_name": "John",
    "last_name": "Doe",
    "address_1": "969 Market",
    "address_2": "",
    "city": "San Francisco",
    "state": "CA",
    "postcode": "94103",
    "country": "US"
  "line_items": [
      "product_id": 93,
      "quantity": 2
      "product_id": 22,
      "variation_id": 23,
      "quantity": 1
  "shipping_lines": [
      "method_id": "flat_rate",
      "method_title": "Flat Rate",
      "total": "10.00"
const data = {
  payment_method: "bacs",
  payment_method_title: "Direct Bank Transfer",
  set_paid: true,
  billing: {
    first_name: "John",
    last_name: "Doe",
    address_1: "969 Market",
    address_2: "",
    city: "San Francisco",
    state: "CA",
    postcode: "94103",
    country: "US",
    email: "",
    phone: "(555) 555-5555"
  shipping: {
    first_name: "John",
    last_name: "Doe",
    address_1: "969 Market",
    address_2: "",
    city: "San Francisco",
    state: "CA",
    postcode: "94103",
    country: "US"
  line_items: [
      product_id: 93,
      quantity: 2
      product_id: 22,
      variation_id: 23,
      quantity: 1
  shipping_lines: [
      method_id: "flat_rate",
      method_title: "Flat Rate",
      total: "10.00"
};"orders", data)
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
$data = [
    'payment_method' => 'bacs',
    'payment_method_title' => 'Direct Bank Transfer',
    'set_paid' => true,
    'billing' => [
        'first_name' => 'John',
        'last_name' => 'Doe',
        'address_1' => '969 Market',
        'address_2' => '',
        'city' => 'San Francisco',
        'state' => 'CA',
        'postcode' => '94103',
        'country' => 'US',
        'email' => '',
        'phone' => '(555) 555-5555'
    'shipping' => [
        'first_name' => 'John',
        'last_name' => 'Doe',
        'address_1' => '969 Market',
        'address_2' => '',
        'city' => 'San Francisco',
        'state' => 'CA',
        'postcode' => '94103',
        'country' => 'US'
    'line_items' => [
            'product_id' => 93,
            'quantity' => 2
            'product_id' => 22,
            'variation_id' => 23,
            'quantity' => 1
    'shipping_lines' => [
            'method_id' => 'flat_rate',
            'method_title' => 'Flat Rate',
            'total' => '10.00'

print_r($woocommerce->post('orders', $data));
data = {
    "payment_method": "bacs",
    "payment_method_title": "Direct Bank Transfer",
    "set_paid": True,
    "billing": {
        "first_name": "John",
        "last_name": "Doe",
        "address_1": "969 Market",
        "address_2": "",
        "city": "San Francisco",
        "state": "CA",
        "postcode": "94103",
        "country": "US",
        "email": "",
        "phone": "(555) 555-5555"
    "shipping": {
        "first_name": "John",
        "last_name": "Doe",
        "address_1": "969 Market",
        "address_2": "",
        "city": "San Francisco",
        "state": "CA",
        "postcode": "94103",
        "country": "US"
    "line_items": [
            "product_id": 93,
            "quantity": 2
            "product_id": 22,
            "variation_id": 23,
            "quantity": 1
    "shipping_lines": [
            "method_id": "flat_rate",
            "method_title": "Flat Rate",
            "total": "10.00"

print("orders", data).json())
data = {
  payment_method: "bacs",
  payment_method_title: "Direct Bank Transfer",
  set_paid: true,
  billing: {
    first_name: "John",
    last_name: "Doe",
    address_1: "969 Market",
    address_2: "",
    city: "San Francisco",
    state: "CA",
    postcode: "94103",
    country: "US",
    email: "",
    phone: "(555) 555-5555"
  shipping: {
    first_name: "John",
    last_name: "Doe",
    address_1: "969 Market",
    address_2: "",
    city: "San Francisco",
    state: "CA",
    postcode: "94103",
    country: "US"
  line_items: [
      product_id: 93,
      quantity: 2
      product_id: 22,
      variation_id: 23,
      quantity: 1
  shipping_lines: [
      method_id: "flat_rate",
      method_title: "Flat Rate",
      total: "10.00"
}"orders", data).parsed_response

JSON response example:

  "id": 154,
  "parent_id": 0,
  "status": "processing",
  "order_key": "wc_order_574cc02467274",
  "number": "154",
  "currency": "USD",
  "version": "2.6.0",
  "prices_include_tax": false,
  "date_created": "2016-05-30T22:35:16",
  "date_modified": "2016-05-30T22:35:16",
  "customer_id": 0,
  "discount_total": "0.00",
  "discount_tax": "0.00",
  "shipping_total": "10.00",
  "shipping_tax": "0.00",
  "cart_tax": "1.95",
  "total": "37.95",
  "total_tax": "1.95",
  "billing": {
    "first_name": "John",
    "last_name": "Doe",
    "company": "",
    "address_1": "969 Market",
    "address_2": "",
    "city": "San Francisco",
    "state": "CA",
    "postcode": "94103",
    "country": "US",
    "email": "",
    "phone": "(555) 555-5555"
  "shipping": {
    "first_name": "John",
    "last_name": "Doe",
    "company": "",
    "address_1": "969 Market",
    "address_2": "",
    "city": "San Francisco",
    "state": "CA",
    "postcode": "94103",
    "country": "US"
  "payment_method": "bacs",
  "payment_method_title": "bacs",
  "transaction_id": "",
  "customer_ip_address": "",
  "customer_user_agent": "curl/7.47.0",
  "created_via": "rest-api",
  "customer_note": "",
  "date_completed": "2016-05-30T19:35:16",
  "date_paid": "2016-05-30 19:35:25",
  "cart_hash": "",
  "line_items": [
      "id": 18,
      "name": "Woo Single #1",
      "sku": "",
      "product_id": 93,
      "variation_id": 0,
      "quantity": 2,
      "tax_class": "",
      "price": "3.00",
      "subtotal": "6.00",
      "subtotal_tax": "0.45",
      "total": "6.00",
      "total_tax": "0.45",
      "taxes": [
          "id": 75,
          "total": 0.45,
          "subtotal": 0.45
      "meta": []
      "id": 19,
      "name": "Ship Your Idea",
      "sku": "",
      "product_id": 22,
      "variation_id": 23,
      "quantity": 1,
      "tax_class": "",
      "price": "20.00",
      "subtotal": "20.00",
      "subtotal_tax": "1.50",
      "total": "20.00",
      "total_tax": "1.50",
      "taxes": [
          "id": 75,
          "total": 1.5,
          "subtotal": 1.5
      "meta": [
          "key": "pa_color",
          "label": "Color",
          "value": "Black"
  "tax_lines": [
      "id": 21,
      "rate_code": "US-CA-STATE TAX",
      "rate_id": "75",
      "label": "State Tax",
      "compound": false,
      "tax_total": "1.95",
      "shipping_tax_total": "0.00"
  "shipping_lines": [
      "id": 20,
      "method_title": "Flat Rate",
      "method_id": "flat_rate",
      "total": "10.00",
      "total_tax": "0.00",
      "taxes": []
  "fee_lines": [],
  "coupon_lines": [],
  "refunds": [],
  "_links": {
    "self": [
        "href": ""
    "collection": [
        "href": ""

Retrieve an order

This API lets you retrieve and view a specific order.

HTTP request

curl \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
<?php print_r($woocommerce->get('orders/154')); ?>

JSON response example:

  "id": 154,
  "parent_id": 0,
  "status": "processing",
  "order_key": "wc_order_574cc02467274",
  "number": "154",
  "currency": "USD",
  "version": "2.6.0",
  "prices_include_tax": false,
  "date_created": "2016-05-30T22:35:16",
  "date_modified": "2016-05-30T22:35:16",
  "customer_id": 0,
  "discount_total": "0.00",
  "discount_tax": "0.00",
  "shipping_total": "10.00",
  "shipping_tax": "0.00",
  "cart_tax": "1.95",
  "total": "37.95",
  "total_tax": "1.95",
  "billing": {
    "first_name": "John",
    "last_name": "Doe",
    "company": "",
    "address_1": "969 Market",
    "address_2": "",
    "city": "San Francisco",
    "state": "CA",
    "postcode": "94103",
    "country": "US",
    "email": "",
    "phone": "(555) 555-5555"
  "shipping": {
    "first_name": "John",
    "last_name": "Doe",
    "company": "",
    "address_1": "969 Market",
    "address_2": "",
    "city": "San Francisco",
    "state": "CA",
    "postcode": "94103",
    "country": "US"
  "payment_method": "bacs",
  "payment_method_title": "bacs",
  "transaction_id": "",
  "customer_ip_address": "",
  "customer_user_agent": "curl/7.47.0",
  "created_via": "rest-api",
  "customer_note": "",
  "date_completed": "2016-05-30T19:35:16",
  "date_paid": "2016-05-30 19:35:25",
  "cart_hash": "",
  "line_items": [
      "id": 18,
      "name": "Woo Single #1",
      "sku": "",
      "product_id": 93,
      "variation_id": 0,
      "quantity": 2,
      "tax_class": "",
      "price": "3.00",
      "subtotal": "6.00",
      "subtotal_tax": "0.45",
      "total": "6.00",
      "total_tax": "0.45",
      "taxes": [
          "id": 75,
          "total": 0.45,
          "subtotal": 0.45
      "meta": []
      "id": 19,
      "name": "Ship Your Idea",
      "sku": "",
      "product_id": 22,
      "variation_id": 23,
      "quantity": 1,
      "tax_class": "",
      "price": "20.00",
      "subtotal": "20.00",
      "subtotal_tax": "1.50",
      "total": "20.00",
      "total_tax": "1.50",
      "taxes": [
          "id": 75,
          "total": 1.5,
          "subtotal": 1.5
      "meta": [
          "key": "pa_color",
          "label": "Color",
          "value": "Black"
  "tax_lines": [
      "id": 21,
      "rate_code": "US-CA-STATE TAX",
      "rate_id": "75",
      "label": "State Tax",
      "compound": false,
      "tax_total": "1.95",
      "shipping_tax_total": "0.00"
  "shipping_lines": [
      "id": 20,
      "method_title": "Flat Rate",
      "method_id": "flat_rate",
      "total": "10.00",
      "total_tax": "0.00",
      "taxes": []
  "fee_lines": [],
  "coupon_lines": [],
  "refunds": [],
  "_links": {
    "self": [
        "href": ""
    "collection": [
        "href": ""

Available parameters

Parameter Type Description
dp string Number of decimal points to use in each resource.

List all orders

This API helps you to view all the orders.

HTTP request

curl \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
<?php print_r($woocommerce->get('orders')); ?>

JSON response example:

    "id": 154,
    "parent_id": 0,
    "status": "processing",
    "order_key": "wc_order_574cc02467274",
    "number": "154",
    "currency": "USD",
    "version": "2.6.0",
    "prices_include_tax": false,
    "date_created": "2016-05-30T22:35:16",
    "date_modified": "2016-05-30T22:35:16",
    "customer_id": 0,
    "discount_total": "0.00",
    "discount_tax": "0.00",
    "shipping_total": "10.00",
    "shipping_tax": "0.00",
    "cart_tax": "1.95",
    "total": "37.95",
    "total_tax": "1.95",
    "billing": {
      "first_name": "John",
      "last_name": "Doe",
      "company": "",
      "address_1": "969 Market",
      "address_2": "",
      "city": "San Francisco",
      "state": "CA",
      "postcode": "94103",
      "country": "US",
      "email": "",
      "phone": "(555) 555-5555"
    "shipping": {
      "first_name": "John",
      "last_name": "Doe",
      "company": "",
      "address_1": "969 Market",
      "address_2": "",
      "city": "San Francisco",
      "state": "CA",
      "postcode": "94103",
      "country": "US"
    "payment_method": "bacs",
    "payment_method_title": "bacs",
    "transaction_id": "",
    "customer_ip_address": "",
    "customer_user_agent": "curl/7.47.0",
    "created_via": "rest-api",
    "customer_note": "",
    "date_completed": "2016-05-30T19:35:16",
    "date_paid": "2016-05-30 19:35:25",
    "cart_hash": "",
    "line_items": [
        "id": 18,
        "name": "Woo Single #1",
        "sku": "",
        "product_id": 93,
        "variation_id": 0,
        "quantity": 2,
        "tax_class": "",
        "price": "3.00",
        "subtotal": "6.00",
        "subtotal_tax": "0.45",
        "total": "6.00",
        "total_tax": "0.45",
        "taxes": [
            "id": 75,
            "total": 0.45,
            "subtotal": 0.45
        "meta": []
        "id": 19,
        "name": "Ship Your Idea",
        "sku": "",
        "product_id": 22,
        "variation_id": 23,
        "quantity": 1,
        "tax_class": "",
        "price": "20.00",
        "subtotal": "20.00",
        "subtotal_tax": "1.50",
        "total": "20.00",
        "total_tax": "1.50",
        "taxes": [
            "id": 75,
            "total": 1.5,
            "subtotal": 1.5
        "meta": [
            "key": "pa_color",
            "label": "Color",
            "value": "Black"
    "tax_lines": [
        "id": 21,
        "rate_code": "US-CA-STATE TAX",
        "rate_id": "75",
        "label": "State Tax",
        "compound": false,
        "tax_total": "1.95",
        "shipping_tax_total": "0.00"
    "shipping_lines": [
        "id": 20,
        "method_title": "Flat Rate",
        "method_id": "flat_rate",
        "total": "10.00",
        "total_tax": "0.00",
        "taxes": []
    "fee_lines": [],
    "coupon_lines": [],
    "refunds": [],
    "_links": {
      "self": [
          "href": ""
      "collection": [
          "href": ""
    "id": 116,
    "parent_id": 0,
    "status": "processing",
    "order_key": "wc_order_5728e6e53d2a4",
    "number": "116",
    "currency": "USD",
    "version": "2.6.0",
    "prices_include_tax": false,
    "date_created": "2016-05-03T17:59:00",
    "date_modified": "2016-05-30T22:37:31",
    "customer_id": 1,
    "discount_total": "0.00",
    "discount_tax": "0.00",
    "shipping_total": "10.00",
    "shipping_tax": "0.00",
    "cart_tax": "0.00",
    "total": "14.00",
    "total_tax": "0.00",
    "billing": {
      "first_name": "John",
      "last_name": "Doe",
      "company": "",
      "address_1": "969 Market",
      "address_2": "",
      "city": "San Francisco",
      "state": "CA",
      "postcode": "94103",
      "country": "US",
      "email": "",
      "phone": "(555) 555-5555"
    "shipping": {
      "first_name": "John",
      "last_name": "Doe",
      "company": "",
      "address_1": "969 Market",
      "address_2": "",
      "city": "San Francisco",
      "state": "CA",
      "postcode": "94103",
      "country": "US"
    "payment_method": "bacs",
    "payment_method_title": "Direct Bank Transfer",
    "transaction_id": "",
    "customer_ip_address": "",
    "customer_user_agent": "curl/7.47.0",
    "created_via": "",
    "customer_note": "",
    "date_completed": "2016-05-30T19:35:16",
    "date_paid": "2016-05-03 14:59:12",
    "cart_hash": "",
    "line_items": [
        "id": 6,
        "name": "Woo Single #2",
        "sku": "12345",
        "product_id": 99,
        "variation_id": 0,
        "quantity": 2,
        "tax_class": "",
        "price": "2.00",
        "subtotal": "4.00",
        "subtotal_tax": "0.00",
        "total": "4.00",
        "total_tax": "0.00",
        "taxes": [],
        "meta": []
    "tax_lines": [],
    "shipping_lines": [
        "id": 7,
        "method_title": "Flat Rate",
        "method_id": "flat_rate",
        "total": "10.00",
        "total_tax": "0.00",
        "taxes": []
    "fee_lines": [],
    "coupon_lines": [],
    "refunds": [],
    "_links": {
      "self": [
          "href": ""
      "collection": [
          "href": ""
      "customer": [
          "href": ""

Available parameters

Parameter Type Description
context string Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response. Options: view and edit.
page integer Current page of the collection.
per_page integer Maximum number of items to be returned in result set.
search string Limit results to those matching a string.
after string Limit response to resources published after a given ISO8601 compliant date.
before string Limit response to resources published before a given ISO8601 compliant date.
exclude string Ensure result set excludes specific ids.
include string Limit result set to specific ids.
offset integer Offset the result set by a specific number of items.
order string Order sort attribute ascending or descending. Default is asc. Options: asc and desc.
orderby string Sort collection by object attribute. Default is date, Options: date, id, include, title and slug.
status string Limit result set to orders assigned a specific status. Default is any. Options (plugins may add new status): any, pending, processing, on-hold, completed, cancelled, refunded and failed.
customer string Limit result set to orders assigned a specific customer.
product string Limit result set to orders assigned a specific product.
dp string Number of decimal points to use in each resource.

Update an Order

This API lets you make changes to an order.

HTTP Request

curl -X PUT \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
  "status": "completed"
const data = {
  status: "completed"

WooCommerce.put("orders/154", data)
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
$data = [
    'status' => 'completed'

print_r($woocommerce->put('orders/154', $data));
data = {
    "status": "completed"

print(wcapi.put("orders/154", data).json())
data = {
  status: "completed"

woocommerce.put("orders/154", data).parsed_response

JSON response example:

  "id": 154,
  "parent_id": 0,
  "status": "completed",
  "order_key": "wc_order_574cc02467274",
  "number": "154",
  "currency": "USD",
  "version": "2.6.0",
  "prices_include_tax": false,
  "date_created": "2016-05-30T22:35:16",
  "date_modified": "2016-05-30T22:46:16",
  "customer_id": 0,
  "discount_total": "0.00",
  "discount_tax": "0.00",
  "shipping_total": "10.00",
  "shipping_tax": "0.00",
  "cart_tax": "1.95",
  "total": "37.95",
  "total_tax": "1.95",
  "billing": {
    "first_name": "John",
    "last_name": "Doe",
    "company": "",
    "address_1": "969 Market",
    "address_2": "",
    "city": "San Francisco",
    "state": "CA",
    "postcode": "94103",
    "country": "US",
    "email": "",
    "phone": "(555) 555-5555"
  "shipping": {
    "first_name": "John",
    "last_name": "Doe",
    "company": "",
    "address_1": "969 Market",
    "address_2": "",
    "city": "San Francisco",
    "state": "CA",
    "postcode": "94103",
    "country": "US"
  "payment_method": "bacs",
  "payment_method_title": "bacs",
  "transaction_id": "",
  "customer_ip_address": "",
  "customer_user_agent": "curl/7.47.0",
  "created_via": "rest-api",
  "customer_note": "",
  "date_completed": "2016-05-30T19:47:46",
  "date_paid": "2016-05-30 19:35:25",
  "cart_hash": "",
  "line_items": [
      "id": 18,
      "name": "Woo Single #1",
      "sku": "",
      "product_id": 93,
      "variation_id": 0,
      "quantity": 2,
      "tax_class": "",
      "price": "3.00",
      "subtotal": "6.00",
      "subtotal_tax": "0.45",
      "total": "6.00",
      "total_tax": "0.45",
      "taxes": [
          "id": 75,
          "total": 0.45,
          "subtotal": 0.45
      "meta": []
      "id": 19,
      "name": "Ship Your Idea",
      "sku": "",
      "product_id": 22,
      "variation_id": 23,
      "quantity": 1,
      "tax_class": "",
      "price": "20.00",
      "subtotal": "20.00",
      "subtotal_tax": "1.50",
      "total": "20.00",
      "total_tax": "1.50",
      "taxes": [
          "id": 75,
          "total": 1.5,
          "subtotal": 1.5
      "meta": [
          "key": "pa_color",
          "label": "Color",
          "value": "Black"
  "tax_lines": [
      "id": 21,
      "rate_code": "US-CA-STATE TAX",
      "rate_id": "75",
      "label": "State Tax",
      "compound": false,
      "tax_total": "1.95",
      "shipping_tax_total": "0.00"
  "shipping_lines": [
      "id": 20,
      "method_title": "Flat Rate",
      "method_id": "flat_rate",
      "total": "10.00",
      "total_tax": "0.00",
      "taxes": []
  "fee_lines": [],
  "coupon_lines": [],
  "refunds": [],
  "_links": {
    "self": [
        "href": ""
    "collection": [
        "href": ""

Delete an order

This API helps you delete an order.

HTTP request

curl -X DELETE \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret
WooCommerce.delete("orders/154", {
  force: true
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
<?php print_r($woocommerce->delete('orders/154', ['force' => true])); ?>
print(wcapi.delete("orders/154", params={"force": True}).json())
woocommerce.delete("orders/154", force: true).parsed_response

JSON response example:

  "id": 154,
  "parent_id": 0,
  "status": "completed",
  "order_key": "wc_order_574cc02467274",
  "number": "154",
  "currency": "USD",
  "version": "2.6.0",
  "prices_include_tax": false,
  "date_created": "2016-05-30T22:35:16",
  "date_modified": "2016-05-30T22:46:16",
  "customer_id": 0,
  "discount_total": "0.00",
  "discount_tax": "0.00",
  "shipping_total": "10.00",
  "shipping_tax": "0.00",
  "cart_tax": "1.95",
  "total": "37.95",
  "total_tax": "1.95",
  "billing": {
    "first_name": "John",
    "last_name": "Doe",
    "company": "",
    "address_1": "969 Market",
    "address_2": "",
    "city": "San Francisco",
    "state": "CA",
    "postcode": "94103",
    "country": "US",
    "email": "",
    "phone": "(555) 555-5555"
  "shipping": {
    "first_name": "John",
    "last_name": "Doe",
    "company": "",
    "address_1": "969 Market",
    "address_2": "",
    "city": "San Francisco",
    "state": "CA",
    "postcode": "94103",
    "country": "US"
  "payment_method": "bacs",
  "payment_method_title": "bacs",
  "transaction_id": "",
  "customer_ip_address": "",
  "customer_user_agent": "curl/7.47.0",
  "created_via": "rest-api",
  "customer_note": "",
  "date_completed": "2016-05-30T19:47:46",
  "date_paid": "2016-05-30 19:35:25",
  "cart_hash": "",
  "line_items": [
      "id": 18,
      "name": "Woo Single #1",
      "sku": "",
      "product_id": 93,
      "variation_id": 0,
      "quantity": 2,
      "tax_class": "",
      "price": "3.00",
      "subtotal": "6.00",
      "subtotal_tax": "0.45",
      "total": "6.00",
      "total_tax": "0.45",
      "taxes": [
          "id": 75,
          "total": 0.45,
          "subtotal": 0.45
      "meta": []
      "id": 19,
      "name": "Ship Your Idea",
      "sku": "",
      "product_id": 22,
      "variation_id": 23,
      "quantity": 1,
      "tax_class": "",
      "price": "20.00",
      "subtotal": "20.00",
      "subtotal_tax": "1.50",
      "total": "20.00",
      "total_tax": "1.50",
      "taxes": [
          "id": 75,
          "total": 1.5,
          "subtotal": 1.5
      "meta": [
          "key": "pa_color",
          "label": "Color",
          "value": "Black"
  "tax_lines": [
      "id": 21,
      "rate_code": "US-CA-STATE TAX",
      "rate_id": "75",
      "label": "State Tax",
      "compound": false,
      "tax_total": "1.95",
      "shipping_tax_total": "0.00"
  "shipping_lines": [
      "id": 20,
      "method_title": "Flat Rate",
      "method_id": "flat_rate",
      "total": "10.00",
      "total_tax": "0.00",
      "taxes": []
  "fee_lines": [],
  "coupon_lines": [],
  "refunds": [],
  "_links": {
    "self": [
        "href": ""
    "collection": [
        "href": ""

Available parameters

Parameter Type Description
force string Use true whether to permanently delete the order, Default is false.

Batch update orders

This API helps you to batch create, update and delete multiple orders.

HTTP request

curl -X POST \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
  "create": [
      "payment_method": "bacs",
      "payment_method_title": "Direct Bank Transfer",
      "billing": {
        "first_name": "John",
        "last_name": "Doe",
        "address_1": "969 Market",
        "address_2": "",
        "city": "San Francisco",
        "state": "CA",
        "postcode": "94103",
        "country": "US",
        "email": "",
        "phone": "(555) 555-5555"
      "shipping": {
        "first_name": "John",
        "last_name": "Doe",
        "address_1": "969 Market",
        "address_2": "",
        "city": "San Francisco",
        "state": "CA",
        "postcode": "94103",
        "country": "US"
      "line_items": [
          "product_id": 79,
          "quantity": 1
          "product_id": 93,
          "quantity": 1
          "product_id": 22,
          "variation_id": 23,
          "quantity": 1
      "shipping_lines": [
          "method_id": "flat_rate",
          "method_title": "Flat Rate",
          "total": "30.00"
      "payment_method": "bacs",
      "payment_method_title": "Direct Bank Transfer",
      "set_paid": true,
      "billing": {
        "first_name": "John",
        "last_name": "Doe",
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        "address_2": "",
        "city": "San Francisco",
        "state": "CA",
        "postcode": "94103",
        "country": "US",
        "email": "",
        "phone": "(555) 555-5555"
      "shipping": {
        "first_name": "John",
        "last_name": "Doe",
        "address_1": "969 Market",
        "address_2": "",
        "city": "San Francisco",
        "state": "CA",
        "postcode": "94103",
        "country": "US"
      "line_items": [
          "product_id": 22,
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          "product_id": 22,
          "variation_id": 24,
          "quantity": 1
      "shipping_lines": [
          "method_id": "flat_rate",
          "method_title": "Flat Rate",
          "total": "20.00"
  "update": [
      "id": 154,
      "shipping_methods": "Local Delivery"
  "delete": [
const data = {
  create: [
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      payment_method_title: "Direct Bank Transfer",
      billing: {
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        city: "San Francisco",
        state: "CA",
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        country: "US",
        email: "",
        phone: "(555) 555-5555"
      shipping: {
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        address_1: "969 Market",
        address_2: "",
        city: "San Francisco",
        state: "CA",
        postcode: "94103",
        country: "US"
      line_items: [
          product_id: 79,
          quantity: 1
          product_id: 93,
          quantity: 1
          product_id: 22,
          variation_id: 23,
          quantity: 1
      shipping_lines: [
          method_id: "flat_rate",
          method_title: "Flat Rate",
          total: "30.00"
      payment_method: "bacs",
      payment_method_title: "Direct Bank Transfer",
      set_paid: true,
      billing: {
        first_name: "John",
        last_name: "Doe",
        address_1: "969 Market",
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        state: "CA",
        postcode: "94103",
        country: "US",
        email: "",
        phone: "(555) 555-5555"
      shipping: {
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        address_2: "",
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        state: "CA",
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        country: "US"
      line_items: [
          product_id: 22,
          variation_id: 23,
          quantity: 1
          product_id: 22,
          variation_id: 24,
          quantity: 1
      shipping_lines: [
          method_id: "flat_rate",
          method_title: "Flat Rate",
          total: "20.00"
  update: [
      id: 154,
      shipping_methods: "Local Delivery"
  delete: [
};"orders/batch", data)
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
$data = [
    'create' => [
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            'payment_method_title' => 'Direct Bank Transfer',
            'billing' => [
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                'last_name' => 'Doe',
                'address_1' => '969 Market',
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                'city' => 'San Francisco',
                'state' => 'CA',
                'postcode' => '94103',
                'country' => 'US',
                'email' => '',
                'phone' => '(555) 555-5555'
            'shipping' => [
                'first_name' => 'John',
                'last_name' => 'Doe',
                'address_1' => '969 Market',
                'address_2' => '',
                'city' => 'San Francisco',
                'state' => 'CA',
                'postcode' => '94103',
                'country' => 'US'
            'line_items' => [
                    'product_id' => 79,
                    'quantity' => 1
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                    'product_id' => 22,
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                    'quantity' => 1
            'shipping_lines' => [
                    'method_id' => 'flat_rate',
                    'method_title' => 'Flat Rate',
                    'total' => '30.00'
            'payment_method' => 'bacs',
            'payment_method_title' => 'Direct Bank Transfer',
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                'country' => 'US',
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                'last_name' => 'Doe',
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                'address_2' => '',
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                'state' => 'CA',
                'postcode' => '94103',
                'country' => 'US'
            'line_items' => [
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                    'variation_id' => 24,
                    'quantity' => 1
            'shipping_lines' => [
                    'method_id' => 'flat_rate',
                    'method_title' => 'Flat Rate',
                    'total' => '20.00'
    'update' => [
            'id' => 154,
            'shipping_methods' => 'Local Delivery'
    'delete' => [

print_r($woocommerce->post('orders/batch', $data));
data = {
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    "update": [
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            "shipping_methods": "Local Delivery"
    "delete": [

print("orders/batch", data).json())
data = {
  create: [
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      shipping: {
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      line_items: [
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          quantity: 1
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      billing: {
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        country: "US",
        email: "",
        phone: "(555) 555-5555"
      shipping: {
        first_name: "John",
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      line_items: [
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          product_id: 22,
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          quantity: 1
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          method_title: "Flat Rate",
          total: "20.00"
  update: [
      id: 154,
      shipping_methods: "Local Delivery"
  delete: [
}"orders/batch", data).parsed_response

JSON response example:

  "create": [
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          "total": "3.00",
          "total_tax": "0.23",
          "taxes": [
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      "shipping_lines": [
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      "shipping_tax": "0.00",
      "cart_tax": "3.00",
      "total": "63.00",
      "total_tax": "3.00",
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      "payment_method_title": "bacs",
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          "total": "20.00",
          "total_tax": "1.50",
          "taxes": [
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      "shipping_lines": [
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      "shipping": {
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      "payment_method_title": "bacs",
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      "date_paid": "2016-05-30 19:35:25",
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      "line_items": [
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          "total": "20.00",
          "total_tax": "1.50",
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      "shipping_tax": "0.00",
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      "total_tax": "1.95",
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      "shipping": {
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      "payment_method_title": "bacs",
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      "customer_user_agent": "curl/7.47.0",
      "created_via": "rest-api",
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      "date_paid": "2016-05-30 19:35:25",
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          "total": "6.00",
          "total_tax": "0.45",
          "taxes": [
              "id": 75,
              "total": 0.45,
              "subtotal": 0.45
          "meta": []
          "id": 19,
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          "price": "20.00",
          "subtotal": "20.00",
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          "total": "20.00",
          "total_tax": "1.50",
          "taxes": [
              "id": 75,
              "total": 1.5,
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      "tax_lines": [
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          "rate_id": "75",
          "label": "State Tax",
          "compound": false,
          "tax_total": "1.95",
          "shipping_tax_total": "0.00"
      "shipping_lines": [
          "id": 20,
          "method_title": "Flat Rate",
          "method_id": "flat_rate",
          "total": "10.00",
          "total_tax": "0.00",
          "taxes": []
      "fee_lines": [],
      "coupon_lines": [],
      "refunds": [],
      "_links": {
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        "collection": [
            "href": ""

Order notes

The order notes API allows you to create, view, and delete individual order notes.
Order notes are added by administrators and programmatically to store data about an order, or order events.

Order note properties

Attribute Type Description
id integer Unique identifier for the resource. read-only
date_created date-time The date the order note was created, in the site's timezone. read-only
note string Order note. required
customer_note boolean Shows/define if the note is only for reference or for the customer (the user will be notified). Default is false.

Create an order note

This API helps you to create a new note for an order.

HTTP request

curl -X POST \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
  "note": "Order ok!!!"
const data = {
  note: "Order ok!!!"
};"orders/645/notes", data)
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
$data = [
    'note' => 'Order ok!!!'

print_r($woocommerce->post('orders/645/notes', $data));
data = {
    "note": "Order ok!!!"

print("orders/645/notes", data).json())
data = {
  note: "Order ok!!!"
}"orders/645/notes", data).parsed_response

JSON response example:

  "id": 51,
  "date_created": "2016-05-13T20:51:55",
  "note": "Order ok!!!",
  "customer_note": false,
  "_links": {
    "self": [
        "href": ""
    "collection": [
        "href": ""
    "up": [
        "href": ""

Retrieve an order note

This API lets you retrieve and view a specific note from an order.

HTTP request

curl \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
<?php print_r($woocommerce->get('orders/645/notes/51')); ?>

JSON response example:

  "id": 51,
  "date_created": "2016-05-13T20:51:55",
  "note": "Order ok!!!",
  "customer_note": false,
  "_links": {
    "self": [
        "href": ""
    "collection": [
        "href": ""
    "up": [
        "href": ""

List all order notes

This API helps you to view all the notes from an order.

HTTP request

curl \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
<?php print_r($woocommerce->get('orders/645/notes')); ?>

JSON response example:

    "id": 51,
    "date_created": "2016-05-13T20:51:55",
    "note": "Order ok!!!",
    "customer_note": false,
    "_links": {
      "self": [
          "href": ""
      "collection": [
          "href": ""
      "up": [
          "href": ""
    "id": 46,
    "date_created": "2016-05-03T18:10:43",
    "note": "Order status changed from Pending Payment to Processing.",
    "customer_note": false,
    "_links": {
      "self": [
          "href": ""
      "collection": [
          "href": ""
      "up": [
          "href": ""

Delete an order note

This API helps you delete an order note.

HTTP request

curl -X DELETE \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret
WooCommerce.delete("orders/645/notes/51", {
  force: true
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
<?php print_r($woocommerce->delete('orders/645/notes/51', ['force' => true])); ?>
print(wcapi.delete("orders/645/notes/51", params={"force": True}).json())
woocommerce.delete("orders/645/notes/51", force: true).parsed_response

JSON response example:

  "id": 51,
  "date_created": "2016-05-13T20:51:55",
  "note": "Order ok!!!",
  "customer_note": false,
  "_links": {
    "self": [
        "href": ""
    "collection": [
        "href": ""
    "up": [
        "href": ""

Available parameters

Parameter Type Description
force string Required to be true, as resource does not support trashing.


The refunds API allows you to create, view, and delete individual refunds.

Refund properties

Attribute Type Description
id integer Unique identifier for the resource. read-only
date_created date-time The date the order refund was created, in the site's timezone. read-only
amount string Refund amount. required
reason string Reason for refund.
line_items array Line items data. See Refunds Line Items properties.

Refund line item properties

Attribute Type Description
id integer Item ID. read-only
name string Product name. read-only
sku string Product SKU. read-only
product_id integer Product ID.
variation_id integer Variation ID, if applicable.
quantity integer Quantity ordered.
tax_class string Tax class of product. read-only
price string Product price. read-only
subtotal string Line subtotal (before discounts).
subtotal_tax string Line subtotal tax (before discounts).
total string Line total (after discounts).
total_tax string Line total tax (after discounts).
taxes array Line total tax with id, total and subtotal. read-only
meta array Line item meta data with key, label and value. read-only

Create a refund

This API helps you to create a new refund for an order.

HTTP request

curl -X POST \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
  "amount": "10"
const data = {
  amount: "10"
};"orders/116/refunds", data)
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
$data = [
    'amount' => '10'

print_r($woocommerce->post('orders/116/refunds', $data));
data = {
    "amount": "10"

print("orders/116/refunds", data).json())
data = {
  amount: "10"
}"orders/116/refunds", data).parsed_response

JSON response example:

  "id": 150,
  "date_created": "2016-05-30T17:28:05",
  "amount": "10.00",
  "reason": "",
  "line_items": [],
  "_links": {
    "self": [
        "href": ""
    "collection": [
        "href": ""
    "up": [
        "href": ""

Retrieve a refund

This API lets you retrieve and view a specific refund from an order.

HTTP request

curl \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
<?php print_r($woocommerce->get('orders/116/refunds/150')); ?>

JSON response example:

  "id": 150,
  "date_created": "2016-05-30T17:28:05",
  "amount": "10.00",
  "reason": "",
  "line_items": [],
  "_links": {
    "self": [
        "href": ""
    "collection": [
        "href": ""
    "up": [
        "href": ""

Available parameters

Parameter Type Description
dp string Number of decimal points to use in each resource.

List all refunds

This API helps you to view all the refunds from an order.

HTTP request

curl \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
<?php print_r($woocommerce->get('orders/116/refunds')); ?>

JSON response example:

    "id": 151,
    "date_created": "2016-05-30T17:31:48",
    "amount": "2.00",
    "reason": "",
    "line_items": [
        "id": 11,
        "name": "Woo Single #2",
        "sku": "12345",
        "product_id": 99,
        "variation_id": 0,
        "quantity": -1,
        "tax_class": "",
        "price": "-2.00",
        "subtotal": "-2.00",
        "subtotal_tax": "0.00",
        "total": "-2.00",
        "total_tax": "0.00",
        "taxes": [],
        "meta": []
    "_links": {
      "self": [
          "href": ""
      "collection": [
          "href": ""
      "up": [
          "href": ""
    "id": 150,
    "date_created": "2016-05-30T17:28:05",
    "amount": "10.00",
    "reason": "",
    "line_items": [],
    "_links": {
      "self": [
          "href": ""
      "collection": [
          "href": ""
      "up": [
          "href": ""

Available parameters

Parameter Type Description
context string Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response. Options: view and edit.
page integer Current page of the collection.
per_page integer Maximum number of items to be returned in result set.
search string Limit results to those matching a string.
after string Limit response to resources published after a given ISO8601 compliant date.
before string Limit response to resources published before a given ISO8601 compliant date.
exclude string Ensure result set excludes specific ids.
include string Limit result set to specific ids.
offset integer Offset the result set by a specific number of items.
order string Order sort attribute ascending or descending. Default is asc. Options: asc and desc.
orderby string Sort collection by object attribute. Default is date, Options: date, id, include, title and slug.
dp string Number of decimal points to use in each resource.

Delete a refund

This API helps you delete an order refund.

HTTP request

curl -X DELETE \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret
WooCommerce.delete("orders/116/refunds/150", {
  force: true
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
<?php print_r($woocommerce->delete('orders/116/refunds/150', ['force' => true])); ?>
print(wcapi.delete("orders/116/refunds/150", params={"force": True}).json())
woocommerce.delete("orders/116/refunds/150", force: true).parsed_response

JSON response example:

  "id": 150,
  "date_created": "2016-05-30T17:28:05",
  "amount": "10.00",
  "reason": "",
  "line_items": [],
  "_links": {
    "self": [
        "href": ""
    "collection": [
        "href": ""
    "up": [
        "href": ""

Available parameters

Parameter Type Description
force string Required to be true, as resource does not support trashing.


The products API allows you to create, view, update, and delete individual, or a batch, of products.

Product properties

Attribute Type Description
id integer Unique identifier for the resource. read-only
name string Product name.
slug string Product slug.
permalink string Product URL. read-only
date_created date-time The date the product was created, in the site's timezone. read-only
date_modified date-time The date the product was last modified, in the site's timezone. read-only
type string Product type. Default is simple. Options (plugins may add new options): simple, grouped, external, variable.
status string Product status (post status). Default is publish. Options (plugins may add new options): draft, pending, private and publish.
featured boolean Featured product. Default is false.
catalog_visibility string Catalog visibility. Default is visible. Options: visible (Catalog and search), catalog (Only in catalog), search (Only in search) and hidden (Hidden from all).
description string Product description.
short_description string Product short description.
sku string Unique identifier.
price string Current product price. This is setted from regular_price and sale_price. read-only
regular_price string Product regular price.
sale_price string Product sale price.
date_on_sale_from string Start date of sale price. Date in the YYYY-MM-DD format.
date_on_sale_to string Sets the sale end date. Date in the YYYY-MM-DD format.
price_html string Price formatted in HTML, e.g. <del><span class=\"woocommerce-Price-amount amount\"><span class=\"woocommerce-Price-currencySymbol\">&#36;&nbsp;3.00</span></span></del> <ins><span class=\"woocommerce-Price-amount amount\"><span class=\"woocommerce-Price-currencySymbol\">&#36;&nbsp;2.00</span></span></ins> read-only
on_sale boolean Shows if the product is on sale. read-only
purchasable boolean Shows if the product can be bought. read-only
total_sales integer Amount of sales. read-only
virtual boolean If the product is virtual. Virtual products are intangible and aren't shipped. Default is false.
downloadable boolean If the product is downloadable. Downloadable products give access to a file upon purchase. Default is false.
downloads array List of downloadable files. See Downloads properties.
download_limit integer Amount of times the product can be downloaded, the -1 values means unlimited re-downloads. Default is -1.
download_expiry integer Number of days that the customer has up to be able to download the product, the -1 means that downloads never expires. Default is -1.
download_type string Download type, this controls the schema on the front-end. Default is standard. Options: 'standard' (Standard Product), application (Application/Software) and music (Music).
external_url string Product external URL. Only for external products.
button_text string Product external button text. Only for external products.
tax_status string Tax status. Default is taxable. Options: taxable, shipping (Shipping only) and none.
tax_class string Tax class.
manage_stock boolean Stock management at product level. Default is false.
stock_quantity integer Stock quantity. If is a variable product this value will be used to control stock for all variations, unless you define stock at variation level.
in_stock boolean Controls whether or not the product is listed as "in stock" or "out of stock" on the frontend. Default is true.
backorders string If managing stock, this controls if backorders are allowed. If enabled, stock quantity can go below 0. Default is no. Options are: no (Do not allow), notify (Allow, but notify customer), and yes (Allow).
backorders_allowed boolean Shows if backorders are allowed. read-only
backordered boolean Shows if a product is on backorder (if the product have the stock_quantity negative). read-only
sold_individually boolean Allow one item to be bought in a single order. Default is false.
weight string Product weight in decimal format.
dimensions object Product dimensions. See Dimensions properties.
shipping_required boolean Shows if the product need to be shipped. read-only
shipping_taxable boolean Shows whether or not the product shipping is taxable. read-only
shipping_class string Shipping class slug. Shipping classes are used by certain shipping methods to group similar products.
shipping_class_id integer Shipping class ID. read-only
reviews_allowed boolean Allow reviews. Default is true.
average_rating string Reviews average rating. read-only
rating_count integer Amount of reviews that the product have. read-only
related_ids array List of related products IDs (integer). read-only
upsell_ids array List of up-sell products IDs (integer). Up-sells are products which you recommend instead of the currently viewed product, for example, products that are more profitable or better quality or more expensive.
cross_sell_ids array List of cross-sell products IDs. Cross-sells are products which you promote in the cart, based on the current product.
parent_id integer Product parent ID (post_parent).
purchase_note string Optional note to send the customer after purchase.
categories array List of categories. See Categories properties.
tags array List of tags. See Tags properties.
images array List of images. See Images properties
attributes array List of attributes. See Attributes properties.
default_attributes array Defaults variation attributes, used only for variations and pre-selected attributes on the frontend. See Default Attributes properties.
variations array List of variations. See Variations properties
grouped_products array List of grouped products ID, only for group type products. read-only
menu_order integer Menu order, used to custom sort products.

Download properties

Attribute Type Description
id string File ID.
name string File name.
file string File URL. In write-mode you can use this property to send new files.

Dimension properties

Attribute Type Description
length string Product length in decimal format.
width string Product width in decimal format.
height string Product height in decimal format.

Category properties

Attribute Type Description
id integer Category ID.
name string Category name. read-only
slug string Category slug. read-only

Tag properties

Attribute Type Description
id integer Tag ID.
name string Tag name. read-only
slug string Tag slug. read-only

Image properties

Attribute Type Description
id integer Image ID (attachment ID). In write-mode used to attach pre-existing images.
date_created date-time The date the image was created, in the site's timezone. read-only
date_modified date-time The date the image was last modified, in the site's timezone. read-only
src string Image URL. In write-mode used to upload new images.
name string Image name.
alt string Image alternative text.
position integer Image position. 0 means that the image is featured.

Attribute properties

Attribute Type Description
id integer Attribute ID (required if is a global attribute).
name string Attribute name (required if is a non-global attribute).
position integer Attribute position.
visible boolean Define if the attribute is visible on the "Additional Information" tab in the product's page. Default is false.
variation boolean Define if the attribute can be used as variation. Default is false.
options array List of available term names of the attribute.

Default attribute properties

Attribute Type Description
id integer Attribute ID (required if is a global attribute).
name string Attribute name (required if is a non-global attribute).
option string Selected attribute term name.

Variation properties

Attribute Type Description
id integer Variation ID. read-only
date_created date-time The date the variation was created, in the site's timezone. read-only
date_modified date-time The date the variation was last modified, in the site's timezone. read-only
permalink string Variation URL. read-only
sku string Unique identifier.
price string Current variation price. This is setted from regular_price and sale_price. read-only
regular_price string Variation regular price.
sale_price string Variation sale price.
date_on_sale_from string Start date of sale price. Date in the YYYY-MM-DD format.
date_on_sale_to string Start date of sale price. Date in the YYYY-MM-DD format.
on_sale boolean Shows if the variation is on sale. read-only
purchasable boolean Shows if the variation can be bought. read-only
visible boolean If the variation is visible.
virtual boolean If the variation is virtual. Virtual variations are intangible and aren't shipped. Default is false.
downloadable boolean If the variation is downloadable. Downloadable variations give access to a file upon purchase. Default is false.
downloads array List of downloadable files. See Downloads properties.
download_limit integer Amount of times the variation can be downloaded, the -1 values means unlimited re-downloads. Default is -1.
download_expiry integer Number of days that the customer has up to be able to download the variation, the -1 means that downloads never expires. Default is -1.
tax_status string Tax status. Default is taxable. Options: taxable, shipping (Shipping only) and none.
tax_class string Tax class.
manage_stock boolean Stock management at variation level. Default is false.
stock_quantity integer Stock quantity. If is a variable variation this value will be used to control stock for all variations, unless you define stock at variation level.
in_stock boolean Controls whether or not the variation is listed as "in stock" or "out of stock" on the frontend. Default is true.
backorders string If managing stock, this controls if backorders are allowed. If enabled, stock quantity can go below 0. Default is no. Options are: no (Do not allow), notify (Allow, but notify customer), and yes (Allow).
backorders_allowed boolean Shows if backorders are allowed." read-only
backordered boolean Shows if a variation is on backorder (if the variation have the stock_quantity negative). read-only
weight string Variation weight in decimal format.
dimensions object Variation dimensions. See Dimensions properties.
shipping_class string Shipping class slug. Shipping classes are used by certain shipping methods to group similar products.
shipping_class_id integer Shipping class ID. read-only
image array Variation featured image. Only position 0 will be used. See Images properties.
attributes array List of variation attributes. See Variation Attributes properties

Variation attribute properties

Attribute Type Description
id integer Attribute ID (required if is a global attribute).
name string Attribute name (required if is a non-global attribute).
option string Selected attribute term name.

Create a product

This API helps you to create a new product.

HTTP request


Example of how to create a simple product:

curl -X POST \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
  "name": "Premium Quality",
  "type": "simple",
  "regular_price": "21.99",
  "description": "Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat vitae, ultricies eget, tempor sit amet, ante. Donec eu libero sit amet quam egestas semper. Aenean ultricies mi vitae est. Mauris placerat eleifend leo.",
  "short_description": "Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.",
  "categories": [
      "id": 9
      "id": 14
  "images": [
      "src": "",
      "position": 0
      "src": "",
      "position": 1
const data = {
  name: "Premium Quality",
  type: "simple",
  regular_price: "21.99",
  description: "Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat vitae, ultricies eget, tempor sit amet, ante. Donec eu libero sit amet quam egestas semper. Aenean ultricies mi vitae est. Mauris placerat eleifend leo.",
  short_description: "Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.",
  categories: [
      id: 9
      id: 14
  images: [
      src: "",
      position: 0
      src: "",
      position: 1
};"products", data)
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
$data = [
    'name' => 'Premium Quality',
    'type' => 'simple',
    'regular_price' => '21.99',
    'description' => 'Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat vitae, ultricies eget, tempor sit amet, ante. Donec eu libero sit amet quam egestas semper. Aenean ultricies mi vitae est. Mauris placerat eleifend leo.',
    'short_description' => 'Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.',
    'categories' => [
            'id' => 9
            'id' => 14
    'images' => [
            'src' => '',
            'position' => 0
            'src' => '',
            'position' => 1

print_r($woocommerce->post('products', $data));
data = {
    "name": "Premium Quality",
    "type": "simple",
    "regular_price": "21.99",
    "description": "Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat vitae, ultricies eget, tempor sit amet, ante. Donec eu libero sit amet quam egestas semper. Aenean ultricies mi vitae est. Mauris placerat eleifend leo.",
    "short_description": "Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.",
    "categories": [
            "id": 9
            "id": 14
    "images": [
            "src": "",
            "position": 0
            "src": "",
            "position": 1

print("products", data).json())
data = {
  name: "Premium Quality",
  type: "simple",
  regular_price: "21.99",
  description: "Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat vitae, ultricies eget, tempor sit amet, ante. Donec eu libero sit amet quam egestas semper. Aenean ultricies mi vitae est. Mauris placerat eleifend leo.",
  short_description: "Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.",
  categories: [
      id: 9
      id: 14
  images: [
      src: "",
      position: 0
      src: "",
      position: 1
}"products", data).parsed_response

JSON response example:

  "id": 162,
  "name": "Premium Quality",
  "slug": "premium-quality-3",
  "permalink": "",
  "date_created": "2016-05-31T23:40:07",
  "date_modified": "2016-05-31T23:40:07",
  "type": "simple",
  "status": "publish",
  "featured": false,
  "catalog_visibility": "visible",
  "description": "<p>Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat vitae, ultricies eget, tempor sit amet, ante. Donec eu libero sit amet quam egestas semper. Aenean ultricies mi vitae est. Mauris placerat eleifend leo.</p>\n",
  "short_description": "<p>Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.</p>\n",
  "sku": "",
  "price": "21.99",
  "regular_price": "21.99",
  "sale_price": "",
  "date_on_sale_from": "",
  "date_on_sale_to": "",
  "price_html": "<span class=\"woocommerce-Price-amount amount\"><span class=\"woocommerce-Price-currencySymbol\">&#82;&#36;</span>21,99</span>",
  "on_sale": false,
  "purchasable": true,
  "total_sales": 0,
  "virtual": false,
  "downloadable": false,
  "downloads": [],
  "download_limit": -1,
  "download_expiry": -1,
  "download_type": "standard",
  "external_url": "",
  "button_text": "",
  "tax_status": "taxable",
  "tax_class": "",
  "manage_stock": false,
  "stock_quantity": null,
  "in_stock": true,
  "backorders": "no",
  "backorders_allowed": false,
  "backordered": false,
  "sold_individually": false,
  "weight": "",
  "dimensions": {
    "length": "",
    "width": "",
    "height": ""
  "shipping_required": true,
  "shipping_taxable": true,
  "shipping_class": "",
  "shipping_class_id": 0,
  "reviews_allowed": true,
  "average_rating": "0.00",
  "rating_count": 0,
  "related_ids": [],
  "upsell_ids": [],
  "cross_sell_ids": [],
  "parent_id": 0,
  "purchase_note": "",
  "categories": [
      "id": 9,
      "name": "Clothing",
      "slug": "clothing"
      "id": 14,
      "name": "T-shirts",
      "slug": "t-shirts"
  "tags": [],
  "images": [
      "id": 163,
      "date_created": "2016-05-31T23:40:07",
      "date_modified": "2016-05-31T23:40:07",
      "src": "",
      "name": "",
      "alt": "",
      "position": 0
      "id": 164,
      "date_created": "2016-05-31T23:40:10",
      "date_modified": "2016-05-31T23:40:10",
      "src": "",
      "name": "",
      "alt": "",
      "position": 1
  "attributes": [],
  "default_attributes": [],
  "variations": [],
  "grouped_products": [],
  "menu_order": 0,
  "_links": {
    "self": [
        "href": ""
    "collection": [
        "href": ""

Example of how to create a variable product with global and non-global attributes:

curl -X POST \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
  "name": "Ship Your Idea",
  "type": "variable",
  "description": "Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat vitae, ultricies eget, tempor sit amet, ante. Donec eu libero sit amet quam egestas semper. Aenean ultricies mi vitae est. Mauris placerat eleifend leo.",
  "short_description": "Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.",
  "categories": [
      "id": 9
      "id": 14
  "images": [
      "src": "",
      "position": 0
      "src": "",
      "position": 1
      "src": "",
      "position": 2
      "src": "",
      "position": 3
  "attributes": [
      "id": 6,
      "position": 0,
      "visible": false,
      "variation": true,
      "options": [
      "name": "Size",
      "position": 0,
      "visible": true,
      "variation": true,
      "options": [
  "default_attributes": [
      "id": 6,
      "option": "Black"
      "name": "Size",
      "option": "S"
  "variations": [
      "regular_price": "19.99",
      "image": [
          "src": "",
          "position": 0
      "attributes": [
          "id": 6,
          "option": "black"
          "name": "Size",
          "option": "S"
      "regular_price": "19.99",
      "image": [
          "src": "",
          "position": 0
      "attributes": [
          "id": 6,
          "option": "green"
          "name": "Size",
          "option": "M"
const data = {
  name: "Ship Your Idea",
  type: "variable",
  description: "Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat vitae, ultricies eget, tempor sit amet, ante. Donec eu libero sit amet quam egestas semper. Aenean ultricies mi vitae est. Mauris placerat eleifend leo.",
  short_description: "Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.",
  categories: [
      id: 9
      id: 14
  images: [
      src: "",
      position: 0
      src: "",
      position: 1
      src: "",
      position: 2
      src: "",
      position: 3
  attributes: [
      id: 6,
      position: 0,
      visible: true,
      variation: true,
      options: [
      name: "Size",
      position: 0,
      visible: false,
      variation: true,
      options: [
  default_attributes: [
      id: 6,
      option: "Black"
      name: "Size",
      option: "S"
  variations: [
      regular_price: "19.99",
      image: [
          src: "",
          position: 0
      attributes: [
          id: 6,
          option: "black"
          name: "Size",
          option: "S"
      regular_price: "19.99",
      image: [
          src: "",
          position: 0
      attributes: [
          id: 6,
          option: "green"
          name: "Size",
          option: "M"
};"products", data)
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
$data = [
    'name' => 'Ship Your Idea',
    'type' => 'variable',
    'description' => 'Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat vitae, ultricies eget, tempor sit amet, ante. Donec eu libero sit amet quam egestas semper. Aenean ultricies mi vitae est. Mauris placerat eleifend leo.',
    'short_description' => 'Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.',
    'categories' => [
            'id' => 9
            'id' => 14
    'images' => [
            'src' => '',
            'position' => 0
            'src' => '',
            'position' => 1
            'src' => '',
            'position' => 2
            'src' => '',
            'position' => 3
    'attributes' => [
            'id' => 6,
            'position' => 0,
            'visible' => false,
            'variation' => true,
            'options' => [
            'name' => 'Size',
            'position' => 0,
            'visible' => true,
            'variation' => true,
            'options' => [
    'default_attributes' => [
            'id' => 6,
            'option' => 'Black'
            'name' => 'Size',
            'option' => 'S'
    'variations' => [
            'regular_price' => '19.99',
            'image' => [
                    'src' => '',
                    'position' => 0
            'attributes' => [
                    'id' => 6,
                    'option' => 'black'
                    'name' => 'Size',
                    'option' => 'S'
            'regular_price' => '19.99',
            'image' => [
                    'src' => '',
                    'position' => 0
            'attributes' => [
                    'id' => 6,
                    'option' => 'green'
                    'name' => 'Size',
                    'option' => 'M'

print_r($woocommerce->post('products', $data));
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print("products", data).json())
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}"products", data).parsed_response

JSON response example:

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Retrieve a product

This API lets you retrieve and view a specific product by ID.

HTTP request

curl \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
<?php print_r($woocommerce->get('products/162')); ?>

JSON response example:

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List all products

This API helps you to view all the products.

HTTP request

curl \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
<?php print_r($woocommerce->get('products')); ?>

JSON response example:

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    "short_description": "<p>Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.</p>\n",
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Available parameters

Parameter Type Description
context string Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response. Options: view and edit.
page integer Current page of the collection.
per_page integer Maximum number of items to be returned in result set.
search string Limit results to those matching a string.
after string Limit response to resources published after a given ISO8601 compliant date.
before string Limit response to resources published before a given ISO8601 compliant date.
exclude string Ensure result set excludes specific ids.
include string Limit result set to specific ids.
offset integer Offset the result set by a specific number of items.
order string Order sort attribute ascending or descending. Default is asc. Options: asc and desc.
orderby string Sort collection by object attribute. Default is date, Options: date, id, include, title and slug.
slug string Limit result set to products with a specific slug.
status string Limit result set to products assigned a specific status. Default is any. Options: any, draft, pending, private and publish.
customer string Limit result set to orders assigned a specific customer.
category string Limit result set to products assigned a specific category, e.g. ?category=9,14.
tag string Limit result set to products assigned a specific tag, e.g. ?tag=9,14.
shipping_class string Limit result set to products assigned a specific shipping class, e.g. ?shipping_class=9,14.
attribute string Limit result set to products with a specific attribute, e.g. ?attribute=pa_color.
attribute_term string Limit result set to products with a specific attribute term (required an assigned attribute), e.g. ?attribute=pa_color&attribute_term=9,14.
sku string Limit result set to products with a specific SKU.

Update a product

This API lets you make changes to a product.

HTTP request

curl -X PUT \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
  "regular_price": "24.54"
const data = {
  regular_price: "24.54"

WooCommerce.put("products/162", data)
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
$data = [
    'regular_price' => '24.54'

print_r($woocommerce->put('products/162', $data));
data = {
    "regular_price": "24.54"

print(wcapi.put("products/162", data).json())
data = {
  regular_price: "24.54"

woocommerce.put("products/162", data).parsed_response

JSON response example:

  "id": 162,
  "name": "Premium Quality",
  "slug": "premium-quality-3",
  "permalink": "",
  "date_created": "2016-05-31T23:40:07",
  "date_modified": "2016-05-31T23:40:07",
  "type": "simple",
  "status": "publish",
  "featured": false,
  "catalog_visibility": "visible",
  "description": "<p>Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat vitae, ultricies eget, tempor sit amet, ante. Donec eu libero sit amet quam egestas semper. Aenean ultricies mi vitae est. Mauris placerat eleifend leo.</p>\n",
  "short_description": "<p>Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.</p>\n",
  "sku": "",
  "price": "24.54",
  "regular_price": "24.54",
  "sale_price": "",
  "date_on_sale_from": "",
  "date_on_sale_to": "",
  "price_html": "<span class=\"woocommerce-Price-amount amount\"><span class=\"woocommerce-Price-currencySymbol\">&#82;&#36;</span>24,54</span>",
  "on_sale": false,
  "purchasable": true,
  "total_sales": 0,
  "virtual": false,
  "downloadable": false,
  "downloads": [],
  "download_limit": -1,
  "download_expiry": -1,
  "download_type": "standard",
  "external_url": "",
  "button_text": "",
  "tax_status": "taxable",
  "tax_class": "",
  "manage_stock": false,
  "stock_quantity": null,
  "in_stock": true,
  "backorders": "no",
  "backorders_allowed": false,
  "backordered": false,
  "sold_individually": false,
  "weight": "",
  "dimensions": {
    "length": "",
    "width": "",
    "height": ""
  "shipping_required": true,
  "shipping_taxable": true,
  "shipping_class": "",
  "shipping_class_id": 0,
  "reviews_allowed": true,
  "average_rating": "0.00",
  "rating_count": 0,
  "related_ids": [],
  "upsell_ids": [],
  "cross_sell_ids": [],
  "parent_id": 0,
  "purchase_note": "",
  "categories": [
      "id": 9,
      "name": "Clothing",
      "slug": "clothing"
      "id": 14,
      "name": "T-shirts",
      "slug": "t-shirts"
  "tags": [],
  "images": [
      "id": 163,
      "date_created": "2016-05-31T23:40:07",
      "date_modified": "2016-05-31T23:40:07",
      "src": "",
      "name": "",
      "alt": "",
      "position": 0
      "id": 164,
      "date_created": "2016-05-31T23:40:10",
      "date_modified": "2016-05-31T23:40:10",
      "src": "",
      "name": "",
      "alt": "",
      "position": 1
  "attributes": [],
  "default_attributes": [],
  "variations": [],
  "grouped_products": [],
  "menu_order": 0,
  "_links": {
    "self": [
        "href": ""
    "collection": [
        "href": ""

Delete a product

This API helps you delete a product.

HTTP request

curl -X DELETE \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret
WooCommerce.delete("products/162", {
  force: true
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
<?php print_r($woocommerce->delete('products/162', ['force' => true])); ?>
print(wcapi.delete("products/162", params={"force": True}).json())
woocommerce.delete("products/162", force: true).parsed_response

JSON response example:

  "id": 162,
  "name": "Premium Quality",
  "slug": "premium-quality-3",
  "permalink": "",
  "date_created": "2016-05-31T23:40:07",
  "date_modified": "2016-05-31T23:40:07",
  "type": "simple",
  "status": "publish",
  "featured": false,
  "catalog_visibility": "visible",
  "description": "<p>Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat vitae, ultricies eget, tempor sit amet, ante. Donec eu libero sit amet quam egestas semper. Aenean ultricies mi vitae est. Mauris placerat eleifend leo.</p>\n",
  "short_description": "<p>Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.</p>\n",
  "sku": "",
  "price": "24.54",
  "regular_price": "24.54",
  "sale_price": "",
  "date_on_sale_from": "",
  "date_on_sale_to": "",
  "price_html": "<span class=\"woocommerce-Price-amount amount\"><span class=\"woocommerce-Price-currencySymbol\">&#82;&#36;</span>24,54</span>",
  "on_sale": false,
  "purchasable": true,
  "total_sales": 0,
  "virtual": false,
  "downloadable": false,
  "downloads": [],
  "download_limit": -1,
  "download_expiry": -1,
  "download_type": "standard",
  "external_url": "",
  "button_text": "",
  "tax_status": "taxable",
  "tax_class": "",
  "manage_stock": false,
  "stock_quantity": null,
  "in_stock": true,
  "backorders": "no",
  "backorders_allowed": false,
  "backordered": false,
  "sold_individually": false,
  "weight": "",
  "dimensions": {
    "length": "",
    "width": "",
    "height": ""
  "shipping_required": true,
  "shipping_taxable": true,
  "shipping_class": "",
  "shipping_class_id": 0,
  "reviews_allowed": true,
  "average_rating": "0.00",
  "rating_count": 0,
  "related_ids": [],
  "upsell_ids": [],
  "cross_sell_ids": [],
  "parent_id": 0,
  "purchase_note": "",
  "categories": [
      "id": 9,
      "name": "Clothing",
      "slug": "clothing"
      "id": 14,
      "name": "T-shirts",
      "slug": "t-shirts"
  "tags": [],
  "images": [
      "id": 163,
      "date_created": "2016-05-31T23:40:07",
      "date_modified": "2016-05-31T23:40:07",
      "src": "",
      "name": "",
      "alt": "",
      "position": 0
      "id": 164,
      "date_created": "2016-05-31T23:40:10",
      "date_modified": "2016-05-31T23:40:10",
      "src": "",
      "name": "",
      "alt": "",
      "position": 1
  "attributes": [],
  "default_attributes": [],
  "variations": [],
  "grouped_products": [],
  "menu_order": 0,
  "_links": {
    "self": [
        "href": ""
    "collection": [
        "href": ""

Available parameters

Parameter Type Description
force string Use true whether to permanently delete the product, Default is false.

Batch update products

This API helps you to batch create, update and delete multiple products.

HTTP request

curl -X POST \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
  "create": [
      "name": "Woo Single #1",
      "type": "simple",
      "regular_price": "21.99",
      "virtual": true,
      "downloadable": true,
      "downloads": [
          "name": "Woo Single",
          "file": ""
      "categories": [
          "id": 11
          "id": 13
      "images": [
          "src": "",
          "position": 0
      "name": "New Premium Quality",
      "type": "simple",
      "regular_price": "21.99",
      "description": "Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat vitae, ultricies eget, tempor sit amet, ante. Donec eu libero sit amet quam egestas semper. Aenean ultricies mi vitae est. Mauris placerat eleifend leo.",
      "short_description": "Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.",
      "categories": [
          "id": 9
          "id": 14
      "images": [
          "src": "",
          "position": 0
          "src": "",
          "position": 1
  "update": [
      "id": 165,
      "variations": [
          "id": 170,
          "regular_price": "29.99"
          "id": 172,
          "regular_price": "29.99"
  "delete": [
const data = {
  create: [
      name: "Woo Single #1",
      type: "simple",
      regular_price: "21.99",
      virtual: true,
      downloadable: true,
      downloads: [
          name: "Woo Single",
          file: ""
      categories: [
          id: 11
          id: 13
      images: [
          src: "",
          position: 0
      name: "New Premium Quality",
      type: "simple",
      regular_price: "21.99",
      description: "Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat vitae, ultricies eget, tempor sit amet, ante. Donec eu libero sit amet quam egestas semper. Aenean ultricies mi vitae est. Mauris placerat eleifend leo.",
      short_description: "Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.",
      categories: [
          id: 9
          id: 14
      images: [
          src: "",
          position: 0
          src: "",
          position: 1
  update: [
      id: 165,
      variations: [
          id: 170,
          regular_price: "29.99"
          id: 172,
          regular_price: "29.99"
  delete: [
};"products/batch", data)
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
$data = [
    'create' => [
            'name' => 'Woo Single #1',
            'type' => 'simple',
            'regular_price' => '21.99',
            'virtual' => true,
            'downloadable' => true,
            'downloads' => [
                    'name' => 'Woo Single',
                    'file' => ''
            'categories' => [
                    'id' => 11
                    'id' => 13
            'images' => [
                    'src' => '',
                    'position' => 0
            'name' => 'New Premium Quality',
            'type' => 'simple',
            'regular_price' => '21.99',
            'description' => 'Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat vitae, ultricies eget, tempor sit amet, ante. Donec eu libero sit amet quam egestas semper. Aenean ultricies mi vitae est. Mauris placerat eleifend leo.',
            'short_description' => 'Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.',
            'categories' => [
                    'id' => 9
                    'id' => 14
            'images' => [
                    'src' => '',
                    'position' => 0
                    'src' => '',
                    'position' => 1
    'update' => [
            'id' => 165,
            'variations' => [
                    'id' => 170,
                    'regular_price' => '29.99'
                    'id' => 172,
                    'regular_price' => '29.99'
    'delete' => [

print_r($woocommerce->post('products/batch', $data));
data = {
    "create": [
            "name": "Woo Single #1",
            "type": "simple",
            "regular_price": "21.99",
            "virtual": True,
            "downloadable": True,
            "downloads": [
                    "name": "Woo Single",
                    "file": ""
            "categories": [
                    "id": 11
                    "id": 13
            "images": [
                    "src": "",
                    "position": 0
            "name": "New Premium Quality",
            "type": "simple",
            "regular_price": "21.99",
            "description": "Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat vitae, ultricies eget, tempor sit amet, ante. Donec eu libero sit amet quam egestas semper. Aenean ultricies mi vitae est. Mauris placerat eleifend leo.",
            "short_description": "Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.",
            "categories": [
                    "id": 9
                    "id": 14
            "images": [
                    "src": "",
                    "position": 0
                    "src": "",
                    "position": 1
    "update": [
            "id": 165,
            "variations": [
                    "id": 170,
                    "regular_price": "29.99"
                    "id": 172,
                    "regular_price": "29.99"
    "delete": [

print("products/batch", data).json())
data = {
  create: [
      name: "Woo Single #1",
      type: "simple",
      regular_price: "21.99",
      virtual: true,
      downloadable: true,
      downloads: [
          name: "Woo Single",
          file: ""
      categories: [
          id: 11
          id: 13
      images: [
          src: "",
          position: 0
      name: "New Premium Quality",
      type: "simple",
      regular_price: "21.99",
      description: "Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat vitae, ultricies eget, tempor sit amet, ante. Donec eu libero sit amet quam egestas semper. Aenean ultricies mi vitae est. Mauris placerat eleifend leo.",
      short_description: "Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.",
      categories: [
          id: 9
          id: 14
      images: [
          src: "",
          position: 0
          src: "",
          position: 1
  update: [
      id: 165,
      variations: [
          id: 170,
          regular_price: "29.99"
          id: 172,
          regular_price: "29.99"
  delete: [
}"products/batch", data).parsed_response

JSON response example:

  "create": [
      "id": 174,
      "name": "Woo Single #1",
      "slug": "woo-single-1-2",
      "permalink": "",
      "date_created": "2016-06-01T00:21:30",
      "date_modified": "2016-06-01T00:21:30",
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      "status": "publish",
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      "catalog_visibility": "visible",
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      "short_description": "",
      "sku": "",
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      "date_on_sale_to": "",
      "price_html": "<span class=\"woocommerce-Price-amount amount\"><span class=\"woocommerce-Price-currencySymbol\">&#82;&#36;</span>21,99</span>",
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      "virtual": true,
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      "backorders": "no",
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      "sold_individually": false,
      "weight": "",
      "dimensions": {
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      "reviews_allowed": true,
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      "related_ids": [],
      "upsell_ids": [],
      "cross_sell_ids": [],
      "parent_id": 0,
      "purchase_note": "",
      "categories": [
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          "slug": "music"
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      "tags": [],
      "images": [
          "id": 175,
          "date_created": "2016-06-01T00:21:31",
          "date_modified": "2016-06-01T00:21:31",
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      "id": 176,
      "name": "New Premium Quality",
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      "date_created": "2016-06-01T00:21:33",
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      "short_description": "<p>Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.</p>\n",
      "sku": "",
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      "images": [
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      "date_created": "2016-05-31T23:50:56",
      "date_modified": "2016-06-02T23:11:41",
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      "status": "publish",
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      "short_description": "<p>Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.</p>\n",
      "sku": "",
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      "images": [
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          "date_created": "2016-05-31T23:50:57",
          "date_modified": "2016-05-31T23:50:57",
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          "position": 0
          "id": 167,
          "date_created": "2016-05-31T23:50:57",
          "date_modified": "2016-05-31T23:50:57",
          "src": "",
          "name": "",
          "alt": "",
          "position": 1
          "id": 168,
          "date_created": "2016-05-31T23:50:58",
          "date_modified": "2016-05-31T23:50:58",
          "src": "",
          "name": "",
          "alt": "",
          "position": 2
          "id": 169,
          "date_created": "2016-05-31T23:50:59",
          "date_modified": "2016-05-31T23:50:59",
          "src": "",
          "name": "",
          "alt": "",
          "position": 3
      "attributes": [
          "id": 6,
          "name": "Color",
          "position": 0,
          "visible": false,
          "variation": true,
          "options": [
          "id": 0,
          "name": "Size",
          "position": 1,
          "visible": true,
          "variation": true,
          "options": [
      "default_attributes": [
          "id": 6,
          "name": "Color",
          "option": "black"
          "id": 0,
          "name": "size",
          "option": "S"
      "variations": [
          "id": 170,
          "date_created": "2016-05-31T23:50:56",
          "date_modified": "2016-06-02T23:11:41",
          "permalink": "",
          "sku": "",
          "price": "29.99",
          "regular_price": "29.99",
          "sale_price": "",
          "date_on_sale_from": "",
          "date_on_sale_to": "",
          "on_sale": false,
          "purchasable": true,
          "virtual": false,
          "downloadable": false,
          "downloads": [],
          "download_limit": -1,
          "download_expiry": -1,
          "tax_status": "taxable",
          "tax_class": "",
          "manage_stock": false,
          "stock_quantity": null,
          "in_stock": true,
          "backorders": "no",
          "backorders_allowed": false,
          "backordered": false,
          "weight": "",
          "dimensions": {
            "length": "",
            "width": "",
            "height": ""
          "shipping_class": "",
          "shipping_class_id": 0,
          "image": [
              "id": 171,
              "date_created": "2016-05-31T23:51:01",
              "date_modified": "2016-05-31T23:51:01",
              "src": "",
              "name": "",
              "alt": "",
              "position": 0
          "attributes": [
              "id": 6,
              "name": "Color",
              "option": "black"
              "id": 0,
              "name": "size",
              "option": "S"
          "id": 172,
          "date_created": "2016-05-31T23:50:56",
          "date_modified": "2016-06-02T23:11:41",
          "permalink": "",
          "sku": "",
          "price": "29.99",
          "regular_price": "29.99",
          "sale_price": "",
          "date_on_sale_from": "",
          "date_on_sale_to": "",
          "on_sale": false,
          "purchasable": true,
          "virtual": false,
          "downloadable": false,
          "downloads": [],
          "download_limit": -1,
          "download_expiry": -1,
          "tax_status": "taxable",
          "tax_class": "",
          "manage_stock": false,
          "stock_quantity": null,
          "in_stock": true,
          "backorders": "no",
          "backorders_allowed": false,
          "backordered": false,
          "weight": "",
          "dimensions": {
            "length": "",
            "width": "",
            "height": ""
          "shipping_class": "",
          "shipping_class_id": 0,
          "image": [
              "id": 173,
              "date_created": "2016-05-31T23:51:03",
              "date_modified": "2016-05-31T23:51:03",
              "src": "",
              "name": "",
              "alt": "",
              "position": 0
          "attributes": [
              "id": 6,
              "name": "Color",
              "option": "green"
              "id": 0,
              "name": "size",
              "option": "M"
      "grouped_products": [],
      "menu_order": 0,
      "_links": {
        "self": [
            "href": ""
        "collection": [
            "href": ""
  "delete": [
      "id": 162,
      "name": "Premium Quality",
      "slug": "premium-quality-3",
      "permalink": "",
      "date_created": "2016-05-31T23:40:07",
      "date_modified": "2016-06-01T00:13:45",
      "type": "simple",
      "status": "publish",
      "featured": false,
      "catalog_visibility": "visible",
      "description": "<p>Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat vitae, ultricies eget, tempor sit amet, ante. Donec eu libero sit amet quam egestas semper. Aenean ultricies mi vitae est. Mauris placerat eleifend leo.</p>\n",
      "short_description": "<p>Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.</p>\n",
      "sku": "",
      "price": "24.54",
      "regular_price": "24.54",
      "sale_price": "",
      "date_on_sale_from": "",
      "date_on_sale_to": "",
      "price_html": "<span class=\"woocommerce-Price-amount amount\"><span class=\"woocommerce-Price-currencySymbol\">&#82;&#36;</span>24,54</span>",
      "on_sale": false,
      "purchasable": true,
      "total_sales": 0,
      "virtual": false,
      "downloadable": false,
      "downloads": [],
      "download_limit": -1,
      "download_expiry": -1,
      "download_type": "standard",
      "external_url": "",
      "button_text": "",
      "tax_status": "taxable",
      "tax_class": "",
      "manage_stock": false,
      "stock_quantity": null,
      "in_stock": true,
      "backorders": "no",
      "backorders_allowed": false,
      "backordered": false,
      "sold_individually": false,
      "weight": "",
      "dimensions": {
        "length": "",
        "width": "",
        "height": ""
      "shipping_required": true,
      "shipping_taxable": true,
      "shipping_class": "",
      "shipping_class_id": 0,
      "reviews_allowed": true,
      "average_rating": "0.00",
      "rating_count": 0,
      "related_ids": [],
      "upsell_ids": [],
      "cross_sell_ids": [],
      "parent_id": 0,
      "purchase_note": "",
      "categories": [
          "id": 9,
          "name": "Clothing",
          "slug": "clothing"
          "id": 14,
          "name": "T-shirts",
          "slug": "t-shirts"
      "tags": [],
      "images": [
          "id": 163,
          "date_created": "2016-05-31T23:40:07",
          "date_modified": "2016-05-31T23:40:07",
          "src": "",
          "name": "",
          "alt": "",
          "position": 0
          "id": 164,
          "date_created": "2016-05-31T23:40:10",
          "date_modified": "2016-05-31T23:40:10",
          "src": "",
          "name": "",
          "alt": "",
          "position": 1
      "attributes": [],
      "default_attributes": [],
      "variations": [],
      "grouped_products": [],
      "menu_order": 0,
      "_links": {
        "self": [
            "href": ""
        "collection": [
            "href": ""

Retrieve product reviews

This API lets you retrieve and view a specific product review by ID.

HTTP request

curl \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
<?php print_r($woocommerce->get('products/162')); ?>

JSON response example:

  "id": 9,
  "date_created": "2015-05-07T13:01:25",
  "review": "This will go great with my Hoodie that I ordered a few weeks ago.",
  "rating": 5,
  "name": "Stuart",
  "email": "",
  "verified": false,
  "_links": {
    "self": [
        "href": ""
    "collection": [
        "href": ""
    "up": [
        "href": ""

Product review properties

Attribute Type Description
id integer Unique identifier for the resource. read-only
date_created string The date the review was created, in the site's timezone. read-only
rating integer Review rating (0 to 5). read-only
name string Reviewer name. read-only
email string Reviewer email. read-only
verified boolean Shows if the reviewer bought the product or not. read-only

List all product reviews

This API lets you retrieve all reviews of a product.

curl \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
<?php print_r($woocommerce->get('products/162/reviews')); ?>

JSON response example:

    "id": 9,
    "date_created": "2015-05-07T13:01:25",
    "review": "This will go great with my Hoodie that I ordered a few weeks ago.",
    "rating": 5,
    "name": "Stuart",
    "email": "",
    "verified": false,
    "_links": {
      "self": [
          "href": ""
      "collection": [
          "href": ""
      "up": [
          "href": ""
    "id": 10,
    "date_created": "2015-05-07T15:49:53",
    "review": "Love this shirt! The ninja near and dear to my heart. &lt;3",
    "rating": 5,
    "name": "Maria",
    "email": "",
    "verified": false,
    "_links": {
      "self": [
          "href": ""
      "collection": [
          "href": ""
      "up": [
          "href": ""

Product attributes

The product attributes API allows you to create, view, update, and delete individual, or a batch, of product attributes.

Product attribute properties

Attribute Type Description
id integer Unique identifier for the resource. read-only
name string Attribute name. required
slug string An alphanumeric identifier for the resource unique to its type.
type string Type of attribute. Default is select. Options: select and text (some plugins can include new types)
order_by string Default sort order. Default is menu_order. Options: menu_order, name, name_num and id.
has_archives boolean Enable/Disable attribute archives. Default is false.

Create a product attribute

This API helps you to create a new product attribute.

HTTP request

curl -X POST \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
  "name": "Color",
  "slug": "pa_color",
  "type": "select",
  "order_by": "menu_order",
  "has_archives": true
const data = {
  name: "Color",
  slug: "pa_color",
  type: "select",
  order_by: "menu_order",
  has_archives: true
};"products/attributes", data)
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
$data = [
    'name' => 'Color',
    'slug' => 'pa_color',
    'type' => 'select',
    'order_by' => 'menu_order',
    'has_archives' => true

print_r($woocommerce->post('products/attributes', $data));
data = {
    "name": "Color",
    "slug": "pa_color",
    "type": "select",
    "order_by": "menu_order",
    "has_archives": True

print("products/attributes", data).json())
data = {
  name: "Color",
  slug: "pa_color",
  type: "select",
  order_by: "menu_order",
  has_archives: true
}"products/attributes", data).parsed_response

JSON response example:

  "id": 1,
  "name": "Color",
  "slug": "pa_color",
  "type": "select",
  "order_by": "menu_order",
  "has_archives": true,
  "_links": {
    "self": [
        "href": ""
    "collection": [
        "href": ""

Retrieve a product attribute

This API lets you retrieve and view a specific product attribute by ID.

curl \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
<?php print_r($woocommerce->get('products/attributes/1')); ?>

JSON response example:

  "id": 1,
  "name": "Color",
  "slug": "pa_color",
  "type": "select",
  "order_by": "menu_order",
  "has_archives": true,
  "_links": {
    "self": [
        "href": ""
    "collection": [
        "href": ""

List all product attributes

This API helps you to view all the product attributes.

HTTP request

curl \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
<?php print_r($woocommerce->get('products/attributes')); ?>

JSON response example:

    "id": 1,
    "name": "Color",
    "slug": "pa_color",
    "type": "select",
    "order_by": "menu_order",
    "has_archives": true,
    "_links": {
      "self": [
          "href": ""
      "collection": [
          "href": ""
    "id": 2,
    "name": "Size",
    "slug": "pa_size",
    "type": "select",
    "order_by": "menu_order",
    "has_archives": false,
    "_links": {
      "self": [
          "href": ""
      "collection": [
          "href": ""

Update a product attribute

This API lets you make changes to a product attribute.

HTTP request

curl -X PUT \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
  "order_by": "name"
const data = {
  order_by: "name"

WooCommerce.put("products/attributes/1", data)
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
$data = [
    'order_by' => 'name'

print_r($woocommerce->put('products/attributes/1', $data));
data = {
    "order_by": "name"

print(wcapi.put("products/attributes/1", data).json())
data = {
  order_by: "name"

woocommerce.put("products/attributes/1", data).parsed_response

JSON response example:

  "id": 1,
  "name": "Color",
  "slug": "pa_color",
  "type": "select",
  "order_by": "name",
  "has_archives": true,
  "_links": {
    "self": [
        "href": ""
    "collection": [
        "href": ""

Delete a product attribute

This API helps you delete a product attribute.

HTTP request

curl -X DELETE \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret
WooCommerce.delete("products/attributes/1", {
  force: true
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
<?php print_r($woocommerce->delete('products/attributes/1', ['force' => true])); ?>
print(wcapi.delete("products/attributes/1", params={"force": True}).json())
woocommerce.delete("products/attributes/1", force: true).parsed_response

JSON response example:

  "id": 1,
  "name": "Color",
  "slug": "pa_color",
  "type": "select",
  "order_by": "menu_order",
  "has_archives": true,
  "_links": {
    "self": [
        "href": ""
    "collection": [
        "href": ""

Available parameters

Parameter Type Description
force string Required to be true, as resource does not support trashing.

Batch update product attributes

This API helps you to batch create, update and delete multiple product attributes.

HTTP request

curl -X POST \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
  "create": [
      "name": "Brand"
      "name": "Publisher"
  "update": [
      "id": 2,
      "order_by": "name"
  "delete": [
const data = {
  create: [
      name: "Brand"
      name: "Publisher"
  update: [
      id: 2,
      order_by: "name"
  delete: [
};"products/attributes/batch", data)
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
$data = [
    'create' => [
            'name' => 'Brand'
            'name' => 'Publisher'
    'update' => [
            'id' => 2,
            'order_by' => 'name'
    'delete' => [

print_r($woocommerce->post('products/attributes/batch', $data));
data = {
    "create": [
            "name": "Brand"
            "name": "Publisher"
    "update": [
            "id": 2,
            "order_by": "name"
    "delete": [

print("products/attributes/batch", data).json())
data = {
  create: [
      name: "Round toe"
      name: "Flat"
  update: [
      id: 2,
      order_by: "name"
  delete: [
}"products/attributes/batch", data).parsed_response

JSON response example:

  "create": [
      "id": 7,
      "name": "Brand",
      "slug": "pa_brand",
      "type": "select",
      "order_by": "menu_order",
      "has_archives": false,
      "_links": {
        "self": [
            "href": ""
        "collection": [
            "href": ""
      "id": 8,
      "name": "Publisher",
      "slug": "pa_publisher",
      "type": "select",
      "order_by": "menu_order",
      "has_archives": false,
      "_links": {
        "self": [
            "href": ""
        "collection": [
            "href": ""
  "update": [
      "id": 2,
      "name": "Size",
      "slug": "pa_size",
      "type": "select",
      "order_by": "menu_order",
      "has_archives": false,
      "_links": {
        "self": [
            "href": ""
        "collection": [
            "href": ""
  "delete": [
      "id": 1,
      "name": "Color",
      "slug": "pa_color",
      "type": "select",
      "order_by": "menu_order",
      "has_archives": true,
      "_links": {
        "self": [
            "href": ""
        "collection": [
            "href": ""

Product attribute terms

The product attribute terms API allows you to create, view, update, and delete individual, or a batch, of attribute terms.

Attribute term properties

Attribute Type Description
id integer Unique identifier for the resource. read-only
name string Term name. required
slug string An alphanumeric identifier for the resource unique to its type.
description string HTML description of the resource.
menu_order integer Menu order, used to custom sort the resource.
count integer Number of published products for the resource. read-only

Create an attribute term

This API helps you to create a new product attribute term.

HTTP request

curl -X POST \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
  "name": "XXS"
const data = {
  name: "XXS"
};"products/attributes/2/terms", data)
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
$data = [
    'name' => 'XXS'

print_r($woocommerce->post('products/attributes/2/terms', $data));
data = {
    "name": "XXS"

print("products/attributes/2/terms", data).json())
data = {
  name: "XXS"
}"products/attributes/2/terms", data).parsed_response

JSON response example:

  "id": 23,
  "name": "XXS",
  "slug": "xxs",
  "description": "",
  "menu_order": 1,
  "count": 1,
  "_links": {
    "self": [
        "href": ""
    "collection": [
        "href": ""

Retrieve an attribute term

This API lets you retrieve a product attribute term by ID.

curl \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
<?php print_r($woocommerce->get('products/attributes/2/terms/23')); ?>

JSON response example:

  "id": 23,
  "name": "XXS",
  "slug": "xxs",
  "description": "",
  "menu_order": 1,
  "count": 1,
  "_links": {
    "self": [
        "href": ""
    "collection": [
        "href": ""

List all attribute terms

This API lets you retrieve all terms from a product attribute.

curl \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
<?php print_r($woocommerce->get('products/attributes/2/terms')); ?>

JSON response example:

    "id": 23,
    "name": "XXS",
    "slug": "xxs",
    "description": "",
    "menu_order": 1,
    "count": 1,
    "_links": {
      "self": [
          "href": ""
      "collection": [
          "href": ""
    "id": 22,
    "name": "XS",
    "slug": "xs",
    "description": "",
    "menu_order": 2,
    "count": 1,
    "_links": {
      "self": [
          "href": ""
      "collection": [
          "href": ""
    "id": 17,
    "name": "S",
    "slug": "s",
    "description": "",
    "menu_order": 3,
    "count": 1,
    "_links": {
      "self": [
          "href": ""
      "collection": [
          "href": ""
    "id": 18,
    "name": "M",
    "slug": "m",
    "description": "",
    "menu_order": 4,
    "count": 1,
    "_links": {
      "self": [
          "href": ""
      "collection": [
          "href": ""
    "id": 19,
    "name": "L",
    "slug": "l",
    "description": "",
    "menu_order": 5,
    "count": 1,
    "_links": {
      "self": [
          "href": ""
      "collection": [
          "href": ""
    "id": 20,
    "name": "XL",
    "slug": "xl",
    "description": "",
    "menu_order": 6,
    "count": 1,
    "_links": {
      "self": [
          "href": ""
      "collection": [
          "href": ""
    "id": 21,
    "name": "XXL",
    "slug": "xxl",
    "description": "",
    "menu_order": 7,
    "count": 1,
    "_links": {
      "self": [
          "href": ""
      "collection": [
          "href": ""

Available parameters

Parameter Type Description
context string Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response. Options: view and edit.
page integer Current page of the collection.
per_page integer Maximum number of items to be returned in result set.
search string Limit results to those matching a string.
exclude string Ensure result set excludes specific ids.
include string Limit result set to specific ids.
order string Order sort attribute ascending or descending. Default is asc. Options: asc and desc.
orderby string Sort collection by object attribute. Default is name. Options: id, include, name, slug, term_group, description and count.
hide_empty bool Whether to hide resources not assigned to any products. Default is false.
parent integer Limit result set to resources assigned to a specific parent.
product integer Limit result set to resources assigned to a specific product.
slug string Limit result set to resources with a specific slug.

Update an attribute term

This API lets you make changes to a product attribute term.

HTTP request

curl -X PUT \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
  "name": "XXS"
const data = {
  name: "XXS"

WooCommerce.put("products/attributes/2/terms/23", data)
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
$data = [
    'name' => 'XXS'

print_r($woocommerce->put('products/attributes/2/terms/23', $data));
data = {
    "name": "XXS"

print(wcapi.put("products/attributes/2/terms/23", data).json())
data = {
  name: "XXS"

woocommerce.put("products/attributes/2/terms/23", data).parsed_response

JSON response example:

  "id": 23,
  "name": "XXS",
  "slug": "xxs",
  "description": "",
  "menu_order": 1,
  "count": 1,
  "_links": {
    "self": [
        "href": ""
    "collection": [
        "href": ""

Delete an attribute term

This API helps you delete a product attribute term.

HTTP request

curl -X DELETE \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret
WooCommerce.delete("products/attributes/2/terms/23", {
  force: true
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
<?php print_r($woocommerce->delete('products/attributes/2/terms/23', ['force' => true])); ?>
print(wcapi.delete("products/attributes/2/terms/23", params={"force": True}).json())
woocommerce.delete("products/attributes/2/terms/23", force: true).parsed_response

JSON response example:

  "id": 23,
  "name": "XXS",
  "slug": "xxs",
  "description": "",
  "menu_order": 1,
  "count": 1,
  "_links": {
    "self": [
        "href": ""
    "collection": [
        "href": ""

Available parameters

Parameter Type Description
force string Required to be true, as resource does not support trashing.

Batch update attribute terms

This API helps you to batch create, update and delete multiple product attribute terms.

HTTP request

curl -X POST;attribute_id&gt;/terms/batch \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
  "create": [
      "name": "XXS"
      "name": "S"
  "update": [
      "id": 19,
      "menu_order": 6
  "delete": [
const data = {
  create: [
      name: "XXS"
      name: "S"
  update: [
      id: 19,
      menu_order: 6
  delete: [
};"products/attributes/2/terms/batch", data)
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
$data = [
    'create' => [
            'name' => 'XXS'
            'name' => 'S'
    'update' => [
            'id' => 19,
            'menu_order' => 6
    'delete' => [

print_r($woocommerce->post('products/attributes/2/terms/batch', $data));
data = {
    "create": [
            "name": "XXS"
            "name": "S"
    "update": [
            "id": 19,
            "menu_order": 6
    "delete": [

print("products/attributes/2/terms/batch", data).json())
data = {
  create: [
      name: "XXS"
      name: "S"
  update: [
      id: 19,
      menu_order: 6
  delete: [
}"products/attributes/2/terms/batch", data).parsed_response

JSON response example:

  "create": [
      "id": 23,
      "name": "XXS",
      "slug": "xxs",
      "description": "",
      "menu_order": 1,
      "count": 0,
      "_links": {
        "self": [
            "href": ""
        "collection": [
            "href": ""
      "id": 17,
      "name": "S",
      "slug": "s",
      "description": "",
      "menu_order": 3,
      "count": 0,
      "_links": {
        "self": [
            "href": ""
        "collection": [
            "href": ""
  "update": [
      "id": 19,
      "name": "L",
      "slug": "l",
      "description": "",
      "menu_order": 5,
      "count": 1,
      "_links": {
        "self": [
            "href": ""
        "collection": [
            "href": ""
  "delete": [
      "id": 21,
      "name": "XXL",
      "slug": "xxl",
      "description": "",
      "menu_order": 7,
      "count": 1,
      "_links": {
        "self": [
            "href": ""
        "collection": [
            "href": ""
      "id": 20,
      "name": "XL",
      "slug": "xl",
      "description": "",
      "menu_order": 6,
      "count": 1,
      "_links": {
        "self": [
            "href": ""
        "collection": [
            "href": ""

Product categories

The product categories API allows you to create, view, update, and delete individual, or a batch, of categories.

Product category properties

Attribute Type Description
id integer Unique identifier for the resource. read-only
name string Category name. required
slug string An alphanumeric identifier for the resource unique to its type.
parent integer The id for the parent of the resource.
description string HTML description of the resource.
display string Category archive display type. Default is default. Options: default, products, subcategories and both
image array Image data. See Category Image properties
menu_order integer Menu order, used to custom sort the resource.
count integer Number of published products for the resource. read-only

Category Image properties

Attribute Type Description
id integer Image ID (attachment ID). In write-mode used to attach pre-existing images.
date_created date-time The date the image was created, in the site's timezone. read-only
date_modified date-time The date the image was last modified, in the site's timezone. read-only
src string Image URL. In write-mode used to upload new images.
title string Image name.
alt string Image alternative text.

Create a product category

This API helps you to create a new product category.

HTTP request


Example of how to create a product category:

curl -X POST \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
  "name": "Clothing",
  "image": {
    "src": ""
const data = {
  name: "Clothing",
  image: {
    src: ""
};"products/categories", data)
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
$data = [
    'name' => 'Clothing',
    'image' => [
        'src' => ''

print_r($woocommerce->post('products/categories', $data));
data = {
    "name": "Clothing",
    "image": {
        "src": ""

print("products/categories", data).json())
data = {
  name: "Clothing",
  image: {
    src: ""
}"products/categories", data).parsed_response

JSON response example:

  "id": 9,
  "name": "Clothing",
  "slug": "clothing",
  "parent": 0,
  "description": "",
  "display": "default",
  "image": {
    "id": 173,
    "date_created": "2016-05-31T23:51:03",
    "date_modified": "2016-05-31T23:51:03",
    "src": "https://example/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/T_3_front-1.jpg",
    "title": "",
    "alt": ""
  "menu_order": 0,
  "count": 18,
  "_links": {
    "self": [
        "href": "https://example/wp-json/wc/v1/products/categories/9"
    "collection": [
        "href": "https://example/wp-json/wc/v1/products/categories"

Retrieve a product category

This API lets you retrieve a product category by ID.

curl \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
<?php print_r($woocommerce->get('products/categories/9')); ?>

JSON response example:

  "id": 9,
  "name": "Clothing",
  "slug": "clothing",
  "parent": 0,
  "description": "",
  "display": "default",
  "image": {
    "id": 173,
    "date_created": "2016-05-31T23:51:03",
    "date_modified": "2016-05-31T23:51:03",
    "src": "https://example/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/T_3_front-1.jpg",
    "title": "",
    "alt": ""
  "menu_order": 0,
  "count": 18,
  "_links": {
    "self": [
        "href": "https://example/wp-json/wc/v1/products/categories/9"
    "collection": [
        "href": "https://example/wp-json/wc/v1/products/categories"

List all product categories

This API lets you retrieve all product categories.

curl \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
<?php print_r($woocommerce->get('products/categories')); ?>

JSON response example:

    "id": 15,
    "name": "Albums",
    "slug": "albums",
    "parent": 11,
    "description": "",
    "display": "default",
    "image": [],
    "menu_order": 0,
    "count": 4,
    "_links": {
      "self": [
          "href": ""
      "collection": [
          "href": ""
      "up": [
          "href": ""
    "id": 9,
    "name": "Clothing",
    "slug": "clothing",
    "parent": 0,
    "description": "",
    "display": "default",
    "image": {
      "id": 173,
      "date_created": "2016-05-31T23:51:03",
      "date_modified": "2016-05-31T23:51:03",
      "src": "https://example/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/T_3_front-1.jpg",
      "title": "",
      "alt": ""
    "menu_order": 0,
    "count": 18,
    "_links": {
      "self": [
          "href": "https://example/wp-json/wc/v1/products/categories/9"
      "collection": [
          "href": "https://example/wp-json/wc/v1/products/categories"
    "id": 10,
    "name": "Hoodies",
    "slug": "hoodies",
    "parent": 9,
    "description": "",
    "display": "default",
    "image": [],
    "menu_order": 0,
    "count": 6,
    "_links": {
      "self": [
          "href": ""
      "collection": [
          "href": ""
      "up": [
          "href": ""
    "id": 11,
    "name": "Music",
    "slug": "music",
    "parent": 0,
    "description": "",
    "display": "default",
    "image": [],
    "menu_order": 0,
    "count": 7,
    "_links": {
      "self": [
          "href": ""
      "collection": [
          "href": ""
    "id": 12,
    "name": "Posters",
    "slug": "posters",
    "parent": 0,
    "description": "",
    "display": "default",
    "image": [],
    "menu_order": 0,
    "count": 5,
    "_links": {
      "self": [
          "href": ""
      "collection": [
          "href": ""
    "id": 13,
    "name": "Singles",
    "slug": "singles",
    "parent": 11,
    "description": "",
    "display": "default",
    "image": [],
    "menu_order": 0,
    "count": 3,
    "_links": {
      "self": [
          "href": ""
      "collection": [
          "href": ""
      "up": [
          "href": ""
    "id": 14,
    "name": "T-shirts",
    "slug": "t-shirts",
    "parent": 9,
    "description": "",
    "display": "default",
    "image": [],
    "menu_order": 0,
    "count": 6,
    "_links": {
      "self": [
          "href": ""
      "collection": [
          "href": ""
      "up": [
          "href": ""

Available parameters

Parameter Type Description
context string Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response. Options: view and edit.
page integer Current page of the collection.
per_page integer Maximum number of items to be returned in result set.
search string Limit results to those matching a string.
exclude string Ensure result set excludes specific ids.
include string Limit result set to specific ids.
order string Order sort attribute ascending or descending. Default is asc. Options: asc and desc.
orderby string Sort collection by object attribute. Default is name. Options: id, include, name, slug, term_group, description and count.
hide_empty bool Whether to hide resources not assigned to any products. Default is false.
parent integer Limit result set to resources assigned to a specific parent.
product integer Limit result set to resources assigned to a specific product.
slug string Limit result set to resources with a specific slug.

Update a product category

This API lets you make changes to a product category.

HTTP request

curl -X PUT \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
  "description": "All kinds of clothes."
const data = {
  description: "All kinds of clothes."

WooCommerce.put("products/categories/9", data)
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
$data = [
    'description' => 'All kinds of clothes.'

print_r($woocommerce->put('products/categories/9', $data));
data = {
    "description": "All kinds of clothes."

print(wcapi.put("products/categories/9", data).json())
data = {
  description: "All kinds of clothes."

woocommerce.put("products/categories/9", data).parsed_response

JSON response example:

  "id": 9,
  "name": "Clothing",
  "slug": "clothing",
  "parent": 0,
  "description": "All kinds of clothes.",
  "display": "default",
  "image": {
    "id": 173,
    "date_created": "2016-05-31T23:51:03",
    "date_modified": "2016-05-31T23:51:03",
    "src": "https://example/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/T_3_front-1.jpg",
    "title": "",
    "alt": ""
  "menu_order": 0,
  "count": 18,
  "_links": {
    "self": [
        "href": "https://example/wp-json/wc/v1/products/categories/9"
    "collection": [
        "href": "https://example/wp-json/wc/v1/products/categories"

Delete a product category

This API helps you delete a product category.

HTTP request

curl -X DELETE \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret
WooCommerce.delete("products/categories/9", {
  force: true
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
<?php print_r($woocommerce->delete('products/categories/9', ['force' => true])); ?>
print(wcapi.delete("products/categories/9", params={"force": True}).json())
woocommerce.delete("products/categories/9", force: true).parsed_response

JSON response example:

  "id": 9,
  "name": "Clothing",
  "slug": "clothing",
  "parent": 0,
  "description": "All kinds of clothes.",
  "display": "default",
  "image": {
    "id": 173,
    "date_created": "2016-05-31T23:51:03",
    "date_modified": "2016-05-31T23:51:03",
    "src": "https://example/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/T_3_front-1.jpg",
    "title": "",
    "alt": ""
  "menu_order": 0,
  "count": 18,
  "_links": {
    "self": [
        "href": "https://example/wp-json/wc/v1/products/categories/9"
    "collection": [
        "href": "https://example/wp-json/wc/v1/products/categories"

Available parameters

Parameter Type Description
force string Required to be true, as resource does not support trashing.

Batch update product categories

This API helps you to batch create, update and delete multiple product categories.

HTTP request

curl -X POST \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
  "create": [
      "name": "Albums"
      "name": "Clothing"
  "update": [
      "id": 10,
      "description": "Nice hoodies"
  "delete": [
const data = {
  create: [
      name: "Albums"
      name: "Clothing"
  update: [
      id: 10,
      description: "Nice hoodies"
  delete: [
};"products/categories/batch", data)
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
$data = [
    'create' => [
            'name' => 'Albums'
            'name' => 'Clothing'
    'update' => [
            'id' => 10,
            'description' => 'Nice hoodies'
    'delete' => [

print_r($woocommerce->post('products/categories/batch', $data));
data = {
    "create": [
            "name": "Albums"
            "name": "Clothing"
    "update": [
            "id": 10,
            "description": "Nice hoodies"
    "delete": [

print("products/categories/batch", data).json())
data = {
  create: [
      name: "Albums"
      name: "Clothing"
  update: [
      id: 10,
      description: "Nice hoodies"
  delete: [
}"products/categories/batch", data).parsed_response

JSON response example:

  "create": [
      "id": 15,
      "name": "Albums",
      "slug": "albums",
      "parent": 11,
      "description": "",
      "display": "default",
      "image": [],
      "menu_order": 0,
      "count": 0,
      "_links": {
        "self": [
            "href": ""
        "collection": [
            "href": ""
        "up": [
            "href": ""
      "id": 9,
      "name": "Clothing",
      "slug": "clothing",
      "parent": 0,
      "description": "",
      "display": "default",
      "image": [],
      "menu_order": 0,
      "count": 0,
      "_links": {
        "self": [
            "href": ""
        "collection": [
            "href": ""
  "update": [
      "id": 10,
      "name": "Hoodies",
      "slug": "hoodies",
      "parent": 9,
      "description": "Nice hoodies",
      "display": "default",
      "image": [],
      "menu_order": 0,
      "count": 6,
      "_links": {
        "self": [
            "href": ""
        "collection": [
            "href": ""
        "up": [
            "href": ""
  "delete": [
      "id": 11,
      "name": "Music",
      "slug": "music",
      "parent": 0,
      "description": "",
      "display": "default",
      "image": [],
      "menu_order": 0,
      "count": 7,
      "_links": {
        "self": [
            "href": ""
        "collection": [
            "href": ""
      "id": 12,
      "name": "Posters",
      "slug": "posters",
      "parent": 0,
      "description": "",
      "display": "default",
      "image": [],
      "menu_order": 0,
      "count": 5,
      "_links": {
        "self": [
            "href": ""
        "collection": [
            "href": ""

Product shipping classes

The product shipping class API allows you to create, view, update, and delete individual, or a batch, of shipping classes.

Shipping class properties

Attribute Type Description
id integer Unique identifier for the resource. read-only
name string Shipping class name. required
slug string An alphanumeric identifier for the resource unique to its type.
description string HTML description of the resource.
count integer Number of published products for the resource. read-only

Create a shipping class

This API helps you to create a new product shipping class.

HTTP request


Example of how to create a product shipping class:

curl -X POST \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
  "name": "Priority"
const data = {
  name: "Priority"
};"products/shipping_classes", data)
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
$data = [
    'name' => 'Priority'

print_r($woocommerce->post('products/shipping_classes', $data));
data = {
    "name": "Priority"

print("products/shipping_classes", data).json())
data = {
  name: "Priority"
}"products/shipping_classes", data).parsed_response

JSON response example:

  "id": 32,
  "name": "Priority",
  "slug": "priority",
  "description": "",
  "count": 0,
  "_links": {
    "self": [
        "href": ""
    "collection": [
        "href": ""

Retrieve a shipping class

This API lets you retrieve a product shipping class by ID.

curl \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
<?php print_r($woocommerce->get('products/shipping_classes/32')); ?>

JSON response example:

  "id": 32,
  "name": "Priority",
  "slug": "priority",
  "description": "",
  "count": 0,
  "_links": {
    "self": [
        "href": ""
    "collection": [
        "href": ""

List all shipping classes

This API lets you retrieve all product shipping classes.

curl \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
<?php print_r($woocommerce->get('products/shipping_classes')); ?>

JSON response example:

    "id": 33,
    "name": "Express",
    "slug": "express",
    "description": "",
    "count": 0,
    "_links": {
      "self": [
          "href": ""
      "collection": [
          "href": ""
    "id": 32,
    "name": "Priority",
    "slug": "priority",
    "description": "",
    "count": 0,
    "_links": {
      "self": [
          "href": ""
      "collection": [
          "href": ""

Available parameters

Parameter Type Description
context string Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response. Options: view and edit.
page integer Current page of the collection.
per_page integer Maximum number of items to be returned in result set.
search string Limit results to those matching a string.
exclude string Ensure result set excludes specific ids.
include string Limit result set to specific ids.
order string Order sort attribute ascending or descending. Default is asc. Options: asc and desc.
orderby string Sort collection by object attribute. Default is name. Options: id, include, name, slug, term_group, description and count.
hide_empty bool Whether to hide resources not assigned to any products. Default is false.
product integer Limit result set to resources assigned to a specific product.
slug string Limit result set to resources with a specific slug.

Update a shipping class

This API lets you make changes to a product shipping class.

HTTP request

curl -X PUT \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
  "description": "Priority mail."
const data = {
  description: "Priority mail."

WooCommerce.put("products/shipping_classes/32", data)
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
$data = [
    'description' => 'Priority mail.'

print_r($woocommerce->put('products/shipping_classes/32', $data));
data = {
    "description": "Priority mail."

print(wcapi.put("products/shipping_classes/32", data).json())
data = {
  description: "Priority mail."

woocommerce.put("products/shipping_classes/32", data).parsed_response

JSON response example:

  "id": 32,
  "name": "Priority",
  "slug": "priority",
  "description": "Priority mail.",
  "count": 0,
  "_links": {
    "self": [
        "href": ""
    "collection": [
        "href": ""

Delete a shipping class

This API helps you delete a product shipping class.

HTTP request

curl -X DELETE \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret
WooCommerce.delete("products/shipping_classes/32", {
  force: true
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
<?php print_r($woocommerce->delete('products/shipping_classes/32', ['force' => true])); ?>
print(wcapi.delete("products/shipping_classes/32", params={"force": True}).json())
woocommerce.delete("products/shipping_classes/32", force: true).parsed_response

JSON response example:

  "id": 32,
  "name": "Priority",
  "slug": "priority",
  "description": "Priority mail.",
  "count": 0,
  "_links": {
    "self": [
        "href": ""
    "collection": [
        "href": ""

Available parameters

Parameter Type Description
force string Required to be true, as resource does not support trashing.

Batch update shipping classes

This API helps you to batch create, update and delete multiple product shipping classes.

HTTP request

curl -X POST \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
  "create": [
      "name": "Small items"
      "name": "Large items"
  "update": [
      "id": 33,
      "description": "Express shipping"
  "delete": [
const data = {
  create: [
      name: "Small items"
      name: "Large items"
  update: [
      id: 33,
      description: "Express shipping"
  delete: [
};"products/shipping_classes/batch", data)
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
$data = [
    'create' => [
            'name' => 'Small items'
            'name' => 'Large items'
    'update' => [
            'id' => 33,
            'description' => 'Express shipping'
    'delete' => [

print_r($woocommerce->post('products/shipping_classes/batch', $data));
data = {
    "create": [
            "name": "Small items"
            "name": "Large items"
    "update": [
            "id": 33,
            "description": "Express shipping"
    "delete": [

print("products/shipping_classes/batch", data).json())
data = {
  create: [
      name: "Small items"
      name: "Large items"
  update: [
      id: 33,
      description: "Express shipping"
  delete: [
}"products/shipping_classes/batch", data).parsed_response

JSON response example:

  "create": [
      "id": 34,
      "name": "Small items",
      "slug": "small-items",
      "description": "",
      "count": 0,
      "_links": {
        "self": [
            "href": ""
        "collection": [
            "href": ""
      "id": 35,
      "name": "Large items",
      "slug": "large-items",
      "description": "",
      "count": 0,
      "_links": {
        "self": [
            "href": ""
        "collection": [
            "href": ""
  "update": [
      "id": 33,
      "name": "Express",
      "slug": "express",
      "description": "Express shipping",
      "count": 0,
      "_links": {
        "self": [
            "href": ""
        "collection": [
            "href": ""
  "delete": [
      "id": 32,
      "name": "Priority",
      "slug": "priority",
      "description": "",
      "count": 0,
      "_links": {
        "self": [
            "href": ""
        "collection": [
            "href": ""

Product tags

The product tags API allows you to create, view, update, and delete individual, or a batch, of product tags.

Product tag properties

Attribute Type Description
id integer Unique identifier for the resource. read-only
name string Tag name. required
slug string An alphanumeric identifier for the resource unique to its type.
description string HTML description of the resource.
count integer Number of published products for the resource. read-only

Create a product tag

This API helps you to create a new product tag.

HTTP request


Example of how to create a product tag:

curl -X POST \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
  "name": "Leather Shoes"
const data = {
  name: "Leather Shoes"
};"products/tags", data)
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
$data = [
    'name' => 'Leather Shoes'

print_r($woocommerce->post('products/tags', $data));
data = {
    "name": "Leather Shoes"

print("products/tags", data).json())
data = {
  name: "Leather Shoes"
}"products/tags", data).parsed_response

JSON response example:

  "id": 34,
  "name": "Leather Shoes",
  "slug": "leather-shoes",
  "description": "",
  "count": 0,
  "_links": {
    "self": [
        "href": ""
    "collection": [
        "href": ""

Retrieve a product tag

This API lets you retrieve a product tag by ID.

curl \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
<?php print_r($woocommerce->get('products/tags/34')); ?>

JSON response example:

  "id": 34,
  "name": "Leather Shoes",
  "slug": "leather-shoes",
  "description": "",
  "count": 0,
  "_links": {
    "self": [
        "href": ""
    "collection": [
        "href": ""

List all product tags

This API lets you retrieve all product tag.

curl \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
<?php print_r($woocommerce->get('products/tags')); ?>

JSON response example:

    "id": 34,
    "name": "Leather Shoes",
    "slug": "leather-shoes",
    "description": "",
    "count": 0,
    "_links": {
      "self": [
          "href": ""
      "collection": [
          "href": ""
    "id": 35,
    "name": "Oxford Shoes",
    "slug": "oxford-shoes",
    "description": "",
    "count": 0,
    "_links": {
      "self": [
          "href": ""
      "collection": [
          "href": ""

Available parameters

Parameter Type Description
context string Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response. Options: view and edit.
page integer Current page of the collection.
per_page integer Maximum number of items to be returned in result set.
search string Limit results to those matching a string.
exclude string Ensure result set excludes specific ids.
include string Limit result set to specific ids.
order string Order sort attribute ascending or descending. Default is asc. Options: asc and desc.
orderby string Sort collection by object attribute. Default is name. Options: id, include, name, slug, term_group, description and count.
hide_empty bool Whether to hide resources not assigned to any products. Default is false.
product integer Limit result set to resources assigned to a specific product.
slug string Limit result set to resources with a specific slug.

Update a product tag

This API lets you make changes to a product tag.

HTTP request

curl -X PUT \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
  "description": "Genuine leather."
const data = {
  description: "Genuine leather."

WooCommerce.put("products/tags/34", data)
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
$data = [
    'description': 'Genuine leather.'

print_r($woocommerce->put('products/tags/34', $data));
data = {
    "description": "Genuine leather."

print(wcapi.put("products/tags/34", data).json())
data = {
  description: "Genuine leather."

woocommerce.put("products/tags/34", data).parsed_response

JSON response example:

  "id": 34,
  "name": "Leather Shoes",
  "slug": "leather-shoes",
  "description": "Genuine leather.",
  "count": 0,
  "_links": {
    "self": [
        "href": ""
    "collection": [
        "href": ""

Delete a product tag

This API helps you delete a product tag.

HTTP request

curl -X DELETE \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret
WooCommerce.delete("products/tags/34", {
  force: true
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
<?php print_r($woocommerce->delete('products/tags/34', ['force' => true])); ?>
print(wcapi.delete("products/tags/34", params={"force": True}).json())
woocommerce.delete("products/tags/34", force: true).parsed_response

JSON response example:

  "id": 34,
  "name": "Leather Shoes",
  "slug": "leather-shoes",
  "description": "Genuine leather.",
  "count": 0,
  "_links": {
    "self": [
        "href": ""
    "collection": [
        "href": ""

Available parameters

Parameter Type Description
force string Required to be true, as resource does not support trashing.

Batch update product tags

This API helps you to batch create, update and delete multiple product tags.

HTTP request

curl -X POST \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
  "create": [
      "name": "Round toe"
      "name": "Flat"
  "update": [
      "id": 34,
      "description": "Genuine leather."
  "delete": [
const data = {
  create: [
      name: "Round toe"
      name: "Flat"
  update: [
      id: 34,
      description: "Genuine leather."
  delete: [
};"products/tags/batch", data)
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
$data = [
    'create' => [
            'name' => 'Round toe'
            'name' => 'Flat'
    'update' => [
            'id' => 34,
            'description' => 'Genuine leather.'
    'delete' => [

print_r($woocommerce->post('products/tags/batch', $data));
data = {
    "create": [
            "name": "Round toe"
            "name": "Flat"
    "update": [
            "id": 34,
            "description": "Genuine leather."
    "delete": [

print("products/tags/batch", data).json())
data = {
  create: [
      name: "Round toe"
      name: "Flat"
  update: [
      id: 34,
      description: "Genuine leather."
  delete: [
}"products/tags/batch", data).parsed_response

JSON response example:

  "create": [
      "id": 36,
      "name": "Round toe",
      "slug": "round-toe",
      "description": "",
      "count": 0,
      "_links": {
        "self": [
            "href": ""
        "collection": [
            "href": ""
      "id": 37,
      "name": "Flat",
      "slug": "flat",
      "description": "",
      "count": 0,
      "_links": {
        "self": [
            "href": ""
        "collection": [
            "href": ""
  "update": [
      "id": 34,
      "name": "Leather Shoes",
      "slug": "leather-shoes",
      "description": "Genuine leather.",
      "count": 0,
      "_links": {
        "self": [
            "href": ""
        "collection": [
            "href": ""
  "delete": [
      "id": 35,
      "name": "Oxford Shoes",
      "slug": "oxford-shoes",
      "description": "",
      "count": 0,
      "_links": {
        "self": [
            "href": ""
        "collection": [
            "href": ""


The reports API allows you to view all types of reports available.

List all reports

This API lets you retrieve and view a simple list of available reports.

HTTP request

curl \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
<?php print_r($woocommerce->get('reports')); ?>

JSON response example:

    "slug": "sales",
    "description": "List of sales reports.",
    "_links": {
      "self": [
          "href": ""
      "collection": [
          "href": ""
    "slug": "top_sellers",
    "description": "List of top sellers products.",
    "_links": {
      "self": [
          "href": ""
      "collection": [
          "href": ""

Retrieve sales report

This API lets you retrieve and view a sales report.

HTTP request

curl \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret
WooCommerce.get("reports/sales", {
  date_min: "2016-05-03",
  date_max: "2016-05-04"
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
$query = [
    'date_min' => '2016-05-03', 
    'date_max' => '2016-05-04'

print_r($woocommerce->get('reports/sales', $query));
query = {
  date_min: "2016-05-03",
  date_max: "2016-05-04"

woocommerce.get("reports/sales", query).parsed_response

JSON response example:

    "total_sales": "14.00",
    "net_sales": "4.00",
    "average_sales": "2.00",
    "total_orders": 3,
    "total_items": 6,
    "total_tax": "0.00",
    "total_shipping": "10.00",
    "total_refunds": 0,
    "total_discount": "0.00",
    "totals_grouped_by": "day",
    "totals": {
      "2016-05-03": {
        "sales": "14.00",
        "orders": 3,
        "items": 6,
        "tax": "0.00",
        "shipping": "10.00",
        "discount": "0.00",
        "customers": 0
      "2016-05-04": {
        "sales": "0.00",
        "orders": 0,
        "items": 0,
        "tax": "0.00",
        "shipping": "0.00",
        "discount": "0.00",
        "customers": 0
    "total_customers": 0,
    "_links": {
      "about": [
          "href": ""

Sales report properties

Attribute Type Description
total_sales string Gross sales in the period. read-only
net_sales string Net sales in the period. read-only
average_sales string Average net daily sales. read-only
total_orders integer Total of orders placed. read-only
total_items integer Total of items purchased. read-only
total_tax string Total charged for taxes. read-only
total_shipping string Total charged for shipping. read-only
total_refunds number Total of refunded orders. read-only
total_discount integer Total of coupons used. read-only
totals_grouped_by string Group type. read-only
totals array Totals. read-only

Available parameters

Parameter Type Description
context string Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response. Default is view. Options: view.
period string Report period. Default is today's date. Options: week, month, last_month and year
date_min string Return sales for a specific start date, the date need to be in the YYYY-MM-DD format.
date_max string Return sales for a specific end date, the date need to be in the YYYY-MM-DD format.

Retrieve top sellers report

This API lets you retrieve and view a list of top sellers report.

HTTP request

curl \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret
WooCommerce.get("reports/top_sellers", {
  period: "last_month",
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
$query = [
    'period' => 'last_month'

print_r($woocommerce->get('reports/top_sellers', $query));
query = {
  period: "last_month"

woocommerce.get("reports/top_sellers", query).parsed_response

JSON response example:

    "title": "Happy Ninja",
    "product_id": 37,
    "quantity": 1,
    "_links": {
      "about": [
          "href": ""
      "product": [
          "href": ""
    "title": "Woo Album #4",
    "product_id": 96,
    "quantity": 1,
    "_links": {
      "about": [
          "href": ""
      "product": [
          "href": ""

Top sellers report properties

Attribute Type Description
title string Product title. read-only
product_id integer Product ID. read-only
quantity integer Total number of purchases. read-only

Available parameters

Parameter Type Description
context string Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response. Default is view. Options: view.
period string Report period. Default is week. Options: week, month, last_month and year
date_min string Return sales for a specific start date, the date need to be in the YYYY-MM-DD format.
date_max string Return sales for a specific end date, the date need to be in the YYYY-MM-DD format.

Tax rates

The taxes API allows you to create, view, update, and delete individual tax rates, or a batch of tax rates.

Tax rate properties

Attribute Type Description
id integer Unique identifier for the resource. read-only
country string Country ISO 3166 code. See ISO 3166 Codes (Countries) for more details
state string State code.
postcode string Postcode/ZIP.
city string City name.
rate string Tax rate.
name string Tax rate name.
priority integer Tax priority. Only 1 matching rate per priority will be used. To define multiple tax rates for a single area you need to specify a different priority per rate. Default is 1.
compound boolean Whether or not this is a compound rate. Compound tax rates are applied on top of other tax rates. Default is false.
shipping boolean Whether or not this tax rate also gets applied to shipping. Default is true.
order integer Indicates the order that will appear in queries.
class string Tax class. Default is standard.

Create a tax rate

This API helps you to create a new tax rate.

HTTP request

curl -X POST \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
  "country": "US",
  "state": "AL",
  "rate": "4",
  "name": "State Tax",
  "shipping": false
const data = {
  country: "US",
  state: "AL",
  rate: "4",
  name: "State Tax",
  shipping: false
};"taxes", data)
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
$data = [
    'country' => 'US',
    'state' => 'AL',
    'rate' => '4',
    'name' => 'State Tax',
    'shipping' => false

print_r($woocommerce->post('taxes', $data));
data = {
    "country": "US",
    "state": "AL",
    "rate": "4",
    "name": "State Tax",
    "shipping": False

print("taxes", data).json())
data = {
  country: "US",
  state: "AL",
  rate: "4",
  name: "State Tax",
  shipping: false
}"taxes", data).parsed_response

JSON response example:

  "id": 72,
  "country": "US",
  "state": "AL",
  "postcode": "",
  "city": "",
  "rate": "4.0000",
  "name": "State Tax",
  "priority": 0,
  "compound": false,
  "shipping": false,
  "order": 1,
  "class": "standard",
  "_links": {
    "self": [
        "href": ""
    "collection": [
        "href": ""

Retrieve a tax rate

This API lets you retrieve and view a specific tax rate by ID.

curl \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
<?php print_r($woocommerce->get('taxes/72')); ?>

JSON response example:

  "id": 72,
  "country": "US",
  "state": "AL",
  "postcode": "",
  "city": "",
  "rate": "4.0000",
  "name": "State Tax",
  "priority": 0,
  "compound": false,
  "shipping": false,
  "order": 1,
  "class": "standard",
  "_links": {
    "self": [
        "href": ""
    "collection": [
        "href": ""

List all tax rates

This API helps you to view all the tax rates.

HTTP request

curl \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
<?php print_r($woocommerce->get('taxes')); ?>

JSON response example:

    "id": 72,
    "country": "US",
    "state": "AL",
    "postcode": "",
    "city": "",
    "rate": "4.0000",
    "name": "State Tax",
    "priority": 0,
    "compound": false,
    "shipping": false,
    "order": 1,
    "class": "standard",
    "_links": {
      "self": [
          "href": ""
      "collection": [
          "href": ""
    "id": 73,
    "country": "US",
    "state": "AZ",
    "postcode": "",
    "city": "",
    "rate": "5.6000",
    "name": "State Tax",
    "priority": 0,
    "compound": false,
    "shipping": false,
    "order": 2,
    "class": "standard",
    "_links": {
      "self": [
          "href": ""
      "collection": [
          "href": ""
    "id": 74,
    "country": "US",
    "state": "AR",
    "postcode": "",
    "city": "",
    "rate": "6.5000",
    "name": "State Tax",
    "priority": 0,
    "compound": false,
    "shipping": true,
    "order": 3,
    "class": "standard",
    "_links": {
      "self": [
          "href": ""
      "collection": [
          "href": ""
    "id": 75,
    "country": "US",
    "state": "CA",
    "postcode": "",
    "city": "",
    "rate": "7.5000",
    "name": "State Tax",
    "priority": 0,
    "compound": false,
    "shipping": false,
    "order": 4,
    "class": "standard",
    "_links": {
      "self": [
          "href": ""
      "collection": [
          "href": ""
    "id": 76,
    "country": "US",
    "state": "CO",
    "postcode": "",
    "city": "",
    "rate": "2.9000",
    "name": "State Tax",
    "priority": 0,
    "compound": false,
    "shipping": false,
    "order": 5,
    "class": "standard",
    "_links": {
      "self": [
          "href": ""
      "collection": [
          "href": ""
    "id": 77,
    "country": "US",
    "state": "CT",
    "postcode": "",
    "city": "",
    "rate": "6.3500",
    "name": "State Tax",
    "priority": 0,
    "compound": false,
    "shipping": true,
    "order": 6,
    "class": "standard",
    "_links": {
      "self": [
          "href": ""
      "collection": [
          "href": ""
    "id": 78,
    "country": "US",
    "state": "DC",
    "postcode": "",
    "city": "",
    "rate": "5.7500",
    "name": "State Tax",
    "priority": 0,
    "compound": false,
    "shipping": true,
    "order": 7,
    "class": "standard",
    "_links": {
      "self": [
          "href": ""
      "collection": [
          "href": ""
    "id": 79,
    "country": "US",
    "state": "FL",
    "postcode": "",
    "city": "",
    "rate": "6.0000",
    "name": "State Tax",
    "priority": 0,
    "compound": false,
    "shipping": true,
    "order": 8,
    "class": "standard",
    "_links": {
      "self": [
          "href": ""
      "collection": [
          "href": ""
    "id": 80,
    "country": "US",
    "state": "GA",
    "postcode": "",
    "city": "",
    "rate": "4.0000",
    "name": "State Tax",
    "priority": 0,
    "compound": false,
    "shipping": true,
    "order": 9,
    "class": "standard",
    "_links": {
      "self": [
          "href": ""
      "collection": [
          "href": ""
    "id": 81,
    "country": "US",
    "state": "GU",
    "postcode": "",
    "city": "",
    "rate": "4.0000",
    "name": "State Tax",
    "priority": 0,
    "compound": false,
    "shipping": false,
    "order": 10,
    "class": "standard",
    "_links": {
      "self": [
          "href": ""
      "collection": [
          "href": ""

Available parameters

Parameter Type Description
context string Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response. Options: view and edit.
page integer Current page of the collection.
per_page integer Maximum number of items to be returned in result set.
offset integer Offset the result set by a specific number of items.
order string Order sort attribute ascending or descending. Default is asc. Options: asc and desc.
orderby string Sort collection by object attribute. Default is name. Options: id, include, name, slug, term_group, description and count.
class string Sort by tax class.

Update a tax rate

This API lets you make changes to a tax rate.

HTTP request

curl -X PUT \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
  "name": "US Tax"
const data = {
  name: "US Tax"

WooCommerce.put("taxes/72", data)
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
$data = [
    'name' => 'US Tax'

print_r($woocommerce->put('taxes/72', $data));
data = {
    "name": "US Tax"

print(wcapi.put("taxes/72", data).json())
data = {
  name: "US Tax"

woocommerce.put("taxes/72", data).parsed_response

JSON response example:

  "id": 72,
  "country": "US",
  "state": "AL",
  "postcode": "",
  "city": "",
  "rate": "4.0000",
  "name": "US Tax",
  "priority": 0,
  "compound": false,
  "shipping": false,
  "order": 1,
  "class": "standard",
  "_links": {
    "self": [
        "href": ""
    "collection": [
        "href": ""

Delete a tax rate

This API helps you delete a tax rate.

HTTP request

curl -X DELETE \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret
WooCommerce.delete("taxes/72", {
  force: true
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
<?php print_r($woocommerce->delete('taxes/72', ['force' => true])); ?>
print(wcapi.delete("taxes/72", params={"force": True}).json())
woocommerce.delete("taxes/72", force: true).parsed_response

JSON response example:

  "id": 72,
  "country": "US",
  "state": "AL",
  "postcode": "",
  "city": "",
  "rate": "4.0000",
  "name": "US Tax",
  "priority": 0,
  "compound": false,
  "shipping": false,
  "order": 1,
  "class": "standard",
  "_links": {
    "self": [
        "href": ""
    "collection": [
        "href": ""

Available parameters

Parameter Type Description
force string Required to be true, as resource does not support trashing.

Batch update tax rates

This API helps you to batch create, update and delete multiple tax rates.

HTTP request


Example batch creating all US taxes:

curl -X POST \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
  "create": [
      "country": "US",
      "state": "AL",
      "rate": "4.0000",
      "name": "State Tax",
      "shipping": false,
      "order": 1
      "country": "US",
      "state": "AZ",
      "rate": "5.6000",
      "name": "State Tax",
      "shipping": false,
      "order": 2
      "country": "US",
      "state": "AR",
      "rate": "6.5000",
      "name": "State Tax",
      "shipping": true,
      "order": 3
      "country": "US",
      "state": "CA",
      "rate": "7.5000",
      "name": "State Tax",
      "shipping": false,
      "order": 4
      "country": "US",
      "state": "CO",
      "rate": "2.9000",
      "name": "State Tax",
      "shipping": false,
      "order": 5
      "country": "US",
      "state": "CT",
      "rate": "6.3500",
      "name": "State Tax",
      "shipping": true,
      "order": 6
      "country": "US",
      "state": "DC",
      "rate": "5.7500",
      "name": "State Tax",
      "shipping": true,
      "order": 7
      "country": "US",
      "state": "FL",
      "rate": "6.0000",
      "name": "State Tax",
      "shipping": true,
      "order": 8
      "country": "US",
      "state": "GA",
      "rate": "4.0000",
      "name": "State Tax",
      "shipping": true,
      "order": 9
      "country": "US",
      "state": "GU",
      "rate": "4.0000",
      "name": "State Tax",
      "shipping": false,
      "order": 10
      "country": "US",
      "state": "HI",
      "rate": "4.0000",
      "name": "State Tax",
      "shipping": true,
      "order": 11
      "country": "US",
      "state": "ID",
      "rate": "6.0000",
      "name": "State Tax",
      "shipping": false,
      "order": 12
      "country": "US",
      "state": "IL",
      "rate": "6.2500",
      "name": "State Tax",
      "shipping": false,
      "order": 13
      "country": "US",
      "state": "IN",
      "rate": "7.0000",
      "name": "State Tax",
      "shipping": false,
      "order": 14
      "country": "US",
      "state": "IA",
      "rate": "6.0000",
      "name": "State Tax",
      "shipping": false,
      "order": 15
      "country": "US",
      "state": "KS",
      "rate": "6.1500",
      "name": "State Tax",
      "shipping": true,
      "order": 16
      "country": "US",
      "state": "KY",
      "rate": "6.0000",
      "name": "State Tax",
      "shipping": true,
      "order": 17
      "country": "US",
      "state": "LA",
      "rate": "4.0000",
      "name": "State Tax",
      "shipping": false,
      "order": 18
      "country": "US",
      "state": "ME",
      "rate": "5.5000",
      "name": "State Tax",
      "shipping": false,
      "order": 19
      "country": "US",
      "state": "MD",
      "rate": "6.0000",
      "name": "State Tax",
      "shipping": false,
      "order": 20
      "country": "US",
      "state": "MA",
      "rate": "6.2500",
      "name": "State Tax",
      "shipping": false,
      "order": 21
      "country": "US",
      "state": "MI",
      "rate": "6.0000",
      "name": "State Tax",
      "shipping": true,
      "order": 22
      "country": "US",
      "state": "MN",
      "rate": "6.8750",
      "name": "State Tax",
      "shipping": true,
      "order": 23
      "country": "US",
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};"taxes/batch", data)
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  .catch((error) => {
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            'name' => 'State Tax',
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            'name' => 'State Tax',
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            'order' => 43
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      "_links": {
        "self": [
            "href": ""
        "collection": [
            "href": ""
      "id": 104,
      "country": "US",
      "state": "OH",
      "postcode": "",
      "city": "",
      "rate": "5.7500",
      "name": "State Tax",
      "priority": 0,
      "compound": false,
      "shipping": true,
      "order": 33,
      "class": "standard",
      "_links": {
        "self": [
            "href": ""
        "collection": [
            "href": ""
      "id": 105,
      "country": "US",
      "state": "OK",
      "postcode": "",
      "city": "",
      "rate": "4.5000",
      "name": "State Tax",
      "priority": 0,
      "compound": false,
      "shipping": false,
      "order": 34,
      "class": "standard",
      "_links": {
        "self": [
            "href": ""
        "collection": [
            "href": ""
      "id": 106,
      "country": "US",
      "state": "PA",
      "postcode": "",
      "city": "",
      "rate": "6.0000",
      "name": "State Tax",
      "priority": 0,
      "compound": false,
      "shipping": true,
      "order": 35,
      "class": "standard",
      "_links": {
        "self": [
            "href": ""
        "collection": [
            "href": ""
      "id": 107,
      "country": "US",
      "state": "PR",
      "postcode": "",
      "city": "",
      "rate": "6.0000",
      "name": "State Tax",
      "priority": 0,
      "compound": false,
      "shipping": false,
      "order": 36,
      "class": "standard",
      "_links": {
        "self": [
            "href": ""
        "collection": [
            "href": ""
      "id": 108,
      "country": "US",
      "state": "RI",
      "postcode": "",
      "city": "",
      "rate": "7.0000",
      "name": "State Tax",
      "priority": 0,
      "compound": false,
      "shipping": false,
      "order": 37,
      "class": "standard",
      "_links": {
        "self": [
            "href": ""
        "collection": [
            "href": ""
      "id": 109,
      "country": "US",
      "state": "SC",
      "postcode": "",
      "city": "",
      "rate": "6.0000",
      "name": "State Tax",
      "priority": 0,
      "compound": false,
      "shipping": true,
      "order": 38,
      "class": "standard",
      "_links": {
        "self": [
            "href": ""
        "collection": [
            "href": ""
      "id": 110,
      "country": "US",
      "state": "SD",
      "postcode": "",
      "city": "",
      "rate": "4.0000",
      "name": "State Tax",
      "priority": 0,
      "compound": false,
      "shipping": true,
      "order": 39,
      "class": "standard",
      "_links": {
        "self": [
            "href": ""
        "collection": [
            "href": ""
      "id": 111,
      "country": "US",
      "state": "TN",
      "postcode": "",
      "city": "",
      "rate": "7.0000",
      "name": "State Tax",
      "priority": 0,
      "compound": false,
      "shipping": true,
      "order": 40,
      "class": "standard",
      "_links": {
        "self": [
            "href": ""
        "collection": [
            "href": ""
      "id": 112,
      "country": "US",
      "state": "TX",
      "postcode": "",
      "city": "",
      "rate": "6.2500",
      "name": "State Tax",
      "priority": 0,
      "compound": false,
      "shipping": true,
      "order": 41,
      "class": "standard",
      "_links": {
        "self": [
            "href": ""
        "collection": [
            "href": ""
      "id": 113,
      "country": "US",
      "state": "UT",
      "postcode": "",
      "city": "",
      "rate": "5.9500",
      "name": "State Tax",
      "priority": 0,
      "compound": false,
      "shipping": false,
      "order": 42,
      "class": "standard",
      "_links": {
        "self": [
            "href": ""
        "collection": [
            "href": ""
      "id": 114,
      "country": "US",
      "state": "VT",
      "postcode": "",
      "city": "",
      "rate": "6.0000",
      "name": "State Tax",
      "priority": 0,
      "compound": false,
      "shipping": true,
      "order": 43,
      "class": "standard",
      "_links": {
        "self": [
            "href": ""
        "collection": [
            "href": ""
      "id": 115,
      "country": "US",
      "state": "VA",
      "postcode": "",
      "city": "",
      "rate": "5.3000",
      "name": "State Tax",
      "priority": 0,
      "compound": false,
      "shipping": false,
      "order": 44,
      "class": "standard",
      "_links": {
        "self": [
            "href": ""
        "collection": [
            "href": ""
      "id": 116,
      "country": "US",
      "state": "WA",
      "postcode": "",
      "city": "",
      "rate": "6.5000",
      "name": "State Tax",
      "priority": 0,
      "compound": false,
      "shipping": true,
      "order": 45,
      "class": "standard",
      "_links": {
        "self": [
            "href": ""
        "collection": [
            "href": ""
      "id": 117,
      "country": "US",
      "state": "WV",
      "postcode": "",
      "city": "",
      "rate": "6.0000",
      "name": "State Tax",
      "priority": 0,
      "compound": false,
      "shipping": true,
      "order": 46,
      "class": "standard",
      "_links": {
        "self": [
            "href": ""
        "collection": [
            "href": ""
      "id": 118,
      "country": "US",
      "state": "WI",
      "postcode": "",
      "city": "",
      "rate": "5.0000",
      "name": "State Tax",
      "priority": 0,
      "compound": false,
      "shipping": true,
      "order": 47,
      "class": "standard",
      "_links": {
        "self": [
            "href": ""
        "collection": [
            "href": ""
      "id": 119,
      "country": "US",
      "state": "WY",
      "postcode": "",
      "city": "",
      "rate": "4.0000",
      "name": "State Tax",
      "priority": 0,
      "compound": false,
      "shipping": true,
      "order": 48,
      "class": "standard",
      "_links": {
        "self": [
            "href": ""
        "collection": [
            "href": ""

Tax classes

The tax classes API allows you to create, view, and delete individual tax classes.

Tax class properties

Attribute Type Description
slug string Unique identifier for the resource. read-only
name string Tax class name. required

Create a tax class

This API helps you to create a new tax class.

HTTP request

curl -X POST \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
  "name": "Zero Rate"
const data = {
  name: "Zero Rate"
};"taxes/classes", data)
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
$data = [
    'name' => 'Zero Rate'

print_r($woocommerce->post('taxes/classes', $data));
data = {
    "name": "Zero Rate"

print("taxes/classes", data).json())
data = {
  name: "Zero Rate"
}"taxes/classes", data).parsed_response

JSON response example:

  "slug": "zero-rate",
  "name": "Zero Rate",
  "_links": {
    "collection": [
        "href": ""

List all tax classes

This API helps you to view all tax classes.

HTTP request

curl \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
<?php print_r($woocommerce->get('taxes/classes')); ?>

JSON response example:

    "slug": "standard",
    "name": "Standard Rate",
    "_links": {
      "collection": [
          "href": ""
    "slug": "reduced-rate",
    "name": "Reduced Rate",
    "_links": {
      "collection": [
          "href": ""
    "slug": "zero-rate",
    "name": "Zero Rate",
    "_links": {
      "collection": [
          "href": ""

Delete a tax class

This API helps you delete a tax class.

HTTP request

curl -X DELETE \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret
WooCommerce.delete("taxes/classes/zero-rate", {
  force: true
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
<?php print_r($woocommerce->delete('taxes/classes/zero-rate', ['force' => true])); ?>
print(wcapi.delete("taxes/classes/zero-rate", params={"force": True}).json())
woocommerce.delete("taxes/classes/zero-rate", force: true).parsed_response

JSON response example:

  "slug": "zero-rate",
  "name": "Zero Rate",
  "_links": {
    "collection": [
        "href": ""

Available parameters

Parameter Type Description
force string Required to be true, since this resource does not support trashing.


The webhooks API allows you to create, view, update, and delete individual, or a batch, of webhooks.

Webhooks can be managed via the WooCommerce settings screen or by using the REST API endpoints. The WC_Webhook class manages all data storage and retrieval of the webhook custom post type, as well as enqueuing webhook actions and processing/delivering/logging webhooks. On woocommerce_init, active webhooks are loaded.

Each webhook has:


The topic is a combination resource (e.g. order) and event (e.g. created) and maps to one or more hook names (e.g. woocommerce_checkout_order_processed). Webhooks can be created using the topic name and the appropriate hooks are automatically added.

Core topics are:

Custom topics can also be used which map to a single hook name, for example you could add a webhook with topic action.woocommerce_add_to_cart that is triggered on that event. Custom topics pass the first hook argument to the payload, so in this example the cart_item_key would be included in the payload.


Delivery is performed using wp_remote_post() (HTTP POST) and processed in the background by default using wp-cron. A few custom headers are added to the request to help the receiver process the webhook:

The payload is JSON encoded and for API resources (coupons, customers, orders, products), the response is exactly the same as if requested via the REST API.


Requests/responses are logged as comments on the webhook custom post type. Each delivery log includes:

Only the 25 most recent delivery logs are kept in order to reduce comment table bloat.

After 5 consecutive failed deliveries (as defined by a non HTTP 2xx response code), the webhook is disabled and must be edited via the REST API to re-enable.

Delivery logs can be fetched through the REST API endpoint or in code using WC_Webhook::get_delivery_logs().

Visual interface

You can find the Webhooks interface going to "WooCommerce" > "Settings" > "API" > "Webhooks", see our Visual Webhooks docs for more details.

Webhook properties

Attribute Type Description
id integer Unique identifier for the resource. read-only
name string A friendly name for the webhook. Default is Webhook created on <date>.
status string Webhook status. Default is active. Options active (delivers payload), paused (does not deliver), or disabled (does not deliver due delivery failures).
topic string Webhook topic, e.g. coupon.updated. See the complete list. required
resource string Webhook resource, e.g. coupon read-only
event string Webhook event, e.g. updated read-only
hooks array WooCommerce action names associated with the webhook. read-only
delivery_url string The URL where the webhook payload is delivered. required
secret string Secret key used to generate a hash of the delivered webhook and provided in the request headers. required write-only
date_created date-time UTC DateTime when the webhook was created read-only
date_modified date-time UTC DateTime when the webhook was last updated read-only

Webhooks delivery properties

Attribute Type Description
id integer Unique identifier for the resource. read-only
duration string The delivery duration, in seconds. read-only
summary string A friendly summary of the response including the HTTP response code, message, and body. read-only
request_url string The URL where the webhook was delivered. read-only
request_headers array Request headers. See Request Headers Attributes for more details. read-only
request_body string Request body. read-only
response_code string The HTTP response code from the receiving server. read-only
response_message string The HTTP response message from the receiving server. read-only
response_headers array Array of the response headers from the receiving server. read-only
response_body string The response body from the receiving server. read-only
date_created date-time The date the webhook delivery was logged, in the site's timezone. read-only

Request header properties

Attribute Type Description
User-Agent string The request user agent, default is "WooCommerce/{version} Hookshot (WordPress/{version})". read-only
Content-Type string The request content-type, default is "application/json". read-only
X-WC-Webhook-Topic string The webhook topic. read-only
X-WC-Webhook-Resource string The webhook resource. read-only
X-WC-Webhook-Event string The webhook event. read-only
X-WC-Webhook-Signature string A base64 encoded HMAC-SHA256 hash of the payload. read-only
X-WC-Webhook-ID integer The webhook's ID. read-only
X-WC-Webhook-Delivery-ID integer The delivery ID. read-only

Create a webhook

This API helps you to create a new webhook.

HTTP request

curl -X POST \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
  "name": "Order updated",
  "topic": "order.updated",
  "delivery_url": ""
const data = {
  name: "Order updated",
  topic: "order.updated",
  delivery_url: ""
};"webhooks", data)
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
$data = [
    'name' => 'Order updated',
    'topic' => 'order.updated',
    'delivery_url' => ''

print_r($woocommerce->post('webhooks', $data));
data = {
    "name": "Order updated",
    "topic": "order.updated",
    "delivery_url": ""

print("webhooks", data).json())
data = {
  name: "Order updated",
  topic: "order.updated",
  delivery_url: ""
}"webhooks", data).parsed_response

JSON response example:

  "id": 142,
  "name": "Order updated",
  "status": "active",
  "topic": "order.updated",
  "resource": "order",
  "event": "updated",
  "hooks": [
  "delivery_url": "",
  "date_created": "2016-05-15T20:17:52",
  "date_modified": "2016-05-15T20:17:52",
  "_links": {
    "self": [
        "href": ""
    "collection": [
        "href": ""

Retrieve a webhook

This API lets you retrieve and view a specific webhook.

HTTP request

curl \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
<?php print_r($woocommerce->get('webhooks/142')); ?>

JSON response example:

  "id": 142,
  "name": "Order updated",
  "status": "active",
  "topic": "order.updated",
  "resource": "order",
  "event": "updated",
  "hooks": [
  "delivery_url": "",
  "date_created": "2016-05-15T20:17:52",
  "date_modified": "2016-05-15T20:17:52",
  "_links": {
    "self": [
        "href": ""
    "collection": [
        "href": ""

List all webhooks

This API helps you to view all the webhooks.

HTTP request

curl \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
<?php print_r($woocommerce->get('webhooks')); ?>

JSON response example:

    "id": 143,
    "name": "Customer created",
    "status": "active",
    "topic": "customer.created",
    "resource": "customer",
    "event": "created",
    "hooks": [
    "delivery_url": "",
    "date_created": "2016-05-15T20:17:52",
    "date_modified": "2016-05-15T20:17:52",
    "_links": {
      "self": [
          "href": ""
      "collection": [
          "href": ""
    "id": 142,
    "name": "Order updated",
    "status": "active",
    "topic": "order.updated",
    "resource": "order",
    "event": "updated",
    "hooks": [
    "delivery_url": "",
    "date_created": "2016-05-15T20:17:52",
    "date_modified": "2016-05-15T20:17:52",
    "_links": {
      "self": [
          "href": ""
      "collection": [
          "href": ""

Available parameters

Parameter Type Description
context string Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response. Options: view and edit.
page integer Current page of the collection.
per_page integer Maximum number of items to be returned in result set.
search string Limit results to those matching a string.
after string Limit response to resources published after a given ISO8601 compliant date.
before string Limit response to resources published before a given ISO8601 compliant date.
exclude string Ensure result set excludes specific ids.
include string Limit result set to specific ids.
offset integer Offset the result set by a specific number of items.
order string Order sort attribute ascending or descending. Default is asc. Options: asc and desc.
orderby string Sort collection by object attribute. Default is date, Options: date, id, include, title and slug.
slug string Limit result set to posts with a specific slug.
status string Limit result set to webhooks assigned a specific status. Default is all. Options: all, active, paused and disabled.

Update a webhook

This API lets you make changes to a webhook.

HTTP request

curl -X PUT \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
  "status": "paused"
const data = {
  status: "paused"

WooCommerce.put("webhooks/142", data)
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
$data = [
    'status' => 'paused'

print_r($woocommerce->put('webhooks/142', $data));
data = {
    "status": "paused"

print(wcapi.put("webhooks/142", data).json())
data = {
  status: "paused"

woocommerce.put("webhooks/142", data).parsed_response

JSON response example:

  "id": 142,
  "name": "Order updated",
  "status": "paused",
  "topic": "order.updated",
  "resource": "order",
  "event": "updated",
  "hooks": [
  "delivery_url": "",
  "date_created": "2016-05-15T20:17:52",
  "date_modified": "2016-05-15T20:30:12",
  "_links": {
    "self": [
        "href": ""
    "collection": [
        "href": ""

Delete a webhook

This API helps you delete a webhook.

HTTP request

curl -X DELETE \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
<?php print_r($woocommerce->delete('webhooks/142')); ?>

JSON response example:

  "id": 142,
  "name": "Order updated",
  "status": "paused",
  "topic": "order.updated",
  "resource": "order",
  "event": "updated",
  "hooks": [
  "delivery_url": "",
  "date_created": "2016-05-15T20:17:52",
  "date_modified": "2016-05-15T20:30:12",
  "_links": {
    "self": [
        "href": ""
    "collection": [
        "href": ""

Available parameters

Parameter Type Description
force string Use true whether to permanently delete the webhook, Defaults is false.

Batch update webhooks

This API helps you to batch create, update and delete multiple webhooks.

HTTP request

curl -X POST \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
  "create": [
      "name": "Coupon created",
      "topic": "coupon.created",
      "delivery_url": ""
      "name": "Customer deleted",
      "topic": "customer.deleted",
      "delivery_url": ""
  "delete": [
const data = {
  create: [
      name: "Round toe",
      topic: "coupon.created",
      delivery_url: ""
      name: "Customer deleted",
      topic: "customer.deleted",
      delivery_url: ""
  delete: [
};"webhooks/batch", data)
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
$data = [
    'create' => [
            'name' => 'Round toe',
            'topic' => 'coupon.created',
            'delivery_url' => ''
            'name' => 'Customer deleted',
            'topic' => 'customer.deleted',
            'delivery_url' => ''
    'delete' => [

print_r($woocommerce->post('webhooks/batch', $data));
data = {
    "create": [
            "name": "Round toe",
            "topic": "coupon.created",
            "delivery_url": ""
            "name": "Customer deleted",
            "topic": "customer.deleted",
            "delivery_url": ""
    "delete": [

print("webhooks/batch", data).json())
data = {
  create: [
      name: "Round toe",
      topic: "coupon.created",
      delivery_url: ""
      name: "Customer deleted",
      topic: "customer.deleted",
      delivery_url: ""
  delete: [
}"webhooks/batch", data).parsed_response

JSON response example:

  "create": [
      "id": 146,
      "name": "Coupon created",
      "status": "active",
      "topic": "coupon.created",
      "resource": "coupon",
      "event": "created",
      "hooks": [
      "delivery_url": "",
      "date_created": "2016-05-24T22:56:26",
      "date_modified": "2016-05-24T22:56:26",
      "_links": {
        "self": [
            "href": ""
        "collection": [
            "href": ""
      "id": 147,
      "name": "Customer deleted",
      "status": "active",
      "topic": "customer.deleted",
      "resource": "customer",
      "event": "deleted",
      "hooks": [
      "delivery_url": "",
      "date_created": "2016-05-24T22:56:30",
      "date_modified": "2016-05-24T22:56:30",
      "_links": {
        "self": [
            "href": ""
        "collection": [
            "href": ""
  "delete": [
      "id": 143,
      "name": "Webhook created on May 24, 2016 @ 03:20 AM",
      "status": "active",
      "topic": "customer.created",
      "resource": "customer",
      "event": "created",
      "hooks": [
      "delivery_url": "",
      "date_created": "2016-05-15T20:17:52",
      "date_modified": "2016-05-15T20:17:52",
      "_links": {
        "self": [
            "href": ""
        "collection": [
            "href": ""

Retrieve webhook delivery

This API lets you retrieve and view a specific webhook delivery.

HTTP request

curl \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
<?php print_r($woocommerce->get('webhooks/142/deliveries/54')); ?>

JSON response example:

  "id": 54,
  "duration": "0.40888",
  "summary": "HTTP 200 OK: ok",
  "request_method": "POST",
  "request_url": "",
  "request_headers": {
    "User-Agent": "WooCommerce/2.6.0 Hookshot (WordPress/4.5.2)",
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
    "X-WC-Webhook-Source": "",
    "X-WC-Webhook-Topic": "order.updated",
    "X-WC-Webhook-Resource": "order",
    "X-WC-Webhook-Event": "updated",
    "X-WC-Webhook-Signature": "J72iu7hL93aUt2dFnyOBoBypwbmP6nt6Aor33nnOHxU=",
    "X-WC-Webhook-ID": 142,
    "X-WC-Webhook-Delivery-ID": 54
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List all webhook deliveries

This API helps you to view all deliveries from a specific webhooks.

HTTP request

curl \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret
  .then((response) => {
  .catch((error) => {
<?php print_r($woocommerce->get('webhooks/142/deliveries')); ?>

JSON response example:

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This documentation is for the WooCommerce REST API v1 which is deprecated since WooCommerce 3.0. Please use the latest REST API version.