NAV Navbar
  • Introduction
  • Authentication
  • Pagination
  • Emails
  • Email Templates
  • Campaigns
  • Newsletter
  • Queue
  • Reports
  • Trigger Requirements
  • Introduction

    Welcome to the WooCommerce Follow-Up Emails REST API! You can use our API to access Follow-Up Emails API endpoints.

    You can view code examples and example responses in the dark area to the right.


    You must be using Follow-Up Emails 4.1 or higher.


    This is the endpoint that all requests would use as a base. Accessing this base endpoint returns information about the API.

    curl -X GET \
        -u consumer_key:consumer_secret

    JSON response example:

        "store": {
            "name": "Test All the Woo Things",
            "description": "Just another WordPress site",
            "URL": "",
            "fue_version": "4.5.2",
            "routes": {
                "/": {
                    "supports": [
                    "meta": {
                        "self": ""
                "/emails": {
                    "supports": [
                    "meta": {
                        "self": ""
                    "accepts_data": true
                "/emails/types": {
                    "supports": [
                    "meta": {
                        "self": ""
                "/emails/<id>": {
                    "supports": [
                    "accepts_data": true
                "/emails/templates": {
                    "supports": [
                    "meta": {
                        "self": ""
                "/emails/send/<id>": {
                    "accepts_data": true,
                    "supports": [
                "/queue": {
                    "supports": [
                    "meta": {
                        "self": ""
                    "accepts_data": true
                "/queue/<id>": {
                    "supports": [
                    "accepts_data": true
                "/reports": {
                    "supports": [
                    "meta": {
                        "self": ""
                "/reports/emails": {
                    "supports": [
                    "meta": {
                        "self": ""
                "/reports/emails/clicks": {
                    "supports": [
                    "meta": {
                        "self": ""
                "/reports/emails/opens": {
                    "supports": [
                    "meta": {
                        "self": ""
                "/reports/emails/ctor": {
                    "supports": [
                    "meta": {
                        "self": ""
                "/reports/users": {
                    "supports": [
                    "meta": {
                        "self": ""
                "/reports/excludes": {
                    "supports": [
                    "meta": {
                        "self": ""
                "/campaigns": {
                    "supports": [
                    "meta": {
                        "self": ""
                "/campaigns/<slug>": {
                    "supports": [
                "/newsletter": {
                    "supports": [
                    "meta": {
                        "self": ""
                "/newsletter/lists": {
                    "supports": [
                    "meta": {
                        "self": ""
                "/newsletter/subscribers": {
                    "supports": [
                    "meta": {
                        "self": ""
                    "accepts_data": true
                "/newsletter/subscribers/<id>": {
                    "supports": [
                    "accepts_data": true
            "meta": []


    The API Keys need to be generated from the WordPress Profile page by an administrator. If WooCommerce (2.2+) is already installed, the API Keys generated by WooCommerce can also be used with the API instead of using separate keys for Follow-Up Emails and WooCommerce.

    REST API keys

    Pre-generated keys can be used to authenticate use of the REST API endpoints. New keys can be generated either through the WordPress admin interface or they can be auto-generated through an endpoint.

    Generating API keys in the WordPress admin interface

    To create or manage keys for a specific WordPress user, go to WooCommerce > Settings > API > Keys/Apps.

    WooCommerce REST API keys settings

    Click the "Add Key" button. In the next screen, add a description and select the WordPress user you would like to generate the key for. Use of the REST API with the generated keys will conform to that user's WordPress roles and capabilities.

    Choose the level of access for this REST API key, which can be Read access, Write access or Read/Write access. Then click the "Generate API Key" button and WooCommerce will generate REST API keys for the selected user.

    Creating a new REST API key

    Now that keys have been generated, you should see two new keys, a QRCode, and a Revoke API Key button. These two keys are your Consumer Key and Consumer Secret.

    Generated REST API key

    Auto generating API keys using our Application Authentication Endpoint

    This endpoint can be used by any APP to allow users to generate API keys for your APP. This makes integration with WooCommerce API easier because the user only needs to grant access to your APP via a URL. After being redirected back to your APP, the API keys will be sent back in a separate POST request.

    The following image illustrates how this works:

    Authentication Endpoint flow

    URL parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    app_name string Your APP name mandatory
    scope string Level of access. Available: read, write and read_write mandatory
    user_id string User ID in your APP. For your internal reference, used when the user is redirected back to your APP. NOT THE USER ID IN WOOCOMMERCE mandatory
    return_url string URL the user will be redirected to after authentication mandatory
    callback_url string URL that will receive the generated API key. Note: this URL should be over HTTPS mandatory

    Creating an authentication endpoint URL

    You must use the /wc-auth/v1/authorize endpoint and pass the above parameters as a query string.

    Example of how to build an authentication URL:

    # Bash example
    PARAMS="app_name=My App Name&scope=read_write&user_id=123&return_url="
    QUERY_STRING="$(perl -MURI::Escape -e 'print uri_escape($ARGV[0]);' "$PARAMS")"
    QUERY_STRING=$(echo $QUERY_STRING | sed -e "s/%20/\+/g" -e "s/%3D/\=/g" -e "s/%26/\&/g")

    Example of the screen that the user will see:

    Authentication Endpoint example


    Authentication over HTTPS

    You may use HTTP Basic Auth by providing the REST API Consumer Key as the username and the REST API Consumer Secret as the password.

    HTTP Basic Auth example

    curl \
        -u consumer_key:consumer_secret

    Occasionally some servers may not parse the Authorization header correctly (if you see a "Consumer key is missing" error when authenticating over SSL, you have a server issue). In this case, you may provide the consumer key/secret as query string parameters instead.

    Example for servers that not properly parse the Authorization header:


    Authentication over HTTP

    You must use OAuth 1.0a "one-legged" authentication to ensure REST API credentials cannot be intercepted by an attacker. Typically you will use any standard OAuth 1.0a library in the language of your choice to handle the authentication, or generate the necessary parameters by following the following instructions.

    Creating a signature

    Collect the request method and URL

    First you need to determine the HTTP method you will be using for the request, and the URL of the request.

    The HTTP method will be GET in our case.

    The Request URL will be the endpoint you are posting to, e.g.

    Collect parameters

    Collect and normalize your query string parameters. This includes all oauth_* parameters except for the oauth_signature itself.

    These values need to be encoded into a single string which will be used later on. The process to build the string is very specific:

    1. Percent encode every key and value that will be signed.
    2. Sort the list of parameters alphabetically by encoded key.
    3. For each key/value pair:
      • Append the encoded key to the output string.
      • Append the = character to the output string.
      • Append the encoded value to the output string.
      • If there are more key/value pairs remaining, append a & character to the output string.

    When percent encoding in PHP for example, you would use rawurlencode().

    When sorting parameters in PHP for example, you would use uksort( $params, 'strcmp' ).

    Parameters example:


    Create the signature base string

    The above values collected so far must be joined to make a single string, from which the signature will be generated. This is called the signature base string in the OAuth specification.

    To encode the HTTP method, request URL, and parameter string into a single string:

    1. Set the output string equal to the uppercase HTTP Method.
    2. Append the & character to the output string.
    3. Percent encode the URL and append it to the output string.
    4. Append the & character to the output string.
    5. Percent encode the parameter string and append it to the output string.

    Example signature base string:


    Generate the signature

    Generate the signature using the signature base string and your consumer secret key with a & character with the HMAC-SHA1 hashing algorithm.

    In PHP you can use the hash_hmac function.

    HMAC-SHA1 or HMAC-SHA256 are the only accepted hash algorithms.

    If you are having trouble generating a correct signature, you'll want to review the string you are signing for encoding errors. The authentication source can also be helpful in understanding how to properly generate the signature.

    OAuth tips


    Requests that return multiple items will be paginated to 20 items by default. You can specify further pages with the ?page parameter:

    GET /emails?page=2

    Page number is 1-based and ommiting the ?page parameter will return the first page.

    The total number of resources and pages are always included in the X-FUE-Total and X-FUE-TotalPages HTTP headers.


    This section lists all API that can be used to create, edit or otherwise manipulate emails.

    Email Properties

    Attribute Type Description
    type string The type of email - one of storewide, signup, manual, customer, or twitter see Email Types
    template string The FUE template to use. WooCommerce by default
    name string The name to use for this email
    subject string The subject line for the email
    message string The message/text of the email
    status string Email status. One of active, inactive, or archive
    trigger string What triggers the email. See which triggers are available for each email type here
    interval int Decimal that is used together with the duration to define the sending schedule
    duration string Possible values are minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, and date
    always_send bool Only available for email types of storewide. Passing true will disregard the priority and send all emails that match the event's parameters
    tracking_code string URL tracking code. See this tool to get the URL for Google Analytics
    send_date string Used when the interval is 'date', in ISO 8601 format
    product_id int The email will only be triggered if the purchased product matches this setting. Parameter available for email types of storewide, reminder, subscription, wootickets
    category_id int Similar in nature to product_id but only available to storewide emails
    campaign string The campaign(s) this email belongs to. Campaign will be created if it doesn't exist. Separate with comma if passing multiple campaigns.
    requirements string Set additional requirements that allows for a more controlled email sending. See Requirements

    Email Types

    Retrieve the types of emails available.

    HTTP Request

    curl -X GET \
        -u consumer_key:consumer_secret

    JSON response example:

        "storewide": {
            "id": "storewide",
            "priority": 9,
            "label": "Storewide Emails",
            "singular_label": "Storewide Email",
            "triggers": {
                "first_purchase": "after first purchase",
                "cart": "after added to cart",
                "product_purchase_above_one": "after customer purchased more than one time",
                "downloadable_file_added": "after downloadable file added",
                "downloaded": "after file downloaded",
                "not_downloaded": "file not yet downloaded",
                "coupon": "after Coupon used",
                "pending": "after Order Status: pending",
                "processing": "after Order Status: processing",
                "on-hold": "after Order Status: on-hold",
                "completed": "after Order Status: completed",
                "cancelled": "after Order Status: cancelled",
                "refunded": "after Order Status: refunded",
                "failed": "after Order Status: failed",
                "refund_manual": "after refunded manually",
                "refund_successful": "after refunded successfully",
                "refund_failed": "after refund failed"
            "conditions": null,
            "durations": {
                "minutes": [
                "hours": [
                "days": [
                "weeks": [
                "months": [
                "years": [
            "short_description": "Create your emails for all, or specific, products or categories as well as abandoned carts.",
            "long_description": "Create your emails for all, or specific, products or categories as well as abandoned carts.",
            "supports": [
            "list_template": "/opt/plugins/woocommerce-follow-up-emails/templates/email-list/storewide-list.php"
        "signup": {
            "id": "signup",
            "priority": 10,
            "label": "Signup Emails",
            "singular_label": "Signup Email",
            "triggers": {
                "signup": "after user signs up",
                "list_signup": "after user signs up to a list"
            "conditions": null,
            "durations": {
                "minutes": [
                "hours": [
                "days": [
                "weeks": [
                "months": [
                "years": [
            "short_description": "Create emails to send when a user creates an account in your store, or signs up for a list.",
            "long_description": "Create emails to send when a user creates an account in your store, or signs up for a list.",
            "supports": [
        "manual": {
            "id": "manual",
            "priority": 10,
            "label": "Manual Emails",
            "singular_label": "Manual Email",
            "triggers": [],
            "conditions": null,
            "durations": [],
            "short_description": "Create manual emails to have templates, and create newsletters, for ad-hoc emails to customers and prospects.",
            "long_description": "Create manual emails to have templates, and create newsletters, for ad-hoc emails to customers and prospects.",
            "list_template": "/opt/plugins/woocommerce-follow-up-emails/templates/email-list/manual-list.php",
            "supports": []
        "customer": {
            "id": "customer",
            "priority": 10,
            "label": "Customer Emails",
            "singular_label": "Customer Email",
            "triggers": {
                "after_last_purchase": "after last purchase",
                "order_total_above": "after order total is above",
                "order_total_below": "after order total is below",
                "purchase_above_one": "after customer purchased more than one time",
                "total_orders": "after total orders by customer",
                "total_purchases": "after total purchase amount by customer"
            "conditions": null,
            "durations": {
                "minutes": [
                "hours": [
                "days": [
                "weeks": [
                "months": [
                "years": [
            "short_description": "Engage your customers by following up with emails specifically related to customer lifetime value metrics.",
            "long_description": "Engage your customers by following up with emails specifically related to customer lifetime value metrics.",
            "list_template": "/opt/plugins/woocommerce-follow-up-emails/templates/email-list/storewide-list.php"
        "twitter": {
            "id": "twitter",
            "priority": 10,
            "label": "Twitter Messages",
            "singular_label": "Twitter Message",
            "triggers": {
                "first_purchase": "after first purchase",
                "cart": "after added to cart",
                "product_purchase_above_one": "after customer purchased more than one time",
                "downloadable_file_added": "after downloadable file added",
                "downloaded": "after file downloaded",
                "not_downloaded": "file not yet downloaded",
                "coupon": "after Coupon used",
                "pending": "after Order Status: pending",
                "processing": "after Order Status: processing",
                "on-hold": "after Order Status: on-hold",
                "completed": "after Order Status: completed",
                "cancelled": "after Order Status: cancelled",
                "refunded": "after Order Status: refunded",
                "failed": "after Order Status: failed",
                "refund_manual": "after refunded manually",
                "refund_successful": "after refunded successfully",
                "refund_failed": "after refund failed"
            "conditions": null,
            "durations": {
                "minutes": [
                "hours": [
                "days": [
                "weeks": [
                "months": [
                "years": [
            "short_description": "Collect @twitter usernames from your customers and create followups that tweet messages to your customers.",
            "long_description": "Collect @twitter usernames from your customers and create followups that tweet messages to your customers.",
            "list_template": "/opt/plugins/woocommerce-follow-up-emails/templates/email-list/twitter-list.php"

    Create a New Follow-Up Email

    This API helps you to create a new Follow-up Email.

    HTTP request

    curl -X POST \
        -u consumer_key:consumer_secret \
        -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
        -d '{
            "type": "storewide",
            "template": "woocommercee",
            "name": "My Test API Email",
            "subject": "My Test Subject Line",
            "message": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.",
            "status": "active",
            "trigger": "refunded",
            "interval": 1,
            "duration": "minutes",
            "always_send": false,
            "tracking_code": "",
            "product_id": 99,
            "campaign": "My FUE campaign"

    JSON response example:

        "email": {
            "id": 8339,
            "created_at": "2017-11-02 14:27:45",
            "type": "storewide",
            "template": "woocommercee",
            "name": "My Test API Email",
            "subject": "My Test Subject Line",
            "message": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.",
            "status": "active",
            "trigger": "first_purchase",
            "trigger_string": "1 minutes  after first purchase",
            "interval": "1",
            "duration": "minutes",
            "always_send": "0",
            "product_id": "99",
            "category_id": "",
            "campaigns": [
            "requirements": []

    Update Email

    Updates an existing email using the same parameters for creating new emails.

    HTTP request

    curl -X POST \
        -u consumer_key:consumer_secret \
        -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
        -d '{
            "type": "storewide",
            "template": "woocommercee",
            "name": "My Test API Email with edited name goodness",
            "subject": "My Test Subject Line",
            "message": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.",
            "status": "active",
            "trigger": "refunded",
            "interval": 1,
            "duration": "minutes",
            "always_send": false,
            "tracking_code": "",
            "product_id": 99,
            "campaign": "My FUE campaign"

    JSON response example:

        "email": {
            "id": 8388,
            "created_at": "2017-11-13 13:24:48",
            "type": "storewide",
            "template": "woocommercee",
            "name": "My Test API Email with edited name goodness",
            "subject": "My Test Subject Line",
            "message": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.",
            "status": "active",
            "trigger": "first_purchase",
                                    "trigger_string": "1 minutes  after first purchase",
            "interval": "1",
            "duration": "minutes",
            "always_send": "0",
            "product_id": "99",
            "category_id": "",
            "campaigns": [
            "requirements": []

    List Emails

    Returns a list of emails



    Filter Description
    type The email type (e.g. storewide)
    status Email status. active, inactive or archived
    campaign Only show emails under the given campaign
    limit The number of results to return per page

    GET /emails?filter[type]=signup&filter[status]=active&filter[limit]=10

    HTTP Request

    curl -X GET \
        -u consumer_key:consumer_secret

    JSON response example:

            "email": {
                "id": 8388,
                "created_at": "2017-11-13 13:24:48",
                "type": "storewide",
                "template": "woocommercee",
                "name": "My Test API Email with edited name goodness",
                "subject": "My Test Subject Line",
                "message": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.",
                "status": "active",
                "trigger": "first_purchase",
                "trigger_string": "1 minutes  after first purchase",
                "interval": "1",
                "duration": "minutes",
                "always_send": "0",
                "product_id": "99",
                "category_id": "",
                "campaigns": [
                "requirements": []

    Retrieve an Email

    Returns an email object.

    HTTP Request

    curl -X GET \
        -u consumer_key:consumer_secret

    JSON response example:

            "email": {
                "id": 8388,
                "created_at": "2017-11-13 13:24:48",
                "type": "storewide",
                "template": "woocommercee",
                "name": "My Test API Email with edited name goodness",
                "subject": "My Test Subject Line",
                "message": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.",
                "status": "active",
                "trigger": "first_purchase",
                "trigger_string": "1 minutes  after first purchase",
                "interval": "1",
                "duration": "minutes",
                "always_send": "0",
                "product_id": "99",
                "category_id": "",
                "campaigns": [
                "requirements": []

    Send a Manual Email

    Sends a manual email.


    Param Descriptions
    send_type email or subscribers are supported by default.
    recipient_email Email address of the recipient if send_type is email
    email_list The list to send to the email to if send_type is subscribers. Passing an empty value will send to all subscribers.
    schedule_email 1 to enable scheduling. Defaults to 0
    sending_schedule_date Required if schedule_email is enabled. RFC3339 date/time format
    send_again 1 to send the same email again after a certain period of time. Defaults to 0
    interval Integer used in scheduling the second email
    interval_duration Valid values are minutes, hours, days, weeks, months or years
    tracking Google Analytics tracking code that will be appended to URLs in the email

    HTTP Request

    curl -X POST \
        -u consumer_key:consumer_secret \
        -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
        -d '{
            "send_type": "email",
            "recipient_email": "dev-email@flywheel.local",
            "tracking": false

    JSON response example:

            "item": {
                "id": "21",
                "user_id": "0",
                "user_email": "dev-email@flywheel.local",
                "order_id": "0",
                "product_id": "0",
                "email_id": "8390",
                "email": {
                    "email": {
                        "id": 8390,
                        "created_at": "2017-11-13 14:01:32",
                        "type": "manual",
                        "template": "WooCommerce",
                        "name": "manual email test",
                        "subject": "this is a test",
                        "message": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.",
                        "status": "active",
                        "trigger": "date",
                        "trigger_string": "Manual Email",
                        "interval": "1",
                        "duration": "0",
                        "always_send": "1",
                        "product_id": "0",
                        "category_id": "0",
                        "campaigns": [],
                        "requirements": []
                "date_scheduled": "2017-11-13T14:08:15Z",
                "is_cart": "0",
                "is_sent": "0",
                "date_sent": "-0001-11-30T05:14:00Z",
                "email_trigger": "Manual Email",
                "meta": {
                    "recipient_key": "0|dev-email@flywheel.local|",
                    "recipient": [
                    "user_id": 0,
                    "email_address": "dev-email@flywheel.local",
                    "user_name": "",
                    "subject": "this is a test",
                    "message": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.",
                    "codes": [],
                    "notes": [
                            "date": "2017-11-13 14:08:15",
                            "message": "The email \"manual email test\" has been added to the queue (Queue ID #21)"

    Email Templates

    List Templates

    Lists the email templates.

    HTTP Request

    curl -X GET \
        -u consumer_key:consumer_secret

    JSON response example:

        "template": {
            "id": "fue-responsive-one-column.html",
            "name": "Responsive 1 Column",
            "sections": [
    }, {
        "template": {
            "id": "fue-responsive-three-column-hero.html",
            "name": "Responsive 3 Columns with Hero",
            "sections": [
    }, {
        "template": {
            "id": "fue-responsive-two-sub-columns.html",
            "name": "Responsive 2 Columns",
            "sections": [
                "title_two</h2>\n                                                <h4>{section:subtitle_two",
    }, {
        "template": {
            "id": "WooCommerce",
            "name": null,
            "sections": []


    List Campaigns

    Returns a list of campaigns

    curl -X GET \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret

    JSON response example:

        "campaign": {
            "id": "api",
            "name": "API"
    }, {
        "campaign": {
            "id": "intro",
            "name": "Intro"

    List All Emails in a Campaign

    Returns a list of emails

    HTTP Request

    curl -X GET \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret

    JSON response example:

                   "id": 3455,
                   "created_at": "2015-01-15 07:13:04",
                   "type": "storewide",
                   "template": "WooCommerce",
                   "name": "Your Order - {store_name}",
                   "subject": "Order Complete",
                   "message": "{section:header}Hello {customer_name}!{/section}",
                   "status": "archived",
                   "trigger": "completed",
                   "trigger_string": "10 minutes after Order Status: completed",
                   "interval": "10",
                   "duration": "minutes",
                   "always_send": "0",
                   "product_id": "0",
                   "category_id": "0",


    List Newsletter Lists

    Returns all available newsletter lists

    HTTP request

    curl -X GET \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret

    JSON response example:


    List Subscribers

    Returns a list of subscribers. A filter is available to only return subscribers belonging to a particular list.

    HTTP request

    curl -X GET[list]=campaign2015 \
    -u consumer_key:consumer_secret

    JSON response example:

                    "id": "11",
                    "email": "",
                    "date_added": "2015-04-09 09:38:57",
                    "email_list": "campaign2015"

    Add New Subscribers

    Adds an email address and optionally to a mailing list or lists

    Key Type Description
    email string The email address to add. Separate emails using a comma to add multiple emails at once
    list integer (list id) or string (list name) or array of list ids or list names Optional. The list to add the email address(es) to.

    HTTP request

    curl -X POST \
        -u consumer_key:consumer_secret \
        -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
        -d '{
            "email": "",
            "list": [2,3]

    JSON response example:

        "subscribers": [
                "id": "6",
                "email": "",
                "date_added": "2017-11-22 09:32:32",
                "lists": [
                        "id": "3",
                        "name": "Marketing list"
                        "id": "2",
                        "name": "My List"

    Edit a Subscriber

    Key Type Description
    email string Optional. Change the email address of the subscriber.
    lists integer (list id) or string (list name) or array or list ids or list names Optional. Assign subscriber to the given lists. Separate with comma if using multiple lists. Pass an empty value to remove from all lists.

    HTTP request

    curl -X POST \
        -u consumer_key:consumer_secret \
        -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
        -d '{
            "email": "",
            "list": [2,3]

    JSON response example:

        "subscriber": {
            "id": "6",
            "email": "",
            "first_name": "",
            "last_name": "",
            "date_added": "2017-11-22 09:32:32",
            "lists": [{
                "id": "3",
                "name": "Marketing List"
            }, {
                "id": "2",
                "name": "My List"

    Delete Subscribers

    Deletes a subscriber.

    HTTP Request

    curl -X DELETE \
        -u consumer_key:consumer_secret

    JSON response example:

        "ack": "OK"


    List Queue

    Returns a list of items in the Queue.


    Filter Description
    user_id Return items matching a user's ID
    user_email Match the recipient's email address
    order_id WooCommerce Order ID that triggered the email
    product_id WooCommerce Product ID that triggered the email
    email Return item's linked email object
    cart Boolean. Pass true to retrieve cart emails
    sent Boolean. Pass true to retrieve sent items
    status 0: Suspended; 1: Active
    date_sent_from RFC3339 date/time format in UTC timezone
    date_sent_to RFC3339 date/time format in UTC timezone
    date_scheduled_from RFC3339 date/time format in UTC timezone
    date_scheduled_to RFC3339 date/time format in UTC timezone
    limit Limit the number of results per page

    HTTP Request

    curl -X GET \
        -u consumer_key:consumer_secret

    JSON response example:

        "item": {
            "id": "22",
            "user_id": "0",
            "user_email": "",
            "order_id": "0",
            "product_id": "0",
            "email_id": "0",
            "email": null,
            "date_scheduled": "2017-11-14T06:00:00Z",
            "is_cart": "0",
            "is_sent": "0",
            "date_sent": "-0001-11-30T05:14:00Z",
            "email_trigger": "Daily summary",
            "meta": {
                "daily_summary": true,
                "email": "",
                "subject": "Follow-up emails summary",
                "message": "",
                "notes": [{
                    "date": "2017-11-14 07:20:31",
                    "message": "Email has been added to the queue (Queue ID #22)"
                }, {
                    "date": "2017-11-14 07:20:31",
                    "message": "Email is scheduled to be sent on 2017-11-14 06:00:00"
                }, {
                    "date": "2017-11-14 07:22:10",
                    "message": "Skipped sending because there was no message to be sent"
    }, {
        "item": {
            "id": "23",
            "user_id": "0",
            "user_email": "",
            "order_id": "0",
            "product_id": "0",
            "email_id": "0",
            "email": null,
            "date_scheduled": "2017-11-15T06:00:00Z",
            "is_cart": "0",
            "is_sent": "0",
            "date_sent": "-0001-11-30T05:14:00Z",
            "email_trigger": "Daily summary",
            "meta": {
                "daily_summary": true,
                "email": "",
                "subject": "Follow-up emails summary",
                "message": "",
                "notes": [{
                    "date": "2017-11-14 07:22:10",
                    "message": "Email has been added to the queue (Queue ID #23)"
                }, {
                    "date": "2017-11-14 07:22:10",
                    "message": "Email is scheduled to be sent on 2017-11-15 06:00:00"
                }, {
                    "date": "2017-11-15 06:00:43",
                    "message": "Skipped sending because there was no message to be sent"
    }, {
        "item": {
            "id": "24",
            "user_id": "0",
            "user_email": "",
            "order_id": "0",
            "product_id": "0",
            "email_id": "0",
            "email": null,
            "date_scheduled": "2017-11-15T06:00:00Z",
            "is_cart": "0",
            "is_sent": "0",
            "date_sent": "-0001-11-30T05:14:00Z",
            "email_trigger": "Daily summary",
            "meta": {
                "daily_summary": true,
                "email": "",
                "subject": "Follow-up emails summary",
                "message": "",
                "notes": [{
                    "date": "2017-11-15 06:00:43",
                    "message": "Email has been added to the queue (Queue ID #24)"
                }, {
                    "date": "2017-11-15 06:00:43",
                    "message": "Email is scheduled to be sent on 2017-11-15 06:00:00"
                }, {
                    "date": "2017-11-15 06:10:16",
                    "message": "Skipped sending because there was no message to be sent"
    }, {
        "item": {
            "id": "27",
            "user_id": "0",
            "user_email": "",
            "order_id": "0",
            "product_id": "0",
            "email_id": "0",
            "email": null,
            "date_scheduled": "2017-11-16T06:00:00Z",
            "is_cart": "0",
            "is_sent": "0",
            "date_sent": "-0001-11-30T05:14:00Z",
            "email_trigger": "Daily summary",
            "meta": {
                "daily_summary": true,
                "email": "",
                "subject": "Follow-up emails summary",
                "message": "",
                "notes": [{
                    "date": "2017-11-16 07:17:14",
                    "message": "Email has been added to the queue (Queue ID #27)"
                }, {
                    "date": "2017-11-16 07:17:14",
                    "message": "Email is scheduled to be sent on 2017-11-16 06:00:00"
                }, {
                    "date": "2017-11-16 07:17:50",
                    "message": "Skipped sending because there was no message to be sent"
    }, {
        "item": {
            "id": "28",
            "user_id": "0",
            "user_email": "",
            "order_id": "0",
            "product_id": "0",
            "email_id": "0",
            "email": null,
            "date_scheduled": "2017-11-17T06:00:00Z",
            "is_cart": "0",
            "is_sent": "0",
            "date_sent": "-0001-11-30T05:14:00Z",
            "email_trigger": "Daily summary",
            "meta": {
                "daily_summary": true,
                "email": "",
                "subject": "Follow-up emails summary",
                "message": "",
                "notes": [{
                    "date": "2017-11-16 07:17:50",
                    "message": "Email has been added to the queue (Queue ID #28)"
                }, {
                    "date": "2017-11-16 07:17:50",
                    "message": "Email is scheduled to be sent on 2017-11-17 06:00:00"
                }, {
                    "date": "2017-11-20 07:35:04",
                    "message": "Skipped sending because there was no message to be sent"
    }, {
        "item": {
            "id": "29",
            "user_id": "0",
            "user_email": "",
            "order_id": "0",
            "product_id": "0",
            "email_id": "0",
            "email": null,
            "date_scheduled": "2017-11-17T06:00:00Z",
            "is_cart": "0",
            "is_sent": "0",
            "date_sent": "-0001-11-30T05:14:00Z",
            "email_trigger": "Daily summary",
            "meta": {
                "daily_summary": true,
                "email": "",
                "subject": "Follow-up emails summary",
                "message": "",
                "notes": [{
                    "date": "2017-11-20 07:35:04",
                    "message": "Email has been added to the queue (Queue ID #29)"
                }, {
                    "date": "2017-11-20 07:35:04",
                    "message": "Email is scheduled to be sent on 2017-11-17 06:00:00"
                }, {
                    "date": "2017-11-20 07:36:33",
                    "message": "Skipped sending because there was no message to be sent"
    }, {
        "item": {
            "id": "30",
            "user_id": "0",
            "user_email": "",
            "order_id": "0",
            "product_id": "0",
            "email_id": "0",
            "email": null,
            "date_scheduled": "2017-11-21T06:00:00Z",
            "is_cart": "0",
            "is_sent": "0",
            "date_sent": "-0001-11-30T05:14:00Z",
            "email_trigger": "Daily summary",
            "meta": {
                "daily_summary": true,
                "email": "",
                "subject": "Follow-up emails summary",
                "message": "",
                "notes": [{
                    "date": "2017-11-20 07:36:33",
                    "message": "Email has been added to the queue (Queue ID #30)"
                }, {
                    "date": "2017-11-20 07:36:33",
                    "message": "Email is scheduled to be sent on 2017-11-21 06:00:00"
                }, {
                    "date": "2017-11-21 06:00:16",
                    "message": "Skipped sending because there was no message to be sent"
    }, {
        "item": {
            "id": "31",
            "user_id": "0",
            "user_email": "",
            "order_id": "0",
            "product_id": "0",
            "email_id": "0",
            "email": null,
            "date_scheduled": "2017-11-21T06:00:00Z",
            "is_cart": "0",
            "is_sent": "0",
            "date_sent": "-0001-11-30T05:14:00Z",
            "email_trigger": "Daily summary",
            "meta": {
                "daily_summary": true,
                "email": "",
                "subject": "Follow-up emails summary",
                "message": "",
                "notes": [{
                    "date": "2017-11-21 06:00:16",
                    "message": "Email has been added to the queue (Queue ID #31)"
                }, {
                    "date": "2017-11-21 06:00:16",
                    "message": "Email is scheduled to be sent on 2017-11-21 06:00:00"
                }, {
                    "date": "2017-11-21 06:01:16",
                    "message": "Skipped sending because there was no message to be sent"
    }, {
        "item": {
            "id": "32",
            "user_id": "0",
            "user_email": "",
            "order_id": "0",
            "product_id": "0",
            "email_id": "0",
            "email": null,
            "date_scheduled": "2017-11-22T06:00:00Z",
            "is_cart": "0",
            "is_sent": "0",
            "date_sent": "-0001-11-30T05:14:00Z",
            "email_trigger": "Daily summary",
            "meta": {
                "daily_summary": true,
                "email": "",
                "subject": "Follow-up emails summary",
                "message": "",
                "notes": [{
                    "date": "2017-11-21 06:01:16",
                    "message": "Email has been added to the queue (Queue ID #32)"
                }, {
                    "date": "2017-11-21 06:01:16",
                    "message": "Email is scheduled to be sent on 2017-11-22 06:00:00"
                }, {
                    "date": "2017-11-22 07:14:17",
                    "message": "Skipped sending because there was no message to be sent"
    }, {
        "item": {
            "id": "33",
            "user_id": "0",
            "user_email": "",
            "order_id": "0",
            "product_id": "0",
            "email_id": "0",
            "email": null,
            "date_scheduled": "2017-11-22T06:00:00Z",
            "is_cart": "0",
            "is_sent": "0",
            "date_sent": "-0001-11-30T05:14:00Z",
            "email_trigger": "Daily summary",
            "meta": {
                "daily_summary": true,
                "email": "",
                "subject": "Follow-up emails summary",
                "message": "",
                "notes": [{
                    "date": "2017-11-22 07:14:17",
                    "message": "Email has been added to the queue (Queue ID #33)"
                }, {
                    "date": "2017-11-22 07:14:17",
                    "message": "Email is scheduled to be sent on 2017-11-22 06:00:00"
                }, {
                    "date": "2017-11-22 07:14:50",
                    "message": "Skipped sending because there was no message to be sent"

    Get a Specific Queue Item

    HTTP Request

    curl -X GET \
        -u consumer_key:consumer_secret

    JSON response example:

        "item": {
            "id": "33",
            "user_id": "0",
            "user_email": "",
            "order_id": "0",
            "product_id": "0",
            "email_id": "0",
            "email": null,
            "date_scheduled": "2017-11-22T06:00:00Z",
            "is_cart": "0",
            "is_sent": "0",
            "date_sent": "-0001-11-30T05:14:00Z",
            "email_trigger": "Daily summary",
            "meta": {
                "daily_summary": true,
                "email": "",
                "subject": "Follow-up emails summary",
                "message": "",
                "notes": [{
                    "date": "2017-11-22 07:14:17",
                    "message": "Email has been added to the queue (Queue ID #33)"
                }, {
                    "date": "2017-11-22 07:14:17",
                    "message": "Email is scheduled to be sent on 2017-11-22 06:00:00"
                }, {
                    "date": "2017-11-22 07:14:50",
                    "message": "Skipped sending because there was no message to be sent"

    Create a Queue Item


    Parameter Description
    email_id Email ID linked to the queue item
    user_id User ID of the customer. 0 for guests
    user_email Email address of the recipient
    order_id WooCommerce Order ID
    product_id WooCommerce Product ID
    send_date Scheduled send date in UTC
    is_cart Flag for add_to_cart emails. 1 for cart emails, 0 otherwise.
    is_sent Flag for sent emails. 1 if email has been sent.
    meta An array of metadata. Values depend on the email type and trigger
    status 0 for suspended and 1 for active

    HTTP Request

    curl -X POST \
        -u consumer_key:consumer_secret \
        -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
        -d '{
            "email_id": "8344",
            "user_id": "0",
            "user_email": "",
            "order_id": "0",
            "product_id": "0",
            "send_date": "2017-11-22T06:00:00Z",
            "is_cart": "0",
            "is_sent": "0",
            "meta": {}

    JSON response example:

        "item": {
            "id": "62",
            "user_id": "0",
            "user_email": "",
            "order_id": "0",
            "product_id": "0",
            "email_id": "8344",
            "email": {
                "email": {
                    "id": 8344,
                    "created_at": "2017-11-03 07:32:15",
                    "type": "storewide",
                    "template": "woocommercee",
                    "name": "My Test API Email",
                    "subject": "My Test Subject Line",
                    "message": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.",
                    "status": "active",
                    "trigger": "first_purchase",
                    "trigger_string": "0  after first purchase",
                    "interval": "",
                    "duration": "",
                    "always_send": "0",
                    "product_id": "99",
                    "category_id": "",
                    "campaigns": [
                    "requirements": []
            "date_scheduled": "2017-11-22T06:00:00Z",
            "is_cart": "0",
            "is_sent": "0",
            "date_sent": "2017-12-12T16:29:37Z",
            "email_trigger": "",
            "meta": []

    Edit a Queue Item


    Parameter Description
    email_id Email ID linked to the queue item
    user_id User ID of the customer. 0 for guests
    user_email Email address of the recipient
    order_id WooCommerce Order ID
    product_id WooCommerce Product ID
    send_date Scheduled send date in UTC
    is_cart Flag for add_to_cart emails. 1 for cart emails, 0 otherwise.
    is_sent Flag for sent emails. 1 if email has been sent.
    meta An array of metadata. Values depend on the email type and trigger
    status 0 for suspended and 1 for active

    HTTP Request

    curl -X POST; \
        -u consumer_key:consumer_secret \
        -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
        -d '{
            "send_date": "2017-12-22T06:00:00Z"

    JSON response example:

        "item": {
            "id": "62",
            "user_id": "0",
            "user_email": "",
            "order_id": "0",
            "product_id": "0",
            "email_id": "8344",
            "email": {
                "email": {
                    "id": 8344,
                    "created_at": "2017-11-03 07:32:15",
                    "type": "storewide",
                    "template": "woocommercee",
                    "name": "My Test API Email",
                    "subject": "My Test Subject Line",
                    "message": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.",
                    "status": "active",
                    "trigger": "first_purchase",
                    "trigger_string": "0  after first purchase",
                    "interval": "",
                    "duration": "",
                    "always_send": "0",
                    "product_id": "99",
                    "category_id": "",
                    "campaigns": [
                    "requirements": []
            "date_scheduled": "2017-12-22T06:00:00Z",
            "is_cart": "0",
            "is_sent": "0",
            "date_sent": "2017-12-12T16:29:37Z",
            "email_trigger": "",
            "meta": []

    Delete a Queue Item

    Deletes an item from the queue.

    HTTP Request

    curl -X DELETE \
        -u consumer_key:consumer_secret

    JSON response example:

        "message": "Deleted queue item"


    List Available Reports

    Lists the available reports.

    HTTP Request

    curl -X GET \
        -u consumer_key:consumer_secret

    JSON response example:

        "reports": [

    Basic Email Reports

    Retrieve a basic report of emails


    Filter Description
    limit Limit the number of results per page

    HTTP Request

    curl -X GET[limit]=25 \
        -u consumer_key:consumer_secret

    JSON response example:

        "emails": [{
                "email": "Processing",
                "email_trigger": "1 minute after Order Status: processing",
                "num_sent": "6",
                "num_opens": "0",
                "num_clicks": "0"
            }, {
                "email": "Marketing Upsell",
                "email_trigger": "1 minute after Order Status: processing",
                "num_sent": "3",
                "num_opens": "0",
                "num_clicks": "0"
            }, {
                "email": "Sports Only",
                "email_trigger": "1 minute After Booking Status: confirmed",
                "num_sent": "4",
                "num_opens": "0",
                "num_clicks": "0"


    Filter Description
    limit Limit the number of results per page

    HTTP Request

    curl -X GET[limit]=25 \
        -u consumer_key:consumer_secret

    JSON response example:

        "clicks": [{
                "queue_id": "485",
                "email_id": "1377",
                "user_id": "0",
                "email": "",
                "target_url": "",
                "date_added": "2015-01-21 14:30:41"
            }, {
                "queue_id": "470",
                "email_id": "697",
                "user_id": "27",
                "email": "",
                "target_url": "",
                "date_added": "2015-01-20 11:44:54"

    Get Email Open Details

    Lists details of opened emails


    Filter Description
    limit Limit the number of results per page

    HTTP Request

    curl -X GET[limit]=25 \
        -u consumer_key:consumer_secret

    JSON response example:

        "opens": [{
                "queue_id": "485",
                "email_id": "1377",
                "user_id": "0",
                "email": "",
                "date_added": "2015-01-21 14:30:41"
            }, {
                "queue_id": "470",
                "email_id": "697",
                "user_id": "27",
                "email": "",
                "date_added": "2015-01-20 11:44:54"

    Get Top Click to Open Rate (CTOR) Emails

    Returns a CTOR object

    HTTP Request

    curl -X GET \
        -u consumer_key:consumer_secret

    JSON response example:

        "ctor": [{
                "email_id": "311",
                "clicks": "50",
                "opens": "211",
                "ctor": "23.7"
            }, {
                "email_id": "330",
                "clicks": "27",
                "opens": "121",
                "ctor": "22.3"

    User Reports

    User reporting


    Filter Description
    limit Limit the results returned per page

    HTTP Request

    curl -X GET[limit]=15 \
        -u consumer_key:consumer_secret

    JSON response example:

        "users": [{
                "id": 1,
                "name": "John Test",
                "sent": 63,
                "opens": 0,
                "clicks": 0
            }, {
                "id": 27,
                "name": "test-wp-user",
                "sent": 1,
                "opens": 1,
                "clicks": 0
            }, {
                "id": 0,
                "name": "Miley West",
                "sent": 4,
                "opens": 2,
                "clicks": 1

    List Opt-Outs


    Filter Description
    limit Limit the results returned per page

    HTTP Request

    curl -X GET[limit]=15 \
        -u consumer_key:consumer_secret

    JSON response example:

        "optouts": [{
            "email_name": "Marketing Campaign A",
            "email_address": "",
            "date": "2015-01-02T03:21:46Z"

    Trigger Requirements

    Requirement Types

    Identifier Email Type Description
    bought_products storewide Restrict email to customers who have bought any of the specified product IDs
    bought_categories storewide Similar to bought_products except that the check is made against the category IDs a customer had previously bought products from
    first_purchase storewide Email will match customers who are purchasing for the first time
    order_total_below storewide Match orders where the order total is below the specified value
    order_total_above storewide Match orders where the order total exceeds the specified value
    total_orders_below storewide Match customers whose number of orders is below the specified value
    total_orders_above storewide Match customers whose number of orders exceeds the specified value
    total_purchases_below storewide Match customers whose accumulated order total is below the specified value
    total_purchases_above storewide Match customers whose accumulated order total exceeds the specified value
    have_not_started_first_lesson sensei Match learners who are signed up to a course but have not started the first lesson. Specify a course by passing a course ID as the value.
    have_not_completed_a_lesson sensei Match learners who are signed up to a course but have not completed any lessons. Specify a course by passing a course ID as the value.
    have_not_completed_a_course sensei Match learners who are signup up but have not yet completed a course. Specify a course by passing a course ID as the value.
    have_not_taken_quiz sensei Match learners who have not yet taken a quiz. Specify a lesson by passing a lesson ID as the value.
    have_failed_quiz sensei Match learners who have failed a lesson quiz. Specify a lesson by passing a lesson ID as the value.
    have_passed_quiz sensei Match learners who have passed a lesson quiz. Specify a lesson by passing a lesson ID as the value.